Sliding (The Stone Series)

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Sliding (The Stone Series) Page 18

by Kitty Berry

  I don’t know which one of them I am enjoying watching more, the doctor who is clearly mortified saying this to such an attractive man, one who she now thinks might be a Dominant like his cousin or my husband who has just been told by his wife’s doctor who was checking him out and who he knows most likely allowed Damian to restrain her, that he has to jerk off or get me to do it for him. It’s just classic!”

  She puts the television remote on the exam table with a hand full of BDSM porno magazines and a sterile plastic cup. She smirks at Tate when she hands him the magazines. Tate cannot make eye contact with her so he is just staring at me. I am laughing at him so hard I’m silent. Dr. Baxter leaves the room and Tate starts to laugh with me.

  “Oh, you thought that was so funny. I was just told to whack off by a doctor who you know as well as I do that Damian had strapped to a St. Andrew’s Cross while he flogged her until she came in front of an audience. She offered me bondage porn then prostituted you out to me.”

  I respond, “It’s better than her offering to do it herself. She so wanted you, you know? I think if you asked nicely enough she would have thrown in a hand job for free.”

  Tate sticks his tongue out and asks, “So how’s this going down babe, your hand or mine? I’d prefer yours but you spread open on that table can do it for me too.”

  Tate turns on the television and instant porn is projected at us.

  “Wow, right to the fucking, no dialog or anything, this doctor of yours doesn’t mess around” Tate jokes while he comes closer to me.

  I am still undressed and on the exam table. With the earlier events put to the back of my mind I begin to undo Tate’s pants and I remove the sheet the doctor covered my naked body with. Tate slides his shirt off and touches my nipples with his pointer fingers, making them hard as he draws circles over them. The girl on the screen is on her knees giving a guy a blow job. He doesn’t last very long and when she removes his dick from her mouth he shoots all over her face. She lets it drip down her lips and she sticks out her tongue and licks all of it she can get. Tate is alternating between watching the screen and playing with my nipples. I have his hard erection in my hand. I begin to slowly move my hand over the head as I give it a gentle twist. I rub my thumb over the opening and use the drop that has already come out to lubricate him. Tate moans as I start to move my hand from the head to the lower base of his penis. He is growing harder and when the couple on the screen starts to fuck he moans, “I want to fuck you instead of this.”

  “I know you do and you can later but right now let’s just concentrate.” I say as I move my hand up and down him picking up the pace and holding him more firmly. Tate grabs the cup and breaks the seal, takes himself in his own hand and finishes the task. He puts the head of his penis in the opening of the cup and with a soft moan he comes into it.

  When he is done he puts the top on the cup and puts his clothes back on. I put my clothes on and he kisses me on the lips and sarcastically says, “That was great, we should do this again. Give me your number and I’ll call you. I promise.”

  I smack him in the stomach and he lets out a fake cough and pulls me into his arms and kisses me for real. When we break apart preparing to leave the room I see the scene that’s come on. There are four girls in a bathroom; three are clearly trying to intimidate the fourth one, telling her that her no good boyfriend has been running around on her. For the sake of this porno they are trying to use the information to turn her into a lesbian for the day. Tate moves quickly to turn it off, knowing full well what memories it will bring back for me.


  It’s the start of junior year and I am in the ladies room. There are three girls in there when I walk in. They see who I am and start to giggle. I don’t want to be paranoid so I just go into the stall and go to the bathroom.

  While I am in there I hear one of them say, “Yes, she’s still with him. She probably doesn’t know.”

  When I come out they try to hide their laughter but it’s clear it’s aimed at me. I learned last year that being popular, being the girl every other girl wants to be, the girl all the guys want to date is hard. Everyone is waiting for your fall from glory and allowing these girls to continue with this is assuring my fall and I will not let that happen.

  “If you have something you want to say to me fucking say it, if not shut the fuck up and go to class.” I challenge.

  Two of the girls stop giggling and put their heads down defeated but not Lindsey Crooke.

  She looks right at me, smirks and says, “Do you know what’s been going on with your boyfriend and his best friend?”

  I don’t know what she’s talking about, I tell her I have no idea what she means so she continues, “Tate and Bobby have been getting these sex lessons from Eric and watching Eric and his girlfriend do all kinds of things. Asia and Bobby even did it in front of all of them too. And from what I hear your boyfriend even gets some from them.”

  I have never been in a fight before except for with Katrina and with her I’m never really trying to hurt her. But I want to rip Lindsey’s head off right now. As soon as those words come out of her mouth I smack her across the face as hard as I can and before she can react I have her by the back of her head with her hair in my hand. The other girls run out of the bathroom and I throw Lindsey to the floor and sit on her. She outweighs me by at least twenty pounds but I am stronger and I am a girl possessed right now. I demand that she tells me where she heard what she said and through her tears she tells me that Eric’s girlfriend Amanda and her sister are friends. And last year when it happened before Eric went off to college Amanda told her sister.

  I let her go, I tell her if she says this to anyone else I will kick her ass again just as the guidance counselor comes into the bathroom and asks what’s going on. He of course has big mouth Lindsey’s two cowardly friends behind him. Lindsey is smart enough to tell him everything is fine. She says she was crying over a boy and I was just helping to hold her hair out of her face while she cried so hard she almost threw up. He doesn’t buy it but there’s nothing he can do to prove it’s not true so he tells us to go to class. By lunch time the whole school knows I got into a fight in the bathroom. They, including Tate have no idea what it was about so at lunch when I see Tate I walk up to him and smack him right across the face in front of everyone and then I turn my back on him and run like hell to get away from him. I can’t help but to believe there has to be some truth in Lindsey’s story. It’s been bugging me for a long time now that Tate knows so much about sex and is so skilled at it for someone who is doing all of this for the first time like I am.

  I reach the outdoor common area before Tate catches me by my shoulders and swings me around to face him.

  “What the fuck was that? You fucking slapped me!” Tate roars at me.

  “We’re done! Get your fucking hands off me and leave me the fuck alone” I say without even thinking about what’s coming out of my mouth.

  Tate quickly backs me up into the wall behind me, pinning me to it with his body.

  “What the fuck is going on? What did I do? I’ll tell you what I did, I didn’t do anything so why don’t you tell me what the fuck do you think I did?” he screams into my face.

  I tell him about Lindsey and our fight and he goes a little pale, the look of guilt on his face?

  “I didn’t do what you think, it wasn’t what you think. We can’t talk about this here, not now. People can hear and we just can’t. We’ll talk about this later in private and don’t you ever fucking hit me like that again or fucking break up with me when you don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about. God, Brook we’ve been together for three fucking years and you still don’t fucking trust me. I’m not dealing with you right now. Go to class, go to practice and I’ll call you later. We can go for a run or I’ll come to your house but this is done for right now do you understand me? This is done, we’re not.”

  Tate releases me and I fall to the ground crying as I watch him walk away wit
hout turning around.

  It’s the talk of the school how Brook Adams slapped Tate Taylor in the lunchroom in front of everyone. It’s all I hear about at practice and I can’t wait to get home and have this day be over. I put on my running shoes and without waiting for Tate to call me I start to run our route. Within a mile or so he of course finds me and joins in running next to me without saying a word. When we finish our route I turn to walk home without ever speaking to him.

  He grabs my arm, “Brooklynn, stop! We need to talk, I can explain.” Tate claims.

  “Yeah, well I’m going home to shower, I’m not dealing with YOU right now!”

  I spit back his own words at him and I start to run back to my house. Tate surprises me by not following me. I wanted him to fight for me, to chase me and beg for my forgiveness. I wanted him to tell me it was all lies but he doesn’t, he just stands there and watches me run away.

  When I get home I blast the radio in my room with my tape of sad love songs playing while I shave my legs and shower. “Could’ve Been”, “Anything for You” and “Can’t Stay Away From You” play over and over again until the water runs cold and I finally climb out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I go downstairs and swipe a pint of chocolate ice cream from the freezer and a spoon from the drawer. I take them up to my room, eat the whole pint then I go back into my bathroom and put my finger down my throat. I have not made myself throw up in weeks, since camp but now that I did I feel a little better, like I have some control. I put on Tate’s gray football sweats and his red basketball t-shirt and I hit play on the tape again. Tate has not called me and it’s already after ten so I’m assuming he’s so pissed off at me he’s never calling me again. I decide to try calling him even though I don’t know what I’m going to say, what I want to say but it’s busy. This sends me back into the bathroom to try for round two but before I get there I hear a ping sound on my window. When I look outside Tate is standing on my back lawn throwing pebbles at my window.

  “Get down here Brooklynn, we need to talk right now before I go out of my mind” he orders.

  I brush my teeth so he won’t know I threw up and I check my hair and face. My hair has a kind of sexy bed head look to it that works but my face is unfixable. I have been crying for hours and then throwing up so my face is a red blotchy mess and my eyes are so puffy they are slits. I splash some cold water on my face, it’ll have to do.

  I climb down the stairs trying my best not to make a sound. I open the back door and close it without locking it so I can get back in.

  Tate takes off his sweatshirt and hands it to me saying, “As much as I love the way you look in my t-shirt because I can see your hard nipples and it tells me you don’t hate me that much if you’re wearing it I need you to put this on or you’re going to get sick.”

  I slide into his oversized sweatshirt and love the warmth I feel from his body.

  “How did you get here?” I ask him.

  “I ran over here after my mom went to bed. Luckily my dad stayed in the city tonight so I only had to wait for my mother to fall asleep. I took the phone off the hook in case you called so it won’t wake her up. Now what the fuck is going on? I assume the slap which by the way was really hard and hurt like hell, had something to do with your fight with Lindsey Crooke today. I can explain the whole thing with her.” Tate says without taking a single breath. He continues, “I went to the movies with Bobby, Asia, Melissa, Cory, Erica and Will when you were at camp. I told you about it. I didn’t tell you the stuff about Lindsey because I handled it and it was nothing, I didn’t want to upset you but obviously she has.”

  “Go on” I prompt him wondering where this is going, it not being why I slapped him, not what Lindsay told me at all.

  Tate continues, “When we sat down I went into the isle first and Bobby sat next to me with Asia next to him, the rest of them filled in. I was by myself, with all couples because my girlfriend left me for the whole summer, remember?” Tate asks sarcastically.

  He continues, “Lindsey showed up with two of her friends and their boyfriends and she sat next to me. I don’t even really know her, we’ve been in like three classes together our whole lives, and I had never even spoken to her before. She would not shut the fuck up during the movie. I wanted to gag her. There I was watching a movie and I couldn’t hear a thing that was happening because of her big fucking mouth. I wasn’t even listening to a word she was saying. It’s weird because you’re the only girl I’ve ever hung out with and you’re nothing like that, she was so annoying. If I had to go out with girls like that trust me I’d start batting for the other team.”

  I sigh, “Just finish your story. What happened with Lindsey?”

  “Okay, so she was going on and on about I have no idea what and then all of a sudden her hand is on my leg and she very quickly runs it up my thigh and luckily I was able to react before she reached “Rambo”. He actually reacted too and shriveled up and retreated into my body. Honestly, he doesn’t like attempts at being touched by hands that are not yours.”

  I am so pissed off right now that his joking around is making me more upset. I’m not at all happy that he is taking this so lightly and that he has hid this from me for weeks now.

  “I’m not in the mood for your little jokes right now just finish the story” I snap at him and Tate continues.

  “I told her to get the fuck off of me and she says she wants to hook up with me. I told her I wasn’t interested in her and that I was with you. She said she’d jerk me off or give me a blow job and I wouldn’t even have to touch her so technically it wouldn’t be cheating on you. Can you believe her, what the fuck is wrong with her? Who would offer to do that?” Tate looks at me like I might have an answer but I am seeing red right now and can’t even speak.

  I turn my back to him and he walks around so I am facing him again. I am so mad right now I could spit. This isn’t even what I was mad about to start with but now this is making it even worse and I tell Tate this.

  He asks what I was mad about when I slapped him and I tell him, “Lindsey asked me if I knew what’s been going on with you and Bobby. She said that you guys have been getting sex lessons from Eric which I knew about but watching Eric and his girlfriend have sex? She said that Asia and Bobby even did it in front of all of you, that you watched them. She also claims that you even do stuff with Asia and Amanda too. She said her sister is friends with Amanda and she told her sister all about it before her and Eric left for college. I always had this feeling nagging me in the back of my mind and I was never able to put my finger on it but now I know what is was. It never made any sense to me that you knew so much more than me about sex, that you knew how to do stuff and do it right. Now I understand why. You weren’t doing them for the first time with me; you were practicing on other girls!” my volume rises as I start to cry.

  “Shh, you’ll wake your parents up” Tate warns.

  “I can explain, just calm down and let me explain, listen to me. God damn it Brook, turn around and fucking look at me. Lindsey was pissed because I wouldn’t hook up with her so now she’s trying to cause problems between us.”

  Tate is clearly getting angry and when he’s this mad he has a hard time controlling his emotions. I decide it best to turn around and look at him but not without rolling my eyes which I know he hates.

  Tate takes a deep breath and begins, “Okay so this is how it all started. One day when I was at Bobby’s he asked me if I wanted to see his brother’s porn and of course I said yes. When we were looking at some of the magazines Eric walked in and caught us. He said if we thought the magazines were good we should watch his videos and he put one on. Bobby and I were mesmerized and Eric laughed at us. He told us we were going to make total assholes out of ourselves with you and Asia and be the laughing stock of the school.”

  Tate sits down on the grass and motions for me to join him. I sit too but I won’t move close enough to him so that he can touch me. He notices this and growls a little, clearly not happy that
I am keeping some distance between us. I look at Tate as if to say continue and he picks up on my cue and obliges.

  “I don’t remember how it all happened but Eric asked us if we even knew how to whack off and we just kind of shrugged so he came up with this plan. A few days later he let us hide in his closet when Amanda was over there and we watched her give him a hand job. She didn’t know about it and he told us we could never say a word or he’d kick our asses. I swear she never even took her clothes off.”

  I somehow doubt this is the end to this torrid tale and tell Tate to continue.

  “Well then he told us what to do when we got to third base. He showed us how to practice on a piece of fruit with the core taken out, that’s how I knew what to do, an apple, baby, not another girl.”

  I can’t believe what I am hearing.

  “I have a question, Tate” I begin. “Well, honestly I have many questions but first, did you ever touch any girl other than me? And second, did another girl other than me ever touch you? Let’s start with those two and depending on the answers we’ll see about other questions. And DO NOT lie to me.”


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