His Deception

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His Deception Page 7

by L. C. Giroux

"Oh, non. Mon Dieux."


  "Oh..." He took that as a yes and repeated the routine from the beginning. Her gasp this time was more pronounced. He blew warm air on her breasts and she arched off the bed. He kissed down the valley between them and continued wet open mouthed kisses over her belly while drawing random patterns with his fingers. As he got closer to the apex of her thighs he wondered if he should break the trance he had woven for her.

  "Marie, do you want me to..." He lightly stroked his fingertips across her bare mons as he tried to ask her if she wanted to go further. She must have understood because she slowly nodded her head.

  "I'm going to put a pillow under your hips, okay?" She just nodded again but lifted up when he moved the pillow near her.

  "Are you comfortable?"

  "Oui." she said softly. He went back to kissing her belly and using his nails softly on her. She relaxed in the new position.

  "I'm going to change position." He shifted to between her legs while keeping contact with her. He couldn't bear the thought of breaking the spell around them yet. He lay on his stomach with his head on her thigh lightly drawing up and down her thighs. Her dew glistened on her labia. He fought against his own desires to rush her to climax. As much as he wanted to see her in the throes of ecstasy, there was the desire to draw this pleasure out for its own sake, to sip instead of guzzle. With his fingers he stroked down the outside of her labia softly and heard her coo. She reached down and started running her fingers through his hair. He placed a kiss at the top of her cleft and then slowly licked down the seam of her sex. She sighed and moved her legs farther apart.

  "Marie..." She could only sigh. When she parted her legs he accept her invitation to explore deeper. He wanted this to be just right, the perfect end to this sensual fog they had created. He was careful to hold himself back but he was as overcome with desire as she was. Next time they would have to do this together. The thought almost drove him over the edge. He was so in love with this woman that her pleasure was more dear to him than his own but if they could achieve this kind of pleasure together... Her fingers in his hair brought him back to reality. He licked at her deeply and she arched against him. She was close. He moved and wrapped his arms around her legs from underneath so her legs draped over his shoulders and down his back.

  He entered her with his tongue and felt her muscles tighten as she shuddered against him. He stroked in and out of her like that till she was panting. He pulled away and she nearly screamed in protest. He brought his mouth back to her using firm lips on her clit. A low growl escaped from her chest. He lightly scraped his teeth against her and she nearly bucked off the bed. He locked his hands across her hips and decided it was time to end this sensual torture. He sucked her clit between his lips and pinning it there used his tongue to drive her to new heights. She screamed her climax. As the initial climax peaked he released the pressure on her clit and thrust his tongue into her again, stroking her again, loving the feel of her coming against his mouth.

  When she was spent and quivering he finally stopped. He went to the bathroom to wash up quickly. What he really needed now was a cold shower, or the woman in that bed but neither was really an option at the moment. He wanted to hold her as she fell asleep, bury his face in her honey scented hair and for the moment pretend that she loved him and not some fiction.

  When he went back she was curled up on her side. He slipped in next to her and pulled her against his chest.

  "Mais, you..."

  "Just ignore it, its fine." It wasn't really, he sure as hell wasn't going to be sleeping with the erection he had but she was floating and he didn't want her to think just yet. "Sleep my sweet." She sighed and settled more deeply against him. Within minutes she was making snuffling noises and was deeply asleep. He reached up and gently untied the blindfold, sliding the silk out from under her. He trailed his fingers over her cheeks and temples before he buried his face in her shoulder and neck. He clung to her for three hours before he forced himself to dress and write her a note. Before he left he stood staring at her sleeping form and swore under his breath. He felt like a heel for leaving her, especially when every cell in his body was screaming to be near her. He promised himself that this would be the last time she'd wake up alone in the morning.

  Before Marie opened her eyes she knew she was alone. Damn the man! She shouldn't be surprised, it wasn't as if he would reveal himself after last night. Oh, last night! As Allain he could barely speak to her but as Monsieur Smith, mon Dieux, the man was breathtaking. She shuddered just remembering how he had touched her, not just sexually, but all the care and love in his touch. She thought about getting up but she needed to come back to earth a little more first, like a diver getting acclimated to the atmosphere again. After a couple of deep breaths and poignant sighs while she relived last night she decided as good as everything had been the best part was falling asleep wrapped in his embrace.

  Enough of this game she wanted what they had last night all the time, what sane woman wouldn't. But first she needed to get out of bed. Walking to the kitchenette she found his note.


  I apologize for not being here when you woke. I hope you slept well. I loved falling asleep with you in my arms. Please order yourself some breakfast, I have made arrangements with the hotel for the bill. If you need clothes to go home, you have carte blanche in any of the shops to get what you need. Maybe I can take you shopping when I get back from my trip. Unfortunately I will be gone for the next three weeks. Harold is waiting for you downstairs whenever you are ready to leave.

  All my love,


  She remembered hearing that Allain was going out of town for a week but not yet. What was he up to?

  When she entered the house Violet yelled to her to come to the study. When she walked in she found Violet talking with a woman that looked to be about her age, maybe a little younger.

  "Delia, tell her what you told me."

  "Um, Hi, I'm Delia, I'm a friend of Violet's."

  "Sorry, Delia, Marie-Hélène, my cousin. Marie, this is Delia. She's a private investigator." Marie tried not to laugh. The woman in front of her did not look like any private investigator in any movie she had ever seen. This woman was wearing a cute skirt and a stylish retro blouse. She had on funky shoes that complimented the outfit. Shouldn't she have on a trench coat, have five-o'clock shadow and be a man?

  "A pleasure to meet you, Delia. I like your shoes."

  "Thanks, they were 1940's dead stock I got on Ebay." Marie wasn't entirely sure what that meant so she smiled back at her and shook her head.

  "Delia, tell her."

  "Oh, Violet asked me to look into your friend Mr. Hancock Smith and after going through every database I can find, I 've come to the conclusion that no one named Hancock Smith exists."


  "Oh?" Violet was incensed "All you are going to say is Oh!"

  "What is she only going to say oh to?" Allain had walked in. Marie looked at him and wanted to melt on the spot but willed her knees not to go weak. He must have just showered because his hair was still wet and she could smell the spice in his shampoo. Her mouth was watering and she felt flushed. He was in linen pants and a V-necked linen sweater. He looked good enough to eat.

  "Your friend Mr. Smith doesn't exist." Violet scoffed.

  "Are you sure? Because he seemed real enough to the people on the boards we sit on?" Allain was trying to cover his tracks. If she hadn't already figured out Smith was him she might have been as angry as Violet but like this it was almost fun to watch Allain play his game.

  "'e seemed real last night." Violet looked at her for the first time since she had walked in.

  "You're still in your gown. You're just getting home?"

  "Oui. I need a shower and to change, non? It was nice meeting you Delia."

  "Um, yeah, you too."

  "Violet, I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation. Maybe his first name isn't Hancock? He could be one of
those that uses his middle name." Marie smiled and wondered how Allain was going to calm Violet down.

  After she had showered and changed into her cut offs and a shirt she walked into the kitchen to get some lunch and saw Allain sitting at the banquette.

  "Is there any coffee left?"

  "Not as strong as you like, but there is some. How was your date?" She looked up at him and then hid behind her hair. Did he think she hadn't enjoyed last night?

  "Oh, comme çi, comme ça." The smile dropped from his face. "Allain, a woman doesn't kiss and tell, non?"

  "Hmm, I guess not. I just wanted to know because my dear sister is on the war path. She is convinced that he is a con man out to get your money."

  "Then 'e is a fool because I do not have any. I will tell you a secret." She leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I think 'e is trying to make me fall in love with 'im."

  "Marie, that is not a secret. Any man would want you to fall in love with them."

  "Mmm, perhaps but with 'im it is working." She saw him struggle to hold his smile back and then failed. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She would have loved to do more than that.

  "What was that for?"

  "Introducing me to Monsieur Smith."

  "Yes, well... What are your plans for the day?"

  "Nothing special, would you like me to take you for a ride in your car? We could go get lobsters near the water. We could ask Violet and Michel if they would like to come aussi." The truth was that she didn't entirely trust herself with him yet. She wanted to wait till he revealed himself before telling him her feelings but that was becoming more and more difficult. If Violet and Michel were there then she wouldn't be as inclined to touch him the same way or tell him how she felt.

  "If they are going to come then we can't take my car, only two seats, remember? And I still am not letting you drive it. I could take you for a ride..." The words were simple enough but the look on his face, not wolfish, just hungry made her stomach flutter. She blushed and hid her smile. Evidently he enjoyed last night too.

  "Where would we go?" Her voice sounded breathy which was unusual for her. He cleared his throat.

  "Well, we could go for lobsters if you'd like."

  "Mmm, let's do something here, we could make dinner, non?"

  Allyn shook his head and looked around him. What had started as a way to spend time alone with Marie had turned into an impromptu dinner party, very relaxed, but still he hadn't gotten to spend any time with just her. Lobsters and steaks on the grill for eight people was not how he thought this evening was going to work out. Still he really liked the group that had come over. Cam and his artist wife, Evie were interesting. Evie was pregnant also so she and Violet were comparing notes. Cam's niece, who had been here earlier in the day, along with her fiancé and partner in Hutchinson Investigations, Jonah, were here too.

  Jonah and he could not have been more different and yet they had become friends almost instantly. They were close in age but Jonah dressed and acted like someone in his twenties not a guy of thirty-two. That not withstanding Jonah had a good head on his shoulders and Allyn had used the private investigator on an occasion or two and been impressed. He was also a hell of a chess player and it was good to finally have some competition. As much as he liked his brother-in-law, Michael was a lousy chess player.

  He and Jonah were deep into a match when Marie walked over and plunked herself down between his legs where he had sprawled on the chaise.

  "Allain, I am cold." she announced and proceeded to curl up against him. Jonah raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything. Allyn had to put his arms around her whether he had wanted to or not in order to move his pieces. In ten minutes she was sound asleep. Allyn stretched her legs out across his so they wouldn't cramp and pulled her closer, tucking her under his arm and putting her head on his shoulder. Jonah smirked at him.

  "Does she know you're Smith?" Allyn coughed to cover his surprise and then looked down to see if Marie was still sleeping. He should have known she was, even as a child she would sleep through anything. He debated lying to Jonah and then dismissed the idea. Jonah could actually help him out in this situation.

  "Um, no. How did you know?"

  "Its my job to read people. Every time your sister tried to bring up the mysterious Smith you changed the subject. Look, you're a rich, and I assume, powerful guy. I can't imagine you'd let a guy play fast and loose with someone you care about. You sure she doesn't just think of you as a substitute older brother?" The thought was like a punch to the gut. All the years they had spent bickering with each other, he had taken them to mean that maybe she might like him and that was why she did it. What if he read the whole situation wrong and she was horrified when he revealed himself? His face must have betrayed his emotions because Jonah cleared his throat to get his attention.

  “Relax, I know more about women than any man has the right to and I was joking. I saw the way she looked at you. She may have some hero worship thing going on but I don't think she sees you like a brother and dude, you look like a guy head over heels. I'm speaking from experience here, it is not pretty to watch."

  "That bad is it?"

  "Worse case I've seen since I looked in the mirror this morning."

  "I can't go into all the issues but can we keep this between us?"

  "Of course. How's your sister gonna react when she finds out?"

  "I don't know. How did Cam react?"

  "Ugh, I kinda lucked out. He and Evie were so wrapped up in each other that I could have said I was sleeping with his mother and I don't think he would have batted an eye." Allyn winced. "Oh so you've met Mrs. Camenitti? Seriously, when's your sister due? 'cause I'd wait till she had that bundle of joy in her arms and then I'd tell her. With all the hormones, she'll either kiss you or kill you. I give you at least a 50/50 chance. But I would do whatever you have to to make it right. For the woman you love, you do anything she wants."

  "Ooh, I like the sound of that. Hey, is she asleep?" Delia cut in.

  "Ssh, yes. And you know I would do anything for you babe."

  "Good, 'cause I'm taking you out to visit mom." Jonah blanched and Allyn started laughing then caught himself so he didn't wake up Marie.

  "I should get her up to bed."

  "I'd tell you not to do anything I wouldn't do but that could get you in a lot of trouble." Allyn glared at Jonah while the man laughed at his own joke and Delia slapped him on the arm.

  Allyn started to shift Marie's weight so he could get up. He was afraid if he put her down she would wake up and he loved the feel of her in his arms.

  "Allyn, we're going to go it is getting late and my partner here, the slave driver, likes me to get to work before ten. I'll do some work on that project of yours we talked about earlier. Allyn didn't know what the project was and then nodded when he realized that Jonah would run interference for him with Violet.

  "Thanks, it should only be for a couple more weeks. I've already started handling some of it." Delia looked at the two of them like they were nuts but then she wrapped her arms around Jonah and whispered in his ear. Jonah wrapped his arms around her then dipped her giving her a dramatic kiss.

  "Oh yeah, it is definitely time to go." Allyn was a little jealous that Jonah could be so public with his fiancé but he consoled himself with the thought that hopefully soon it would be him. He nodded his goodbyes to people and told Violet he'd come back down to help with the cleanup when he got Marie squared away. Violet looked at him like she had never seen him before, he shrugged it off and carried Marie upstairs to her room.

  When they were out of sight of everyone else he buried his face in Marie's hair. She smelled like the sweet almond creme from last night and he almost dropped her as a wave of desire roared through him at the memory. He got a better grip on her and himself, and got her to her room. When he laid her on the bed she roused slightly.

  "Mmm, mon amour, embrasse-moi." she slurred. Then she curled up on her side and went back to sleep. He smiled to h
imself, she had asked for a kiss, it would be rude not to do as she requested. He didn't want to wake her so with the lightest caress he ran his lips across her cheek and temple. Tearing himself away was harder than he anticipated. His whole body burned to curl up around her, she was warm from sleep and he could feel that warmth melt into his soul. It hurt to breathe he wanted to wrap her in his arms so badly. He took another deep breath filling his head with her scent and closed his eyes, holding that breath till he felt light headed. When he knew he'd be missed downstairs he carefully pulled the covers out from under her and tucked them around her. Maybe she would dream that it was him holding her close like he had last night.

  When he got downstairs he was surprised to find Violet cleaning up by herself.

  "Where is that supposedly chivalrous husband of yours?"

  "He has an early surgery call so I sent him to bed. Besides I wanted to talk to you..."


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