Boston Blood: The first Frank McKenzie Thriller

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Boston Blood: The first Frank McKenzie Thriller Page 2

by Luis Samways

  ‘What’s up with the broken PC? It’s a bit strange how it’s the only damaged object in the whole house’ Says Frank

  ‘As you know, the woman downstairs is Jane Chase. We have a positive ID on her and the 14 other Victims. Her children are included in that list. The only person who did not die here tonight is her husband Connor Chase. He is MIA at the moment. We know he works at MIT and we also know he came to work yesterday. He was acting normal all day and then all of a sudden he just ups and vanished, 30 minutes before his shift ends’ says the women

  Frank looks puzzled.

  ‘How do you know all this?’ He asks

  ‘Because I am his boss’ the women declares

  ‘Oh, I thought you were a CSI’ Frank laughs

  ‘MIT works in all fields Mr McKenzie’ she explains

  She points up to the ceiling, Frank’s vision locks onto her hand and follows it until it stops. The woman is pointing at some writing on the ceiling.


  The message appeared to be written in blood.

  ‘So much for him only being human Frank.’ the lady says

  ‘What’s with this guy?’ Asks Frank

  ‘He thinks he’s Judge, Jury and executioner to privacy invaders.’ says the woman

  ‘What do you mean? “Privacy invaders”?’ asks frank

  ‘He has a thing for privacy. Haven’t you noticed the rather large wall outside of his house? When he’s at work he would always be talking about how it’s socially acceptable to plaster your life online for everyone to see. He always said how one day that would change. I guess this is what he meant’ explains the woman

  Frank laughs

  ‘Look Miss. Leave the detective work to me. You don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about. This isn’t revenge. Why would it be? He murdered his family for Christ’s sake. He clearly loved them; I’ve seen the countless pictures of him and his family all over the house, smiles and all. Maybe, just maybe he killed them because he thought he was saving them. Saving them from the invaders….’ Says Frank

  ‘Who are the invaders then?’ She asks

  ‘You guys. He was protecting himself from you’ Frank says

  ‘Excuse me?’ she asks defensively

  ‘Its simple lady, he thinks that any one official and government like are the enemy. It’s obvious. He smashes his office up. He puts a huge wall around the house, yet there are no CCTV cameras anywhere. Why? Because he thinks the government are spying on him. Also he hasn’t got the internet. I saw he had cable downstairs, but noticed no router for the internet. Strange seeing that all cable packages usually come with the internet included’ Says Frank

  The woman looks confused

  ‘How the hell did you come up with that, so that’s it, case solved? The guy is a paranoid psycho! All worked out within a few hours by master detective, Frank McKenzie?’ Says the woman sarcastically.

  Frank gives his trade mark cock eyed wink and a smile

  ‘No, I’m just getting started lady.’ He says


  By now Connor Chase was tiring. He had been running through the subway system in the middle of the city for over 6 hours now. The modern wonder stretched for over 17 miles underground. It was a maze of darkened passages and old brittle tracks. His steps were echoing loudly as he ran through the western tunnel leading to his planned safe heaven. Connor was finding it hard to see; as the lighting down the western track was sparse, making sections of the track completely pitch black to the naked eye. He carried on full pace down the tunnel with all the momentum he could gain, suddenly his right foot shifted on the gravel between the tracks and he fell, tumbling down the western tunnel faster than he would of liked. He crashed into a platform and came to a stop. He gasped for air in pain. A smoulder of dust surrounded him as he got up. He patted himself clean. His office clothes were now torn, making him look like a victim of a natural disaster. He carried on; he turned and made his way up the platform he crashed into, and stopped dead looking up at the flickering sign above the platform exit.


  He smiled as he made his way to the exit.


  Frank McKenzie walked into the downtown police precinct at around 9.00 am. He just returned from the crime scene that he spent 6 hours at the night before. There was a certain fear in the air that day. Frank could smell the anxiety a mile away, and the police headquarters stunk of it. The place was abuzz with chaos when Frank walked in. Police officers rushing around, files everywhere, phones going off the hook, and all because of one reason. No, the president was not assassinated, the super bowl was not on, and there wasn’t another 9/11. The reason the police precinct was in chaos, was because Connor Chase just made history, and became the most prolific serial killer ever, in the space of 12 and a half hours. Frank could see the look in every one’s eye’s in the room. They were scared, not because they thought that they would be hurt, but because they knew that it wasn’t over, far from it as frank would soon find out.

  Out of the corner of frank’s vision, he spots the chief of police steam rolling towards him with his arm extended out to shake Frank’s hand. Frank obliges and shakes the man’s hand. The chief lets out a little chuckle as he stops in front of McKenzie.

  ‘Good to see you lad, been way too long in my estimation’ says the chief.

  ‘It’s good to see you Shaw’ Says Frank

  Admittedly Frank did not like Shaw. He didn’t know whether it was his lack of Irish charm, or the fact that Shaw had him fired not too long ago

  ‘It’s good to have you back Frank. I can be the first to admit that it was not in the best of the forces interests in letting you go’ Shaw confesses to Frank

  Frank smiles, he realises that Shaw isn’t walking on egg shells here. He suddenly finds respect for the man, even if he had to dig real deep to find it.

  ‘You know what Shaw, I appreciate that. Now let’s stop fucking around and concentrate on nailing that bastard!’

  Frank and Shaw shake hands again; Frank walks off and up towards the information desk. He waits there for a few minutes, still soaking in the organised chaos that engulfs the police headquarters. The information clerk is nowhere to be seen, so Frank takes it upon himself to go behind the desk and look for a spare case file on Connor Chase that may be lying around the vicinity. He searches the assortment of papers and floppy discs on the desk. None of the labels coincide with any thing he is looking for. He sits down at the desk and stares off into space, trying to piece together the incidents of the day. He looks at the officers going about their business, his vision blurs at the sight of the hustle and bustle of the slow paced office. Frank holds his head in pain as another head ache makes its presence known. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his pills; he takes a few more to even out the Keel.

  His vision starts to return to normal and the room goes from the slow-motion of before to the reality shaking pace of the now, as if someone pressed fast forward on the VCR of his mind. He stands up and shakes himself clear. He is about to make his way out from behind the desk when the CCTV monitor catches his eye. He sits back down and pays close attention to it. A figure is seen walking out of the stairwell to the side exit of the building. Normally this wouldn’t raise much doubt in the mind of Frank but it seemed as if the figure in the CCTV was hiding his face from view. Frank went numb and realised what was happening, he stood up and was just about to yell out his hunch when a massive explosion was heard from the upstairs , followed by a shattering of glass that fell from the 2 storey atrium to cascade it’s self all over the first floor of the precinct. The officers hit the ground in reflex at the sound of the explosion, but frank did not. He stood in shock behind the desk as the files that were once on the officers desks were now floating all over the room, filling the atmosphere with smoke and dust from the burning paper. A se
cond explosion went off, this time it was the gas pipes. Frank knew that sound, and he wasn’t standing any more. He hit the ground in anticipation as a huge fireball made its way through the precinct, coming out of the grates and pipes that were interconnected to the surrounding walls. Shrapnel was pinging and clanging off every surface it hit, nearly taking Frank’s eye out when it hit the CCTV monitor above his head, destroying it. Shards of plastic and wiring fell onto Frank as he lay on the ground covering himself up from the horrors of the explosion. Finally the sounds of terror that occupied the building died down and every one slowly got to their feet. Chief Shaw was among the officers trying to recover from the shock of the explosions, he patted himself down to the best of his abilities, and made his way to the middle of the room.

  ‘Is every one okay?’ Shaw asked

  The response from the room was timid at best, but Shaw could see that there were no injuries downstairs.

  ‘Okay I want a full sweep of the building, we need to search for any wounded, and find the fuckers that did this. I want 3 man teams with coms to go from top to bottom, no mistakes gentleman,’ Shaw bellows out to the officers.

  Frank gets up from behind the desk and makes his way to Shaw.

  ‘Sir we have a problem’ says Frank

  Shaw laughs, as if the problem isn’t obvious

  ‘I know detective. We have just been attacked with a bomb, I think that qualifies as a big fucking problem’ Shaw says

  ‘That’s where your wrong sir, It’s not terrorists that did this’ Frank pleads

  ‘What are you saying? Santa clause came in and blew out the fucking chimney?’

  ‘No sire, I saw who did this. It wasn’t Santa Clause’


  ‘That’s bullshit Frank! No evidence what so ever!’ Shaw said while laughing Frank’s hunch off as a mere theory.

  Frank didn’t appreciate being laughed at; he made that clear to everyone. He thumped his fist on the table to get every one’s attention, plus he wanted to make a point, as in DON’T LUAGH AT ME.

  ‘Look just here me out. I know for a fact without a reasonable doubt that Connor Chase is the man behind this’ Frank said

  The room went quiet. Shaw got up from the conference table where everyone who was anybody in law enforcement was sitting. He stood back facing everybody while looking out at the skyline of the city…. his city.

  ‘How do you work that out Frank? Please tell me why my best detective is pulling at strings here?’ Asked Shaw

  ‘I know it was Chase sir, Because of the way he was walking. I saw him on the CCTV before the explosion. One shoulder was lower than the other, the way someone would walk if they were carrying a heavy bag. He wasn’t carrying a heavy bag though, that’s the way he walks after the accident. That’s how I know it was him.’ explained Frank.

  ‘What accident?’

  ‘The one he sustained at work, a few months ago. His boss told me about it this morning when we were exchanging information about him. She was at the crime scene. She told me a lot about him, valuable personal stuff.’ Frank said

  ‘So why did you not write up a report on it McKenzie?’ Shaw asked

  ‘I was just about to sir, then the explosions started’ Frank stated.

  The conference room mumbled in doubt at what Frank was saying. Shaw looked at his fellow peers to try and influence his response. He then looked at Frank to see the one thing that room was lacking; Certainty.

  ‘Okay Frank, Get the women in to verify you’re story, in the mean time I want everybody here to run a risk assessment on whether this psycho will strike again. I want a profile on this ass hole as soon as possible; this guy is going down today!’ Shaw says.

  At the sound of Shaw’s orders the whole room disperses. Frank is amidst the crowd of officials walking out of the room. He is holding his phone to his ear listening to the dial tone. It stops ringing:

  ‘Hello?’ The voice says

  ‘Looks like were going on a date after all!’


  Frank is sitting down at the local diner downtown, waiting for his coffee to be served. He is looking across at the beautiful women that he met a few hours ago at the horrific crime scene they both attended. A waiter comes over with his coffee and sits it down gently on the table. He asked the lady sitting across from Frank if she wanted anything. She shakes her head. The waiter walks off. Frank notices that she has her name tag she was wearing at the crime scenes sitting on the table. He takes comfort in finally knowing her name.

  ‘So let me get this straight, he blew up the precinct?’ Tasha asks.

  Frank is too busy enjoying his coffee to repeat himself, plus Tasha’s low cut top is distracting him. Tasha notices where Frank’s vision is locked and buttons herself up.

  ‘Dam Frank, can you get your eyes off my breasts and back onto the matter at hand?’

  Frank smiles, he takes another sip of his coffee and sits back in his chair. He gives off a certain laid back feel as if he has everything under control.

  ‘Look Miss, I already told you what happened. He broke into the evidence lockup and planted some C4, before you know it, BOOM!’ says Frank, still exuding confidence.

  ‘I get that part, but why? Why would he blow up the police lockup? In fact why would he blow anything up?’ Asks Tasha

  ‘I don’t know, that’s why I’m here talking to you. You’re the one who knows him so well. You’re the only one left alive that knows him at all Tasha’

  Tasha sighs at the realisation that she will be spending even more time with Frank.

  ‘Cheer up, at least we got each other’ Says Frank playfully.

  ‘That’s what I’m worried about’

  ‘Oh come on! A bit harsh lady, I’m just trying to lighten things up around here. Things are getting pretty dark; I’m just inserting some of my trademark humour into the situation’

  Frank gives a smile to Tasha; she finally breaks one back at him, even if it was forced.

  Frank touches her hand, trying to comfort her.

  ‘Look Tasha, I know that it must be hard to come to terms with the situation. I mean it’s not every day that you know someone who has killed 15 people and found time to Blow up the local police station. It’s not your fault, there’s nothing you could have done. But there is something you can do now, and that’s help me find him and nail him!’ says Frank still holding her hand in comfort.

  Tasha smiles at him, this time she means it.

  ‘I appreciate it Frank. It’s just I feel responsible for the fact that I could have spotted the warning signs earlier.’ says Tasha as tears start to form around her eyes, smudging the immaculate make up that brightens her already beaming face.

  ‘I don’t think there are many signs that point to serial killers that massacre households Tasha.’ Frank says trying to reassure her.

  Frank’s cell phone goes off in his pocket, he instinctively answers it.

  ‘Frank Speaking’

  ‘Oh hello Mister McKenzie’ Says the voice on the phone.

  ‘Uh, hello’ Frank says, uncertain of who is on the other end of the phone. He pulls the phone away from his ear and checks the caller ID. It’s an unknown number, withheld.

  ‘There’s no point in checking for a number Frank, surely you wouldn’t expect me to call from a traceable phone now? Especially with my whole hang up on privacy’

  Frank muffles the phone against his chest and looks at Tasha.

  ‘You need to get out of here Tasha, call for help. I got Chase on the phone’

  Tasha shoots up and bolts out of the diner. Frank puts the phone back to his ear.

  ‘There was no need for that Frank, this won’t take too long. I take it that my message was heard loud and clear at your place of work?

  ‘Crystal. We know all about you Chase, and we are going to hunt you down like the mangy mutt that you are’

  ‘Oh I concur, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Call it coincidental Frank, but I enjoy a good old chase. Now listen up
and listen good, I want you to make your way to the downtown public records building, and in the car park next to the building you will have all the things you need to get the job done.’

  ‘What job?’

  ‘The job that I’m giving you Frank., You see the public records building houses some of the most personal details of people who live in this city, and I’m sure that people wouldn’t mind terribly if that building and its contents were destroyed. That’s where you come in Frank. You’re not a wanted man …yet, anyway. I need you to do what I tell you, or I kill some more people it’s that’ simple.’

  ‘I don’t think so Chase…’ Frank says but is interrupted by a screaming voice on the phone. A child’s voice closely followed by a gun shot.

  Frank yells in frustration.

  ‘I’ll take that as a yes. You have 1 hour.’ The phone goes dead and all that’s left is the deafening silence of murder that surrounds the day, and tares Frank’s soul apart.


  ‘I’m standing here outside a house in Stella Avenue where 15 people were murdered last night in what’s becoming the most shocking crime scene in recent memory. Police have set up a press conference that’s going underway in a few minutes time to address the public on the issue and release the name of the suspect. A crowd of around 100 people have gathered outside the house with candles to pay their respects to the community in which this horrible event occurred’ says the news reporter on the TV in the DA’s office, her voice echoing through the spacious office.

  Eddie smith is sitting down at his desk watching the news coverage unfold as he taps nervously on a stack of files. He gets up and paces up and down the room. His cell phone goes off and he answers it before it reaches a second ring.

  ‘Talk to me’ says the DA

  ‘Hey its Frank, I have some bad news sir’

  Before Frank can finish his sentence off someone rushes into the DA’s office.


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