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In His Corner

Page 20

by Alexandra Warren

  “Bella!” I growled, my dick jumping in response to her cute ass making filthy requests as if it was already ready to report for duty.

  But my girl was completely unfazed, shrugging as she reminded me, “You said anything I want, right? Well that’s what I want, even more so now that I know you might not be here to loosen me up for labor.”

  “Loosen you up… girl, where do you get this stuff from?” I asked with a chuckle, landing a kiss against her forehead that was probably the last sweet gesture I’d give for the next hour now that she had me ready to blow her damn back out in the safest way possible.

  Still, that didn’t mean Bella wasn’t going to relish in it, even when she answered, “Baby books. Lots of baby books and lots of Google.”

  “Too much damn Google if you ask me...” I muttered, this time sneaking a kiss against her neck that made her moan.

  With her arms wrapped around my neck to keep me close, she replied, “Well good thing I didn’t ask you for that. Only for cookies, ice cream, and daddy dick. So…?”

  Compared to the world I had already promised her, this request was miniscule. And now that I knew I had her on my side for what would be one of the most important fights in my life, it was truly a privilege to tell her, “Daddy dick it is.”

  -Round Ten-


  Never in a million years did I imagine spending my birthday in a one-day intensive birthing class. But here I was with Gina in tow carrying a bag of the random materials we were instructed to bring along, her skeptical eyes roaming the room as she asked, “So how are we playing this? Are we like… a couple? Or are you just a single mother here with her incredibly-supportive homegirl who you couldn’t do any of this without?”

  I giggled, taking a step forward in line when I answered, “Uh… let’s go with neither. Is it really that strange for you to be here as my support person in the absence of my child’s father who is away for work? I’m sure military moms do stuff like this all the time.”

  “And women with baby daddies in jail. They probably do it too,” she suggested, only making me laugh again.

  “Whatever, crazy. I just wanted to get at least one of these sessions in before it’s too late and I don’t have any useful techniques when it’s showtime,” I told her, thinking about how quickly procrastination had caught up with me now that I was already cruising right on through month seven.

  While Princeton and I had discussed our general birth plan with the doctor, that plan hadn’t taken into account him being away. Something Gina was quick to remind me of when she said, “Well if Princeton was here instead of up in those mountains lollygagging, you wouldn’t have to worry about techniques. He could just drop that hammer off in you a few good times and the baby would fall right on out.”

  I groaned, rolling my eyes as I told her, “Gina, don’t start. Princeton and I have an understanding. He’s off doing his job, and I… we… got this.”

  My confidence in that idea was almost immediately countered with some movement that had everything from my stomach down tightening up, my face scrunched as I tried to walk it off since we were next in line. Though that didn’t stop the instructor from noticing and being excited to gush, “Ooh. Looks like baby is giving you a little Braxton Hicks action.”

  “I told you you were having Toni Braxton contractions,” Gina whispered, earning a side eye before I turned my attention back to the instructor.

  “That’s a good thing, right? Completely normal? Nothing to be afraid of? Nothing to call the doctor about?” I asked as if I hadn’t read up on every detail.

  But I suppose hearing it from a real, live expert instead of relying on Google made it more valid, especially putting my worries at ease with her friendly tone as she sang, “Oh absolutely, dear. I’d be more alarmed if you hadn’t had them. You look pretty far along.”

  “Not far enough if you ask me,” I muttered, definitely over the whole pregnancy experience now that my ankles were beginning to swell, my nose was beginning to spread, and I could barely even reach past my stomach to tie my own shoes. And not only that, I was exhausted beyond belief, I couldn’t eat anything without getting severe heartburn, and I couldn’t remember the simplest shit to save my life, making it increasingly hard to handle my latest workload since details were everything.

  Still, I did it all with a strained smile, missing my partner-in-baby now more than ever as I settled for Gina who was already scoping out the table of “premium snacks” for mommy and baby health. Though even there, she was far from impressed, grabbing a few apple slices as she said, “I’ve never been a mother, but I have been a baby. And speaking as a former baby, this food selection is trash.”

  “Gina, just eat the fruit and shut up,” I snapped as we found our place, one of the last pairs to show-up and the only pair that didn’t include a man, giving me an idea.

  “Here. Let’s send Princeton a picture,” I told Gina as I pulled out my phone, scrolling to the camera app and immediately becoming disgusted with the selfie view that popped up on the screen. But after flipping the camera view around, I snapped a picture of Gina making kissy lips at my belly and sent it off with the message, “Wish you were here.”

  His response came almost immediately.

  “I wish I was there too, B. But I know Gina is holding you down.” - Princeton

  Even if I acted like she wasn’t, I knew I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else on my side no matter how much it annoyed me to hear her smacking on her apple slices like they weren’t as disappointing as she originally made them seem.

  “She is. Though your daughter has been a straight asshole since you left us.” - Bella

  Between the insomnia she gave me, all the moving around she did at all times of day, and the external changes she was causing from the inside, I could only imagine what her rebellious teenage years would look like. But of course Princeton attributed her activity to his absence the same way I had according to his latest reply.

  “She misses her daddy. I miss her too. I miss you both. Happy Birthday again, love.” - Princeton

  “Oh, and there’s something special waiting for you back at home when you get done. :)” - Princeton

  I couldn’t help but smile in anticipation, though it quickly turned into more of a puzzled expression since…, “Which home? You know I’m still between two right now…” - Bella

  Packing up one place to move into another while also preparing for baby girl’s arrival had quickly proven itself to be overwhelming which was exactly why I had no problem letting Princeton handle at least part of it, delegating the task of the nursery to his mother who was more than happy to get to work. And while I was grateful to be able to include her, grateful that her and Princeton had been able to hash things out which allowed us to also be able to hash things out, it made my heart swell once I read his latest response and realized just how far we had come since then.

  “Our home.” - Princeton

  “Whose home? ;)” - Bella

  Gina nudged me in the arm with her elbow to let me know class was starting. But that still didn’t stop me from waiting for Princeton’s response, the limited communication driving me especially crazy this time around. And I was glad when it proved to be worth the wait, my grin painful as I read it a few times through.

  “Silly ass. Have a good class and a better birthday, B. I love you.” - Princeton

  “I love you too. And don’t get beat up too bad up there. We still need you.” - Bella

  “Lol I got you.” - Princeton

  With that, I felt comfortable putting my phone away just in time to hear the instructor talking about the signs and symptoms of real labor versus false labor, neither of which I was truly ready to take on anytime soon. But once I felt little mama start making her usual rounds, I knew I didn’t have much of a choice other than getting into a training camp of my own.


  “Okay. Seriously, Bella. Where the fuck is the Princeton Lattimore factory? Cause I need one for my damn sel

  My eyes were already glossy with tears as I took in the sight, rows upon rows of birthday bouquets lining the entryway of our home all accompanied with notes I knew better than to start reading while I had company. Still, I couldn’t help but smile as we continued our way past them towards the kitchen to find his mother, her presence enough for me to tell Gina, “This… would be the Princeton Lattimore factory. How are you, Lucinda?”

  She turned around at the mention of her name, smiling as she pulled something from the oven when she answered, “Seeing that my son is so excited about becoming a father he had me sit over here all day just to sign for all the packages being delivered, I couldn’t be happier. How are you is the question?”

  With a hand to my stomach, I told her, “I’m… I’m alright. I wish Princeton was here to celebrate with us, but I’m trying to be supportive, and understanding, and all that.”

  The whole thing was turning out to be a lot harder than it originally sounded, especially as I found myself being able to do less and less on my own. But if there was anybody who might understand where I was coming from, it was her. Though I wasn’t expecting her to be so open when she said, “I definitely remember those days, except I was glad when he was gone. But anyway, I baked you a special birthday cake. And I bought one just in case you don’t want that one because I know how picky pregnancy taste buds can be. And there’s another surprise right over…”

  My eyes went wide, completely missing the end of her sentence once I saw who was rounding the corner. “Mommy!” I shouted as I rushed over to meet her for a hug.

  But once she realized she couldn’t pull me in as closely as she had been able to the last time she was in town, she gushed, “My have you grown...”

  “I told you. There’s definitely a Lattimore in there,” Lucinda commented with a laugh nearby as Gina nodded to agree.

  Still, their comments weren’t enough to distract me from my mother’s surprise appearance, her aura alone making me feel at ease even when I asked, “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  With an arm around my shoulder, she answered, “Princeton flew me in this morning. Said you might need some extra support around here with him away getting ready for the fight so… here I am. Happy Birthday, sweetheart.”

  Knowing Princeton had something to do with it only made me blush, the fact that he had still managed to give me a much-needed birthday surprise while away at camp only displaying just how serious he was about proving himself to me. But I’d save that conversation for later, for now staying focused on those who were around as I leaned into my mom and told her, “Thank you.”

  “Your father couldn’t get away from work quite yet, but he’s planning to fly in whenever baby girl is ready to make her grand entrance which seems to be a lot sooner than I thought,” she said with a glance down at my stomach.

  I knew I wanted her out of me for selfish reasons. But with Princeton in mind, I replied, “Gosh, don’t jinx me. I’m trying to let her bake as long as I can so her father can be here.”

  Even if it was a long shot with my due date and fight night being dangerously close, having Princeton there for the delivery was something we both greatly desired. Though my mother didn’t sound too sure it would actually happen, her tone a little too pleasant when she said, “Well, in the event that things don’t work out that way, you’ll still have a tribe to help you through it.”

  Lucinda rounded the counter as she added, “That’s right. Now why haven’t I heard anything about a baby shower?”

  All eyes were on Gina who was already face deep in a piece of cake, a mouth full with frosting on her lips to show for it when she defended, “She said she didn’t want one. And trust me, I offered. Lots of times.”

  Now all eyes were on me.

  “What’s the point? We already have plenty of crap between the things he bought before he left that Ms. Lucinda’s been signing for all day and the gifts his sponsors and other random brands sent for us to advertise. Everything Zuri needs and more,” I reasoned, biting my lip once I realized I had let a secret slip.

  My mother was the first to notice, leaning forward to find my eyes when she said, “Wait a minute… was that a name I just heard?”

  With my lip still between my teeth, I sang, “Maaaaaybe.”

  Lucinda clapped her hands together as she squealed, “I love it! Zuri Lattimore.”

  “Zuri Princess Lattimore. Compliments of your son,” I told her with a wink.

  She nodded, releasing a sigh as if she was putting two and two together. “Well that explains the surplus of golds and purples he had sent for the nursery. My big baby was preparing for royalty!” she shouted, making us all laugh before she asked, “Do you wanna see what I have done so far?”

  The question sent a fresh jolt of energy through me as I pepped up with excitement, literally having no idea what to expect as Lucinda led the way up the stairs. And while I had already secretly prepared myself to keep my expectations to a minimum since I hadn’t had a hand in anything, my breath was literally taken away the second Lucinda flipped on the light switch.

  It was so elegant yet still warm. So glamorous and “royal” without being over the top. So spacious while still maintaining an intimate feel. So… perfect.

  “This is gorgeous, Lucinda. Absolutely gorgeous. Is interior design your side hustle or what?” I teased, pulling her into an appreciative shoulder hug as my mom and Gina made their way around the room in awe.

  “It’s not, but maybe it should be. Though it’ll have to be a family business since Princeton was the one who gave me the blueprint to execute. This is really his vision.”

  My chest filled with warmth as I thought about my man, once again, coming through in such a major way, even from afar. I had been a little nervous about leaving something so important in his hands, but I shouldn’t have been surprised that he had went above and beyond for his daughter - above and beyond for us.

  Just the thought had a fresh round of tears springing from my eyes, paired with a smile as I swiped them away while announcing, “Still manages to make me cry happy tears even when he’s not here.”

  “Shedding happy tears like that? Girl, I’d say you have yourself a keeper,” my mother insisted, pinching my cheek with a smile of her own before she started drilling Lucinda with questions, leaving me to have a moment. But the only thing I could think about was Princeton, already envisioning his large frame hovering over the changing table, slumped in the rocking chair, teasing and cooing at our baby girl first thing in the morning through her crib.

  He was ready for it all. And as I looked around the room that somehow already carried his energy even without him being present, I decided I was too.

  I could only hope he’d find it in his heart to ask me again.


  The routine was all the same, but everything about it felt completely different now that I had decided this was my last go-round.

  I found myself trying to take it all in, absorb every moment, every sparring session, every run, every sunrise, every meal. And it wasn’t just the fact that this was my last training camp that had me feeling different, but also that this was my first training camp without my father around. There wasn’t any of the toxic energy he brought with him, none of the pressure or intimidation, and I wondered would that missing piece come back to haunt me later since it hadn’t exactly failed me before. But I couldn’t worry about that now, instead doing my best to stay focused on the task at hand of making Scotty regret even thinking about coming back to the sport.

  Still, even that came second to thoughts of Bella and Baby Z, the daily nudes I got last camp transformed into daily belly updates that somehow felt more fulfilling. I couldn’t believe how much bigger she had gotten in the six weeks I had been away, couldn’t believe how close we were to seeing Zuri’s face outside of the high-tech ultrasound pictures. And while the anticipation was killing me, I tried to channel that energy into working my ass off so my absence during the homestretch
would actually be worth a damn.

  As if I needed the motivation in the moment, I found myself scrolling back to the video Bella had sent just this morning that started from a back view where you could hardly tell she was pregnant and ended with her flipping around to unveil the watermelon she looked to be hiding under her shirt. It was hilarious yet fascinating all at once, though I also noticed how good her titties looked sitting right above it. And while I was happy just seeing her happy and healthy, I couldn’t help mentioning the twins when I replied, “Damn, girl. I see you already stocking up meals for Baby Zuri ;P.”

  The message was sent hours ago, but Bella hadn’t replied which was unusual for her since she usually messaged me back right away. But instead of worrying myself sick about it, I got back to work, running through hand speed drills with Little Tony followed by footwork drills with his father before taking another break.

  Still no reply.

  Once again, I tried not to get too worked up about it. But this time, my anxiety quickly took over. Though instead of calling Bella, I made a call to someone who might know enough to put me at ease, immediately taking her pleasant tone as a good sign when she said, “Hey Prince.”

  “Hey, Ma. You talk to Bella?”

  While her tone stayed the same, her response didn’t exactly match it once she answered, “Uh, yeah. We’re all up at the hospital right now. She wasn’t feeling too well, so we thought it’d be best to play it safe and see what was going on.”

  The anxiety I had originally called with was only amplified, Tony, Little Tony, and Brandin all watching me with a confused expression as I used my teeth to get rid of my hand wraps while asking, “Is everything alright? Do I need to come back?”

  “Umm… let me find out more information and I’ll call you back,” she replied before ending the call, only making my uneasiness a thousand times worse.

  That in combination with the tension I had built up for the fight was enough for me to shout, “Fuck!” as I started gathering my things from the training facility with no time to go back to the place we had been calling home to grab the rest.


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