In His Corner

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In His Corner Page 23

by Alexandra Warren

  I shouldn’t have been surprised when he started with, “I saw your fight.”

  “So that’s what you’re here for? You came up to the hospital on the day my daughter was born just to talk shit about my fight with Scotty?” I asked, peeling off the wall to leave since I knew there was no way in hell I was entertaining that conversation.

  But before I could step away, he replied, “Actually, I came to tell you how proud I am of you, son.”

  The words damn near sounded like a different language coming from his lips, my lifelong investment in hearing them naturally making me tense up in response as he continued, “And I admire your decision to step away from the sport on your own two feet. Do something that many of us didn’t have the pleasure nor good sense to do.”

  Having his approval of my retirement wasn’t something I needed, wasn’t something that would’ve changed my mind if he happened to feel otherwise. But I would’ve been lying if I said I didn’t appreciate having him on my side for a change, even if I wasn’t one hundred percent sure where it was coming from.

  Still, instead of intervening with any response, I let him keep talking, caught completely off-guard when I saw tears welling up in his eyes as he said, “At first, it hurt not to be there. But being able to watch you fight from afar and just appreciate the boxer you’ve become, the man you’ve become… it was a beautiful thing, Prince. And now to see you moving on, starting a family of your own with Bella, becoming a father… I’m just glad you turned out so much better than me; in spite of me. And I’m sorry for trying to get in the way of the happiness you deserve, sorry for trying to gain my happiness back through you when you should’ve been experiencing your own.”

  I could only nod, tempted to pinch myself just to make sure this wasn’t a dream. But once I saw the tear finally drop from his eye, I knew it was real as I pulled him into a hug; something we didn’t do often, but felt appropriate for the occasion. And when I stepped away, I asked, “Do you wanna see her?” watching the way his expression turned confused before I explained, “The baby?”

  With a wave of his hand, he replied, “Oh no. I’d hate to disturb that firecracker Bella. You found yourself a good match cause that girl is one tough cookie.”

  Since I knew that better than anybody, especially after watching her bring our child into the world like a boss, I could only chuckle as I told him, “She’s asleep. We can just peek in real quick.”

  His eyes turned from pained to excited before I led the way back down the hall, catching surprised looks from the rest of my fam in the waiting room as we continued towards the suite. And after peeking inside to assure Bella was still resting, I pushed the door open to let my father follow me inside, catching the gasp he inhaled the second he laid eyes on my princess who was stretching out in the warmer.

  “Wow. She’s beautiful, Prince. And look at those strong fists…” he whispered, making me shake my head though I shouldn’t have been surprised that he had taken notice.

  Still, I was sure to tell him, “Chill, man. My baby girl will have options.”

  He nodded in understanding, putting a hand to my shoulder to offer, “Congratulations, Prince.”

  While I hadn’t truly done a lot of the heavy-lifting to make it happen, my heart still swelled with pride when I told him, “Thanks, Pops.” Then we shared in a quiet moment, both staring in awe as baby girl did a whole bunch of nothing that somehow looked like everything in my eyes; details I’d cherish for the rest of my life and I was sure my father would too.

  Unfortunately, the moment of everything feeling as close to right in the world couldn’t last forever, cut short by my father saying, “Well I’m gonna get on my way. But whenever you’re ready to get back in the gym for old time sakes…”

  I had a feeling his offer had less to do with actual training and more to do with a fresh start of the relationship we maybe should’ve had all along. And with that on my heart, I tried not to get too caught up in the emotions of the moment, instead replying with a noncommittal, “I’ll think about it.”

  Once again, he nodded, making his way out of the room as he tossed over his shoulder, “Be sure to give Bella my well wishes when she wakes up. And tell her I have an apology waiting for her too whenever she’s ready to hear it.”

  I could only imagine how she would feel about that since apologizing to her felt just as if not more important than the one he had given me. But I quickly realized I’d be finding out sooner than later when, after seeing my pops out of the room, I turned around to find Bella stirring from her sleep to ask, “Was that who I think it was?”

  “It was. He stopped by to... apologize, say congratulations, give the praise I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life to hear,” I replied as I made my way over to her bed, sitting on the edge as she sat up to meet me halfway.

  Even with all she had been through in the last twenty-four hours, she was still quick to put a hand to my back, rubbing it soothingly when she asked, “Are you okay? Is Lucinda okay?”

  While it was still a surprise to me that she had stayed so calm - and maybe a conversation I’d need to have with her another time - I knew her role had played a huge part in my decision when I explained, “She was actually the one who encouraged me to hear him out. And I figured if she could get past it even for a moment, I could too.”

  Bella nodded before we both snapped our heads back towards the warmer in response to Baby Z letting out the slightest whimper, our joint panic quickly turning into a joint laugh once we realized how paranoid we already were. And as I went to go check on her just to be sure, Bella rested with her legs hanging from the bed, a look of amazement in her eyes when she gushed, “We really pulled it off, Princeton. We’re... parents now.”

  “The coolest parents alive,” I told her with a smile as I wrapped Zuri in her blanket then swooped her up in my arms, being especially careful with her head and neck like the nurse had reminded me to.

  She felt so tiny in my hands, though I knew she wouldn’t be this size forever. And it was clear Bella felt the same way, pulling out her phone to snap a picture for us to look back on later as she said, “Awwww look at you. Already trying to win Father of the Year.”

  My smile was borderline arrogant as I half-way joked, “Winning is what I do, B. I told you, I got champion tatted on me for a reason. My little princess here just gave it new meaning.”

  As if she knew I was talking about her, Zuri’s eyes cracked open just slightly, that in combination with her mother saying, “Well you’ll always be our champion, Princeton Lattimore,” enough to give me chills, feeling like the official kickoff for this new chapter in my life.

  Because while I had always valued being a champion for the public, being a champion in the boxing world, it meant a thousand times more to me to be considered a champion in the eyes of the two I loved most.

  -Round Twelve-


  Everything looked different.

  My breasts were a lot heavier, a lot fuller, requiring me to replace most of my bras even though my steady milk flow and Zuri’s appetite kept me in a nursing one more often than not. My hips had widened to the point that skirts, dresses, and leggings were truly my only options since getting into any of my old jeans was an absolute joke. The skin of my stomach was loose and stretchy, tinted with stretchmarks my special serum regimen hadn’t been able to save me from. My hair had grown past my shoulders overnight, my lips were fuller than any lip kit could create artificially, and I felt every bit of being a new mother in my tired, hazy eyes.

  But I was happy, and my baby was happy, and my bigger baby was the happiest of all as he hovered over the bed in his suit cooing back and forth with his daughter, turning her hands into fists when he teased, “Come on. Put your dukes up, Z. Gimme your best shot.”

  I giggled as I returned my gaze back to the mirror, trying to appreciate the changes motherhood had brought about; the changes that Princeton claimed to adore even though he hadn’t been able to do so much as touch me
for the past six weeks. But all of that was getting ready to change, our first night out without the baby sure to be filled with lots of laugh and lots of touching.

  And probably lots of tears because I hated to leave my baby girl behind.

  But I needed this break, needed this night. And even if he wouldn’t admit it, I knew Princeton needed it too. One last opportunity to be “The Prince” for his fans and colleagues with his nomination for Fighter of the Year at the annual professional sports awards ceremony.

  I had received an invitation of my own, invited to be a part of the media crew covering the event. But even without true maternity leave, I wasn’t quite ready to go back to that life just yet, enjoying the warm moments of being a mother and spending time with Princeton far too much to start splitting time between the two.

  In fact, one of my favorite things as of late was to watch him embrace his new role as daddy, watch the way her little smiles only made him smile bigger, seeing the ways he’d react with amusement whenever she’d surprise him with something new - no matter how disgusting -, witness the way he’d spring into action each time she cried even if it was only to bring her to me. He was already panning out to be an amazing father, a true champion of all things. And even when he wasn’t one hundred percent sure of what he was doing, he always found a way to make it work.

  Those fresh memories had me admiring him from behind as I made my way into the bedroom, smiling at the both of them when I sat on the bed next to where they were playing to slip my heels on. And my smile only grew wider once Princeton noticed me and bragged, “Dangggg, Zuri. Look at your mama.”

  I was blushing big time as I stood back up, running a hand along the fabric around my stomach and hips as I asked, “Do I really look okay? Cause I feel… partial.”

  It wasn’t that the dress looked ugly on me, nor was it ill-fitted. But being that it was my first time really dressing up since well before Zuri was born, I felt… not as confident as I wanted to be.

  Still, Princeton somehow managed to remove all doubt when he licked his lips, looking down at me with the most lustful glare in his eyes as he whispered, “You lookin’ like you want me to put another baby in you tonight. Take that how you will.”

  Instead of accepting what sounded like an offer, I only shook my head with a grin, turning my attention to Zuri when I said, “We got so lucky with this cool and calm cutie pie. I’d hate to press our luck and make a wild child.”

  “Then you need to go change outta that dress into something else, cause little P.J. is already in my nuts doing warm-ups,” he replied, making me gasp as he followed up with a laugh that made me smack him against the chest before I picked Zuri up to take her downstairs to her grandma.

  Over my shoulder, I was still sure to tell him, “You’re disgusting.”

  But he only laughed again as he explained, “You make me that way, B. I mean, come on. Look at you. Snapback game outta this world.”

  “More like Spanx game outta this world…” I muttered as we joined Princeton’s mother in the living room, her arms stretched wide as she sang, “Give her here. Give her here. I’ve been thinking about these cuddles all day!”

  I snuck a kiss against her chubby cheek before I gently laid her into Lucinda’s arms, watching the way her wide open eyes started taking in the new face. And it was that small reaction that had me wondering if this was a bad idea after all, gnawing on my lip when I asked, “Are you sure you’re okay keeping her tonight? I can just stay home if you have other things you need to do.”

  Of course, Lucinda immediately brushed me off. “Oh Bella, will you quit your worrying? Me and the princess are gonna have us a good ol’ time.”

  “Well there’s plenty of breastmilk in the freezer. She’ll probably be hungry again within the next hour. And she’s been having trouble burping after the bottle since she’s so used to the boob, but if you…”

  I couldn’t even finish my spiel before Lucinda cut me off to ask, “Bella, you see that big man standing next to you? I did that. This isn’t my first time to the rodeo, sweetheart.”

  “I know, I know. I’m sorry. I’m just… nervous. The thought of being away from her for most of the night is already driving me crazy,” I admitted, Princeton wrapping an arm around my shoulder to comfort me as if he could already sense the tears were next to come.

  But they stayed in the ducts long enough to hear Lucinda reply, “I understand. But you two deserve the break. Go on and have a good time. And bring grandma back a trophy.”

  “Ahh we’ll see about that,” Princeton said, dropping a kiss on my forehead before pulling away to do the same on his mother’s and his daughter’s. Then he proudly escorted me outside to the car before I could come up with another excuse to stay. Though once we were inside, he made a point to show his appreciation for my antics when he said, “Watching you go into protective mama bear-mode is like… indescribably sexy, B.”

  “Well it doesn’t feel as good as it looks,” I groaned, peeking back towards the house as if I could already hear Zuri’s little cries in the distance even though I knew she was in good hands.

  Princeton was sure to remind me I was in good hands as well, latching his heavy palm to my thigh as he said, “You make everything look good, Bella. MILF season like a mothafucka.”

  “Oh whatever,” I replied with a laugh before we fell into a comfortable silence, the warmth of his fingertips grazing my skin enough to keep me at peace as we prepared for what was sure to be a chaotic event with all the press around.

  But it was clear I was the only one concerned about what was to come, Princeton’s mind taking a trip to the past as he said, “Last time we were in a backseat like this, we were all over each other like some horny ass teenagers.”

  “I also got pregnant that night,” I reminded him, shaking my head at the memory even if it had turned into the beautiful blessing that was our baby girl.

  Of course Princeton wasn’t fazed by my reminder, leaning over to land a kiss against my neck when he growled, “Back then, you were lookin’ like a snack. But tonight, you’re lookin’ like a whole ass meal.”

  “Princeton!” I screeched, annoyed as I suddenly felt self-conscious about my boobs that were threatening to pop out of the top of my dress and the little pudge that showed now that I was sitting down.

  But I quickly realized my annoyance wasn’t warranted when Princeton explained, “That’s a compliment, Bella. Means you look good enough to eat. And trust me, your boy is starving.”

  “Mmmhmm, whatever you say…” I told him with a roll of my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Though Princeton didn’t let me pout for long, tugging my arms apart as he said, “I’m for real, B. You look amazing. Straight up.”

  My lips were still pushed out when I peeked over at him and caught his gaze sitting right between my cleavage, enough to make me blush when I replied, “Well thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself, Mr. Lattimore.”

  “Nah, you’re definitely the star of this show. Fuck that award, I’ve already won tonight by having you on my arm.”

  My little grin transformed into a full-on smile as I turned his way to gush, “Wow. This campaign you have going for P.J. is off to a great start.”

  He looked prouder than ever when he straightened the front of his suit jacket and said, “Oh yeah? Well just wait until you hear my acceptance speech.”

  “That’s if you even win,” I teased, knowing it really wasn’t even a question if he would since he was by far the best of those nominated.

  And he knew it too, his arrogant grin wildly attractive when he said, “Come on now, Bella. I’ve been at this shit for my whole life. If I’m not Fighter of the Year, the Russians must’ve rigged the votes.”

  The hearty laugh I let out in response felt painfully good, just the thing I needed to remind me a night away from the baby wasn’t the worst thing in the world, especially since it would be spent with the love of my life. And even though I hadn’t always been sure abo
ut what the future held for us, I felt excited about the prospects when I replied, “Welp… guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”


  I was nervous.

  I rarely got nervous for anything, was rarely fazed by the big crowds and flashing lights. But my palms were growing sweatier and sweatier by the second as I watched the videos showing highlights for each nominee in my category, listening intently to the crowd’s reaction to each until mine popped up on the screen.

  To my surprise, the crowd grew much louder, the clips they chose to include in my video only making me smile in appreciation since they all already felt like distant memories. But I could tell some of it was new to Bella the way she watched in awe as if she was surprised to find out I was actually as good as my record said I was.

  When the video came to an end, my nerves returned full-fledged, my hands clammy as Bella pulled one into her lap and gave it a reassuring squeeze as if she could sense my anxiety. But before I could express my gratitude with anything more than a nod, the sound of the card being ripped open put me on freeze as the woman announced, “And the award for Fighter of the Year goes to… “The Prince”!”

  Bella’s eyes shot my way with excitement as she popped up from her seat at the same time I did, all eyes on us when I landed a quick kiss on her lips before proceeding towards the stage to the rhythm of house music blended with a steady applause. And on my walk, I was greeted with handshakes and daps from some of my favorite names in sports, being sure to take it all in as I climbed the few short steps to accept my award.

  With the trophy in my hand and the spotlight in my eyes, I waited for the crowd to calm down before I released the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding in straight into the mic and said, “Wow. This is truly an honor. First, I have to thank God for every blessing he’s tossed my way, but especially for getting me up after that shot Scotty landed in the fifth round.”


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