Blood Moon Magic

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Blood Moon Magic Page 13

by Isobelle Carmichael

  “So wait, you’re not having sex at all? Like none?” I snicker at her because you can count on Chey to stick to the point.

  “Okay. So, I’m not getting any dick, but I am getting orgasms, so it’s not like I’m completely deprived.”

  “Oh, thank goodness, ‘cause I was gonna go throttle those boys for you!”

  “Right now, they’re just taking care of me, but you know I’m not okay with that bullshit.”

  “Oh, I sense someone has a plan!” Cara proclaims.

  “It’s true; I have plans to seduce them all, and very soon.”

  “Oh, I like that smile girl, and it looks like you have some sexy stories to tell after all,” Chey remarks.

  “Not yet, but soon, very soon! I’ll start with Shaun, and before I’m done, I’ll bend those men to my will.”

  “Whew, it’s getting hot in here. I might need to take a quick break and visit my dragons.”

  “No, you don’t, Ms. Cheyenne! You can go without sex for a few hours. I’ve still got weeks left, so I have zero sympathy for you.”

  “I have to ask. Is Justin as built as he seems? Both he and Marcus are so broad.”

  “Oh, absolutely. When they take off their shirts, I forget how to speak for a few moments,” I admit, drooling a little as I do exactly what Marcus accused me of, and objectify the shit out of my men.

  The rest of the evening devolves into a raunchy tell-all session and copious amounts of wine consumption.

  Chey is finally spilling the goods about her three delicious dragons with all the flair that is textbook Chey.

  “Okay, it’s my turn. So, I have photos for extra emphasis. Here’s Michael,” she says, and hands me her phone. On it is a photo of a slim man with deep brown skin and dark eyes. His dark hair lays in long dreadlocks, and his smile is warm and inviting. “Don’t let that slim figure fool you; that man is cut!” She fans herself. “He’s 6 feet tall, so you know I’m loving that.”

  I do. Cheyenne is 5’9,” so she loves it when guys are taller than her.

  “Okay, scroll to the next one. Alright, so that’s Daniel.” She gestures to the photo. This one is an incredibly attractive blonde with vibrant green eyes, a pale complexion, and a shy smile. He stands about 5’8”, but he’s built, and I can’t help but admire the way the green plaid shirt he wears is stretching across his broad shoulders. “Oh, and now the last one. This is Pierce.” I can see why she saved him for the end as I stare at his photo. He is striking and has got to be as tall as my Shaun is at 6’4”, with what I can only describe as a swimmer’s build—lean and sinewy. His brown hair is messy all over his head, but it’s his stunning blue eyes—the color of natural sapphires—that steal my focus. They are a perfect compliment to his medium-toned complexion.

  “Chey, they’re all gorgeous!”

  “Don’t I fucking know it! I’m not kicking any of them out of my bed for eating crackers!”

  “You’re a mess! You know that, right?”

  “I know it, and I claim it. I don’t care!”

  “So,” I begin hesitantly, “Ummm … I wanted to ask.”

  “Girl, just spit it out. We’re your friends,” Chey says and pours another glass of wine for each of us.

  “Have you guys had anal sex yet?” I blurt out.

  “Oh yes, and I love it so damn much, but I’m a freak, so no one is surprised.” Chey laughs and takes another sip of wine.

  “I did as well. And it was okay, but it kinda hurt a little, and I kept thinking I was gonna shit myself the whole time.”

  “Oh gosh, Cara, you’re hilarious.”

  “I’m not joking; I couldn’t enjoy it. I was told it gets better.”

  “So you’re going to try it again?” I ask.

  “I think so. I mean, it wasn’t awful, but you know it might not be my thing.”

  “Well, you know that’s not an issue, right? I mean, you don’t have to be into anal. It’s great that you tried,” Chey says, and gives Cara’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

  “I just kind of feel like something is wrong with me, cause you’re totally into it.”

  They both look at me, and I throw my hands up in the air. “I’m into the little bit of stuff that we’ve done, and I’m willing to try just about anything once. I won’t lie that I’m a bit freaked out that I have to have sex with five men at once though.”

  “Oh my goodness, you have to perform all those sex rituals. I don’t know why I forgot.”

  “Maybe because we haven’t ever done a Blood Moon ceremony, just the usual lunar ones.”

  “Oh man, girl, that’s intense! My mom talked to me about the joining ceremony, and I remember reading about them, but having to perform like that for everyone has got to be terrifying.”

  “And it is the first time you will have sex with your guys,” Cara says. “I can’t imagine how that must feel.”

  “Both of you! Shut up,” I shriek, and throw a pillow at Cara’s face.

  “Hey! Watch the wine,” she says, and nimbly plucks the pillow out of the air.

  “Alright, so I’m not helping, but it is the truth!”

  “You know it’s annoying when you’re right all the time, right?”

  She shrugs and refills her glass, giving me a look that makes me want to launch another pillow at her.

  “Do the guys know yet?” Chey asks, peering at me over her wine glass.

  “No, I haven’t handed over those particular journals yet. I don’t even know how to approach that subject when we’re not even having sex.”

  “Sweetheart, I have no doubt those men will know exactly what to do with your fine ass, but it’s not just the sex. It’s the spells and rituals too, as you well know. The normal lunar rituals are like grade school, and now we’re defending a thesis.”

  “I do know, but how would you feel about handing a journal to five men and saying, ‘Here are the sexual positions we need to make sure we perform while chanting some archaic spells and also throwing some blood in the mix.”

  “I love you, Abby. I do. You’re my friend and my future alpha, but you are acting so dumb right now. Those men want to be in your life, and I know they’re dragons, but they’re not going to run scared just because you hand them a smutty book.”

  “I agree.” Cara nods a bit too vigorously as the wine begins affecting her.

  “Just slip it to them, and then let them read it all over. If you didn’t need to make sure the spells were totally correct, it wouldn’t matter as much.”

  I yawn, and exhaustion creeps over me. “Alright, ladies. I think it’s time to call it a night.”

  “Can we promise to try to do this again more often?” I ask, and I yawn and stretch.

  “Can we ask Marcus to cater it though? You know, ‘cause food!” Cara slurs and her lips are bright red from all of her wine consumption.

  “I’ll be sure to ask him as soon as I get back.”

  “Well, I’m going to my rooms, where I will not be sleeping,” Chey quips. “Pierce has been sexting me for the last half hour, so I’m going to have a long night.”

  “No talking about the amazing sex you’re about to have. I’m already jealous as it is,” I grumble.

  “Sorry girl. I do not envy your situation, and I don’t mean to rub it in! You go ahead and drown your desires in all the cupcakes you want!”

  “Thanks, babe,” I add, and pull myself up from the couch. My head spins a little, and I realize I’m feeling perfectly tipsy. I say my goodbyes and hug them, and then I make my way to my suite.

  At the top of the stairs that I traversed with a death grip on the railing, I lurch towards Marcus’s room. I consider knocking for a moment, but the door is wrenched open, and I fall inside the door, landing against Marcus’s chest.

  “Hey, gorgeous. What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see you.” The words come out slurred. “I wanna make out! Did you know that Cara and Chey are having copious amounts of sex? They suck!”

  “Abby, as ado
rable as you are in your inebriated state, I don’t know why you’re here at my door instead of one of the others.”

  “I like your door, and I told you that I wasn’t going to ignore what’s between us. I know you like me, Marcus.” I attack his mouth, and my wolf informs me that I’m an idiot, but appreciates the contact with his skin even more than I do.

  “Abby,” he groans against my mouth, “Stop, we shouldn’t do this.”

  “Why not? Why call me sexy and gorgeous if you don’t want me? And don’t lie. I see the way you look at me. Are you sure I should go away, or do you want me to come inside?”

  He looks at me, indecision in his eyes before moving out of the way and letting me inside. I saunter past him and sit on his bed, after stripping off my top. A growl emits from low in my chest as his eyes roam over my breasts and I crook my finger at him.

  He lunges at me and tackles me on the bed as he erupts with passion, kissing every inch of exposed skin. I gasp when he sucks my nipple into his mouth, his tongue teasing the tight bud.

  Marcus slides a hand underneath my pajama bottoms and plunges a finger inside of me.

  Pleasure shots through me, as he moves his fingers in and out of me, working me with his fingers as I ride his hand. I buck against his talented digits, and he strokes my spot and wrenches an orgasm out of me.

  Shuddering against him as my orgasm ebbs away, I tentatively check on our connection and notice the door is closed.

  He’s pulling away again.

  “Marcus, please don’t regret this; don’t pull away from me!”

  “I have to; this was stupid. I just can’t seem to say no to you.”

  “Then why do you keep fighting against it?”

  “Abby, you should be with a man worthy of you. I don’t know why I have to keep telling you that I am not that man.”

  He jumps off the bed and begins pacing while I right my clothing.

  “Marcus, if you want me to stop trying, then you should leave because as long as you’re here, I’m going to keep coming after you. You agreed to date me when you accepted my Claim, so make a choice. Stay and give us a shot, or leave and prove yourself right. Because Marcus, if you do leave, you’re right; you’re not worthy of my love.”

  I stand slowly and advance on him, rising on my tiptoes to place a soft kiss against his mouth.

  “It’s your choice,” I say, and leave his room and make my way across the hallway to my suite. Tears burn my eyes wanting to fall, but I force them back.

  He will come around, Abby. Don’t worry, I Claimed them all, but I never said it would be easy.

  No, girl, you didn’t.

  Trust me, he will come around, and then they will all be ours.

  Chapter Twelve


  I return to my suite feeling pleased, even though it hurt to tell him what I thought. I don’t want to give any of my guys up, but if they don’t want me, I won’t force them. After my little tiff with Marcus, I take a quick shower washing off his scent and my annoyance. I dry off and throw on a pair of shorts and a comfy button down then head to my room. I do a quick double take, because I’m certain my bed was empty before, and now there is a set of delectable looking men perched atop of it. Kaden and Kaleb are shirtless, with only drawstring pants on.

  Yum, twins are amazing.

  I grin as I take in their heated expressions, and my wolf is running around with excitement. I cannot let the shit with Marcus bleed into my relationships with my other men. Plus, I’m totally insatiable, and I have one hell of a feast laid out before me that I want to gorge on.

  They leave the bed in tandem, gracefully surrounding me with heat and engulfing my senses with the scent of male arousal.

  Fuck yes.

  I give into my primal side letting my wolf come up to the surface a bit, as the two devour me. The sensation of a mouth on my pussy and one of my nipples had my lust spiraling out of control. By the time they’re finished, we’re all exhausted, and I drift off to sleep, a smile of pure satisfaction on my face.

  Fuck, I’m hot. Overbearingly hot.

  I wake up with sweat dripping down my chest, and it feels like I’m sleeping in an inferno. I open my eyes and remember Kaden and Kaleb are curled around me, encasing me in their heat. My twins are so sexy, but they lose control of their fire gifts when they sleep. It’s not hot enough to burn, but as the marshmallow caught between their flame, it’s enough heat to make things well past nice and toasty. I gently extricate myself from them and go to my balcony. The cool breeze flowing across me is a balm to my overheated skin.

  That’s odd, where is this breeze coming from, it’s far too cool and too perfectly placed …

  I whip my head around, and there’s Shaun in the corner with a grimoire cracked open in his lap, and a palm stretched out toward me.

  “Thank you,” my throat sounds raw from disuse, “I really needed that.”

  “I know. You were broadcasting how hot you were loud and clear,” he says.

  “Sorry,” I shrug, “still working on all these powers. I would have shifted and run, but my wolf and I hate being too far from you all.”

  “You shouldn’t deny your wolf because of us,” he chastises, “besides we can always just fly above you. I’m sure our dragons would love the opportunity to stretch their wings,” he says with a grin. I roll my eyes at his awful pun and cross over to him.

  “What are you doing with the grimoires?” I ask. “Usually Justin is the only one who’s interested in those.”

  “No,” he corrects, “Justin just won’t let anyone else touch them when he’s awake.”

  “That’s a fair point. So, what’re you looking at?” I ask again.

  “I’m looking at the Blood Moon joining ritual,” he admits.

  “The … you found it?” I sputter.

  “Justin did and felt that we should read up on it. Kaden has already read it, and Marcus and Kaleb will look over it tomorrow. The question is, why didn’t you tell us about it?” he scolds.

  “Well, uh,” I lick my lips nervously, “I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t exactly sure how to broach the topic with my five boyfriends who still won’t have sex with me. Plus, the thought of anal sex kinda freaks me out.” I realize I’m babbling a little.

  Shaun puts the grimoire down, comes over to me, and cradles me between his hard body and the balcony railing. “princess, you’re so sexy when you’re all frazzled like this. It makes me want to find out just how frazzled I can get you.” He rubs his lips against mine and smiles when I shiver.

  “That’s it, princess. Let’s see what else I can do to make you tremble.” He undoes the buttons on my shirt slowly, trailing kisses down my chest as he does. “I love your nipples; they’re so responsive,” he says as they’re revealed, latching his mouth around one, and swirling his tongue around the tight bud. I moan and clutch the back of his head, pulling him closer as he licks the sensitive bit of flesh, sucking it into his mouth.

  “Shiiiiit,” I breathe out, my knees nearly giving way as he suckles me. The sensation shoots straight to my core. When my pussy floods with wetness, I hear his deep inhale.

  “You smell so delicious, baby. I have to taste you.” He scoops his hands under my ass and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks backward, setting me down on the cafe table on our balcony.

  Huh, when did I start thinking of it as ‘our’ anything?

  “Crap, that’s cold,” I cry out, as my bare ass hits the cold glass of the table.

  “I’ll warm you up, princess. Don’t worry—after all, I am a dragon,” he says and drops to his knees before me. He spreads my legs wide and breathes in the scent of me.

  I laugh at his horrifically bad attempt at a joke, but my mind becomes fuzzy when his warm breath flows over my pussy.

  “I’ve been dreaming about doing this to you again,” he says, and then dives in, penetrating my slit with his tongue. I’m so wet I’m practically dripping, as he laps up my cream with moans and
grunts of pleasure.

  “You’re delicious, Abby, fucking delicious.”

  His words only serve to make me wetter, and I’m aching with the need for him to fill me.

  “Please,” I beg. “Please, I need you inside of me.” I have no shame at this moment, and I have only one focus—him and that cock sliding into me. “I want you inside of me!” I growl with more insistence.

  He doesn’t answer me and instead slides three fingers inside of me without warning.

  Pleasure and pain shoot through me, and I try to accommodate his onslaught. He pumps his fingers in and out of me, and before long I explode, biting off my scream. Shaun jumps up and swallows the rest of my moans, I can taste myself on his lips, and I like it. I slide off the table and drop to my knees in front of him.

  “Abby,” he warns, but I cut him off. “Shaun, I’m not going to fuck you yet, but I am going to suck your cock until your cum is sliding down my throat, and you’re going to let me.”

  “I can’t,” he protests weakly.

  I slide his zipper down and free his cock, humming when I see his proud erection bobbing with excitement. I lick my lips and swallow the head of his cock without any warning.

  “That feels so good,” he hisses out.

  Smiling, I open my mouth wider using my saliva to get his cock nice and wet, and then I enthusiastically take him deep into the back of my throat, gagging on it. His dick jumps when he hears me choke on him, so I do it again.

  I move my mouth off of him with a pop and grab his shaft firmly in one hand, stroking it while I suck one of his balls into my mouth and then the other. Shaun’s moans are a deep rumble in his chest, and I am the goddess incarnate, with this man at my mercy. Magic hums through me. Stroking him with one hand and using my mouth on the tip, I suck him hard and fast. The constant sexual tension that has been building between us has him flying over the edge far quicker than I expected.

  “I’m going to cum; you have to stop,” he pleads.

  I ignore him and keep going faster, swiping my tongue across the head of his penis and encouraging him to lose control. I need this; I have to make him explode.


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