Stealing Sunshine

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Stealing Sunshine Page 9

by Tina Michele

Belle walked them around to her side and handed them each a clean swab. She demonstrated the technique before she let them take a few gentle passes across the stained glass as Belle held the base of the lamp in place. As they grinned and swiped, movement in the hall caught her attention, but it wasn’t the activity coordinator and Kyle as she expected. Two beautiful women stood in the doorway, but she recognized just one. Tara did not move or speak; she stood in silence and stared at Belle. And Belle was paralyzed by her intense, unwavering gaze.

  When Eden spoke, Belle was startled from her thoughts and her arm swung up sharply. The girls screamed as the lamp tipped forward and everyone in the room took a collective gasp. Belle lunged for the lamp and caught the base before it toppled over onto the floor. She set the lamp upright and breathed a sigh of relief along with everyone else. She chuckled to ease the anxiety in her chest and the tension in the room. Eden and Olivia stood off to the side in shock still clutching their swabs. “It’s okay! That was my fault. Just shows us how careful we have to be, right?” Belle smiled.

  The girls smiled back. “Right!”

  “Can we keep these?” Olivia asked as they both held out their tools.

  “Absolutely. And thank you for all your help.” Belle crouched to shake their hands.

  Instead, the girls wrapped Belle in a hug, and her heart swelled. They gripped their prizes, trotted off to their father, and followed the rest of the group from the room. Belle cleaned her station and put the lamp back where it belonged. Leave it to her and not the twins to almost smash a priceless Tiffany lamp. She blamed Tara. Tara had a hold on the very core of Belle, and she couldn’t break free no matter how much her mind wanted her to.

  She pushed her cart into the hall toward the vault to prepare for her next demonstration when she stopped in her tracks. Tara hugged the beautiful woman in her arms before she smiled sweetly and kissed her on the cheek. Belle’s stomach lurched and a knot rose in her throat. Since the night by her car, she had dreamt of the moment when Tara would hold her the way she now embraced this other woman. Belle watched as Tara released the woman and waited for her to walk away before she turned around. Belle tried to disappear before Tara spotted her, but she wasn’t quick enough. Belle pushed her cart into the open elevator and pressed the button again and again. She begged for the doors to close before Tara got to her. When the doors closed, Belle breathed a sigh of equal relief and disappointment. She should have listened to her head all along. Now she knew.

  Chapter Thirteen

  In the vault, Belle pushed her cart into the corner of the room and plopped down into her chair. She was overwhelmed with so many emotions she wasn’t sure if she cried which one it would be for. While they were her favorite, Family Days were never easy for her. She always missed Giles, but these days were the ones she found difficult and the ones where she felt most alone. Even the beautiful twins she was enamored with left a sad mark on her heart. And then there was Tara. The one she couldn’t get out of her mind and who could change Belle’s entire mood with one look. She wanted to cry; she could feel it welling up inside her.

  She couldn’t let herself cry for Tara. There was no reason to let a stranger have that much control over her feelings. But she would agree that the disappointment of seeing her arms around another woman added to the swirl of thoughts in her head.

  She liked Tara. She could admit that much, to herself at least. But why? She told herself that they had nothing in common. The problem with that reasoning was that Belle didn’t know enough about her to be certain of that. She realized that the few times they’d spoken Belle had done all of the talking and even that had been minimal. And it’s not as if Belle had any right to be upset or jealous of whoever Tara chose to embrace, but a part of her was. The part that yearned to be held, touched, and kissed. It was a need that went beyond the physical. It was a void in her very soul that ached to be filled. For a short time, the unexpected love of a kind and generous man eased the deep ache within her. Giles had given her hope, but he was gone.

  It was his love that gave her the courage to let in Kyle and Andrew. They were all she had, and while she cared as much for them as they did for her, she still felt incomplete. From the first moment she saw Tara at the theater, something sparked inside her. It was unfamiliar, a persistent tug that she couldn’t ignore even though she wanted to. Belle shivered from the cool air and pulled her sweater over her shoulders. She took a few deep breaths and let her arms hang lifelessly at her sides before she leaned over, closed her eyes, and dropped her forehead her desk. She rocked her head side to side as she twisted in her swivel chair. It gave her a calming sort of feeling.

  “She has a girlfriend,” she said to herself, and then responded to her own declaration. “Of course she has a girlfriend. As if someone like her wouldn’t have one. Hell, she probably has a handful of them.” She sighed, and without moving anything else, she turned her head to the side. Her forehead peeled off the surface of the desk and the spot burned with warmth. She opened her eyes and tried in vain to look at her forehead. The closest she got was a cross-eyed view of her nose. When she heard a loud bang, she flung herself up and looked toward the sound.

  Kyle grinned at her and waved as no less than twenty others stood along the length of the glass wall and watched her. Some laughed and smiled outright, while others attempted and failed to hide their amusement. She couldn’t hear them through the vault walls, but Belle didn’t need to in order to get the full dose of embarrassment. She raised her head and forced a smile. She looked at Kyle, who pointed to his own forehead and laughed almost loud enough for her to hear him through the glass. Belle rubbed her hand over the spot and smiled shyly. When she didn’t think it could’ve gotten worse, she saw Kyle motion behind him with a covert finger, and she spotted Tara. She slapped her hand over the spot and spun around.

  “You’ve got to be shitting me!” No one could hear her, but it would’ve been her luck that Tara could read lips. She took several deep breaths and turned back around. All of the eyes were still on her, all of them. She stepped over to the intercom system and flipped it on.

  “Hey, everyone!” She waved at the crowd.

  “Sorry we caught you off guard, Ms. Winters,” Kyle said with barely restrained enjoyment.

  “You did. I was having a moment. It’s easy to forget that the three-inch-thick walls are glass. But I’m better now that you’re all here.” Belle’s eyes met Tara’s as they always seemed to do. When Tara smiled, Belle’s stomach fluttered. Thankfully, Eden and Olivia caught her attention. Belle waved. “Hey there, girls.” They giggled at each other and hopped up and down with excitement. They still clung fast to the used swabs they had been given as souvenirs and waved them at Belle.

  When Kyle spoke, everyone’s attention shifted to him and off of Belle—everyone except Tara who continued to stare at her. As Kyle described the features and function of Belle’s storage vault, the group listened intently. Belle was hypnotized by Tara’s gaze until the beautiful woman appeared and slipped in close to whisper into Tara’s ear. Belle’s stomach dropped, and she turned away just as Kyle wrapped up.

  “Thank you, Mr. King.” Belle addressed the crowd outside. “So can anyone tell me what these racks behind me are for?” She gestured toward the floor-to-ceiling slides that lined the length of the room. Several people gave answers like “art” or “paintings.” Belle smiled. “Correct, but not just any art or paintings.” She reached over and pulled one large panel far out into the middle of the room.

  “We have masterpieces.” Belle pointed to the framed pieces and rattled off a list of names. It wasn’t until she said Picasso and Dali that she got the raised eyebrows and interested looks she searched for. They weren’t her favorites, but everyone knew their names. She found that familiarity was often a gateway, and she loved opening it up for them. She answered a few last questions and thanked them for coming before Kyle herded them toward the elevator to their next stop. Which she believed was food, so it explained the few glassy-e
yed stares she got toward the end of her talk.

  She watched as everyone loaded onto the large freight elevator. It was built for the weight, but Belle was glad she didn’t have to squish herself in with all those people. Eden and Olivia peeked out from the group and waved good-bye and Belle smiled. “Too bad kidnapping is illegal,” she joked to herself before she turned away and headed back to her desk.

  She reached down to pick up her sweater from the floor where it had fallen when she jumped up earlier.

  “Kidnapping is very much illegal.”

  Belle screamed at the sound of the voice and flung the sweater into the air, knocking over a cup of pens and pencils that sat on her desk. “What?” She looked around and realized the voice had come from outside the vault. Tara stood near the door and leaned up against the glass casually. Belle glanced over at the intercom panel and realized that she hadn’t turned it off. “I didn’t mean that. I wouldn’t. I’m not a kidnapper. I swear.”

  “I don’t know. It sure sounds like something a kidnapper would say.” Tara smiled.

  Belle laughed. “Yes. True. But oh my gosh, they might have been the cutest little girls I’ve ever seen in my life. Did you see how engaged they were? I could just squeeze them and—” Belle stopped herself so she didn’t sound any more like a child abductor.

  “They were most beautiful and smart.”

  “Well, I think I’ve embarrassed myself plenty for a single day. I think I’m going to lock myself in the back for the rest of my life.” Belle fidgeted with the stray strands of hair that fell in her face.

  “The back? There’s more back there than this?”

  Belle smiled. “Yes. It takes up pretty much the entire lower level. Sculptures, photography, textiles. They all have different humidity, oxygen, and light requirements, so they’re in their own areas and vitrines back there.” Belle motioned behind her.

  “Oh, wow! I bet that’s an interesting sight.”

  Was she asking to see it? It wasn’t a question, but it sounded like interest. Should she ask her if she wants to come back? Belle didn’t have anything else to do. Maybe for a minute? When Tara laughed, Belle blinked. “Huh?”

  “I just said it must be interesting and then you went somewhere. The lights were on, but…”

  Belle blushed. “I was thinking. Would you…do you want to come in and see?”

  “Yes, I’d love to.”

  Belle was surprised by Tara’s quick and excited response. “Okay.” Belle grinned as she pressed the exit button and opened the door for Tara.


  Tara stepped into the vault and shivered. “Holy cow! How is it not snowing in here?”

  Belle chuckled. “It’s only sixty-seven degrees. You get used to it. I have an extra sweater.” Belle pulled a frilly pink sweater off the back of her chair and held it out to Tara. Belle looked from Tara to the sweater and back again. “I’ll trade you,” she said as she shrugged an arm out of the one she was wearing.

  “No, it’s okay. It’s not that bad.” Tara was more concerned with looking cool than feeling cool. Although she despised being cold, she decided that she could tough it out.

  “If you get too cold let me know.”

  Tara’s mind listed off the various ways she would choose for Belle to warm her back up if she did get too cold. “I’ll do that,” she said thickly. Had she known her voice would’ve sounded so deep she wouldn’t have opened her mouth at all. And to her dismay, the tone wasn’t lost on Belle either. For once, it was Tara’s turn to burn with embarrassment. They stared at each other in silence for a few brief seconds before they both eased the awkward tension with laughter. “I have no idea where that came from!”

  “Oh my gosh. I didn’t mean to laugh at you. I was just caught off guard.” Belle covered her mouth and spoke through her fingers. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right. It’s just puberty. I’m expecting my first chest hair any day now.”

  Belle gave a chuckle and a snort and then buried her face in her hands. “I did not just do that.”

  “Yep, you totally snorted.” Belle turned and started to walk away, but Tara grabbed her by the wrist. “Wait. Come back.”

  Belle turned back to Tara but hung her head. “I am such a mess. Every time I’m around you I make an ass of myself somehow.”

  Tara drew Belle in toward her. “Hey. Look at me.” She slipped her hand under Belle’s chin and lifted it up. “I remember every time I’ve ever seen you, and you’ve never done any such thing.”

  Belle was smart, passionate, and beautiful. Sure, she was a little clumsy and awkward as well, but it was charming, and Tara couldn’t get enough of everything that was Belle. Belle’s eyes sparkled as they stared deep into Tara’s. The intimate connection both fueled her desire and alarmed her senses. She fought between pulling away and pulling Belle in close. Tara drew her fingers softly from Belle’s chin down her smooth neck. She could feel the quick pulsing of Belle’s heartbeat under her touch. She gripped her shoulder as Belle tilted her head back. Tara watched Belle’s soft lips part, and instinct drew hers down to them. Suddenly, Belle turned away and gasped. She stepped out of Tara’s arms and crossed her own in front of her.

  “What?” Tara asked as she followed Belle’s line of sight toward a woman who stood on the other side of the glass. “Oh. Now I see why it was so easy for us to sneak up on you earlier.” Lucy raised an eyebrow and waved at them through the glass.

  “Umm, you should probably go,” Belle said as she walked toward the vault door.

  “Why?” Tara would just need a minute to say good-bye to her sister. “Come on. This will be painless.” Tara motioned for Belle to follow her.


  Belle stood still and looked at Tara. “What?” She had no desire whatsoever to meet Tara’s girlfriend, and less so after she’d just caught them in such a compromising and heated moment together. And it was hot. “It’s a little awkward.”

  “Why? It’s fine. She doesn’t care. You shouldn’t.”

  “I don’t think it’s a great idea.” Belle assumed Tara had multiple relationships, but to be so open about them didn’t sit well with her.

  “Sure it is. Come on.” Tara took Belle’s hand and led her out into the hallway toward the beautiful woman. They came to a stop in front of her, and Belle smiled nervously.

  Tara slipped her arm around the woman and pulled her into her side. In much the same way as she had when Belle saw them in the hallway earlier. Belle’s stomach twisted into a knot.

  Tara smiled and introduced her. “Lucy, this is Belle. Belle, this is Lucy, my sister.”

  Belle’s stomach untied so fast she felt a little nauseous. “Your sister?”

  “Yes.” Tara and Lucy smiled, and Belle saw the resemblance.

  “I had no—” She was interrupted by the clacking sound of tiny shoes trampling toward them. She peeked around Tara and Lucy and saw Eden and Olivia sprinting toward them followed by their tall father. “Girls! What are you doing down here?” Belle asked.

  “Ms. Winters!” they said.

  They skidded to a stop between them and looked up at her. “Hi!” Then they turned to Tara and Lucy. “Hi, Mommy! Hi, Aunt Tara!”

  Belle felt like she’d just been hit with a brick. “Aunt? They’re your…” She pointed between the girls and Tara, unable to get out a complete sentence.

  Tara laughed. “Yes. The girls you wanted to abduct belong to me. Sort of.”

  Belle looked at Lucy in shock. “I didn’t. That was a joke. I would never.”

  Lucy and Tara laughed. “They haven’t stopped talking about you all day. I’m going to have to pry those Q-Tips from their sleeping hands.” Belle’s heart soared.

  The girls squealed, “Nooo!” And everyone laughed.

  “Ms. Winters?” Eden asked.

  “Do you want to come to our house for dinner?” Olivia finished.

  “Oh! Um.”

  “Girls, you just ate,” Lucy said.

  “Aww, tomorrow?
” Eden asked.

  “Well, I don’t—”

  Before she could finish, Olivia asked, “Ms. Winters, do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Olivia!” Lucy said with surprise.

  Belle laughed. Kids really can say anything. “No, Olivia. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  Eden spoke up. “A girlfriend? Aunt Tara doesn’t have a boyfriend either. She has girlfriends.”

  “Eden!” It was Tara’s turn to be shocked.

  Belle slapped her hand over her mouth. “Ha!” Belle watched Tara’s face turn from pink to red.

  “What?” Eden asked.

  Tara looked at Belle. “I don’t have girlfriends.”

  Lucy interrupted the awkward tension in the air. “Kids! Whatcha gonna do? Okay, girls. I think we’ve made things uncomfortable for your aunt, so we should go. It was nice to meet you, Belle.”

  Belle was even more caught off guard when Lucy hugged her good-bye. She watched as Tara embraced her sister and the girls before they left. It was the first time she’d ever seen any family act with such affection toward each other. She stared with curiosity.

  The twins waved one last time as they stepped into the elevator before Tara turned to a shocked and astounded Belle. “Wow. Aunt Tara, huh?”

  Tara grinned. “That’s me.”

  “I don’t know why, but I’m sort of surprised by that. Not at your sister’s ability to have kids, but to see you so, I don’t know, involved?”

  “Oh. Why’s that?” Tara crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side.

  “No. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that you’re so…ugh.” Belle sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  Tara smiled and stepped toward Belle. “Don’t be sorry. Let’s just say, I don’t let very many people see that side of me. Or anyone. So whatever ideas you have about me are the ones I want you, and everyone else, to have.”

  “Oh. I see.” Belle didn’t believe her in the slightest. She couldn’t imagine that someone with so much affection toward her family could be as disconnected and distant as she wanted others to see.


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