Blake, Abby - Hot Inspiration [A Bride for Eight Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Blake, Abby - Hot Inspiration [A Bride for Eight Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 3

by Abby Blake

  Her arousal spiraled higher, her need more acute, more desperate. She wriggled, pressing hard against him, gasping, groaning, aching for release. As her climax started, Matt lifted her slightly, slammed his cock into her pussy, and started fucking her like a wild man. No longer able to control his movements, Bryce pounded into her again and again until she was screaming in ecstasy. Her orgasm burned through her like a brush fire, scorching her heart and soul as her men branded her with their love.

  * * * *

  Bryce could barely breathe. Mikayla’s back passage squeezed his cock rhythmically as she came apart in their arms. His own orgasm tore through him, emptying his seed deep into her ass, his mind as exhausted as his body.

  He held still a moment, his cock wedged deep in his wife’s glorious ass, but then his leg cramped, and he quickly withdrew. Unfortunately, he wasn’t fast enough.

  She turned immediately, pinning him with her gaze, her expression showing that she knew exactly what he was doing. It didn’t help that thanks to their connection through Mikayla, Matt had also felt Bryce’s sudden withdrawal.

  “When are you going to get that fixed?” Matt asked quietly.

  Mikayla raised an eyebrow, daring him to deny the pain he’d just felt. Refuting it was probably no less wrong than what Mikayla had done by refusing to use her safe word, but he couldn’t quite convince himself to travel back to Earth to get his leg fixed properly. Every time he closed his eyes, he could see Matt bleeding and Mikayla facing an assassin’s gun. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t been shot or that Matt had survived his injuries. When Bryce closed his eyes it was what he saw. He never wanted to see his family in danger again. He especially didn’t want them in danger because of him.

  “Soon,” Bryce managed to mumble. In some ways, he was endangering them by not getting his leg fixed—his main duty was security after all—but every time he finally managed to talk himself into it, something happened, and he found an excuse not to.

  “What about this planet?” Mikayla asked. “There’s a fairly well established colony. Maybe their medical facilities are capable of fixing your leg.”

  Damn. He hadn’t even thought of that. At least while they were on contract, getting his leg fixed was something he’d do in the future. But if they had adequate medical facilities here, it was probably more convenient and definitely safer for him than traveling back to Earth. But it didn’t stop Bryce searching for an excuse to avoid the surgery altogether.

  Unfortunately, with his brain still mush from post-coital bliss, he wasn’t thinking fast enough, and Mikayla somehow managed to extract a promise from him that he would make immediate inquiries.


  * * * *

  Mikayla silently fumed as she faced down her husbands. She hadn’t left the station since they’d landed on this planet, and now they were trying to deny her the chance to travel with Bryce to his doctor’s appointment.

  “Why not?” Mikayla asked, barely managing to voice the question without pouting. How the hell she’d managed to hold her tongue for so long was simply beyond her. She barely recognized the woman she’d been before Brock and Lachlan had literally spanked her back to her old self.

  “Because we don’t know this planet very well,” Bryce said, sounding perfectly reasonable.

  “Bullshit,” she said, trying to smile through her anger. “You’ve all traveled into town on more than one occasion. That’s plenty of time to determine if the planet is safe for me to wander through a few market stalls with four damn bodyguards.”

  Ryan and Ty smirked at the bodyguard crack but wisely stayed out of her argument with Bryce. “Honey,” Matt said. It was obvious simply from his cajoling tone that he would take his twin’s side in this argument. “We just want to be certain you’re adequately protected, and the best way to do that is for you to stay here.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” she said, turning her wrath on Matt. “Do you have any idea how fucking isolated I feel here? Do you?” Matt gave her that hurt look that she would’ve fallen for a couple of years ago, but she was wise to his tactics now. “Don’t!” She held her hand up to silence whatever platitude he was going to throw at her this time. “I’m coming with you, and that’s all there is to it. If you think I’m not safe, then do something to make sure I am. But I will not spend one more minute being coddled by men who say they love me but won’t let me make decisions for myself.”

  She heard Ty try to hide his laughter with a cough, and she rounded on him, ready to pick up with him where she’d left off with Matt. But Ty held his hands up in surrender.

  “Don’t blame me, darlin’. Matt’s the caveman who always needs to be in control.”

  Too true.

  “Fine,” Matt said, sounding completely and thoroughly exasperated. “You can come with us to the market and to the hospital with Bryce, but I will drag you back here at the first sign of trouble.” He stood in front of her, hands on his hips, ready to argue some more. But Mikayla wasn’t crazy. She knew when to compromise.

  “Of course,” she said with what she hoped was a nonthreatening, not-too-innocent smile. Matt gave her an assessing look but turned to Bryce to make arrangements.

  Within the hour, they were in the flying pod headed into town. According to the descriptions her husbands had given her, it wasn’t exactly a thriving metropolis. It did contain many small tourist retreats and family-run businesses, and from what she understood, the local hospital was quite well provisioned. Mikayla really hoped they could help Bryce.

  She knew exactly why he hesitated to get his leg fixed. She’d been lying in his arms more than once when he’d had the nightmare, reliving the day when Matt had been shot by an assassin who’d mistaken him for Bryce. Mikayla hadn’t been hurt, but it was as if Bryce’s worst fears played out in his dreams. Each time he’d had the nightmare, she’d soothed him with quiet words and gentle touches until he’d either fallen back to sleep or grabbed her and made love to her like he couldn’t quite believe she was still with him.

  Today he seemed to be in a little more pain than usual, and she wondered if his muscles were tensing up from stress. It was obvious he really didn’t want to spend any more time in hospital.

  They arrived early for Bryce’s appointment, so they had time to wander through the market stalls. Mikayla soaked up the atmosphere. As much as she loved living at the station with her husbands, it was a very isolating experience. Hopefully, Tracey and her husbands would visit them on this planet soon. They’d originally planned to visit them on the jungle planet, but with the mouse tears pheromone, it had simply been too dangerous. After the fucked-up laws on the ice planet and the messed-up effects of nature on the jungle planet, it was quite a relief to find a planet that could almost be considered normal.

  Well, normal in an alien sort of way. Some of the creatures they’d been studying were downright grotesque. One small snake-like critter they’d found had so many internal fluid pouches that it looked like a pile of bubbles until it started to move really fast. Fortunately, the bubble-snake, as Mikayla had called it, was quite timid and more likely to move away when it moved really, really fast. Another creature they’d found had dozens of hollow legs, all capable of carrying water. A couple of beetle-like creatures seemed to survive without any water at all.

  In the center of the market, several food stalls had been set up. It was strange to see something that looked like barbecued chicken sitting next to roasted bubble-snake in the windows. As adventurous as Mikayla tried to be when faced with new cultures and gastronomical delights, she was quite ready to draw the line at roasted bubble-snake.

  Her men shuffled her toward a women’s clothing stall, and she quickly found herself inundated with suggestions on what they could buy for her. It seemed a little silly to buy heaps of clothes when she spent practically every moment inside the environmentally controlled science station. Add that to the fact that she had eight husbands who mostly preferred for her to be naked, and her need for pretty clothes was ra
ther small.

  She ended up buying another loose fitting pantsuit similar to the one she wore to the markets. With the sun so hot, it was necessary to cover every piece of skin to avoid severe sunburn, but since she was rarely in the sun, two outfits were plenty. She did, however, notice Ryan and Ty purchase a handful of soft, filmy scarves, and she had a moment to wonder what they had in mind before Bryce and Matt hustled her to the next stall.

  “Scoooz me,” a young child said as she ran up and tugged on Mikayla’s shirt, “are you a p’incess?” Mikayla smiled at the gorgeous little darling. She was maybe four or five Earth years old with a head full of golden curls that not even her sunhat could tame.

  “Sorry, sweetie pie, I’m just a regular girl, not a princess.”

  “Oh,” the child said looking very disappointed. “I thought you was a p’incess coz you got so many guards.” Mikayla wanted to smile at the child’s adorable expression but didn’t want to upset her so managed to keep a serious face.

  “No, sorry, no guards, just my overprotective husbands.”

  “Husbands? How many you got?” the child asked with disbelief. Before Mikayla could answer, the little girl’s face scrunched into annoyance. “You only alloweda ’ave one.”

  Mikayla was about to explain when a woman hurried over to the child, grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her away. Mikayla could hear the mother lecturing her daughter over wandering away in a busy marketplace and talking to strangers, so Mikayla didn’t protest the woman’s rude behavior. If she were a mother, she’d likely react the same way.

  * * * *

  Bryce felt his heart leap into high gear. Something about the child’s demeanor certainly set his teeth on edge. He supposed it wasn’t unusual for a child that age to not understand polygamy laws, but it was unexpected to hear her absolute conviction regarding monogamy. He tried to brush it off as an isolated incident, but the more he noticed the people around him, the more he worried. Once you separated tourists from locals, there seemed a very obvious trend—polygamy was common, but only the men had multiple wives. None of the women seemed to have more than one husband.

  “Time to go,” Bryce said, trying to sound casual and failing miserably. He only hoped Mikayla mistook his behavior for tension over the coming doctor’s appointment.

  Several hours later, the doctor said the exact opposite of what Bryce wanted to hear.

  “The good news, Mr. Davidson, is that we have the facilities here to fix your leg. I’m confident that we can restore one hundred percent movement and remove the residual pain from your original accident. I must say, I’ve never seen such a poor repair job. You may want to consider suing the doctor—assuming he was a doctor and not some veterinarian.”

  Mikayla went to open her mouth, but Bryce managed to cut her off.

  “Actually, it’s funny you should mention that. I broke it falling down a crevice on an ice planet.” He could feel Mikayla’s reaction to the lie—he was telling Brock’s story after all—but thankfully she kept her mouth shut. “The only medical help I could get was from my brothers, who just happen to be veterinarians.”

  “Oh,” the doctor said with a quiet chuckle. “I suppose that rules out getting a hold of your previous medical scans.”

  “Correct,” Bryce lied. Damn it, he should’ve thought this through a little better. Trying to get a copy of his old medical records would probably alert the exact wrong people to his whereabouts. He tried to hide the heated feeling of dread as it slithered through his veins.

  “No problems,” the doctor said with a friendly smile. “We’ve got the new scans. They’re the most important. I can book you in for surgery…this time next week.” The doctor scratched his head for a moment. “I’m still trying to get used to the calendars on this planet. It’s a human colony for pity’s sake. You’d think they stick with the seven-day week.” He flicked through his appointment device a couple more times. “Okay, eight days from today. You’ll need to stay overnight, but as long as you have someone to help you, and barring complications, I can’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be able to head home after that. You’ll need to visit the physiotherapist a time or two, but then you’ll just need to follow his advice and you should be good as new in a few weeks.”

  The “good as new” part sounded very tempting. It was the “few” weeks part that was making him nervous. But he knew Mikayla wanted him to get it fixed. And the pain was probably exacerbating his issue with nightmares.

  “Okay,” he said, hoping he wouldn’t live to regret it.

  Chapter Four

  Mikayla knew Bryce was concerned about the surgery, but it was when she’d spoken to the young child in the market that his tension had wound much tighter. Now that they were finally back at the station, she had every intention of getting some answers.

  She’d already figured out his reasons for providing Brock’s broken leg story rather than his own, but she felt a little queasy that she still didn’t know how he’d received the original injury.

  He must’ve seen the questions on her face because he lifted her off her feet, stuck his tongue in her mouth, and very thoroughly derailed her thoughts. By the time he dropped her in the middle of his bed, she was completely naked and totally horny.

  Bryce kissed the sore lines where the bra had cut into her flesh. She’d considered going to town without the torturous apparel—with the layers of clothing it would’ve been difficult to notice she wasn’t wearing one—but her sense of propriety wouldn’t quite let her leave home without underwear. It didn’t matter how much Brock and Lachlan growled. She planned to always wear undergarments in public.

  Bryce slid lower down the bed, sucking her nipple into his mouth and tugging gently with his teeth. She undulated against him as the sting morphed into heat and traveled straight to her clit. His hands smoothed down her stomach, caressing lower as he found her dripping slit and then pressed inside. She arched off the bed at the unexpectedly rough invasion, but her husband soothed her with soft kisses, his fingers thrusting into and out of her slick pussy as his mouth found her clit and sucked hard.

  Her ass and belly began to tingle, her whole lower body moving rhythmically against his mouth. He pressed her down with his forearms, holding her captive for his torture. Her hands found his hair, grabbing at him as he tormented her throbbing clit.

  Heat snaked through her and she was about to explode when the bedroom door burst open. Ryan and Ty both entered the room, and she growled low in her throat at their chuckles.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you look so beautiful like this.” Ryan stepped closer to touch her face, and she had the ridiculous urge to bite his hand. He laughed and tapped her lips with his finger.

  “We have a new game,” Ty said as he stepped closer. Bryce moved away and let them maneuver Mikayla onto her hands and knees. She was still shaking—her orgasm was that close—but she was intrigued enough not to yell at them just yet.

  “Let me tell you the rules of the new game,” Ryan said as he stepped in front of her and lowered his jeans. His long, thick cock bobbed in front of her as he continued with his instructions. “Rule number one. Whoever comes first gets punished.”

  “H–How,” she managed to stutter out. Her ass might not be sore anymore, but she planned to keep it that way for a while longer.

  “Nipple clamps, clit clamp, butt plug,” Ty said with a mischievous grin.

  “Uh-huh,” Mikayla said her voice dripping with skepticism. “You’re telling me that you’ll wear nipple clamps if you lose?”

  “No, sweetheart,” Ryan said with an identical smile to Ty’s, “we’re telling you you’re going to lose.”

  She laughed, realizing that they were probably right. Her orgasm was still simmering below the surface, and it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge. She took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to calm herself. “But what do I get if I win?”

  “Nipple clamps, clit clamp, butt plug,” Ty managed to say with a completely straight face.

“Fine,” she said, laughing openly now. She should’ve known any game Ryan and Ty came up with would be rigged in their favor.

  “Ready?” Bryce asked as he rolled onto his back and slid in between her thighs. He gripped her hips and pulled her lower so that he could suck her clit into his mouth. She barely got the word “yes” out before Ryan thrust his cock deep into her mouth.

  She sucked on him, trying to concentrate on driving him out of his mind rather than what Bryce was doing to her already throbbing clit. But it didn’t work. The heat from before returned with a vengeance, and she sucked on Ryan harder, trying to stop her impending release. But then Bryce thrust his fingers back into her pussy, and she was lost.

  Every muscle jumped and pulsed as orgasm swept through her. She sucked harder on Ryan, trying to take him over the edge with her, but her pussy convulsed around Bryce’s fingers, and she had to release Ryan to take a deep breath.

  Heat rolled over her and through her and back over again as Bryce continued to suck her clit and finger-fuck her pussy. Finally, the trembling stopped, and she dropped her head to the bed, exhausted.

  “My, that is quite disappointing,” Ty said as he lifted her up onto her knees. “What punishment would you like first?” She rolled her eyes at his obvious glee. All of the “punishments” would make it more difficult for her to hold back her orgasm, so she had very little chance of winning this game.

  “You choose,” she said, knowing that they’d probably override any choice she made anyway.

  “Excellent, nipple clamps it is.”

  Ryan and Ty leaned over either side of the bed and snagged a nipple each with their mouths. Bryce still lapped at her pussy, licking and suckling the cream of her last orgasm, holding her close to orgasm once more. She gasped as Ryan and Ty attached the clamps to her nipples at the same time. She breathed through the sting, waiting for the pain to morph into pleasure.


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