Web of Desire

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Web of Desire Page 12

by Ray Gordon

  ‘Hi, Mandy,’ David said as she pressed the receiver to her ear. ‘I rang last night, and this evening, but …’

  ‘Sorry,’ she breathed. ‘I … I’ve not been feeling too well. I went to bed early last night.’

  ‘God, I’m sorry. Have I woken you?’

  ‘No, no, I was just dozing. I didn’t hear the phone last night. I must have been sleeping.’

  ‘Is there anything I can do for you? I could come round and …’

  ‘No, no, I’ll be OK. I think it was a tummy bug.’

  ‘Well, if you’re sure? Oh, by the way, I was talking to your dad earlier.’


  ‘He’s having a barbecue tomorrow evening for your mum’s birthday.’

  ‘God, yes, her birthday. I’d forgotten all about that.’

  ‘He’s invited me and he’ll obviously ask you along. It’ll be like the old days, Mandy. Of course, we won’t be able to have a kiss and a cuddle, but …’

  ‘I suppose I ought to see them,’ Mandy sighed. ‘Especially as it’s Mum’s birthday.’

  ‘You don’t sound very keen.’

  ‘It’s just that … I’m not sure what’s happening tomorrow evening.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’

  ‘David, what are your plans? I mean, where do you see us going?’

  ‘Plans, for us? Well, I know that I’m a lot older than you, but … I want to look after you, Mandy. You’re in your flat alone every evening, you don’t seem to get out and meet people or have a social life …’

  ‘I do have some friends.’

  ‘Yes, but … as you said, you’ve not had a proper relationship for two years. I’m old, so I don’t expect you to … what I mean is … God, I’m making a mess of this.’

  ‘I know what you mean. At least, I think I do. My life is complicated at the moment.’

  ‘Complicated? Do you mean your work?’

  ‘No … well, there is that. I’m not the sort of girl you think I am, David.’

  ‘I know exactly what sort of girl you are, Mandy. Good God, I’ve known you for years. You’re sweet, innocent … and you need looking after.’

  ‘Yes, well … Look, I’ll go to the barbecue. It’ll be nice to see Mum and Dad – and you, of course.’

  ‘OK, that’s great.’

  ‘I should be feeling a lot better by then. Thanks for ringing, David.’

  ‘If there’s anything worrying you, you will tell me?’

  ‘Yes, yes, of course.’

  ‘OK, you have a good night’s sleep and I’ll see you at the barbecue.’

  Sighing as she hung up, Mandy climbed the stairs to her bedroom. She liked David and, had he come along before Gary, she’d have enjoyed a long-term relationship with him. But now that Gary was on the scene, and Henry and Jackie … She could never be faithful to one man, she knew as she slipped beneath her quilt. Her fingers delving between the fleshy lips of her pussy, she massaged her swelling clitoris and quivered as the heavenly sensations transmitted deep into her contracting womb. If only David was there now, she thought dreamily as her vaginal muscles tightened. If only any man was there in her bed.

  Her thoughts now constantly centred on crude sex, and she wondered how many more men she’d meet, how many cocks would drive deep into her young vagina and splatter her cervix with fresh sperm. Feeling wicked, and sexually alive, she reached to the bedside drawer and pulled out her torch. The plastic shaft was long, thick and hard, and she knew that it would make an ideal phallus. Parting the inflamed lips of her vulva, she eased the end of the torch into her sperm-flooded sex duct and let out a gasp.

  As she drove the plastic shaft in and out of her tightening vagina, the rounded end battering her ripe cervix, Mandy parted her slender legs to the extreme and again massaged the sensitive nub of her erect clitoris. ‘My cunt,’ she breathed in her decadence. ‘God, my beautiful cunt.’

  Her crude words sending her into a sexual frenzy, she repeatedly rammed the plastic torch deep into her tight sex duct. Imagining the men’s cocks shafting her, fucking the tight holes between her thighs, she pictured a third cock bloating her mouth, the purple knob driving to the back of her throat. Three cocks, four, five … How many cocks could her young body take? she wondered.

  Leaving the torch in place, Mandy grabbed a plastic pen from the bedside table and slipped the rounded end into her tight anal hole. Never had she abused her young body like this, and she realised just how much pleasure she’d missed over the years. Holding the torch and the pen, repeatedly driving the two phalluses into her spunk-laden sex sheaths, she whimpered incoherent words of crude lust as she massaged her swollen clitoris.

  ‘I’m coming,’ Mandy breathed as her clitoris pulsated. ‘God, I’m coming.’ Her orgasm erupting, shaking her perspiring body, she screamed in the grip of her self-induced pleasure. Her anal muscles gripping the thrusting pen, her vagina spewing out its fresh girl-milk, her clitoris pulsating fiercely, she tossed her head from side to side and screamed again as her pleasure peaked and shook her to the core.

  Wishing that Gary and Henry were there, she imagined sucking on their cocks, their knobs double fucking her mouth and pumping creamy spunk down her throat. Gary, Henry, David … Three men, three cocks fucking her young body and pumping her full of male cream. Her orgasm finally melting, she lay convulsing and gasping in her bed. At last, she thought dreamily. At last, she’d discovered the delights of her naked body. She’d discovered sex, deviant sex, and couldn’t give it up. Wishing again that David had asked her out before she’d become a slut, she slipped the plastic phalluses out of her burning sex ducts and closed her eyes. Wondering when she’d see Jackie again, she was desperate for more crude sex. David, Gary, Henry, Jackie … Who would be next on her list of sexual conquests?


  AFTER BREAKFAST, MANDY sat at her computer and tried to get on with some work. You’re sweet, innocent … and you need looking after. David’s words haunted her, played on her mind, as she cleared the way to begin work on the large web site. Spreading the sheets of A4 paper out on the desk, she reclined in her swivel chair and sighed. She had two choices, she decided. She could either forget her sordid life and enjoy a proper relationship with David, or … But she knew in her heart that she couldn’t deny herself the amazing pleasure of two cocks shafting her tight sex holes.

  ‘What the hell’s happened to me?’ she whispered, recalling her life before Paula. She’d been isolated and lonely with no sex life, not even enjoying masturbation, but she hadn’t had to endure this confusion. The game of one-upmanship with Paula had been fun at times, but it was no longer a game. Her debauched fantasies of crude sex had now become reality. Recalling her father’s words, she bit her lip and grimaced. Be careful what it is you want, because you just might get it. She had wanted to be like Paula, she reflected. She’d wanted to be bubbly, earn decent money and have several men on the go and … But now?

  Mandy thought about her life before Paula as she wandered into the lounge. She’d had a routine, the shopping, her work, cleaning the flat … If she hadn’t met Paula at the bus stop that fateful day, things wouldn’t have changed, she reflected as the phone rang. Flopping into the armchair and grabbing the receiver, she was pleased to hear her mother’s voice. Trying to sound pleased about the barbecue, she didn’t let on that she already knew about it.

  ‘It’ll be nice to see you,’ her mother said. ‘We don’t see much of you any more. Why don’t you come over more often?’

  ‘I hadn’t forgotten about your birthday, Mum,’ Mandy said. ‘It’s just that I’ve been really busy. My work is taking off at last. I’m beginning to earn some decent money.’

  ‘That is good news, Mandy. You’ve put so much effort into it, you deserve to have some success. By the way, David will be coming this evening.’

  ‘Oh, that’s nice. I haven’t seen him for … for a long time.’

  ‘Between you and me, I think he must have a young lady in his life.’

‘What makes you think that?’

  ‘He seems different – happy and … Let’s just say it’s a woman’s instinct. How about you? Do you have a young man, yet?’

  ‘No, no,’ Mandy lied. ‘I’m too busy with work to bother with men. Look, I’ll see you later, Mum. I have a lot to do today.’

  ‘OK, dear. Why don’t you stay for the night?’

  ‘Yes, I might do that. I’ll see you later.’

  Working on the web site until mid-afternoon, Mandy finally switched her computer off and went up to her bedroom. Deciding to take Jack Carforth’s cheque to the bank on the way, and buy a card and a present for her mother, she dressed in a knee-length skirt and white blouse. It would be nice to be away from the flat for the night, she mused as she closed the front door behind her. And away from the telephone. Wondering whether Henry had spoken to Paula since last night, she hoped he wouldn’t say that he’d gone back to Mandy’s place. It was odd that Paula hadn’t phoned, she thought. There again, she was probably busy at work.

  ‘Mandy,’ her mother said, her face beaming as she opened the front door. ‘Come in, come in. David’s in the garden with your father.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Mandy said softly, kissing the woman’s cheek and following her into the kitchen. ‘It’s good to see you, Mum. Happy birthday. Here’s your card and present.’

  ‘Oh, thank you. It’s nice to see you, dear. By the way, I was right about David.’


  ‘He has got a young lady. And you’ll never guess. She’s only your age.’

  ‘Oh, I see. That’s rather young, isn’t it?’

  ‘That’s what I thought. But if they’re happy …’

  ‘Mum, what would you say if I went out with a man of David’s age?’

  ‘I don’t know. He’d be old enough to be your father, but … Happiness comes first, Mandy. If you found a man of David’s age, and you were happy, then I’d be happy for you.’

  Biting her lip as her mother poured her a glass of white wine, Mandy wondered what David had said about his so-called young lady. He wasn’t stupid, she thought as she sipped her wine. He wouldn’t have said anything about Mandy. Following her mother into the garden, she hugged her father and then smiled at David. This was going to be difficult, she knew as he took her hand and kissed her cheek.

  ‘It’s great to see you,’ David said, pulling out a patio chair and gesturing for her to sit down. ‘So, what have you been up to?’

  ‘She’s been working and earning money,’ her mother said proudly as David sat opposite Mandy. ‘She’s doing very well, aren’t you, dear?’

  ‘Yes – yes I am.’

  ‘I always knew you’d do well,’ her father said, standing by the barbecue and prodding the sausages with a fork. ‘She’s a hard worker, David. She’ll go far.’

  ‘Yes, indeed,’ David said, gazing into Mandy’s dark eyes. ‘You’re into web-site design, aren’t you?’

  ‘Yes, that’s right,’ Mandy breathed, her stomach somersaulting as he reached across the table and squeezed her hand. ‘All work and no play, though, I’m afraid.’

  Sipping his beer as her parents went into the kitchen, he leant forward across the table. ‘I’ve really missed you,’ he whispered.

  ‘I’ve missed you, David. What did you tell my parents about your young lady?’

  ‘Oh, your mother guessed,’ he said with a chuckle. ‘Don’t worry, I didn’t give the game away.’ Lowering his head and gazing into his glass of beer, he squeezed her hand again. ‘Mandy, if ever we … I mean, if we get serious about each other, what would your parents say?’

  ‘Well, I … I don’t know.’

  ‘I feel that I have an obstacle course in front of me,’ David sighed. ‘Firstly, there’s my age. I’m old enough to be your father. I don’t really know how you feel about me, and then there’s your parents to worry about.’

  ‘You’re thinking too far ahead, David. Let’s just see what happens, OK?’

  ‘OK. I’m sorry. It’s just that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. What we did down by the river was …’

  ‘More beer, David?’ Mandy’s father asked as he stepped onto the patio.

  ‘Oh, er … yes, thanks.’

  ‘Are you staying the night, Mandy?’

  ‘I think so, Dad.’

  ‘In that case, finish your wine and I’ll top you up.’

  Downing her drink and watching her father refill her glass, Mandy couldn’t work out her feelings for David. Unlike Gary, he obviously wanted a lot more than a quick fuck, she reflected. Asking her father to leave the wine bottle on the table, she thought that getting tipsy might bring out her true feelings. David was a lovely man, she thought, gulping down her drink as he smiled at her. His age didn’t come into it and she wasn’t too worried about her parents, so what was the problem?

  Refilling her glass, Mandy knew what the problem was. Her love of sex with different men, the amazing pleasure she’d derived from having two cocks ramming deep into her sex sheaths, her incredible experience with Jackie, her insatiable clitoris … David had money, a lovely house, he was kind and considerate, he was good in bed … What more could a girl want? Two cocks, she reflected. Three cocks, spunk flooding her mouth, her vagina, her tight rectum and …

  ‘I wouldn’t cramp your style,’ David said, breaking her reverie as if he’d been reading her thoughts.

  ‘What do you mean?’ she asked him.

  ‘You’re young, Mandy,’ he whispered as her father hovered by the barbecue. ‘You’ll want friends of your own age and you’ll want to do things and go places where an old man like me wouldn’t fit in. I understand that so, should you decide that you want to be with me, I won’t stop you from living your life.’

  ‘The thing is …’ she began, sighing as her mother placed a plate of garlic bread on the table. ‘I’m going to take a look around the garden,’ she said, smiling at her mother.

  ‘I’ll go with you,’ David said, leaving the table as Mandy wandered across the lawn.

  Making out that she was looking at the flowers as her mother said how nice it would be if she rented her flat out and moved back home, she felt more confused than ever. Why couldn’t David have come along before she’d met Paula? she wondered as he stood by her side. Why couldn’t he have come along before she’d opened her pussy lips to Jackie, Gary and Henry? David wanted a serious relationship with her, her mother wanted her to move back home … Maybe the barbecue wasn’t such a good idea, she mused, walking to the end of the garden.

  ‘Are you all right?’ David asked her, joining her behind the hedge.

  ‘I’m confused,’ she replied honestly.

  ‘It’s me, isn’t it? I’m sorry, Mandy. I should have kept my big mouth shut.’

  ‘No, no, it’s not just you. Mum wants me to move back, I’m really busy with my work and …’

  ‘Is there someone else? Look, if there is … What I’m trying to say is that I wouldn’t mind.’

  ‘You wouldn’t mind?’ she said in surprise, frowning at him.

  ‘As I said, I wouldn’t cramp your style.’

  ‘I’m not saying that there is anyone else but, if there was, you wouldn’t mind? You wouldn’t mind if I went out with another man?’

  ‘I’m in love with you, Mandy. I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you.’

  ‘That would be awful for you, David. Knowing that I was out with some man, knowing that I was sleeping with another man …’

  ‘If you came home to me afterwards, I wouldn’t mind.’

  ‘It wouldn’t work, David. It would tear you apart.’

  ‘I’d live in the hope that, one day, you’d want only me.’

  David didn’t know what he was saying, Mandy thought as he placed his hands on her shoulders and gazed into her wide eyes. If he knew that she’d been out with another man, fucking another man, he couldn’t welcome her home as if nothing had happened. If he knew that her pussy was brimming with another man’s spunk, it ju
st wouldn’t work. Besides, she wouldn’t want a relationship like that. What would he think if he knew about Jackie? she wondered as he leant forward and kissed her full lips. What would he think if he knew that she’d enjoyed lesbian sex with a teenage girl?

  Unzipping his trousers, Mandy pulled out David’s flaccid penis and retracted his foreskin as their tongues entwined. He breathed heavily through his nose as she rubbed her thumb over the silky-smooth surface of his swelling knob. He must have thought this was a sign of her acceptance, she thought dreamily as her clitoris swelled and her juices of lust seeped into the tight crotch of her panties. In reality, it was nothing more than a sign of her increasing thirst for sex.

  Wanking his solid cock, she wanted to show David that she was a slut. She wasn’t the sweet little girl who used to live next door, the innocent little virgin who’d enjoyed his company at her parents’ barbecues. She’d grown up, gone out into the big bad world – and opened her tight cunt to other men and a girl and discovered crude sex. Sex with two men, sex with a teenage girl and … She couldn’t give up her newfound life. Lifting her skirt and pulling the front of her panties down, she held his cock tight and increased her wanking rhythm.

  ‘Come in my knickers,’ she breathed huskily, pressing his bulbous knob against her hairless sex slit. ‘I want you to spunk in my knickers, David.’

  ‘Mandy, I … Why?’

  ‘I want to feel your spunk against my cunt. I want to feel my spunked knickers against my cunt all evening.’

  As his fresh sperm jetted from his throbbing knob and ran down the creamy valley of her vulva, he threw his head back and moaned softly. If this didn’t give him a better picture of the sort of girl she was, then nothing would, Mandy thought. Talking about his spunk running down her cunt crack, she held him close and continued to wank his solid shaft until he began to crumple. Finally staggering back, he watched as she pulled her panties up and allowed the thin cotton material to soak up the product of his orgasm.


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