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Web of Desire

Page 21

by Ray Gordon

  Realising that her decadent sex session with four men wasn’t helping her to decide what it was she wanted, Mandy considered her options. Paula was moving into her flat, so Mandy either would have to live at home with her parents, move in with David, or take Jackie up on her offer. Ruling her parents out, she tried to imagine living with David. Would it work, being next door to her parents? Back to Jackie, she mused as David slipped his knob out of her spunk-flooded mouth and the deflating penis left her bottom-hole with a loud sucking sound.

  Her eyes closed, Mandy had no idea whose cock now drove deep into her rectal duct. The anal shafting once more rocking her naked body, she listened to the squelching sound of sperm and gasps of male pleasure. Her anal canal inflamed, her tight brown hole burning, she whimpered and writhed as the crude abuse sent her arousal soaring. Fingers driving into the neglected sheath of her pussy, massaging deep inside her young vagina, she knew that this was the ultimate act of decadence. Jackie could never do this. The girl had love to offer, but Mandy craved lust and sexual abuse.

  Her rectum flooding again with male sex cream, her erect clitoris massaged by the thrusting fingers, Mandy shuddered as she reached her mind-blowing orgasm. Shaking uncontrollably as fingernails bit into the delicate flesh of her pert breasts, she wondered how many more anal fuckings she could endure. Her orgasm peaked and she grimaced as teeth sank again into the sensitive teats of her brown nipples and more fingers drove deep into the inflamed cavern of her aching vagina.

  ‘No more,’ Mandy finally managed to gasp. ‘Please … no more.’ The men ignored her. The fingers left her sex-drenched vagina, the deflating penis withdrew from her tight anal sheath, but another solid cock took its place and slipped easily into the wet heat of her sperm-laden rectum. Her eyes rolling, her head lolling from side to side, she breathed heavily and convulsed wildly as the solid knob repeatedly drove deep into the dank heat of her sperm-bubbling bowels. More fingers stretched her inflamed vagina open to capacity and she murmured incoherent words of sex in her delirium.

  Sperm flooded her bowels once more, filling her to the brim as the men looked on and chuckled and whispered their crude words. The cock withdrew and was immediately replaced by another rock-hard organ. The ropes bit into Mandy’s wrists and ankles as the enforced shafting commenced and she wondered again how much more her young body could take. Her holes would be bubbling with spunk for hours, she mused, listening to the sound of flesh meeting flesh. Would Jackie suck out the hot spunk from her tight bottom-hole and drink it?

  Her thinking was perverse. She’d changed beyond belief in such a short time. Had she not bumped into Paula, had she not gone to the wine bar on that fateful evening … But it was the future that concerned her. She couldn’t spend the rest of her life fucking strangers. Confused, Mandy didn’t know what to do as another deluge of creamy sperm filled her hot bowels.

  The men finally became exhausted. Mandy curled up in a ball on the ground as the ropes were released. Spunk oozing from the inflamed holes between her wet inner thighs, she watched as her abusers dressed. Would she be meeting them in the woods again? she wondered. Would David find more young men to use and abuse her young body? Grabbing what was left of her clothes, she managed to dress as the teenage lads slipped away. The old man said goodbye to David, and added that he was looking forward to the next time.

  ‘Are you all right?’ David asked her as his friend left the clearing.

  ‘Yes, I … I think so,’ Mandy gasped. ‘God, that was incredible.’

  ‘At least I now know what you want. I can give you anything you want, Mandy. If you move in with me, I can bring friends to the house and—’

  ‘I need to get home,’ she cut in. ‘Please, David, take me home.’

  As they walked back to the car, Mandy felt sperm streaming down her inner thighs. Her clothes in tatters, her young body aching, all she wanted to do was get home and go to bed. The people outside the pub gazed at her as she climbed into David’s car. Her hair dishevelled, her blouse torn, they must have wondered what she’d been up to. They’d never know, she thought as David drove her home. No one would ever know what a slut she’d turned out to be.


  AFTER A SHOWER the following morning, Mandy dressed in a miniskirt and T-shirt. Her body was still aching from her time in the woods with four men as she made herself a cup of coffee and sat in the lounge. She was going to have to ring Jackie, she knew as she checked her watch. Seven-thirty – the girl was bound to be up and about. Dialling the number and pressing the receiver to her ear, she had no idea what she was going to say. Should she move in with her?

  ‘Hi,’ Jackie trilled like an excited child. ‘I’ve missed you. How are you?’

  ‘I’m fine,’ Mandy replied. ‘Jackie, I … I think I’ve come to a decision.’

  ‘Really? OK, tell me the worst.’

  ‘Actually, I haven’t come to a decision. What I mean is … God, I don’t know what I mean.’

  ‘OK, calm down. If you need more time, that’s fine by me. I don’t want to rush you.’

  ‘I said that I needed twenty-four hours …’

  ‘Mandy, don’t worry about it. Just take your time. By the way, I rang you last night. I rang several times.’

  ‘Yes, I … I was out all evening. Look, can you come and pick me up?’

  ‘What, now?’

  ‘No, no. Say, nine o’clock?’

  ‘Er … you want me to take the day off work?’

  ‘Yes, if you can.’

  ‘OK. What’s the plan, where are we going?’

  ‘To your house, if that’s all right?’

  ‘Yes, no problem.’

  ‘Thanks, Jackie. I’ll see you later.’

  Replacing the receiver, Mandy finished her coffee and checked her emails. Three more potential customers, she mused happily. A large company in London wanting a huge web site, an electrical wholesaler asking for a quote … Work was piling up, and Mandy knew that she had to clear her head and get down to business. This was what she’d always wanted, she thought. Customers building up, the money coming in … She switched the computer off, knowing that she couldn’t concentrate on the business until her private life was settled.

  She bounded up the stairs, grabbed two suitcases and began packing her clothes. ‘That’s it,’ she breathed, emptying her wardrobe. ‘I’ve come to a decision.’ Realising how few clothes she had as she packed the cases, she gathered up the things from her dressing table. With money coming in, she’d be able to buy some new outfits. Perhaps Jackie would go shopping with her, she mused happily as she lugged the cases downstairs.

  Opening the kitchen cupboards, Mandy gazed at the tins of beans. She hadn’t been shopping for so long that there was very little food in the flat. Packing bits and pieces into cardboard boxes, placing the food she had into carrier bags, she worked for an hour. Finally, having packed up the computer, she was ready to leave the flat. It seemed strange to be leaving, she thought, looking around the place. Two years, she thought, recalling the day when she’d moved in. Two years of working hard on her business, struggling to pay the bills … That was all about to change.

  ‘You’re early,’ she said, answering the front door to find Paula standing on the step.

  ‘I’m on my way to work. I thought I’d call in and make sure it’s still on.’

  ‘Yes, I’m packed and ready to leave. I haven’t been to the solicitor yet. I was rather busy yesterday and got tied up—’

  ‘You’re into bondage?’ Paula cut in, giggling.

  ‘No, I … I’ve worked out the rent,’ Mandy said, taking a piece of paper from the hall table. ‘Is that OK with you?’

  ‘Yes, that’s perfect,’ the other girl replied, gazing at the figures scrawled across the piece of paper. ‘I’m loaded, so money is no object. I’ll move in this evening after work, if that’s OK?’

  ‘That’s fine. There’s a key on the table. I’ll have my phone number changed later today and … God, there’s so much to
do. I should have prepared for this.’

  ‘I get the impression that this was a last-minute decision.’

  ‘You’ll never know just how last-minute it was,’ Mandy sighed. ‘I haven’t told anyone that I’m moving yet.’

  ‘Not even Gary?’

  ‘No, not even Gary.’

  ‘What if he comes round? Where shall I tell him—’

  ‘No one knows where I’m moving to, and I’d rather keep it that way. Paula, you’re looking for a man, aren’t you?’

  ‘Several, if I can find any.’

  ‘You can have Gary.’


  ‘Gary will come round here looking for me at some stage. He’s married and likes a bit on the side, if you’re interested?’

  ‘Yes, but … will he be interested?’

  ‘Of course he will. You’re a very attractive girl, Paula. Gary will be only too willing to … There is one thing.’


  ‘Be honest with Gary. You won’t have to dream up fantasies, Paula.’


  ‘I think you know what I mean.’

  ‘Yes – yes, I do,’ Paula sighed, hanging her head. ‘I didn’t think you’d fall for my lies.’

  ‘You don’t own the company, do you?’

  ‘No, I don’t. You see … when we met at the bus stop, I wanted you to think that I was successful. I was in the Mercedes and … I thought you must be doing well, so I exaggerated a little.’

  ‘A little?’ Mandy retorted. ‘Owning your own company, travelling abroad, owning two houses …’

  ‘I lied,’ Paula confessed. ‘I’m sorry, Mandy.’

  ‘You don’t have to apologise to me. I lied, too.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Paula, when we met I was stony-broke. I’m doing very well now, but … Remember when I met Gary in the wine bar?’


  ‘I’d never seen him before. He chatted me up and …’

  ‘God, Mandy, you’re as bad as me.’

  ‘Yes, I do believe I am.’

  ‘You must be doing very well now. I mean, to rent the flat out and buy a house, you must be raking it in.’

  ‘I’m doing OK,’ Mandy murmured.

  ‘So, when do I get to see your new house?’

  ‘Er … I don’t know. We’ll obviously keep in touch, so I’ll let you know.’

  ‘Right, I’d better get to work. Seeing as I don’t own the company, I don’t want to be late. I’m sorry that I made up all that crap, Mandy.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. We all have dreams and sometimes they spill over and become a sort of reality.’

  ‘I believed it myself at times. All that stuff about travelling abroad … I’d better get to work. I’ll see you around.’

  ‘Don’t forget the key.’

  ‘God, yes. Thanks, Mandy. You’ve got me out of a real spot.’

  ‘I’ll see you soon, OK?’

  ‘Yes, OK.’

  Mandy shook her head as Paula left. At least the girl had been honest at long last, she thought. No doubt she’d lie about being rich to Gary and … It didn’t matter what Paula did, she decided. As long as she paid the rent, she could do and say what she liked. Taking one last look around the lounge, Mandy imagined Paula entertaining Gary on the sofa. Gary would satisfy the girl, and Mandy was sure that Paula would be more than happy with him. Everything was going to work out well, she thought.

  Jackie arrived and gazed at the suitcases and boxes in the hall. Beaming, she realised that Mandy had come to a decision and was ready to leave. Mandy smiled, saying nothing as her lesbian lover helped her to load the car. She didn’t know what to say – there were no words. Finally locking the front door and joining Jackie in the car, she reached over and placed her hand on the girl’s slender thigh. Jackie squeezed her hand, her pretty face smiling as she pulled out into the traffic. Mandy still wasn’t too sure about giving up her men, and she hoped that she wouldn’t crave a solid cock and fresh spunk.

  ‘Here we are,’ Jackie breathed, parking outside her house. ‘We’re home.’

  ‘Home,’ Mandy echoed as she climbed out of the car and gazed at the huge house. ‘It seems funny.’

  ‘What does?’ Jackie asked her.

  ‘Well, this being my new home.’

  ‘I hope you’ll be happy here. I mean, I hope we’ll be happy here.’

  ‘I’m sure we will. Jackie … I have a lot of work to do. I’ve got a web site to design, quotes to do and …’

  ‘You have your own office, so that shouldn’t be a problem. I won’t disturb you, if that’s what you’re worried about?’

  ‘No, I mean … I will need to be left alone when I’m working.’

  ‘You worry too much,’ Jackie said, giggling. ‘Remember that I too have to go to work during the week. Come on, let’s get your stuff into the house.’

  After helping Mandy to lug her things into the hall, Jackie closed the front door. Mandy felt like a fish out of water. This wasn’t her home yet. But she was sure that, given time, she’d settle in and feel more at ease. Passing Mandy a key, Jackie suggested that they should have coffee before taking the things upstairs. Mandy smiled, eyeing the girl’s short skirt, her rounded buttocks, as she followed her into the kitchen. There was more to the relationship than sex, wasn’t there?

  ‘This is a dream come true,’ Jackie said, filling the kettle.

  ‘Yes – yes, it is,’ Mandy murmured. ‘It’s going to be a whole new life, in more ways than one.’

  ‘You’re still worried about men, aren’t you?’

  ‘Well, not exactly. I mean …’

  ‘Mandy, I do understand. Look, if you want to go out with a man …’

  ‘No – no, I don’t,’ Mandy cut in.

  ‘What I mean is, if you do want to see a man … I don’t want to tie you down.’

  ‘I thought that was exactly what you wanted to do,’ Mandy said, giggling as Jackie poured the coffee.

  ‘Mandy, I have a confession.’


  ‘I followed you last night.’

  ‘What?’ Mandy gasped. ‘You followed me to …’

  ‘To the pub, and the woods.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’

  ‘I went round to your place and I saw you drive off with a man. I wasn’t going to follow you, but … well, I did.’

  ‘So, you know everything?’

  ‘I watched from the bushes.’

  ‘God, Jackie. You must think me a right little slut.’

  ‘I think that you were enjoying a last fling.’

  ‘Yes, I was. God, if I’d known that you were watching me …’

  ‘Come out into the garden – I want to show you something.’

  Following Jackie through the back door, Mandy felt swamped with guilt and embarrassment. Her naked body tied with ropes, four cocks shafting her sex holes … What must Jackie have thought? she wondered as she followed the girl across the huge expanse of lawn to a wooded area. Would Jackie trust her now that she’d discovered that she was a complete slut? Was her love strong enough to survive?

  ‘Take your clothes off,’ Jackie said as she entered the wooded area.

  ‘What, here?’ Mandy asked her, looking down at the short grass.

  ‘I have a surprise for you. Take your clothes off and lie face down on the ground.’

  Frowning, Mandy slipped out of her clothes and took her position on the ground. This was going to be interesting, she thought as Jackie dragged four lengths of rope from the bushes and secured her wrists and ankles. Although she was face down, this was how Mandy had been tethered in the clearing with the four men, and she reckoned that Jackie was recreating the scene for a session of lesbian sex.

  ‘There,’ Jackie said, her pretty face beaming as she gazed at Mandy’s naked body spreadeagled on the ground. ‘You have a lovely bottom.’

  ‘What are you going to do to me?’ Mandy asked her.

  ‘First of all,
I’m going to give you a good spanking because you’ve been a naughty little girl.’

  ‘I was hoping you’d say that.’

  Kneeling down beside Mandy, Jackie raised her hand high above her head and brought it down across the smooth flesh of Mandy’s tensed buttocks with a loud slap. Mandy let out a yelp and pulled against her bonds as the second slap resounded through the trees. Her arms and legs stretched out, her young body tensing with each slap of Jackie’s hand, she buried her face in the soft grass as her clitoris swelled and her juices of lesbian desire oozed from the tight crack of her vulva.

  ‘You like the rough treatment, don’t you?’ Jackie asked her as she finally halted the spanking.

  ‘Yes,’ Mandy gasped, her naked buttocks stinging.

  ‘You like it very rough, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes, yes.’

  Her face pressed against the short grass, her eyes closed, Mandy wondered what her lesbian lover was doing as she heard the bushes rustling. Lifting her head as she heard a swishing sound, she cried out as the branch of a bush landed squarely across the glowing flesh of her rounded bottom. Again, the branch swished through the air and lashed her tensed buttocks. Jackie had gone crazy, Mandy thought fearfully as the rough leaves on the branch caught the backs of her slender thighs.

  ‘No,’ she cried as the branch lashed her tensed buttocks again. ‘Please, no more.’

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Jackie asked her. ‘I thought you liked …’

  ‘God, Jackie. That hurt like hell.’

  ‘That was your punishment for being a naughty little girl last night. If I catch you with a cock in your mouth or your pussy again, I’ll have to thrash you.’

  ‘But you said … I thought you said that you wouldn’t mind if I …’

  ‘You can have cocks, Mandy. But you’ll be thrashed after each time you go with a man. Now, it’s time for your nappy.’

  ‘Nappy?’ Mandy echoed, lifting her head and watching as Jackie released the ropes.

  ‘Come back into the house and I’ll show you.’

  Clambering to her feet, Mandy wondered whether she’d made the right decision as she followed the girl across the lawn. She was discovering a darker side to Jackie, she reflected, clutching her burning buttocks as she entered the kitchen. Perhaps Jackie wasn’t the sweet little teenager she’d thought her to be. Following her into a small room off the hall, she looked around and frowned. The room was a nursery, she observed, eyeing a pile of nappies and pots of cream.


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