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Design Literacy Page 38

by Steven Heller

  “Summertime” (Big Brother and the Holding Company), 278

  Surfer Publications, 102

  Surf Style, 102

  surprise, 243

  Sutnar, Ladislav, 44, 69, 160–62, 161, 217–18, 217, 218

  SVA (School of Visual Arts), 12, 101

  Swarte, Joost, 101, 122–24, 123

  swastika. see also Nazism, 28, 131, 172, 189, 190

  Sweet’s Catalog Service, 160, 217

  Swiss International Style, 76

  Swiss Tourist Bureau, 181

  Szafranski, Kurt, 47


  tabloids, 91–94

  Talese, Gay, 73

  Talking Heads, 206

  Tante Leny, 123

  Tardi, Jacques, 101

  targets, 238–39, 238, 239

  Tate, Sharon, 131

  Tattler, 257

  Teague, Walter Dorwin, 237

  technology, 220

  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 19

  Telingater, Solomon, 52

  Template Gothic, 129–130, 129

  terrorism, 18

  Thatcher, Margaret, 36

  That New York (Brownjohn Chermayeff Geismar), 152, 153

  theatre posters, 210, 211–13

  “Third Effect,” 48

  Thirty Years’ War, 32

  Thomas Crown Affair, The, 206

  Thompson, Bradbury, 166

  Thompson, Jane, 61–62

  Thompson, J. Walter, 286

  Thompson and Wood, 61

  Thony, Eduard, 41–42

  Three Penny Opera (Davis poster), 210

  Thurber, James, 32

  “Ticket and Showcard Designing” (Pearson), 271

  Tide, 238

  Tijuana bibles, 89

  Time, 46, 60, 73, 84

  Times Roman, 81

  Tintin, 122

  TM, 141

  Todersune, 28

  Tolkien, J.R.R., 32

  Tolmer, Alfred, 251–53, 252

  Tolstoy, Leo, 56

  Tompkins, Calvin, 65, 66

  Topor, Roland, 64, 185

  Topps Bubble Gum Company, 101

  Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, 41

  Tournachon, Gaspard-Félix (Nadar), 66

  Town and Country, 64

  trademarks, 189–193, 201–3

  Trajan Column, 130

  Tress, Mana, 190

  Triggs, Teal, 126, 126–27, 127, 128

  Trois Quartiers, 257

  Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 80

  Trotsky, Leon, 28

  Trylon, 236, 237

  Tscherkassy, Joseph, 139–140, 140–41

  Tschichold, Jan

  blackletter, 109

  Lustig and, 148

  Neue Typograpfie, die, 251

  New Typography, 111

  Penguin Books, 164

  show cards, 271

  TM, 141

  typography, 183

  Tucholsky, Kurt, 220

  Tufte, Edward, 162

  Turner Network, 267

  Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 284

  “Two-Fisted Painters” (Spiegelman), 101

  Two Gentlemen of Verona (Shakespeare), 212

  typefaces. see typography; specific names

  Typewriter Town (Smith), 137

  typography. see also specific typeface names

  About U.S., 152–53

  AD, 44–45

  Armitage, 149–151

  Bauhaus, 111

  Beach Culture, 102–3

  blackletter, 108–9

  children, for, 134–37

  Cooper typefaces, 117–19

  de Harak, 198

  Emigre, 95–97

  Federico, 155–56

  Ferro, 205

  Fili, 263

  hand lettering, 56–57, 122, 137, 204, 206, 255

  Hebrew type, 138–141, 139, 140, 141

  Lubalin, 74–75

  Manson/Mason, 131–33, 132

  Massin, 182–85

  naming typefaces, 133

  New. see New Typography

  NeXT logo, 202

  ornament and, 265

  Peignot, 115–16

  PM, 44–45

  power and, 112–14

  press type, 120–21

  Pussy Galore, 125, 126–28

  Template Gothic, 129–130, 129

  Typologia, 129


  Ultra Bodoni, 117

  “Ultra Super Modernistic Comics” (Crumb), 87

  Ulysses (Joyce), 281

  Umbehr, Otto (Umbo), 48

  Umbo (Otto Umbehr), 48

  UN (United Nations), 21

  underground comix, 84–85, 86–90, 98–101

  underground publishing, 84–85, 91–94, 183

  Underground Sketchbook (Ungerer), 30

  Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (McLuhan), 112, 113, 219

  Unger, Gerard, 111

  Ungerer, Tomi, 29–30, 29, 31, 72, 80, 134, 137

  Unimark, 222, 223

  Union Carbide, 283

  United Nations (UN), 21

  Univers, 117, 121

  University of Chicago, 56

  Unstrung Harp, The (Gorey), 55

  UPA cartoons, 204

  Upjohn Company, 68, 69

  UPS, 201

  Urban Outfitters, 267

  USSR in Construction, 51–52

  U.S. Steel, 237


  Valéry, Paul, 116

  Valicenti, Rick, 103

  VanderLans, Rudy, 95–96, 97, 103, 130

  Van der Rohe, Mies, 110, 243

  Van Doesburg, Theo, 54, 135

  van Doren, Mark, 56

  Van Ganderern, Pierre, 124

  Vanguardists, 257

  Vanity Fair, 66, 256, 258, 258

  Van Nostrand, 183

  Vargas, Alberto, 71

  Vargas Girl, 71

  Venetian Italic, 185

  Verein der Plakatfreunde, 192

  Vergani, Orio, 256

  Verne, Jules, 284

  Verrazano Narrows Bridge, 73

  Verve, 54

  Victore, James, 11, 13

  Victoria & Albert Museum, 253

  Victory (Gorey cover), 57

  Vietnam War, 31–34, 80, 83

  Vignelli, Lella, 222, 223

  Vignelli, Massimo, 97, 222–24, 223, 225, 227

  Vignelli and Associates, 222, 223, 224

  Vignelli Designs, 223

  Village Voice, 30, 92

  Vintage Books, 165–66

  Violence of Our Lives, The, 132

  Visual Design in Action (Sutnar), 69, 162

  “Viva Vargas,” 82

  Vogel, Lucien, 50–51, 65

  Vogue, 50, 65–67, 65, 79

  Volks Illustriete, 51

  Volkswagen, 232

  Vollard, Ambroise, 115

  Vox, Maximillen, 115

  Vrij Nederland, 123

  VU, 49, 50–51, 65


  Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 80

  Walk on the Wild Side, 159

  Walter, Jay, 225

  Wanderer, The (Gorey cover), 57

  War and Peace (Tolstoy), 56

  War and Peace in the Global Village: An Inventory of Some of the Current Spastic Situations that Could Be Eliminated with More Feed (McLuhan and Fiore), 220–21

  Ward Ritchie Press, 151

  Warhol, Andy, 92, 280

  War is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things (Schneider), 31

  War is Good Business, Invest Your Son (Chwast), 32–34

  War is No Damn Good (Osborn), 32

  Warner Brothers, 158

  War of the Worlds (Gorey cover), 58

  War Resisters League, 27

  Washington, George, 177

  Washington Monument, 236

  Waterhouse, Yoshiki, 225, 226–27, 227

  WD+RU (Women’s Design and Research Unit), 126

  weapons of mass destruction (WMAs), 20–21

  Weaver, Robert, 72

; Weegee (Arthur Fellig), 60

  Weekender, The, 225, 226

  Weekly Illustrated, 49

  Weimar Republic, 24, 25, 108, 110, 191

  Weingart, Wolfgang, 95, 103

  Welt Extra Bold, 121

  Weltgeschichte des Jüdischen Volkes, 138

  Westdeutsche Beobachter, 232

  Western Printing and Lithographing Company, 104

  Westinghouse, 283

  Westminster Records, 198

  Westmoreland, William, 85

  Wet: The Magazine of Gourmet Bathing, 92, 93, 99, 102

  Weyhe, E., 150

  “Whiteman” (Crumb), 87

  Whitney, Charles, 61, 62

  Whitney Museum, 209

  Wilde, Richard, 12

  Wilhelm II, 22

  Willberg, Hans Peter, 109

  William Rudge, 253

  Williams, Chauncey, 217

  Williams, Edward Bennett, 83

  Williams, Guylas, 220

  Williams, Robert, 89, 90

  Wilson, S. Clay, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90

  Wilson, Wes, 87, 174

  WIN (Workshop in Nonviolence), 27

  Winsor-Newton, 260

  Wisdom of the Heart (Lustig cover), 148

  WMAs (weapons of mass destruction), 20–21

  Wolf, Henry, 12, 71, 72

  Wolfe, George C., 211–12, 213

  Wolff, Frank, 170

  Wolff, Laetitia, 182, 183, 184, 185

  Wölfli, Adolf, 245

  Woman’s Day, 156, 157

  Woman Who Commanded 500,000,000 Men, The (Pettit), 282

  Women’s Design and Research Unit (WD+RU), 126

  women’s issues, 82–83, 125–28

  Women With Teeth (Conal), 36–37

  “Wonder Wart-Hog Breaks Up the Muthalode Smut Ring” (Shelton), 90

  wood type, 12

  Worker Photography Movement, 51

  Worker’s Illustrated News. see Arbeiter Illustierte Zeitung (AIZ) Workshop in Nonviolence (WIN), 27

  World Book Encyclopedia, 128

  World Exhibition in Paris, 116

  World’s Fair, 235–37, 236

  World Trade Center (WTC), 18

  World War I, 114

  World War II, 20

  World Without War Council, 27

  Worth, Thomas, 241

  Worthington, Michael, 109

  “Worth Repeating, CBS News” (Dorfsman), 154

  Wozencroft, Jon, 126

  Wright, Frank Lloyd, 151, 178

  Wright, Russell, 237

  “Writing and Lettering in the Service of the New State,” 108

  “Written Word, The” (McLuhan), 112

  WTC (World Trade Center), 18

  Wurman, Richard Saul, 160, 162

  Wynn, Dan, 72


  Yale, 174

  Young, Charlotte M., 58

  Yuppies, 93


  Zachary, Frank, 59–60, 63–64, 195

  Zambonie, Hal, 169

  Zap Comix, 86–90, 87, 88

  Zebra Books, 60, 64

  Zeitgemässe Schrift, Die, 108

  Zietara, Valentin, 190

  Ziff, Lloyd, 258

  Zimmerman, Barbara, 56

  Zola, Emile, 185

  Zorbaugh, Harvey, 285

  Zwart, Piet, 136

  Books from

  Allworth Press

  Allworth Press is an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

  Selected titles are listed below.

  AIGA Professional Practices in Graphic Design

  BY TAD CRAWFORD (6 x 9, 336 pages, paperback, $29.95)

  Building Design Strategy

  BY THOMAS LOCKWOOD (6 x 9, 272 pages, paperback, $24.95)

  Business and Legal Forms for Graphic Designers, Fourth Edition

  BY EVA DOMAN BRUCK AND TAD CRAWFORD (8 ½ x 11, 256 pages, paperback, $29.95)

  Classic Typefaces: American Type and Type Designers

  BY DAVID CONSUEGRA (8 ½ x 11, 320 pages, paperback, $19.95)

  Design Disasters

  BY STEVEN HELLER (6 x 9, 240 pages, paperback, $24.95)

  Design Firms Open for Business

  BY STEVEN HELLER AND LITA TALARICO (7 ? x 9 ¼, 256 pages, paperback, $24.95)

  Designers Don’t Have Influences

  BY AUSTIN HOWE (5 ½ x 8 ½, 192 pages, paperback, $19.95)

  Designer’s Guide to Presenting Numbers, Figures, and Charts

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  Designing Logos

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  The Elements of Graphic Design, Second Edition

  BY ALEX W. WHITE (8 x 10, 224 pages, paperback, $29.95)

  Graphic Design History

  BY STEVEN HELLER (6 ¾ x 10, 352 pages, paperback, $29.95)

  The Graphic Designer’s Guide to Clients, Second Edition

  BY ELLEN SHAPIRO (6 x 9, 256 pages, paperback, $19.95)

  POP: How Graphic Design Shapes Popular Culture

  BY STEVEN HELLER (6 x 9, 288 pages, paperback, $24.95)

  Vintage Type and Graphics: An Eclectic Collection of Typography, Ornament, Letterheads, and Trademarks from 1896 to 1936

  BY STEVEN HELLER AND LOUISE FILI (7 ½ x 9 ⅜, 208 pages, paperback, $17.95)

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