The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11)

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The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11) Page 7

by Cara Albany

  Nicole leaned back against the sofa. She'd been rescued from one captivity only to be thrust into another.

  "So, let me get this straight. If I stay here, in the palace, for seven days and nights, then Hakim loses his claim to me. And I will be free to go home unhindered."

  Rashid nodded. "That is the essence of it."

  "And you?" Nicole asked quietly.

  Rashid frowned. "What about me?"

  "What are you in all of this?"

  "I don't know what you mean," he said.

  Nicole lifted a brow. "Are you saying I only have to remain in the palace for seven days? And nothing more?"

  Rashid's features were an impassive, blank mask. "Nothing more," he said evenly.

  Nicole gazed at Rashid for a few moments, trying to read his response for any sign of hidden intentions. He'd called her beautiful, almost casually, perhaps accidentally, she now realized. She'd seen the way he'd looked at her when she turned up at his bedroom door.

  Did he have things on his mind other than being a gracious host? Maybe the next thing he wanted to say was that he would give her his word she'd be safe in his palace. She hoped he wouldn't say that. It would just make things very awkward.

  Something occurred to her as she sat deliberating. "If I stay it will also get you off the hook with your local tribes," Nicole said. "You'll have kept your side of a very old bargain, I suppose."

  "It will make things simpler for me." He smiled. "And give me the added benefit of a victory over Hakim."

  Nicole thought for a moment. "I like the sound of that," she said.

  Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing, after all. She looked across at Rashid. Ever since she'd met him mere hours before, she'd felt strangely at ease with him. It was almost as if their shared adventure had created some kind of elemental, instant bond between them.

  Of course, it didn't hurt that Rashid was drop-dead gorgeous, Nicole told herself. The fact that he was behaving like a perfect gentleman merely emphasized what a brute Hakim was. She'd been wrong about Hakim. Was she wrong about Rashid?

  "I understand why this is important to you," Nicole said.

  Rashid nodded. "If you wish me to arrange for transport back to the city, I can do so," he offered. "I will deal with the consequences of breaking the agreement with Hakim. But at least you will be safely back home."

  Did he really mean that? Would he send her home even though he knew it would have serious consequences of him here, where he was obviously a man of high standing with the local tribes.

  Nicole thought for a moment and sighed. Maybe she didn't have to leave. Not right away.

  "My family aren't expecting me back for a few days at least," Nicole said.

  She saw his eyes brighten. He knew she was thinking about agreeing to his proposition.

  "I'll stay, Sheikh Rashid," she told him.

  He smiled and was about to say something but she cut him off.

  "On one condition."

  His expression changed. "Name it."

  Nicole tugged at the robes. "That you get me some proper clothes to wear."

  Rashid grinned. "Of course. It will be my pleasure to arrange that."

  Rashid stood and paced for a few moments, then turned to Nicole. "I will ensure all the arrangements for your stay are as satisfactory as possible. You are already comfortable in your room. If you wish, I can be your guide within the palace over the next few days. Show you around. Perhaps we can share some meals. I can show you what life is really like out here."

  Nicole could see he was pleased with her decision. "That sounds very nice, Sheikh Rashid."

  "Please, Nicole. Call me Rashid."

  Nicole nodded. "Rashid," she said.

  She wondered just what she had agreed to. It was going to be a long seven days. And an even longer seven nights.


  Nicole awoke with the sun shining on her face. She stretched out beneath the thin bed covering. The bed was so big, her toes didn't even reach the end. She felt rested, but her thigh muscles ached with the exertion of clinging onto the horse the night before.

  She swung out of bed and found that her clothes, freshly washed and ironed had been laid out on the table. She slipped on the panties and bra, and put on the white blouse and pale blue pants. She slid her feet into her low-heeled beige shoes. Her stomach rumbled. From that she guessed it must be later than she'd thought.

  Nicole went out onto the balcony and gazed out across the garden. In the daylight, the garden didn't look as unkempt as it had looked in the darkness when she'd arrived. Gardeners must be difficult to get a hold of out here, she told herself.

  For some reason that thought made her giggle. Of course it would be hard to find someone to take care of the garden. Nicole gazed out further, at the golden sands of the desert. Off to her left she saw the distant mountains, higher and closer than she'd thought.

  This was a real wilderness. It was why Nicole had been tempted to come out here in the first place. She'd been searching for something authentic, something primitive.

  Well, she'd certainly found something archaic.

  She'd made it so easy for Hakim. She realized that now. Having had time to reflect on what she had enthused about on her dates with Hakim, she could see why it had been so easy for him to tempt Nicole into throwing caution to the wind and follow him out here.

  This was a place that looked both beautiful and dangerous. She shook her head as she thought about how stupid she had been. How trusting she'd been. How could she not have seen through Hakim? It was clear the man was a clever charmer, someone skilled at deceiving women and men alike.

  That thought made her feel even more embarrassed. She'd fallen for his charming words, his silky smooth ways. And all along, he had been nothing but a primitive boor, a man with bad intentions clearly on his mind. He'd made her feel so special. His every words; every look; every touch had made her feel as if she'd finally found someone she could find excitement with.

  It had all been one big lie.

  Nicole wondered if she should just lock her bedroom door and have her food sent up to the room for the next seven days.

  That thought brought her up sharp, forced her to recall the conversation with Rashid.

  Seven days.

  Seven nights.

  Rashid's reaction had puzzled Nicole. He seemed to be both pleased and hesitant about the prospect of Nicole staying with him. She'd definitely picked up some mixed signals from him during their chat in his bedroom.

  His bedroom.

  The memory of that made something shift in her middle. Had she really gone to the sheikh's bedroom in the middle of the night? Nicole had been so consumed with curiosity to know what Hakim had said that she hadn't really thought about what going to the sheikh's bedroom might suggest to Rashid. Had he gotten the wrong idea? Did he think she was trying to send him some kind of signal? That she was interested in him?

  Because, standing here, looking out across this amazing view, and thinking about the events of the night before, Nicole knew that Sheikh Rashid had made a huge impression on her. More than that, in fact.

  He was an undeniably handsome man. There was a hint of contained power in his every move. He was a man who seemed to battle continually with his own primal, inner strength.

  He was the kind of sheikh Nicole had often heard about. Wealthy. Independent. A self possessed man, solitary, yet powerful. A man who would be quick to passion, given to displays of fierce desire.

  In spite of all his efforts to be courteous and polite to Nicole, she could tell there was a furnace of frustrated desire burning beneath that calm exterior.

  There was definitely danger contained in that tall, muscled frame. She'd seen the passion flicker to life in his dark eyes. He tried to hide it, but she could tell it was there.

  Nicole had taken note of the way he'd looked at her on more than one occasion. The way he'd seemed to savor the way she flicked her long hair; the subtle hints of interest as he'd gazed i
nto her eyes; the barely disguised glances at her body.

  Sheikh Rashid had invited her to stay, and she wondered if it was going to be as much a torment for him as it would be for her to sit out this silly deadline.

  But, of course there was nothing silly about the tradition as far as Rashid was concerned. If Nicole could help him bring Hakim to his knees, ruin Hakim's reputation, then she was more than happy to help Rashid do that. If it meant spending time with him in the confines of this glorious, if slightly run down, palace then so be it.

  It was mid morning and Nicole thought that probably she'd slept through breakfast time. She headed downstairs and found Rashid in one of the huge sitting rooms. He was seated at a long table. There were empty places set on the table, and it looked like he'd been waiting for her to come down.

  Rashid saw her and stood. He smiled at her. "Good morning," he said in a bright voice. His eyes seemed to drink in the sight of Nicole.

  Nicole hesitated at the door, taken aback by the way Rashid was dressed. No longer did he wear the traditional white robes. This morning he was dressed in tight fitting white shirt which was open at the neck and a pair of elegant, dark blue pants. They were so tight that they confirmed every one of the casual thoughts Nicole had had about him. Every part of his physique was taut and well toned.

  He came toward her. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.

  "I did. Have you been waiting for me?" she asked glancing at the table.

  Rashid shrugged. "I'll tell the staff to serve breakfast. They have everything prepared."

  "You didn't wait for me, did you?"

  Rashid grinned. "We don't get a huge number of visitors. So, the staff are quite excited you're here."

  "Really?" she asked. "I'd have thought with a place like this you hold lots of wild parties."

  Rashid shook his head and looked vaguely puzzled by her remark. "In my youth, perhaps. But not recently."

  Rashid left the room and Nicole spent a few moments taking in the sight of the huge sitting room. Fans circled slowly overhead, cooling the high-ceilinged room. The furnishings were expensive and typically Qazhar in style, with a hint of the exotic as well as an obvious indication of Rashid's good taste.

  Nicole had seen how Hakim lived in Qazhar city, and it was nothing like this. Hakim liked to think of himself as a modern man when in Qazhar. It had all been an act, Nicole told herself.

  Once he'd left the civilized world behind, Hakim had shown himself to be an ill-mannered brute with coarse tastes. The contrast between Hakim and Rashid could not have been more stark.

  Nicole thought about how Rashid was acting with her this morning. She'd seen that hint of resignation again, she told herself. The same one she'd noticed yesterday. What was he trying to hide from her? Maybe she didn't have any right to intrude.

  In any case, she was just a guest. He'd told her that plenty of times last night. He'd made it clear that the next few days might well pass quietly and without incident.

  Why did that thought cause her heart to sink slightly? How could she possibly be disappointed that Rashid might not show an interest in her? Maybe the events of the day before had affected her more than she'd realized. Perhaps she was still tired and not thinking straight.

  Rashid returned and they both took their places at the table. The staff brought various plates and Nicole filled her stomach with delicious fruits, yogurts, hummus and scrambled eggs. Freshly baked bread made Nicole's mouth water and everything was washed down with strong mint tea.

  Nicole hadn't realized just how hungry she was. It was only when she was tucking into her plate of scrambled eggs that she noticed Rashid watching her with obvious approval.

  "What?" Nicole asked, her mouth full of food.

  Rashid smiled. "Nothing. I can see you were hungry," he said with a laugh.

  Nicole shrugged. "Yesterday took a lot out of me, I suppose. If I eat like this for the next few days, I'm going to need to go on a diet when I get back to Qazhar city."

  Rashid smiled and shook his head. "I can always find plenty of ways to keep you busy, if you want," he said.

  "Like what?"

  "You've seen the garden," he said.

  "You want me to be your gardener?" she asked incredulously.

  "Why not?" he replied although she could tell he was just joking with her.

  Nicole frowned and held up a hand. "I don't have green fingers."

  "Forget that, then," he said pretending to be disappointed. "We'll think of something to keep you amused," he added, his brow lifting slightly.

  "I'd have thought you didn't have much difficulty finding ways to amuse a female guest in your home," she said provocatively.

  His brows furrowed. "Why would you think that?"

  Nicole tilted her head. "I dunno." She gazed around the room. "I think any woman would enjoy spending some time in a palace like this."

  "Even under your circumstances?" he asked.

  Nicole pointed her fork at him. "You're right. These are pretty unusual circumstances. But, that's all sorted now. Right?"

  Rashid shrugged, but she could see he didn't look convinced by what she'd said. "I suppose it is. For the moment. Let's take it one day at a time."

  Nicole scooped some more scrambled eggs into her mouth.

  "Would you like to see the rest of the palace? After you've finished eating, of course," he said glancing at her plate.

  "That sounds nice," she replied.

  Rashid lifted the silver try which contained the scrambled eggs. He held it out to her. "More eggs?" he asked. He quirked a brow at her and she knew he was teasing her again.

  "I think I've had enough for the moment," Nicole replied laying her fork down on her plate. "How many rooms did you say this palace has?" she asked.

  "I didn't," he replied.

  "That's right. You said there were enough rooms." She squinted at him. "Enough for what?"

  "Enough for a unmarried sheikh," he said.

  His choice of words took her aback. Of course he wasn't married. Had he ever been? Just how much of their personal history would they share with each other?

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry," she said quickly. She sipped some of the mint tea and tried not to look at him for a few moments.

  "You weren't prying, at all. I think it's only fair that you know a little bit about me. Especially since you're going to be here for a few days. I thought we'd get a chance to get to know each other."

  Nicole nodded. "Of course," she said in a flat voice. She still didn't know how up close and personal she wanted to get with this man she had only known less than a full day. Yet, he'd done so much for her, that the last thing she wanted was to be rude or inconsiderate to him.

  "There's not much to know about me," Nicole said brightly.

  Rashid's brows furrowed. "I hardly think that's the case. I haven't met any American women before," he said.

  "Really? I'm surprised at that," she said.

  "Why?" he asked.

  "I just assumed someone like you would mingle in high society. That you would know lots of people."

  "I am not your typical Qazhar sheikh," he said.

  "I can see that," she said and regretted her choice of words almost immediately. He didn't respond, merely sat back on his chair and examined her.

  He grinned. "I'm curious to know all about you. Where you come from. Who your family is. Where you went to school."

  "That's a lot," she said.

  Rashid shrugged. "I think we have time." He lifted a brow. "Don't you?"

  Nicole tilted her head. "I guess so. Thanks to Hakim."

  Rashid grunted. "Let's not mention him at all over the next few days."

  "It's a deal," she said and took another long sip of the tea.


  The palace was larger than she'd imagined. There were so many hidden areas that she lost count of the number of rooms there were in the place.

  As Rashid escorted her along the corridors she realized the palace was built
in the shape of a square with an open central courtyard. As they emerged into that courtyard she saw there was a huge fountain.

  In the middle of the fountain there was a marble carving of two elephants, each facing away from the other. Twin spouts of water tumbled from both elephants' trunks. The marble animals were over ten feet tall.

  Nicole laughed with delight upon seeing the fountain. Rashid smiled and explained that the elephants had been the favorite animal of his father, who had commissioned the sculpture. She could see that Rashid took great pride in the fountain.

  They stepped out into the quadrangle. Nicole gazed up at the blue sky. The sun shone brightly down into the courtyard. The way it had been designed there would always be one side of the quadrangle which would be in shade. Around each side of the quadrangle was an open walkway decorated with ornately carved arches.

  The whole place felt incredibly calming and safe. She felt as if she'd escaped the world and entered a safe space.

  As Nicole walked along one of the passageways, she could imagine this would be a welcome retreat from the fierce desert heat. The palace seemed to contain many little sanctuaries hidden from the prying eyes of the outside world.

  As they walked, they chatted easily. Rashid explained that, of course, the palace was too big for just him. He did have visitors from time to time. They came up from the city, but she could tell by the way he spoke about it that it was something he viewed as an obligation, rather than something to look forward to.

  As she walked with him she found herself growing increasingly puzzled. Why had Rashid hidden himself away here? Nicole kept asking herself that question as she strolled by his side, listening to his descriptions of the various ways the house had been used over the years.

  They walked around the inside of the quadrangle. She felt as if she'd retreated into some kind of monastic house. A place from where you could turn your back on the world. Nicole remembered seeing TV shows about monks living in isolated monasteries. These quadrangle corridors were just like the monastery cloisters she'd seen on TV. She wondered if Rashid spent his time pacing the palace like a monk. What else would he have to do spending so much time up here on his own? It was almost as if he'd abandoned the world.


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