Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts Book 4)

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Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts Book 4) Page 20

by Cari Silverwood

  Fuck you, Pieter. Another demeaning task. I see what you’re doing, sir.

  No giving in.

  I counted to ten. I could do this.

  Then I crept forward and began to lap. I was hungry and my resources needed to be kept in reserve, plus my butt hurt, he was big, and I had zero chance of winning a level fight. Licking up soup took time and he finished before I did. To get him to give me the bread I found I had to butt his hand with my nose, but then I got a smile and a pat on my head, and once a kiss. It was so humiliating that it made my toes curl, but in my affection-starved universe, where once upon a time the best I’d had was a peck on the cheek or hug from an aunt or my friend, this was alluring in a weird way.

  I could feel the effects inside me, warming me, and it was so scary.

  I didn’t like this, just like I didn’t like pain. I stared at my empty bowl and called BS on my logic.

  While I was wrestling with my weirdness, he traipsed inside and returned with a stapled-together sheaf of pages then sat down and leafed through them.

  Reading the words on the flipped back front page wasn’t easy.

  “Time for your lesson.”

  I whipped my gaze to his face. Lesson sounded bad.

  “Jazmine Foulkes. Freelance journalist. As you can see, I printed out some information before I left. Very interesting. You are a clever girl. Want to tell me how you really got into this mess you’re in? You can talk.”

  Then he turned it around and showed me page one where a clear photograph of me was featured, smiling for the camera, windswept hair but perfectly and fashionably dressed in a suit.

  Is that really me?

  His hand under my chin tilted my head. Then he said in that gravel-deep voice, “That’s you, a gorgeous, smart woman, but I like you better how you are here. With my cum on you, mostly naked, and that pretty, tear-stained face.”

  God. Those words should have repulsed me but they didn’t. They stirred me. My pussy clenched.

  I’m smart, remember? Maybe I needed that too, like armor against these foreign emotions he was evoking in me. With those brown eyes of his observing me, I gathered my scattered thoughts.

  I used to be a writer. Write something. Be intelligent.

  A headline emerged: Jazmine Foulkes kidnapped and enslaved by virtue of her weird naive emotions and being made to eat off the floor.


  “What are you thinking? Hmm.” He tidied my hair, tucking it behind my ear.

  “Nothing, Sir.”

  “Nothing? Again? Do I have to cane you? Or spank you? I expect an answer when I ask you.”

  And now he was trailing his fingers over my lips like they were some forbidden fruit he’d discovered. I shuddered when he dipped one inside my mouth, left it there for a few heartbeats, then pulled it out, but I knew I’d dampened.

  The nonchalant ownership of my mouth...

  Mindfuck alert. Inhale. Exhale. I cleared my throat. “I was imagining the headlines about me.”

  “Sir,” he prompted.

  “Um. Sir.”

  “Why did you lie to me about your name and who you were?”

  I frowned, but he was playing with my hair and it mesmerized me in a way only my hairdresser had ever managed. “I thought it would make you...” Why had I?


  “Hate me? No, it wasn’t that. I was worried because I didn’t trust you with my real name, with knowing how to find me if I ever escaped. Sir.” Escaped, my favorite word.

  “Trust. I thought so. I never really believed you were a librarian but you know what?”

  I shook my head, barely catching myself before I sighed as he kept on combing my hair and patiently untangling knots. So tired...

  “It still hurt when I found out this was who you were.” He pointed with his chin at the paper. “I lost a finger for you, killed for you, kept you alive when someone else would’ve pandered to Gregor. You repaid me with a lie. Do you think that was good, meisie?”

  Oh, man, play with my guilt why don’t you. Slowly, I shook my head. “I did it because I was afraid of you.”

  His smile was a stark one. “And you were right. Why did that man want to kill you? What did you do to his son?”

  When I tried to duck my head he waggled my chin from side to side. “No. You’re not allowed to look away. Tell me it all.”

  Fuck. I sucked in my lip. I wasn’t sure what was on those pages, so I took a deep breath, and said it straight. “His son was my boyfriend, only I found out he was married, with a wife and daughter.” Who must’ve died. How much should I say? “He was odd. We never had sex.”

  Especially not like you make me. I never even knew anyone could really, outside of porn fantasies, have sex like this.

  With him holding my face, I had an urge to squirm. “He used to tell me all these secrets. Including that he was ripping off the government for millions through his plastic surgery practice.” I wound down. “And that was it.”

  “If that’s not all, my girl, I will hurt you.”

  He couldn’t know. Couldn’t. But he kept staring...and staring. I should tell. My mind filled with crazy thoughts...

  And I broke.

  “He had a fetish for my underwear and when I wrote up the story, I mentioned his kinks too.” To embarrass him, for lying to me, the bastard. “Last I heard, he was being charged and going to be arrested.”

  “Yeah. He suicided and killed his family on a Monday. They kept it covered up according to the news until three days later. You were taken on the Wednesday.”


  “If I’d known,” he set his mouth in a line, “It would’ve made no difference. Except I would’ve thought you callous. It was the sexual allegations that made him suicide. He wrote a note, and a journalist as nasty as you leaked it in a story.”

  As nasty as me.

  My heart thumped slowly, painfully. Everyone likes to think they are good deep down. Making someone want to die, and to kill their family... I’d heard what his father had said, and swept it from my memory. Because I didn’t want to be that person. Besides, what had been done to me had cancelled it out, right?


  “I never wanted him to die. Or his kid or his wife. I was just doing what I do.”

  It was never worth this. I was stupid. Vengeful. I’d hated that I was only some bit on the side for him, and not even worthy of intimacy. Being scared of sex had only made me think about it incessantly.

  “You were bad and you lied to me about it. Were you planning to write a story about me?”

  I did not want to answer this. Ever. I’d thought he’d plumbed the depths of my soul with what he’d already made me confront. He had no lie detector – not that they worked. But people made the best readers of body language. As an ex-cop, he’d know that. I was afraid and the fear was overriding my instincts. In a way, lying had been my life. The best way to get ahead. It always was.

  “Pieter, I mean Sir. I...”

  My forehead was pounding from the strain of trying to second guess him.

  “Tell me. From the length of time you’ve taken to reply, I already know.”

  I slumped. “I was, at first, but then I wasn’t.”

  Pieter snorted. “And when did you change your mind?”

  Late. Way late. Shit.

  “In the taxi. After you found me, I felt guilty.” And how silly was that, considering what had happened since?


  Then he sat, with his hands between his knees, obviously thinking. I waited. I could do nothing else, except wait for his judgment.

  After a while, he focused on me again. “What you did was terrible, and so was what his father ordered done. But you’ve paid. Too much if anything. As for me, I’ve already punished you for lying.

  “From now on, every day, you’re going to tell me more about yourself, until I have all of you, up here.” He tapped his head then he tugged on the leash and beckoned me to climb into his lap.

Oh, that appealed. I always did like his hugs, once I had them. Though it’d taken a while to see that.

  He tugged again.

  Feeling like a penitent soul pardoned by a benign king, I climbed up and rearranged my legs when he urged me to, until I curled there. The similarities to a cat struck me yet again, especially when he began petting me.

  For a few minutes I tensed. I was damn well never going to purr. Then the stroking wore me down and I breathed out, relaxed into him, and closed my eyes. Exhaustion flooded in.

  When he spoke again, I was half asleep.

  “There, meisie. Consider this your new life and today the first day of that life.

  My last hazy, crazy thoughts drifted in like clouds on a warm summer’s day. I’d always been the one who looked in on other’s exciting lives but now I was the one looking out. Eyes closed, I snuggled up to the warm man under me. Funny how good this felt.

  Chapter 31

  Jazmine watching was my favorite occupation. I sat on the sand, with a baseball cap pulled low to shade my eyes.

  I’d brought my resume of her past with me to see if I’d missed clues. From what I could sense, the woman still wasn’t disclosing everything. The rising wind grabbed at the pages and I set them aside under a rock. The gray clouds gathering above meant we were in for some rain tonight.

  Without the internet to lean on, I figured I was getting good at weather prediction.

  The wind flicked her hair, as she waded into the foot-high waves on this corner of the island furthest from the hut. The sun beyond glittered through her black tresses. Since she wore them so often, her blue pair of underwear had faded and her skin was tanned despite the sunscreen we used. She’d looked skeptical when I first rubbed the lotion into her. I’d had to inform her that sunburn wasn’t on my sadistic list of activities.

  If there was one chore I was happy to do, it was rubbing lotion on her, especially when I could follow the red lines of whip marks with my fingers.

  After a week, the salt spray was getting into everything. Our hair, our skin, our clothes. We couldn’t afford the water to wash clothes, though every day I had us both use a water-dampened washer on our bodies.

  With all the sex I was subjecting her to, we needed it. With all the spanking and light whipping, she needed it. Pain slut that she’d turned out to be, that wasn’t punishment, but it was showing her my physical dominance and that was crucial in my plans.

  I’d found the appeal for me wasn’t just the sex or the sadism – it was everything about owning this woman. I was beginning to understand my addiction. I’d do almost anything to keep her. Whatever I had to do to break her to my will, I would, or this would be a never-ending struggle.

  Was I an expert at breaking women? No.

  But I wanted to be.

  Did I have a perfect solution? No again, but I could see how it would happen.

  During the past, she’d reacted perfectly when dominance interwove with the pain. She was almost there when we arrived – almost mine. I only had to get her to wrap her mind around the concept.

  Maybe what I needed here wasn’t breaking but bending, because why would I want a broken woman?

  My only need was that she obeyed me one hundred percent, without question, no matter what I wanted. And she was changing, even if she didn’t comprehend it. I could see it in the small ways she deferred to me, in the tiny reactions. Whenever I spotted one, I had the urge to do a fistpump.

  But it was time to up the ante. I toyed with the small butt plug in my pocket. From my questions, she’d never had anal sex and found the concept horrifying. An ideal activity then, especially since I’d been keen to fuck her little hole ever since I first saw her.

  What a surprise to hear how little her previous lovers had satisfied her. I’d interrogated her day by day only to hear her reinforce her story until I knew it was truth. She hadn’t come with a single lover before me. By her own words though, they’d been pussies. I smiled. Good to know, because I sure as hell wasn’t.

  I scanned the horizon again with the binoculars. No signs of thieves today, though two days ago I’d had to warn off a fishing boat by shaking my rifle. They were likely just islanders on their way elsewhere. The fuel here was aviation fuel and most of the gear would take expertise and cutting tools to get loose from the locked shipping container.

  Of course the poor often stole what they had no use for, hoping to sell it to some clueless fool.

  The rifle lay on a crate beside me, loaded, ready. The odds were that one day it would be required. How much I’d have to use it depended on how much the thieves were willing to risk, but I wasn’t dealing with a special forces squad here, just petty theft.

  I clambered to my feet and brushed off the sand. “Stop there! I’ve something for you.”

  She rose from where she’d been crouching in the water and waited, arms by her sides, wet sand cascading from one hand.

  Seawater might make an okay lubricant to pop in the plug? I’d find out soon enough. I had a tube of lube but it’d be more fun to try something new.

  I stood and waded out after her, to where she’d been wandering among the rocks in this inlet. A few black sea cucumbers lay bloated and slopping to and fro, and schools of silvery fish shot away from me as I sloshed through the water. This was the first time we’d come over this way. With the rocks obviously came more creatures. Near her foot, a blotchy underwater shape caught my eye.

  “Don’t move!” I snapped. “I think that’s a stonefish next to your foot.”

  “Where, Sir?” Jaz glanced down.

  The paling of her cheeks said she knew about stonefish.

  “Just come this way and you’ll be fine.” Once she was close enough, I scooped her up and set her behind me then bent to peer at what the thing. “No. My mistake. It is a rock.”

  Stonefish were deadly and stepping on one here might mean death. Medical help was hours away. It was one of the drawbacks to a deserted island, apart from pirates, tsunamis, and a lack of hot showers.

  I thought back. She’d said sir automatically. Well, well. None of the little hesitation I often heard or the distaste, and she was waiting, saying nothing, despite looking like she wanted to blurt something. “You can speak.”

  “They paralyze you, don’t they, Sir? I visited a North Queensland resort once for a travel article and we were given a whole speech about poisonous underwater creatures.”

  “Yes. Give me your hand.”

  I drew her back to the shallower area then reached into my pocket and drew out the plug. “Bend over.”

  “Umm.” She took a step away.

  I hadn’t seen rebellion for days.

  My smile wasn’t that evil, surely, but she frowned at me. “Please, Sir. No.”

  “Say one more word and I’ll do full anal on you with my cock, here and now.” I wouldn’t get far into her but it was cute seeing the fear arrive. She knew about anal needing lube and that no one did it that easily, first time. Jaz wasn’t naive, just inexperienced.

  At her hesitation I lunged for her, pulled her forward by a wrist, and tripped her into the water. Wrestling hit the adrenalin button, even if I had her down with her face in the water in seconds. All the fish zipped away from the flurry of splashing and the burbling scream she let out after arching her neck and grabbing a breath. With all her thrashing, it was lucky my finger had healed well.

  I calmly put the plug back in my pocket, locked her wrist cuffs together and hauled her onto her knees. She gasped, dragging in no doubt much-needed air. Her underwear was dripping, her hair soaked. I yanked down her underwear at the back to bare her butt then kept her elbows in a lock while I fingered her hole. She squirmed but got nowhere.

  Whoah. The water did help. With one knee down in the sand and the water, steadying me, I wormed the little finger of my good hand an inch deep, past her entrance ring, feeling it clamp onto me.

  “Ohhh baby. Do you know how much men love fucking these tight little holes?”

  Her g
lare then wince when I rotated my digit was an awesome catalyst for a sadist. We were both sopping wet but I was the one with the grin and the hard on.

  “The things we can do with this.” I nipped her ear and removed my finger, then pulled the plug from my pocket. “Going in, meisie.”

  Fok, she started wriggling like mad and I nearly dropped the thing, but there was one thing I was good at and it was hand to hand fighting with an already wrist-cuffed woman. I dropped her back into the water – she could grab air if she arched high enough – and found the leash in my opposite pocket.

  “Up you come.” I pulled her head from the water and her onto her knees again. While she was recovering from vaguely drowning, I wrapped the leash around her thighs a few times and clicked it onto itself. “Got you.”

  “Sir, no. Please.”

  Her protests were amusing as I dragged her into even shallower water, rinsed the sand off her butt and lubed up the little black plug. If there were any sand grains left on her or my straining cock, I didn’t notice. The lube tube floated away with the waves and it started to rain, the drops smacking into the water at our knees.

  So much for my weather-reporting prowess. I needed to get it inside her before the rain washed off the lube.

  But Jaz. Oh my. Now I had her where I wanted her.

  She kneeled before me in a foot of water, her thighs bound, her wrists at her back, and my arm locked under her elbows.

  I smacked her butt a few times then pinched her nipples until she moaned. So predictable. It was the next bit she’d not like.

  “Relax.” With great concentration, I wiggled the tip into her hole, fraction by fraction, with her squealing and gasping, until the biggest part disappeared inside. The last of it went like magic as her muscles claimed it. I tugged as if to pull it out and she squeaked again.

  “Now I’m going to fuck you with that in. This might seem crowded.”

  When I leaned her forward, her pussy lips were so engorged, pink, and pushing out between her legs, that I knew something had worked for her. The pain or the wrestling, or both.

  “Little bitch, that’s step one for cock-in anal.” Then I squeezed my cock in past those inviting lips. With her thighs crammed together by the bondage, my cock seemed in heaven. Tight, wet, and every thrust made her whimper.


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