The Catch (Smart Jocks #0.5)

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The Catch (Smart Jocks #0.5) Page 5

by Rebecca Jenshak

  “I guess you were right.”

  “About what?” I ask as I walk forward, forcing her onto her back and covering her body with mine.

  “It is good to be good.”

  The first day of school comes and I’ve never been more excited about it. Vanessa and I have pretty similar schedules, so I’m able to walk her to classes, stealing kisses along the way.

  Outside of her statistics class, I wrap my arms around her, delaying leaving her. At this rate I’m gonna be late to my own class, but it’s totally worth it. “Wanna grab lunch after?”

  “Can’t. I have a meeting with my advisor. Dinner?”

  “I’ve got batting practice until seven.”

  She sticks out her bottom lip.

  “V, we’re gonna be late,” Blair calls from just behind us on the bottom step of Stanley Hall. She’s smiling, but obviously more concerned with getting to class than we are.

  Vanessa takes a step back, still facing me. “See you later, handsome.”

  After classes and lunch, I head over to the field.

  Stephens is getting into his catching gear. “What’s up, Hero? Haven’t seen much of you at the house.”

  “He’s been there. He’s just been busy with Vanessa.” Travis tosses a ball into the air lightly, catching it in his palm. “How many times did you have to tell the story to convince her to go out with you? And follow up, are you at all concerned that she’s gonna dump your ass when she realizes you’re just a mere mortal like the rest of us.”

  “Was that some sort of attempt at a Shakespearean accent?”

  “Good, right?” He puffs out his chest.

  I take off toward the outfield, calling over my shoulder, “Almost as bad as your changeup.”

  There’s only a handful of us here this early. Enough to do some light fielding and get loose. It feels good to be out here and I’m getting excited about our exhibition games.

  Matt’s playing shortstop and humming along as he picks up a grounder and tosses it to me. Once everyone’s had a hand on it, Stephens throws it back to Travis.

  By the fourth time around I notice all the guys are humming and the familiar tune is starting to catch in my head too.

  “What the hell song is that?” Travis asks as soon as I place it as the Chi Omega skit song.

  I’m downstairs on the couch, icing muscles that are tight pretty much everywhere, when Vanessa comes over.

  Stephens and Matt are devouring an entire bag of pizza rolls straight off the pan.

  “What’s up, V?” Stephens says from the doorway between the kitchen and living room. The guy never smiles as much as he does when Vanessa is around.

  “Stop smiling at my girl like that.” I’m mostly joking, but maybe one percent feeling a little possessive over her.

  “Your girl?” Vanessa asks.

  “OOOoooh,” Matt calls from the kitchen. He and Stephens are laughing at me, and I give them the finger.

  I hobble over to greet her at the door and pull her up the stairs behind me.

  We lay down on the bed, her chin resting on my chest. “Sorry about that downstairs. Was that presumptuous? I didn’t mean to brand you. It’s just that I like you, I’m not seeing anyone else, and I don’t plan to.”

  She sits up, legs crossed on the bed in front of me and I run my hands up her legs.

  “I like you, too, and I’m not seeing anyone else either.”

  “Watch the movie or make out?” We’d planned on watching Dazed and Confused, but I hadn’t factored in my need to get her naked.

  “How about we watch the first thirty minutes and then make out?”

  “The beginning is the best part,” we say at the same time.

  We only make it through the first five.

  I Need U


  Over the next week as professors assign more work and the semester falls into routine, I see less of Vanessa. I still walk her to classes, grab lunch with her and Blair a couple times, but her visits to the house get fewer. She blames it on rush preparation and maybe that’s really the reason, but I can’t help but feel like she’s pulling away a little.

  Closing the textbook in front of me, I contemplate calling her, wondering how to broach the topic, or if I should even bother bringing it up. Nothing makes someone pull away faster than clinging to them.

  Things are still new, but the feelings I have for her are strong. I know she’s hesitant about college relationships, but when we’re together, she seems as eager as I am.

  Pride takes a hit and I give in and call her.

  “Hey.” She picks up on the second ring. Tone seems normal, breathy, sexy, totally Vanessa. My detective skills might be distracted by her general hotness.

  “Hey. How’s everything going over there? Almost ready for the girls tomorrow?”

  “No. We’re never going to be ready in time.”

  “Yes, we will!” Blair shouts in the background.

  “What’s left? Anything I can help with?”

  “We’re just making name tags and getting the rooms set up. We do a project for our philanthropy and some other stuff while we talk to them. A bunch of little things. We’ve got it, just gonna be up most the night.”

  “Well, I can bring coffee on my way to pick you up for class tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, in the red basket.”

  “Red basket?” I ask.

  “Sorry, I was talking to Blair. Uh, yeah, coffee’s fine. Listen, I’ve gotta go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  As reassuring goes, that wasn’t awesome.

  The next morning, I show up at Chi Omega and wait outside for Vanessa to emerge for our eight o’clock classes. I’m still waiting at two ’til the hour. I sit on the stoop and pull out my phone to call her, only she doesn’t answer so I shoot her a text.

  * * *

  Me: Coming out sometime soon beautiful?

  * * *

  At eight on the dot, she rushes outside in fuzzy owl slippers and her matching owl print sleep shorts, hair on top of her head in a messy bun. She’s sexy, even like this. “I’m sorry. I meant to text you earlier. I can’t go to class today. Molly has the flu. Our entire skit is ruined. We’ve gotta change the whole thing and come up with something else. If one more person gets sick, I’m going to lose my shit.”

  I stand and offer her the coffees. “Can’t you do it without her?”

  “No, the whole thing was centered around six people. It’s too late to try and teach someone else. We’re just gonna scrap it and start fresh.” She takes one of the coffees and tries to hand back the carrier.

  “Keep it, sounds like you’re gonna need all the caffeine you can get.”

  “I’m sorry I made you late to class.”

  “Eh, it’s fine. Travis is in this one with me so I’ll just get his notes.” I grab her fingers and swing our arms lightly. “I miss you. My bed was lonely last night.”

  She rolls her eyes but smiles.

  “Can I see you tonight after your finished?”

  “Doubtful. We usually don’t get done until pretty late. We stay up until we’ve narrowed down the girls we want to invite back.”

  I nod. “When’s this all over?”

  “Not until middle of next week.” When I groan, she adds, “It’s Friday. Go out tonight, have fun with the guys.”

  “I’d rather hang out with you.”

  “I really have to go.” She squeezes my hand and then steps back. “Later, handsome.”

  The guys are drinking on the deck when I get back from my last class of the day. I take a seat in one of the folding chairs and accept the beer Stephens hands me.

  “Party at The White House tonight.”

  “I heard.” I pop the top and take a drink.

  “Well? Are you coming out or are you already so whipped you’re not allowed?”

  I chuckle, trying to imagine Vanessa ever insisting I stay in. “She’s not that type of girl and she’s got rush this weekend anyway.”

  “I need y
ou, girl,” Stephens belts out. “Great track. Too bad we’re gonna miss the final performance.”

  “Actually, they’re not doing that one anymore.”


  “One of the girls got sick and they couldn’t replace her.”

  “No! No, no, no. They worked so hard.” Travis slams his beer down on the arm of his chair just hard enough that a little bit splashes over the side.

  “Never seen you so worked up,” I tell him, which is true. Even in big games, Travis always keeps his cool.

  “I’m hangry. I need to eat something. But also, that really blows. It was rad, made me want to become a Chi Omega.”

  “If you order pizza, count me in.” I stand, taking my beer with me. “I’m gonna shower and finish a paper. What time are you guys heading over to The White House?”

  “Early. I’m looking to get stupid tonight.” Stephens finishes his beer and crushes it in his hand before tossing it in the recycling bin we keep on the deck.

  I’m in my room watching Netflix on my phone when Travis knocks on my door and shouts that pizza is here.

  “Be right down.” Running a hand through my still damp hair, I pocket my phone. Then grab a t-shirt and pull it over my head.

  I jog down the stairs to find the guys sitting around the living room eating pizza, still drinking. Not just my roommates, though, the entire team.

  “What’s going on?” I ask as all eyes turn to me.

  Travis brings me a half-empty box of pizza. “Change of plans for tonight. Eat up.”

  Pulling on the hem of the white t-shirt, I stare down at the red-striped socks stretched over my hairy legs. I look to Stephens who looks equally ridiculous.

  “I’m not so sure about this.”

  “Ah, lighten up, Hero. It’s gonna be fun.” Travis hands me a pair of sunglasses.

  It’s not that I’m worried about making an ass of myself, it’s more that I’m worried Vanessa’s reaction is going to be one of horror. She’s a girl who likes to do things on her own and I respect that, but I want to be here when she needs me too. Maybe things didn’t work for her parents, maybe Blair’s ex was a real piece of work, but we’re not them and I’d venture to guess they didn’t feel the same way as I do. Because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to lighten her load or bring a smile to her face.

  After a frantic call to Blair, the guys and I are hiding out in the cramped laundry room waiting for our signal. The skit only calls for six, but we’ve improvised to include all thirty-five of us. The ones that don’t know the routine are holding signs that spell out Chi Omega.

  “I think I might puke.”

  Travis shakes his head. “You saved a kid’s life and you’re worried about embarrassing yourself in front of a few hundred girls?”

  I glance up to the ceiling and gulp in air. Ridiculous or not, this feels way more high risk.

  “I didn’t—”

  “But you did,” Travis interrupts me. “You were a god that day. I know we give you shit about it, but it’s just because it was the damn most impressive thing I’ve ever seen—that most of us have ever seen.”

  The laundry room door opens a crack and Blair’s smiling face peers in. “It’s time.”

  Travis claps me on the shoulder. “Now, let’s go see if you can save the day and win the girl’s heart, Hero.”

  We file out one at a time and line up next to the chapter room where the girls are congregated. Music filters through the thin walls, a group of girls singing a song about how much they love the sorority. It’s followed by applause.

  “Good luck,” Blair whispers and rushes into the room.

  My heart races in the five long seconds it takes before the opening music to “I Need U” starts. As we run in and get in formation, filling the front of the room with our large bodies, the crowd of rushees and current Chi Omegas smile and go wide-eyed—including my girl. She looks so damn happy that nothing else matters. Not my ridiculous getup and not any reason she might come up with today or in the future that we can’t work out.

  And, maybe this doesn’t exactly count as crazy, but it’s definitely the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done to win over a girl, and I do it with gusto. Shake my ass, rip off my sunglasses and toss them to the floor, fall into perfect synchronization with the guys. Move over BTS, we got this.

  As the number comes to an end and we freeze in a classic boy band pose, the room erupts in applause and catcalls. We take a bow and file out of the room chanting, “Go Chi-O!”

  We huddle up outside, grinning and laughing at ourselves.

  “That was fucking awesome,” Clark says, and lifts his arm for me to bump his wrist.

  Vanessa’s voice comes from behind me. “Hey, handsome.”

  I turn to find her smiling face looking at me with something like admiration and love—maybe that’s presumptuous, but my instincts tell me that’s where this is heading. I’ve never felt like this before.

  “Better than your BTS boys or what?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t quit the team just yet, but I loved it.” She wraps her arms around my neck and lifts onto her toes, mouth hovering next to mine. “Thank you.”

  “All right, boys, let’s go,” Travis calls out. “Mario, we’ll meet you out front.”

  They hustle out, leaving me alone with Vanessa.

  “You came to my rescue. Again.”

  “Actually, it wasn’t even my idea. You really won over the guys—they came up with the idea.”

  “They didn’t do it for me. They did it for you.”

  “Yeah.” I realize she’s right. All the ribbing aside, they’ve got my back. “They’re good guys.”

  “Or maybe some of your goodness is rubbing off on them.”

  “Maybe.” Palms stretched out around her waist, I tug her closer. “I lied to you. I’m not sure I’m cut out for wild and crazy. I mean, this is the most insane thing I’ve done and it’s probably pretty tame by your standards. But the thing is, I’m wild about you. And you’re crazy enough for the both of us, so I’m hoping that’s enough.”

  Her smile widens and I can feel her heart beating against my chest. “It’s enough. You’re enough.”

  My Hero


  Mario smiles as he jogs toward me across campus. Even from a hundred yards, I can make out that happy, easy smile. It’d be easy to write Mario off as just that—an easy-going, good guy. That thick, blond hair, bright blue eyes, and tanned skin —he looks like the boy next door if the boy next door was super-hot and had a side gig as an underwear model.

  The truth is, he’s so much more.

  “Hey, babe,” he says as he reaches me and drops a quick kiss on my lips. Then he turns his attention to my best friend as he takes my backpack from me. “Hey, Blair.”

  I love that he never excludes her, yet never looks at her, or anyone else, the way he looks at me. He’s doing it even now—head cocked to the side, blue eyes studying me in this way that sees past all the bullshit. It’s the same way he looked at me that first night. I knew then that he wasn’t the kind of guy who dated hot girls just because they were hot. He expected more and for some reason I wanted to be more.

  Despite all my misgivings and all the things I believed about college not being the time or place to find love, it found me. We haven’t said the words yet. Sometimes he looks at me like he’s biting his tongue to stop from saying it. I think he’s waiting for me to say it first for fear of totally freaking me out. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t freaked. This isn’t how it was supposed to happen for me. I was going to get through college, get a great job and apartment, maybe a dog, and then I was going to get around to finding a guy.

  But good things happen when you least expect it. That’s what Blair says anyway. She still seems a little off after her breakup with David, but I get glimpses of my old friend more often now.

  “You want to come to lunch with us?” I ask her as Mario’s hand takes mine. He squeezes my fingers lightly.

“No thanks. I need to head to the library and get some work done.”

  “How do you have so much homework already? School’s barely started.”

  “Just trying to stay ahead,” she says, already walking away. “See you later.”

  After lunch, Mario walks me to Chi Omega.

  “What are you doing Friday night?”

  “I’m not sure. Why?”

  “We have a scrimmage. Seven innings, we split the team down the middle at random, open to family and friends and girlfriends.” He says the word like he’s still nervous it’s going to scare me away.

  “Fun. What time?”

  “Six, but look, almost no one comes. It’s really low-key. I don’t want you to think it’s a big thing. It’s fine if you come or not… whatever.”

  “Okay. I’ll be there.”

  “You’re coming?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  His boyish grin makes my heart squeeze.

  “Why doesn’t anyone come?”

  “It’s on a Friday night, it’ll be a hundred degrees out, our record isn’t exactly stellar, so our fan base isn’t big like the basketball team… pick a reason.” He shrugs. “It’s just an extra practice, really, but you’ll get to see me in my uniform.”

  “Oh, right… baseball pants.”

  He chuckles. “See you after practice?”

  “Yep and uhh… can I get a preview of those pants tonight?”

  He walks away, shaking his head.

  “Is that a yes?” I call after him.

  “You look cute wearing my number.” Mario tugs the front of my shirt and pulls me to him.

  “So do you.” Seriously, since he walked out in his full uniform, I can’t believe I haven’t been to more baseball games over the past two years. Even Stephens and Travis are looking sharp. Just not as good as my man.


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