Home > Other > THE 18TH FLOOR > Page 4

by Margie Church

  When her heart rate returned to normal levels, she opened her eyes to find Sebi watching her intently.

  "What's so funny?” he asked.

  "I can't believe I did that.” She dropped into the water and swam to him. “I feel like such a hussy.” Even the cold water didn't erase the embarrassing heat in her face.

  "I thought it was fantastic and now that you've popped your cherry, the rest of the night is going to be a breeze."

  Just because she'd put on a show for one boat, didn't mean Alexa was ready to become tonight's party girl.

  "Would you hand me a towel?” A slight breeze made her shiver when she climbed aboard.

  Without hesitation, he not only handed her a towel, but wrapped her inside it. She loved being surrounded in the warm, plush cotton and the strength of his embrace.

  "Warm enough?” He nuzzled her neck.

  She nodded.

  "Are you hungry?"

  "I am. All this swimming and fresh air has worked up my appetite."

  He turned her in his arms. “I left something for you to wear in the guest stateroom. Why don't you get dressed and meet me in the salon afterward? I'll organize dinner for us."

  Her curiosity peaked. “You bought me a present?"

  "I did, and I hope you like it. If you don't, I won't be offended in the least. We're still getting to know each other, but I took the liberty anyway."

  She kissed him, a tender show of thanks. “I'm sure I'll love it."

  "I'll be waiting."

  Alexa went below deck to find her treasures. She loved presents—giving and receiving them. It'd been ages since a man had given her a thoughtful gift and she was anxious to see what Sebi had chosen for her.

  A white gift box with a script R emblazoned on it waited on the cream and brown sugar-striped bedspread. She tucked in her towel end tighter and reached for the pretty box. Inside was a silk dress with a square, empire neckline and spaghetti straps. Alexa examined the gray fabric dappled with fronds of turquoise, emerald, white, and crimson, reminding her of multi-colored sea foam. She imagined how easily the wind could make the gently gathered skirt shimmer in the breeze.

  Beneath the dress was a black lace panty. Upon closer inspection, she discovered this was no ordinary panty. A satin black bag was tied to the garment. She opened the small satchel and tipped the contents—a small vibrator—into her hand. The instructions were enclosed along with a handwritten note from Sebastian.

  I hope you don't mind my boldness, but I wanted to make tonight special. I'd be delighted if you wore both gifts and gave me the remote.

  Jittery excitement blossomed in her stomach and pooled in the apex of her thighs. Her body reacted like a virgin's to his touch, his words, and his actions. This man is so much more than I expected, ever imagined.

  Gifts in hand, she walked into the master stateroom to change. Her towel dropped to the floor and she reached for her hairbrush. The strands were almost dry, and she pulled through her tresses, noticing how soft the lake water had made her hair. Excitement bubbled up again when she lifted the delicate black panty and slid the small vibrator into position. She stepped into the garment and settled it in place. With a smile, she turned on the remote. When the soft vibrations began caressing her sensitive clitoris, an even bigger smile spread her lips. She shuddered, glad she'd had a couple of orgasms earlier today or she didn't know how long she'd be able to take this yummy assault.

  She unzipped the knee length dress and recognized the brand on the label. Sebi spared no expense. Raising her arms, she let the soft fabric slip over her shoulders, and then she smoothed the dress over her body. She bent at the waist, letting her breasts fall forward, and settled them into place. They spilled over the top of the tight bodice just enough to make her look a more voluptuous. Digging through her overnight bag, Alexa found a pair of combs for her hair. A dab of shiny, peach lipstick added a feminine finishing touch. Smiling at her reflection, Alexa was pleased with the results and hoped Sebi would think so, too.

  Barefoot, she headed out the door, but stopped at the bottom step. The remote. Can't forget that!

  Sebi waited for her in the salon. Dressed in a white dress shirt and black slacks that hugged his gorgeous derriere, he looked ready to go on a date. His bare feet were the only indication they weren't going anywhere. An appreciative smile graced his lips when he saw her.

  "Wow. You look beautiful.” He accentuated each word.

  She resisted the urge to preen, but absorbed his admiration like a sponge. Alexa kissed his cheek. “Thank you for the dress. I love it."

  "It fits you perfectly. And my other gift? Do you like it as well?"

  She placed the remote in his open palm and closed his fingers around it. “Play nice. I turned it on a level I'm comfortable with."

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. His tongue surged into her mouth, strong and firm.

  His testosterone-laced spittle worked magic on her senses. She moaned into his throat, enjoying the passion it evoked.

  Breaking from the kiss, he handed her a margarita and offered a toast. “To a magical night."

  She liked the sound of that and tipped her glass to touch his. The lime-flavored drink puckered her taste buds and finished sweet. “Delicious. Thank you."

  "About tonight ... I want to play a game with you. You may refuse, but I hope you won't."

  Her curiosity rising, she cocked her head. “Game?"

  "I forbid you to orgasm until I tell you. I will control the length and strength of the vibrations on your sweet, hot cunt, but you must tell me if you're getting too close to coming. Do you understand?"

  A frown wrinkled her forehead. “Okay, but why?"

  "If you allow me to keep control, I promise when you come, and how, will be much more spectacular."

  "What if I don't obey?"

  "You'll have a spanking and won't be allowed to sleep with me tonight. You'll have to sleep alone."

  Her eyebrows rose. “You're serious?"

  "I am. We've had some great fun—the phone sex and this afternoon—I let you have control. But that's not my nature."

  Her eyes narrowed with curiosity. “You're a Dom?"

  He nodded, taking in the question as though expected. “If you want to put a label on me, I'd have to say yes. But everything you and I do or don't do is up to you. I'll never take you farther than you're willing. I sensed you're the kind of woman who would enjoy the things I can teach you. Intelligent, spirited women often are."

  Her brain worked to sort out unspoken agendas. Did he intend to flog me? Tie me up? Make me wear a collar and lead me by chain? She looked at the boats anchored nearby. This location on the lake took on a new meaning. The way people gathered, performed sex acts for each other to watch, and cheered each other on was orchestrated. He wanted her to be part of that lifestyle.

  "It's not what you're thinking.” He seemed to read her mind. “I only want you to let me lead you though this evening. Let me define the parameters of your pleasure—and mine, of course."

  "What about tomorrow and the next day? I have no say?"

  "You always do, you always have. I hope, however, that after tonight, you'll enjoy yourself so much you won't be concerned about giving me control when we make love. Don't forget, Alexa, one of the things I like about you most is your independence. You have a career, a full life, without me. Perhaps you'll enjoy relinquishing control in this one aspect."

  "And if I don't?” Her heart hammered while she waited for the reply. If this was a deal breaker, she'd prefer to know now before she got too involved.

  His shoulders slumped. “Remember this afternoon when you asked me why I don't date often and I told you I'm picky?"

  She nodded while sipping her drink.

  "I also said I like adventurous women. I'm asking you to go on this adventure with me tonight and see what you think."

  "If I don't like it, if I can't agree to play this submissive role, we're through?"

  "I don't want you to
feel like you're auditioning, Alexa. I never would have brought you here if I didn't think you'd at least be open to the suggestion. And this afternoon on the swim platform, you demonstrated the ability to really let go. I never suggested you get naked and let me perform cunnilingus for all the world to see."

  A shiver went through her. She loved the word cunnilingus, and the way it sounded on Sebi's lips made her pussy clench.

  "It wasn't all the world, only one boat.” Enjoying the tease, she smirked.

  A hint of a smile rose into his eyes. “Nevertheless, I'm asking you to try my way."

  Alexa had to know if Sebi really respected her. She put his character on the line. “If I want to leave now, will you take me? Are we through?"

  "We'll leave. We can motor to another area on the lake and enjoy dinner and a romantic evening together.” His voice remained soft and soothing, the way it always sounded when they were together. His gaze held no sign of defensiveness or pander.

  "But what about our relationship? After dinner, is it over if I don't want to submit to your ways?"

  "I hope not. I enjoy you so much. I think we're good together, in bed and out. I respect you and want you in my life. It's been a long time since I said that to a woman, and I'm not just saying it to appease you. You have so many of the qualities I'm looking for in a woman. I'm sharing this private information about me to demonstrate my trust in you."

  He searched her face with his eyes, awaiting her decision. She sensed no anger, no aggressive emotions at all. He was just Sebastian, easy, honest, and now, so complicated.

  Alexa thought back to her dangerous relationship with a man named Darius. He'd been abusive in every aspect of the word. Young and in love, Alexa had taken it until one day he'd beat her up. She'd driven out of Mesa as soon as she could, leaving her parents tearful and angry because she wouldn't press charges. Since then, she'd managed to keep Darius from finding her. Was she looking at another Darius?

  "Are you okay?” Concern filled his voice. He rubbed her arms. “You're shivering."

  She cleared her throat, preparing to tell him the boundaries of their relationship. “There'll be no spankings. I'll never let a man raise his hand against me again."

  "Dear god, it's not that way, let me explain."

  "No, let me finish. If we're going to trust each other, then that's a line you won't cross. I think we have something solid between us and I really, really want to keep seeing you. But...” She drew a long breath.

  Sebastian took her hand, a silent show of strength and support.

  "I dated one asshole that nearly put me in the hospital and took me for every penny I had. I've worked hard to distance myself from people like him. If you have any intention of making me some kind of a slave to your will, you're a sick motherfucker and I'll have no part of it.” Tears welled in her eyes. Her breaths came in short, shallow heaves.

  "Never.” His voice was barely a whisper, his expression utter seriousness. “May I hold you?"

  She stood there, frozen by the pain she'd scratched open and the compassion in his face. She nodded.

  "Never,” he repeated, taking her in his warm embrace. “This is a private expression of ourselves. It has nothing to do with handing your life to me. I want nothing more than to see you prosper and achieve all your dreams. But when we are alone, I'd like you to let me take the burden of your responsibilities off your shoulders for a little while. Let me comfort you and bring you satisfaction. That's all. I don't need to spank you, and I'll never do it unless you ask."

  She stiffened, surprised by the last sentence. Drawing back, she wondered why he thought she'd ever ask.

  "Many people enjoy the pain of a spanking and even a flogging, but if that's not for you, it's okay. But know, Alexa, you can change your mind and I'll never question why. It'll be your choice."

  Her lips touched his in a down-soft kiss. Did she trust herself enough to know whether Sebi was telling the truth? He sure knew how to tip her emotions on end. He hadn't said or done a single thing to make her wary. Could that be the brilliance of his plan? Ultimately, there was only way to find out. Take a chance and hope her instincts were right.

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. Then he placed the vibrator's remote in her palm. “When you trust me to use it, I will. Until then it's yours to enjoy."

  She glanced at the small control in her hand, her eyes blurry with tears. Damn it, is he the real deal? She closed her fingers. I'll have to figure that out, won't I?

  While urging her toward the cushioned benches in the salon, Sebi changed the subject. “Let's enjoy a glass of wine and some dinner. The sunset is beautiful and we can relax on deck later."

  He flipped a switch and the air filled with the romantic sounds of muted trumpets playing lazy jazz. Sebastian placed crab salad and a glass of white wine in front of her before sliding next to her.

  He seemed utterly unfazed by their conversation minutes ago. As though it hadn't happened. Raising his glass, he offered a toast. “To us, and a new awareness and understanding of who we really are."

  Fuck. Does he always say the right things? Alexa sipped her wine, the crisp taste of apples and pears, lingering in her mouth after the alcohol warmed her throat. She picked up her fork and nibbled a tender piece of crab.

  "Don't you like the salad? I can make you something else."

  "You really are intuitive. But it's not the salad or the wine. Both are delicious."

  "I've ruined our evening by talking about my needs."

  Earlier, he hadn't phrased his request exactly that way and now what he'd asked for seemed less threatening. It wasn't as though she wouldn't tell him if she wanted or needed something from him. She wanted to trust him, to believe that he wasn't stringing her along only to turn into some kind of psychopath like Darius was—and probably still is.

  She gave him a gentle smile and placed her hand on his cheek. His dark eyes were full of questions. “You didn't ruin anything. If a relationship is going to last, trust has to be there. You threw me by saying you'd spank me and make me sleep alone if I disobeyed."


  She placed her index finger on his lips, silencing his objections. “Maybe we'll have to come up with an alternative punishment, if we reach the point where punishment becomes necessary.” She arched an eyebrow, challenging his conclusion she would disobey.

  A lazy grin grew on his beautiful lips. The lips that used to distract her from all logical thought. She closed the distance between them and kissed Sebi, closing the conversation at least for now.

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  After dinner, Sebastian led Alexa to the rear deck. Running lights outlined the yacht in the water, and he turned on a lamp to illuminate the deck beneath the flybridge. There wasn't a breath of air, and the evening temperatures were in the middle seventies. Sebi loved evenings like this on the water.

  Alexa stretched out on a thickly padded chaise lounge.

  The sight of her reclining, completely at ease, took his breath away. She looks like she belongs here—with me. Dare he hope? She seemed to have made some peace with how the evening would progress, so he wouldn't push her.

  "Would you like me to turn the music back on?” His voice sliced the silence and carried much farther than the intimate space they occupied.

  "No. If you don't mind, I just want to enjoy the peace and visit with you. It's been such a long time since I did anything on a Saturday night beside catch up on laundry and errands. I dread Saturdays, and I spend most of my Sundays sleeping and getting ready for the work week. It sucks."

  Sebastian handed her a glass of wine and dropped into the lounge chair next to her. “How long have you been at Greggerson?"

  "They recruited me in grad school at Caltech, so I came right after graduation, a little over two years ago. I like Parsons. I grew up in Mesa, Arizona, but I'd never been to this part of Utah. It's close enough to have my parents visit and far enough away..."
r />   "Far enough from Darius?"

  "He can't find me. He's in my past with mistake written all over it. I probably should have pressed charges. My parents wanted me to, but I didn't feel strong enough to get through it and I had a scholarship waiting for me. I took off for Pasadena and never went back."

  "You've never gone home in like five or six years?"

  She shook her head.

  Sebi laced his fingers through hers. “I'm sorry he hurt you. I hope he gets punished somehow."

  "He got in trouble with the cops a few times after I left. He was a druggie. My folks used to mention when they heard something about him. I asked them to stop. I want to put all the bad memories behind me."

  He drew a deep, slow breath. “And here we are dragging it in front of you again. Let's change the subject. Do you ski?"

  Her expression brightened. “Cross country only. I have a need, strange as it may seem, to avoid killing myself. I'm not that graceful. Even cross country is a real challenge."

  Her candor made him laugh. “I have a place in Tahoe I like to go to. Maybe we can go together this winter. It's a great place to relax. I can strap on the narrow boards and go with you."

  "Does that mean you want to keep me around even if I'm not going to turn into your sex slave?"

  The lilt in her voice let him know she was pleased about the invitation. “I hope you'll be around for a long time."

  Laughter came from a nearby boat. The sun had set and soon, everyone would come out to play. A shot of anxiety rushed into Sebi's gut but he disregarded it. This is what it's about. She'll have to decide.

  They sat in silence, sipping wine, as the evening unfolded. Some soft applause drifted on the evening air.

  Alexa turned in the direction of the sounds. She rose and looked off the starboard side of the boat. Her hand went to her throat. “Oh, wow."

  His gaze followed her.

  "She's having fun."

  He didn't move. He didn't need to. He knew whose boat she was looking at. Her reaction to what was going on was more important.

  Alexa returned to her seat, her face tense.


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