Home > Other > THE 18TH FLOOR > Page 8

by Margie Church

  "If you're taking orders for coffee, I take mine with a shot of cream."

  Alexa looked up to find Evangelique standing ten feet in front of her. She couldn't miss the glittering collar the woman wore. Encrusted with colored gems and diamonds, the necklace had to be worth a fortune. Her dark coloring accentuated the beautiful piece even more. Dressed in a crisp, emerald-colored suit, Evangelique's haughty glare reminded Alexa of one of the evil sisters in Cinderella.

  "Are you speaking to me, Evanelique?"

  "There isn't anyone else around."

  This is going to be fun. “The lounge is down the hall and to the left if you want fresh brewed. Vending machines dispense something black called coffee, but I wouldn't drink it. In either case you'll have to find somebody to squirt a shot of jizz in it for you. Can't help you on that one. Excuse me."

  Evangelique's eyes narrowed in a hard glare. She stood straighter, looking every bit ready to continue sparring. “You talk tough. Are you sure a lowly administrative assistant such as you should be shooting off her mouth?"

  Alexa almost choked with laughter. “It's a risk I'll have to take. If you'll excuse me, I have a satellite to design."

  Surprise flashed in Evangelique's contemptuous expression and disappeared an instant later. “I'm surprised Sebi would be involved with someone like you."

  "You mean a woman with my intelligence and responsibilities? Perhaps I'm smarter than you."

  Evangelique fingered the beautiful collar she wore. “But did he give you one of these?” When Alexa didn't reply, she continued. “I thought not. Sebastian knows I wear this collar because I still care deeply for him. Soon, he'll be back in my bed where he belongs."

  Alexa couldn't keep the smile from her face. “I'm not sure wearing a collar is my style, but I will say this. A good Sub would have said, ‘I'll be back in his bed where I belong.'” She risked a slap on the face by flicking the ornate jewelry with her fingernail. “Sebastian told me all about your collar. He didn't buy it or give it to you. So that makes you a bitch who got off her leash and is waiting at the pound for a new owner.” Alexa inhaled deeply. “I hope you find a Sub willing to put up with your pathetic bullshit."

  Alexa walked past her, struggling to contain the little victory dance itching to get out.

  Evangelique called after her in a tone laden with finality. “You won't be able to hold on to him, you know. He's got powerful needs."

  The remark struck a chord in Alexa. She faced Sebastian's ex with all the calmness she could muster. “True enough, but Sebi has a sweet spot."

  "I suppose you think your skinny white ass is going to keep him interested and satisfied.” Her voice betrayed her shaken composure.

  "If you think that's what he needs, it's no wonder he dumped you like Tuesday's trash. Don't bother me again or I'll have you dismissed."

  Head held high, Alexa walked away. Once she was out of Evangelique's sight, she did that little happy dance. Fuck you, Vangie. Snickering, she wondered if anyone dared call that bossy wench Vangie. She made a mental note to give it a try next time their paths crossed.

  A dull ache pulsed behind Alexa's eyes. It was almost 8:30 p.m. She was so darn tired she'd lost her appetite.

  The second shift guard gave her a wry smile when she pulled up to the guardhouse. “Late one tonight, Ms. Robbins."

  She gave a weary smile in return. “Crazy busy these days, Roger."

  "I don't know how you do it. You need to take some time off."

  She nodded, wishing Roger would raise the electronic arm and let her pass before she fell asleep at the wheel.

  "Oh, before I forget, there's a note for you."

  Frowning, she accepted the folded yellow piece of paper.

  "The guy waited for the longest time, and kept asking if he could come inside to wait for you. Wouldn't give his name."

  A chill shot through Alexa. “Was he around six feet tall, kind of lanky, blond hair, kind of an angular face?"

  "Hawkish features, I'd say, but yeah, that describes him. Couldn't see his eyes. His hair was hanging in them. His nose was pierced, too."

  Darius. She unfolded the note with shaking hands.

  "You okay, Ms. Robbins? You look upset."

  Her eyes scanned the words, but her brain refused to translate what she read.

  "Ms. Robbins?"

  "How long ago did he leave this note?"

  "At least an hour ago. Why? Is he a troublemaker?"

  Roger had to be at least a dozen years older than her. She liked his big-brother attitude but more so, she appreciated that he'd done his job and not let Darius hang around. Darius had the patience of a piss ant and she doubted he'd be waiting outside the lot. Yet, she never expected him to find her either.

  "Roger, I forgot something upstairs. I'm going back up."


  Alexa put her car in reverse and backed into the parking area. Clear of the exit lanes, she drove to the spot nearest the elevator and parked. She fished her cell phone out of her purse and called Sebastian.

  Anxiety tied her stomach in knots. “Be there.” She whispered the phrase again and again while the call connected and rang.

  Sebi answered on the third ring. “Hi!"

  "Are you still in the office?"

  "What's the matter, Alexa? You sound upset. Did you have another confrontation with Evangelique?"

  "No. It's Darius. He was here, Sebi ... looking for me. He left a note."

  "The guy who beat you up?"

  "Yes. He left a note at the guardhouse saying he wants to see me."

  "Could he possibly want to apologize?"

  "Why would he hunt me down for that?” Alexa told him about the suspicious car that followed her home the other night. “He's stalking me."

  Memories returned, rapid-fire, of the last time she'd been with Darius. She'd refused to go with him to another party that night. High on coke, his fingers had dug into her upper arms while he shook her like a ragdoll. He'd squeezed so hard she thought her bones would snap. When she'd struggled to get away, he'd backhanded her. She'd seen stars. The grass cushioned her fall. Cold and clammy with nighttime dew, the short blades prickled her damaged face, adding insult to the fiery pain already shooting through her wounded eye socket. Dazed, the rank odor of autumn's detritus had acted like smelling salts. Darius had ordered her to get up, and when she didn't move, he delivered one ruthless kick after another to her body. Alexa barely breathed as she relived the terrifying experience. That night she'd vomited from the pain, and he'd dragged her to her feet by her hair. The only thing that had saved her was somebody shouting for him to let her go. An angel of mercy scared Darius away but didn't have the courage to help her after he'd fled. Abandoned by her looser boyfriend, she'd called her parents to come and get her. They were horrified at what that monster had done and wanted him prosecuted. Alexa had refused, insisting she would leave Mesa and never come back. Things would be fine. And they had been for almost five years.

  "What do you want me to do? Tell me. Alexa!"

  Sebastian's voice broke through her fright. Her chin quivered. She cleared her throat, trying not to break down. “Come and get me."

  "I'm already out the door. Are you at work?"

  "Y ... yes.” Chills wracked her body. Tears dripped from her chin. “Main floor. I can see Roger in the guardhouse from here. I'm by the elevator entrance."

  "Stay in the car. Lock the doors. Don't hang up. I'm right here."

  Roger walked over to her car and tapped on the glass. “Are you okay?"

  She brushed away her tears with the back of her hand and took a deep breath. More composed, Alexa nodded and lowered her window. “I am, but I need you to promise you won't let that guy in the building. He is a troublemaker, like you said, and I don't want anything to do with him."

  "Do you want me to call the police?"

  "I appreciate your concern, but Sebastian Law is coming to get me. We'll figure out what to do."

  Sebastian's face was et
ched with tension when he got out of his car.

  Alexa gathered her briefcase and purse and opened her car door. He was there before her foot hit the ground.

  "Are you okay?” He helped her out of her vehicle. “Have you seen or heard from him again?"

  Alexa cupped his cheek and then rested her head in the crook of his neck. “Thanks for coming so quickly."

  His arms tightened around her. “You haven't seen him?"

  "No,” she said, still cocooned in his embrace. “I don't have a land line, but I suppose it's not going to be difficult for him to get my number here."

  Sebi brushed her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. “You're coming with me for a few days until we sort this out."

  Alexa didn't argue.

  The mixture of concern and anger coming from Sebi was palpable inside the car. He squeezed her hand. “How do you think he found you?"

  "I called my parents while I was waiting for you. They haven't heard from him, but I might have led him here."

  "How so?” He turned onto the freeway.

  "I made an anonymous donation to my high school. They were upgrading the science labs and Greggerson matched the contribution. The local paper ran a story and listed all the donors."

  "Greggerson outed you?"

  She nodded. “How would they know to keep this under wraps? My parents saw the article. The damage was done. All they could do was hope Darius didn't see the article.” She pounded her thigh. “Stupid, stupid me. I didn't think."

  "Don't take this wrong, but you've completely changed your life to suit an asshole. A slime ball that doesn't deserve to walk the Earth. He's the one who needed a change of address—a cage. If I ever get my hands on that fucker..."

  She kissed his knuckles, appreciating his concern and willingness to take care of her.

  Sebi broke the long silence. “What do you want to do about this guy?"

  "I don't know if he's still on drugs, but he was always broke. I don't think he'd be able to hang around indefinitely. Maybe he'll go away in a couple days.” That suggestion seemed improbable, but she hated the idea of having to deal with Darius at any level.

  "It's possible, but if he'd straightened out, I think he'd have found a less threatening way to reach you. He's still a whack job. We need to find a more permanent solution."

  "Like what, Sebastian? Call the cops? And tell them what? A creep from my past left me a note?” She shifted in her seat, watching the rear view mirror for signs of the car he may have been driving. “I don't know where he is or what he really wants. All I can say for sure is the idea of seeing him scares the shit out of me."

  "He's got to show his face sooner or later and when he does, we'll deal with him together. One last time."

  His voice had a hard edge to it that Alexa found very comforting at the moment. She hadn't seen any car looking like the one that had followed her, but that didn't stop her scanning the road and side streets while Sebi drove. When he turned onto her street, she gasped.

  "What's the matter?"

  She pointed at a dark colored sedan parked across the street from her apartment building. “That's the car."

  "Let's take care of this right now.” Sebastian accelerated and veered toward the parked car.

  Though the sunlight had faded, Alexa could make out his features. “It's him."

  At nearly the same instant, Darius must have recognized Alexa. He put the car in gear and sped past them, almost sideswiping their car in the process.

  Sebastian pulled into the parking lot behind Alexa's apartment. “I want you to pack your things. You're going to stay with me until this situation is straightened out."

  Her voice shook. It's time that crazy son of a bitch got what's coming to him. “Thank you. I don't feel safe here now that I'm sure it's him and he knows where I live.” She dug in her briefcase for paper and pen.

  "What are you doing?” He turned off the engine.

  "I got the license plate number. At least we have that and the note."

  Sebastian laughed. “I love your levelheadedness."

  Having him in the seat next to her changed everything. Sebi's reactions kept proving how different he was from every man before him. His willingness to take on her problems, and protect her touched Alexa deeply. His self-confidence seemed to rub off on her. She felt less vulnerable physically and emotionally since he came into her life. In the short months since they'd been dating, Alexa could see their relationship had a firm foundation of respect. Finding ways make each other happy had become second nature between them. This guy's a keeper.

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  Alexa took a break from her satellite project to add a few things to her grocery list. She could count on one hand how many times she'd cooked a meal at her place since she'd moved in. Well, maybe not on one hand, but it was a very rare occurance. Sebastian got a huge charge out of cooking for her. He specialized in making gourmet pizzas and soups with homemade noodles. She'd even learned how to make pizza dough and get it on the grill without making a complete mess of the creation.

  She leaned back in her chair and marveled at how easy it was to live with him. The only difficulty they'd had was coordinating their work schedules. After two weeks of Sebastian grumbling about her ungodly hours, Alexa stopped trying to bend him to her will. He had a good point. She took steps to trim her workday to more reasonable and respectful levels. A positive change came over him the day the alarm clock was set forty-five minutes later and they left the office by 6:00 p.m.

  They had glimpsed Darius’ car near the office a few times so neither relaxed about the situation. If they weren't in a relationship, having Sebi tagging after her would have driven her out of her ever loving mind. Sebastian remained vigilant. He didn't act like some sort of modern day gladiator. He was nearby, present. Her grin spread and warmed her heart. Alexa had developed a real addiction to Sebastian Law.

  She returned her attention to the electronic schematics for the Calypso satellite. The capabilities of the equipment were mindboggling and being part of the team was a phenomenal opportunity for Alexa. The next thing she knew, her phone was ringing.


  Sebi chided her. “Did you forget about lunch today?"

  Unaware of the time, she checked her watch. “I guess so. I'll be right down."

  "You're late, so you will be punished."

  His tone wasn't ominous, but shivers rushed through her anyway. “How?"

  "Leave your panties in your purse. Come to my office. When you get here, lock the door behind you."

  "I'll be there as quickly as I can."

  "See that you are."

  Alexa hung up the phone, grabbed her purse, and rushed to the ladies room to freshen up. Being late for lunch turned out to be fortuitous. The restroom was vacant and she could perform her ablutions without someone wondering, perhaps, what was taking her so long. Finished, she hurried to Sebastian's office.

  She rapped on his door and entered without waiting for him to reply. Alexa lowered her gaze while inhaling sharply. Her breath whistled between her lips. He sat behind his desk wearing no shirt. Locking the door behind her, Alexa waited. Her body quivered with anticipation and she was acutely aware of the moisture pooling between her legs.

  Sebastian rose, revealing his nakedness and glorious erection. His boldness never ceased to amaze her. He approached like a lion stalking its mate. Powerful, sure. Grasping her hand, he led her to the windows. She wondered what they were looking for, but waited for him to reveal his plan.

  They'd talked about their erotic night aboard Deepest Pleasures, and Sebastian learned that exhibitionism was one of Alexa's fetishes. Earlier, when he had seen the trailing ropes and equipment, he knew exactly how to punish Alexa for her lateness.

  He pressed his body against her back while sliding his hands up and down her soft curves. Her silky dress fabric reminded him of how her pussy would feel when he fucked her. He inched the garment over her hips,
revealing her firm, bare ass.

  While caressing her butt cheek, he spoke against her ear. “I really want to spank you for your tardiness, but we can't draw attention."

  "I'm sorry for losing track of the time. When we get home tonight you can take care of me properly."

  He kissed along the slope of her neck, becoming more aroused by the second. Cupping her chin, he drew her head back, while turning her face toward his. Her lips. God, he could never get enough of her lips and what they did to his body.

  The thump of the pulleys and equipment against the building garnered his attention. A surge of desire moved through his groin. They didn't have much time. His thoughts crystallized on one primordial need.

  Sebastian pressed Alexa against the wall nearest the window. “Show me your ass."

  A rosy hue stained her cheeks. Alexa lifted her dress and bent slightly. “Can you see how much I want you? I'm wet for you."

  He slipped his fingers into her folds. “I wish we were at home. I want to make love to you all afternoon.” Taking his cock in hand, he could feel it pulse to the rhythm of his heart. Sebi pressed the tip into her entrance. “This will have to do, but I promise...” He slid all the way in. “ make it memorable."

  Her spine arched as her body accepted him. She looked backward. “Don't waste time."

  Tight pussy walls enclosed his shaft as he pumped against her. Alexa seemed engrossed in their coupling. Her eyes closed, she braced against the wall. She didn't appear to hear the equipment lowering.

  But Sebastian did.

  He glanced over his shoulder to see the curious expressions of the two men on the window washing platform. He almost came that second.

  "Alexa, look."

  Her head turned in the direction of the window and her eyes widened. “You're such a bastard. Those poor men are going to have to watch you fuck me silly. And then what?” His thrusts tempered the pace of her speech. “They have no one to relieve their agony."


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