Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5

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Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5 Page 5

by Hazel Gower

  Carl eased me down on the bed so my back rested on the soft quilt. He kissed his way down my neck and nibbled my collar bone. Oh my, he knew what he was doing. He knew every spot that had me burning hotter for him. His hot breath feathered over my puckered nipples and my heart missed a beat. I took a deep breath in as my body started shaking. He sucked one pebbled nipple in before repeating with the other. I never wanted him to stop. I gripped his hair holding him against me. My skin now burned with building lust stronger than I’d ever felt in my life.

  His hand reached my mound and he slid two fingers into my sopping wet core and moaned against my breasts. He pumped his fingers in and out of me as he sucked on my breasts. I was going to fall over the edge soon. I was wound up and he was amazing. I arched into him as he drew my nipple into his mouth. My hips bucked, rising up to push his fingers deeper.

  “So close. Make me come, please. Please!” I begged.

  He slid down my body and when his heated breath fanned over my pussy, I knew it wouldn’t take much until I came. The first lick had me clenching and the second had me panting to reach my high.

  “Yes. Oh God, Yes!”

  He sucked my clit into his mouth and drove his fingers in deep. I came apart. I tensed for a moment and then shattered into bliss.

  “That was the sexist scene I’ve ever watched,” his voice rumbled as he glided back up my sweat coated body. He lined his cock up with my entrance and I felt his finger part my folds. “Annabelle, you are mine.”

  I nodded franticly as he slowly eased into me and was a perfect fit. He stretched me, giving just the right amount of burn. He rested his hands on either side of me. Every sensation felt different with Carl. I’d had sex before, but I didn’t know it could feel like this. My body was on fire. When his cock moved out of me in a slow agonizing pace, my stomach coiled tight, getting ready to unravel again. Carl thrust deep into me and I felt a slight sting as his dick seated deep, but it didn’t feel bad. I gazed into his big brown eyes and focused on the new sensation flowing through me. My body felt light, but full and ready to burst. When he moved out and pushed back in again I relaxed further as tingles of pleasure shot through me.

  Staring as Carl’s muscles strained and tensed with each retreat and entry, I couldn’t believe the man thrusting into me was mine. Running my hands over his chest and back, I let the immense ecstasy wash over me as he started to propel in and out of me, setting a steady pace.

  Closing my eyes I basked in the bubbling need building within me. I was close to falling over the edge. Each stroke of Carl’s cock had me rising higher and higher. Gripping Carl’s shoulders I drove up to meet his thrusts.

  “I need…Oh God, I need to come.” I could barely breathe as he started to pick up the pace and pound into me. “Sooo good.”

  Moaning, Carl leaned down, going deep as he rested his hands above my head. He nibbled on my earlobe sending pulses straight to my pussy and shattered me into a million pieces. Holding him close to me I let euphoria wash over me. Nothing had felt like this before, not even when I pleasured myself. I was in heaven.

  Carl pumped into me with a final deep push before yelling his release and slowly easing down to rest on me. I enjoyed his weight, it added to my happy blissed out state. If this was what being Carl’s woman meant, I could definitely get used to it.

  * * * *


  Annabelle’s dog Sherlock was huge, and the thing wouldn’t stay outside. My weekend chef wasn’t helping, giving the horse-like dog the bacon that was supposed to be mine. Annabelle giggled when Gigi ‘accidently’ dropped more bacon. Right then, as I listened to the happiness in Annabelle’s giggle, I didn’t care that her mammoth of a dog was eating my breakfast.

  Work had called me this morning, but I’d set them straight telling them I was having this weekend off and would be taking some time off in the coming school holidays. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a vacation from work. Being the head of general didn’t give me much free time. I had devoted my life to being the best at my job and it had paid off, but I needed this time to get to know Annabelle.

  I had today all planned. Breakfast together, then a walk around my property and down to the beach, lunch, and after, I had organized boxes so Annabelle could move into the house. I wasn’t giving her a chance to get away from me. Annabelle was moving in with me ASAP.

  “Gigi, thanks for breakfast.” Annabelle chomped on a piece of bacon and grinned at my chef.

  Gigi was a tall older lady in her late sixties. She had been a retired chef, but I convinced her to work for me on the weekends. She was the only person who had the guts to set me straight and tell me what needed to be heard. Gigi and my cleaner Regina, were the only people I let tell me what needed to be done.

  “No problem. It’s nice to cook for more than Carl.”

  “Oh are you telling me you don’t cook for Carl’s lady friends?”

  Gigi threw her head back and laughed. “Carl, doesn’t have any friends, let alone lady ones.” She said between fits of laughter.

  I should be offended, but she was right. I didn’t have many friends and I had never brought a woman to my home. Any relationship I’d had with a woman, not that there’d been many, I had always gone to their place. My friends were more work colleagues.

  Annabelle’s gaze widened and shot to me. “I’m the only woman you’ve brought here?” Her voice rang high.

  “Of course. This house is only for the woman who’ll be my wife.”

  Annabelle rolled her eyes. “You haven’t even asked me to marry you and I wouldn’t say yes, because I don’t know you.”

  “You’ll get to know me. I’ve already learned a lot about you.”

  She stood from the bar stool and placed her hand on her hips. “Oh yeah, like what?”

  Going to her, I gathered her against me. She was stiff at first but after a moment or two she relaxed. “Like, you’re smart, resourceful, caring, and feisty.”

  “Ha, there, you’re wrong. I’m not feisty, and where did you get resourceful from?”

  Turning her in my embrace, I tilted her head up. “I got resourceful from how you ran from me at the cabin and knew to stay hidden. And you most definitely are feisty with me. It’s all you’ve been with me.”

  Her eyes lit up and a massive grin spread over her beautiful face. “I am aren’t I? I guess you just bring out something in me.”

  Bringing my hands down I tickled her and she squealed with delight and moved out of my hold. She spun and ran to the sliding door, opened it and ran out. Sherlock barked and followed. Chuckling at their antics, I ran after her.

  * * * *


  Sitting cross armed at the fancy five star restaurant I glared at Carl. How dare he just buy boxes and get people to move me into his house. He didn’t even ask, he just bulldozed me.

  “You’re still angry with me.” I hated that I found the smirk on his face hot. He was so arrogant. He knew that I wasn’t angry, I was more annoyed that he just took over and assumed I’d pack up my stuff and move in. I may have said when he kidnapped me I’d move in, but I never said anything about packing up my things at my place and getting someone to rent it.

  “Yes. You can’t just invite agents to my house so they can take photos and tell us what we need to do to have it ready for renters.”

  “You said we.” The grin that overtook his face had me clenching my fists and resisting the urge to jump across the table and knock it off his smug face.

  “Argh, I meant I. Not we.”

  “I don’t think you did.” The teasing lilt to his voice did strange things to my body. This man was dangerous. I hadn’t even been with him for a full weekend and the strange animalistic pull I felt for him wasn’t lessening, it was getting stronger. The sex last night was amazing and every time he touched me, my body came alive. In the short time I’d been with Carl
I’d learned he didn’t know what the word No meant.

  “You drive me crazy. I don’t know why you have this insane notion that we’re meant to be, when I swear over half the time we’ve been together I want to beat you over the head with a blunt object.”

  The arse laughed and clutched at his chest dramatically. “I feel the love.”

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes again. “So…you’re a doctor. I thought the Silvermans were business men and all snooty society.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “Snooty society? Really? Is that what you think of us Silvermans?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t know much about the Silvermans, but what I’d heard they were all businessmen and high society people.

  “You have a lot to learn. We’re not all high society. I have a nephew who’s a cop, another who owns gyms, one who has a bunch of nightclubs and another who has a computer company. Now if we were to talk about my brother Albert, and his wife Gillian, then yes, they are snooty society people.”

  “You have three brothers, but do you have any sisters?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. The Silvermans don’t have girls.”

  I’d see about that, because one thing I always wanted was a little baby girl.

  * * * *

  The mega mansion was unreal. I mean who needed ten bedrooms, six bathrooms, and a two bedroom pool house, not to mention two pools and a spa. The beach was only a short walk away separated by a cliff. The high wire security fence surrounded the cliffs. There was a gate and stairs down to the beach.

  “What do you think of our home?” Carl paused and clutched my hand stopping me from moving toward the house. He raised his eyebrow.

  Turning to face him I tried to think of nice things to say. It was nice, I suppose, if I was into marble, glass, mosaic, and expensive bland colors for furniture. “So, do you ever sit or do anything in the white living room? I mean your decorator liked white sofas. They’re everywhere.” Maybe Carl didn’t want children because this house was definitely not child friendly. The expensive vases and art, that should add color and character—but didn’t— just made the house feel more like a museum.

  He shrugged. “No. I suppose it’s not very practical.”

  “Ha, practical. None of this mini palace is practical. There is no way this house is a family house. I mean, well...” I ran my fingers through my hair. Carl, got me flustered just thinking of having a family with him. I shouldn’t even be thinking about this, I barely knew this man. The pull I felt for him kept getting stronger. I was at the stage where I think I should just let it all be and stop fighting. Let whatever was going happen, happen. Stuff it. I gaze up at him. “This house isn’t somewhere I’d bring children up in. It needs a lot of changes before I would even consider it.”

  If I thought what I said would deter him in any way, I was totally wrong. His lips quirked up and his eyes sparkled. “So you’re thinking of a family with me?” I opened my mouth to tell him that he started it, when he grabbed me and captured my mouth with his. His tongue demanded I open, and I did, meeting him with my own. His hand slid down my back and he cupped my arse.

  His smack on my butt had me squealing, breaking our kiss and backing up. “What was that for?”

  “To make sure you’re paying attention.”

  Narrowing my gaze I crossed my arms over my chest. “Well you have it now.”

  “I love when your temper spikes, you turn the prettiest pink.” I growled and he laughed. “So cute.”

  “I’d shut it and tell me why you wanted my attention before my anger escalates and I call Sherlock to attack.” The arse thought that was hilarious and his laughter became so deep he was holding his stomach.

  “That mutt adores me.” I hated that it was true. My dog was a damn traitor.

  Turning, I walked back toward the house, ignoring the man howling with laughter. I didn’t get far before arms circled my waist and brought me against a hard chest, still shaking with chuckles.

  “Stop. Wait. Okay, I’ll tell you.” He spun me and tilted my chin up. “This house is yours now too. You can decorate it however you like.” He sighed. “I’ll even go furniture shopping with you.”

  “What happens if we break up? What will your next girlfriend think of the things I buy?”

  His snarl had me wiggling to get out of his hold and ready to run. Carl looked positively deadly, like an animal that had just had his first meal in months taken from him. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. You. Are. It.” I maneuvered out of his hold and backed up. “There will never be anyone else. So there will never be a break up.” The growl in his voice had me turning tail and running. I didn’t get more than a couple of steps before I was picked up and thrown over his shoulder, my arse smacked. “I’m going to show you just how you could never live without me.”

  Oh shit. I so shouldn’t be turned on by this, but the panties that I’d worn were soaked and I was so ready for Carl to show me anything. Oh God, what the hell had Carl Silverman done to me?

  * * * *


  If I wasn’t sure the curse was real before, I knew it was now. I lay next to the most beautiful woman in the world, my dick hard as a rock and I hadn’t done anything but hold Annabelle tonight. She was tired and I knew the night’s before marathon of sex had taken its toll and she was sore.

  .I hated to admit this, but right now I was grateful to the gift the gypsies had given the Silvermans. If I was being truthful, I never would have noticed Annabelle if it wasn’t for the curse. She wasn’t someone I would give a second look and for that I felt like a massive idiot, because I would have missed out on an amazing woman. She was perfect for me. I didn’t think I’d laughed or enjoyed myself this much in years. I loved how feisty she was and that she wasn’t afraid of me or scared of my surname.

  Holding her close against my naked chest I ran my fingers up and down her back. Her milky white skin was as soft as it looked, and even though I’d only been with her for a couple of days, I’d memorized every crevice and curve of her body and her scent was permanently embedded in my brain.

  I knew she’d changed me and for the better. Annabelle had given me a new look on life. “Thank you.” I whispered. Leaning down I brushed my lips over the top of her head.

  Chapter Five


  “Why do you have bodyguards? I think they’re a little over the top.” I knew the Silvermans were beyond rich. They held a lot of power, but I didn’t think that people would want to hurt them enough that they needed guards.

  Carl brushed his lips over mine in a gentle kiss. “My family has had some problems. When you have the money and influence we have, we need protection.”

  “I suppose, but bodyguards around all the time?”

  He hugged me to his chest and I melted against him loving how affectionate he was. “I didn’t have bodyguards before we met. Well, not for a couple of years, but now I have you, I have something I want to keep safe.” He sighed. “My family has been having some trouble lately with some nasty people. I don’t want to take any chances.”

  Stepping back I stare up at him, he sounded worried, and I was learning to choose my battles with Carl. “Okay, I understand you needing them, but I don’t need bodyguards. I’m a librarian. No one wants to harm me. I can’t bring these men to my school.”

  “Yes you can.”

  “No, I’m not. I don’t need them. Keep them with you. You need them. You’re the Silverman.”

  “They are protecting the most important person in the world. The woman I would do anything for.”

  Damn it, when he said things like that, it was hard to fight with him. I knew he was overacting. I didn’t need two bodyguards. “I’m not bringing two to work. I mean, I’m at a school. Who would be that bad to take me or do anything there?”

  Carl didn’t reply for a while. He smirked, turned an
d walked to the garage, pausing at the door. “Oh you’d be surprised. Bye honey.

  Argh, he was an infuriating man. Why on earth hadn’t I run from him the last couple of days? Oh that’s right, I wouldn’t have gotten far because I couldn’t even pee without him making sure he knew where I was.

  Carl had spent the morning trying to convince me not to go to work, but to stay and get to know him. If I couldn’t get time off to look after my mother I knew I wouldn’t be able to get it off to stay and have sex and get to know Carl. I hated to admit it, but even last night without having the all night sex marathon, it was nice just cuddling in bed with Carl.

  With Carl off to work, I knew I’d lost and was having guards. The drive to work took ten more minutes from Carl’s house, and I was glad I arrived early so the children didn’t see the car I arrived in and my unwanted companions. The dickhead principal Ranch did see me though, and marched straight over. Crap, I wasn’t in the mood for the arsehole. I wanted to get to my library and set it up ready for my morning class.

  “Miss Clarkson, do you want to tell me who these men are?”

  No I bloody well didn’t. I wondered if I ignored him, if he’d go away. Ha, I knew he wouldn’t. Groaning, I spun from heading towards the library and grumbled, “My bodyguards.”

  “Your what?” Principal Ranch snapped.

  I couldn’t help the grin when Lurch stepped in front of me. “Miss Clarkson didn’t stutter, she said we’re her bodyguards.”

  Principal Ranch huffed. “And why does she need guards?”

  Blane, one of the newer bodyguards that I didn’t know well winked at me. “She’s an undiscovered princess in need of protection from evil forces.”

  I bit my tongue to help contain my giggle at the look of uncertainty on Ranch’s face. Smiling, I turned my back, knowing my bodyguards would deal with my problem. Happy, I went to my library

  * * * *



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