Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5

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Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5 Page 11

by Hazel Gower

  Jessica stood, still laughing, but she held her stomach and took a deep breath in trying to calm herself. “Look, I’m sorry for laughing, but come on, it’s funny. It’s Easter and you have a bun in the oven.”

  I knew it was funny, but as tears rolled down my cheeks I wiped them away and hugged my middle. My husband would love his Easter gift. He was twelve years older than me and would be ecstatic to start a family. “This is all because of Valentine’s weekend.” I had missed the pill thanks to the surprise weekend, and now I had a surprise of my own for Richard.

  Jessica sat down and cuddled me to her. “You have nothing to worry about Bail, your husband loves you. You’re his world and this baby will make him so happy. I mean he bought you that massive house with room to have a bunch of babies.” She squeezed me. “I know you’re scared because you’re so young, but you have an amazing husband who would give you the world if you asked, and his family will always support you. Talk to him before you get too worked up.”

  Jessica was right. I needed to talk to Richard, but first Jessica was right about another thing. I smiled now as I thought about how happy Richard would be. “Get up and go get your paints. Let’s paint my stomach like an egg. He’ll get that quicker than the bun I think, plus buns are less festive to paint.”

  * * * *


  Something was off. My wife hadn’t come near me since she came home. Bailey was affectionate. She came straight to me for a cuddle and kiss even if I only left for fifteen or so minutes. Days when she’d been at work, like today, she came home and snuggled up and kissed me for at least an hour.

  I’d talked to her bodyguards and they’d told me nothing odd had happened. The only change in her routine was she’d visited her best friend Jessica.

  I didn’t like Bailey not touching me. I’d gone to her, but she’d maneuvered out of my reach. It had been like that for the last hour. She came home and went straight to the kitchen and started making cupcakes. They were her favorite lately. Vanilla, with strawberry icing.

  Bailey would come to me when she was ready. So I sat in our lounge room and waited. I didn’t wait long before she came out with a plate full of cupcakes. She sat next to me placing the plate on the coffee table. She got one of the cupcakes and shoved it in her mouth. Her head was turned to the side so she could see me.

  “That good, little raven?”

  Bailey nodded and pushed the rest of the cupcake into her mouth, moaning as she devoured it. Icing coated her lips and I zeroed in on it, eager to clean it. She brushed her hands on her shirt, then hooked her fingers onto the hem and lifted her shirt up and off.

  Unable to blink as colorful patterns appeared on her belly, I watched as a picture took shape. It was a painted egg. Raising an eyebrow, I chuckled. “I see Jessica got to you with paints? Is this her weird way of giving us an Easter gift?”

  “It’s more than that.” She sighed heavily. “She wanted to do a hot cross bun. I told her you’d get this better.”

  What the hell? I’d get what better? What did an egg painted on Bailey have for me to get? I sat up straighter and scooted closer to Bailey. Her cheeks were rosy red and now I was closer, her eyes looked puffy too, she been crying. Frowning, I checked her body to see if she had hurt herself, but couldn’t see anything. What the fuck had Jessica done? I was going to have a talk with her when I saw her next.

  Bailey groaned, picked up another cupcake and gobbled it down.

  “Don’t you think it’s weird that the last couple of weeks I’ve been baking cupcakes and scoffing them down like they’re going out of fashion? Plus think about what I said. I have an egg on my stomach.”

  Bailey had been eating a lot of cupcakes. She’d been very emotional too. I was sure she was just getting close to her time of the month, she was overdue them. What did she say before? Jessica had wanted a hot cross bun, but put an egg instead. I stared at the egg painted on her stomach, studying it this time. Jessica was a good artist. The egg was yellow with a blue and pink ribbon on top. Now I really looked, I could see all the detail she’d put into it and my heart started to pound faster and faster the more I took in. The bunnies were also blue and pink and each had a basket in their hands, but that wasn’t what had my heart rate drumming like a crazy beat. No, it was what was in the baskets, little booties, a rattle and dummy, rompers, and the very last ones at the bottom had an egg with a bean baby growing inside it, another had a bigger bean baby until it got to bunnies holding tiny babies resting in the baskets.

  Holy shit! Blinking, I swallowed, my throat suddenly drying up. I let it sink in what I now knew my beautiful wife was telling me and, like the pussy she’d now turned me into, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Leaning down I kissed Bailey’s belly and rested my hands on it.

  Gazing up at my wife I smiled. “I love you so much. Thank you.”

  Tears rolled down her cheek and she hiccupped on a sob. “You’re not upset about our little egg?”

  Easing up, but not taking my hands off where I now knew my son grew, I licked the icing off her lips first before taking her mouth in a kiss that showed her just how I felt. When I pulled away, she was panting and her tears were no more. Her eyes now flared with desire.

  “I couldn’t be more happy.” Kissing both her cheeks, I rested my forehead against hers. “Want to tell me why Jessica found out before me?”

  Sighing, she moved so she sat across my lap and snuggled into me. “I missed my period last month and I was due for them again two days ago. When I didn’t get it today I called Jessica. I wanted to be sure before I told you. She got the tests and I did them this afternoon.” Bailey hugged me tighter. “I have been taking my pill every morning. I have them in my bag, but the Valentine’s weekend I forgot and I was tired when we came back from all that fun.” She turned tomato red. “I forgot a couple of days after too. I only take this mini pill. The bigger dose makes me sick. So, um, I think Valentine’s weekend was when this all happened.” She started to cry and my heart sank.

  “Don’t cry. It’s okay.” I tilted her head up and wiped her eyes and kissed her cheeks before brushing a quick kiss over her lips. “This is a good thing.”

  She shook her head. “What will people say? I’m already eighteen and married. Now I’ll be a teen mum,” she wailed.

  The chuckle slipped out, I couldn’t help it. If this was all she was worried about that was okay. I could handle this. “Little raven, do you know how much I love you?” she nodded. “I don’t think you do. I love you more than anything in the whole universe. I don’t care what anyone says. I’m ecstatic we’re going to have baby. The only person’s opinion I care about is yours. I don’t even have to worry about my family’s because I know they’ll be as happy as me and won’t give a damn if you’re going to be a teen mum.” Letting go of her stomach I reached up and stroked her cheek. “Bailey, we’re married. We live in a big house and I have plenty of money to support us.”

  “Thank you. I love you. You drive me crazy, but I love you. I needed to hear all that.” Kissing her, she turned and straddled me. She broke our kiss. “I’m happy too, but I’m scared.”

  “You have nothing to be scared of. Tell me what’s worrying you?”

  “I’m worried about University. I don’t want to sound selfish, but I want to finish uni. If I have a baby how will I do that? I know we could pay for a nanny, but I don’t want that for our child. I want us to raise our kid, not someone else.”

  This was an easy fix. “You’re not being selfish. An education is important. I want you to finish your degree. I promise you that we will be the ones raising this baby. Little raven, I have a job that is flexible and I have enough money that I don’t need to ever work again. I’ll stay at home with our son while you go to university. I’ll help you with this. I’m sure my mother and aunts will jump at the chance too.”

  “You promise?”

  I nodded.
“I promise you. I want you happy. I love you.”

  She beamed up at me and I swear the sun came out of the night sky. “So…what makes you think my little egg is a boy?” She placed her hands over the egg on her stomach.

  “Well, I know our little egg will be a boy because that’s all us Silvermans ever have.” I placed my hands over hers. “It’s part of the gypsies’ curse, er, I mean gift.” I winked. “I’m happy to have as many children as you’re willing to test the theory.”

  She whacked my chest. “Ha, ha. Not funny. Enjoy this Easter surprise. I don’t know when you’ll get another.” She kissed me, sinking into me and grinding against me. When she pulled away I was so lost in her that it took me a moment to clear the lust filled haze, and see her beautiful, happy smiling face. “Happy Easter.”

  “Happy Easter. Thanks for my Easter surprise”

  Baby Love


  So I’d gone from being able to keep nothing down and barely eating anything, to eating every three hours or so. I was massive. At thirty-eight weeks pregnant with twins I was over ready to have these babies.

  Carl was driving me crazy. He was over helpful. I couldn’t even pee without him outside the bathroom door checking if I needed help. I mean who the hell needed help to pee? I was to the stage of begging him to go to work just so he’d leave me alone. My mother practically moved herself in and I had bodyguards that never left my side. I was sooo ready for these babies to come out.

  “Go to work. Trust me when I tell you, you don’t need to be at home with me. Not only do I have mum, but one of your brothers’ wives is bound to come over.” I couldn’t get rid of his family either. At least once a day I got a visit from one of his family members. I knew everyone meant well, but I was starting to crave alone time.

  “I can’t leave you now. You’re so close. What if you go into labor and I’m not here?” I pushed Carl out of bed using my feet and baby weight.

  “You have nothing to worry about. I’m only thirty-eight weeks and the way I feel I don’t think these babies want to leave.” My back was killing me. It had been hurting for days, but this morning I was in so much pain with it and I just wanted to be bloody well left alone. I intended to spend my day in the nursery sorting it out how I wanted it. I did appreciate all the help I was getting, but they wouldn’t let me do anything and kept putting things in spots where they thought was best instead of where I wanted it. I’d somehow convinced all the family to not come around today. Well, to be honest I’d lied my arse off, telling my mum that Gillian was coming over, and I’d told Gillian and my other sisters-in-law that my mother was spending the day with me. I’d even convinced Carl that someone would be with me today.

  ‘I don’t want to leave you.” He tried to get back into bed but I sat up and held my hand out.

  “No, you need to go to work. You’re going to have six weeks parental leave when the babies are born. Go save lives. I’ll be fine. The family is coming over. I won’t be alone.” I felt a tingle of guilt when he frowned, his head went down and his shoulders drooped. He looked like a kid who’d just had his favorite toy taken away. I almost gave in and told him he could stay home, but no, I turned away and gathered myself. ‘Be strong,’ I repeated over and over in my head.

  “Fine,” he huffed and stomped to the bathroom.

  Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the quiet. The shower turned on and I wiggled myself out of bed. Stretching, I groaned when a sharp pain stabbed across my stomach. “No, no, no,” I whispered as I glanced at the bathroom and listened to hear the shower still on. “Do not start anything now. I’m finally get a breather from your daddy. One more day. I need a day to myself,” I begged. I had no idea if my babies were listening, but I was determined to have today to myself.

  Moving slowly, I made my way to the shower. Leaning against the bathroom sink I watched Carl in the shower. God, he was so hot and even in pain I become horny. Steam rose and the shower screen fogged but I could see the outline of his muscular back. Tempted to join him, I lifted his shirt I wore over my head and slipped out of my panties, but I hesitated. If I got in there with him he’d never leave for work. If I got in with him, I’d rub myself against him and he’d carry me back and we’d end up making love. Carl loved my pregnant body and told me a least three times a day how beautiful he thought I was and how much he loved me growing with his children.

  “Do you want me to turn the water off honey?” He turned and I smiled. Even with the fogged screen I could see his cock was rock hard.

  Mmm, I loved his body. He opened the screen and I groaned in appreciation, beads of waters slid down his muscles and I waddled to him. Unable to help myself, my fingers ran over his wet chest and I rubbed up against him.

  “Honey, if you continue I won’t be going to work. You’re so beautiful.” He ran his hands over my stomach.

  Crap, I was so horny but I wanted, no needed, time on my own. “Argh, fine.” I pushed him out of the shower.

  He laughed as he stumbled back out. Closing my eyes I dunked under the spray and enjoyed a couple of minute’s peace as the hot water hit my skin. I opened my eyes as pain unlike anything I’d ever felt pulsed across my stomach. “Ooohh please. I was going to have a day to myself.” I begged my babies again. “Come on, babies. One more daaaayyy,” I screamed as I fell to the floor. The pain was excruciating.

  “Annabelle, honey!” Carl came rushing in and I sat on the shower floor. He stepped into the shower, soaking his suit pants. His shirt, still unbuttoned, clung to his skin. His hand came to my stomach and he growled, “How long has this been going on?”

  “Only twice.” Even I could hear the strain in my voice.

  “Annabelle, you’re pregnant with twins. Labor can start in different forms. You need to tell me if anything starts happening.”

  I groaned, when another sharp pain radiated through. “Okay, I need the hospital,” I rasped out between pants.

  He picked me up and cradled me in his embrace. “Rafe,” he yelled. “It’s time.” He kissed my forehead. “I love you honey.”

  “I love…argh.” I yelled as another sharp pain stabbed across my stomach.

  Carl picked up his pace. “Honey you need to hold out until we get to the hospital. They have everything there. Keep your legs crossed.”

  “Carl!” I screeched. “You did not just tell me to me to keep my legs crossed. You’re a friggin’ doctor,” I panted.

  When he didn’t say anything but kissed my forehead, I knew today was going to be a long painful day.

  * * * *


  Holy shit! “Put it back.” I stared down at the baby girl, my daughter. This wasn’t right. Silvermans didn’t have girls. But there was no mistaking the girl was a Silverman or that she was mine. She had my brown eyes, my dark hair, and her skin was my olive color.

  Dr. Bay laughed. “She can’t be put back now, Dr. Silverman. You have a gorgeous baby girl.” I shot a glare her way.

  “Carl,” Annabelle screamed. “Where’s my baby?”

  I took my daughter from the nurse when she’d finished weighting, cleaning, and wrapping her in a blanket. Slowly I walked back over to Annabelle, who lay back in a sat up position on the bed panting and covered in sweat. I’d never seen a more beautiful sight. My baby girl was my first born. Oh God, what had happened? Fuck, oh no. Did that mean I could have another girl? Holding my baby girl, I carefully showed her to Annabelle.

  “She’s so beautiful,” she sighed. “Look what we made. She’s an angel.” She gave a strained smile to our daughter. She was supposed to be having a break before she birthed our second child, but I could see she wasn’t getting one. Her stomach was tight. Annabelle hadn’t taken her eyes of our daughter since I brought her over. “Her name should be Angelica. Angel for short.”

  I nodded, willing to agree to any name to make Annabelle happy now. She was beyond amazing to gi
ve birth to my babies. I stared down at my baby girl, studying her tiny features. Annabelle was right, our daughter was stunning. Shit! I was going to end up in jail. I would kill any boy who went near my baby. She did look like a beautiful angel. “Angel it is.”

  Annabelle moaned and gazed up at me. “I love you.” She then looked at Angelica. “Love you, Angel.”

  Both my girls were stunning, mother and daughter. I was so screwed. I prayed. I prayed like I’d never in my life. “Please, please, dear God. Just one girl. My other children have to be boys. Please. I’ll donate more money to charity and be more involved with my family. Please.”

  “Fucking hell Carl, you better not be Goddamn praying that you only have one friggin’ girl, while I’m about to give birth to another of your babies!” she panted.

  I didn’t even answer her, because I didn’t think she’d appreciate me saying, “Hell yes.” So instead I rested the baby across her naked chest. Leaning down, I kissed Annabelle’s forehead. “You’re doing so well. I’m proud of you.”

  She groaned. “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t honey.”

  “Argghhh, yes, yes I do,” she screamed. I took my little angel off her chest as she heaved and yelled, “You! You did this!” She sat up and bore down. She’d been nasty like this when she delivered Angelica only ten minutes ago. There was less swearing this time.

  “You’re doing great Annabelle,” Dr. Bay, who’d been quiet said as she settled herself between Annabelle’s spread legs. “You’re going to start pushing again. When I say start, bear down.”

  Hugging my daughter close to me, I watched as my wife breathed in and out at a quick pace.

  “Okay, I need you to bear down, in three, two, and one.” I inched closer and watched as Dr. Bay helps Annabelle bring my other baby into the world. A penis. Thank the lord, I see a penis.

  “A boy!” I cheer before the nurses or the doctor can say what the baby is. The nurse places my boy straight on Annabelle’s chest. He was all his mother’s looks, with the light hair, big blue eyes, and creamy white skin.


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