Angel Blackwood

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Angel Blackwood Page 1

by Sophie Summers





  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2015 Sophie Summers

  Cover design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks are not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Any resemblances to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Work by Sophie Summers

  FairyTale’s Don’t Exist Series

  Alexia Eden (#1)

  Angel Blackwood (#2)

  Broken Beautiful Series

  This Broken Beautiful Thing (#1)

  A Broken Beautiful Beginning (#1.5)

  This Broken Beautiful Beast (#2 – To be released 2015)


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  About the Author

  Thank You!

  Firstly I’d like to send out a huge THANK YOU to all my readers out there who have been waiting so patiently for Angel Blackwood to come out - It’s been a long time coming and the time is finally here. I really hope it was worth the wait and I thank each and every one of you for not giving up on me.

  A special thanks goes out to my Beta Readers Emma, Sarah and Tara, I love our discussion time, I know I can always trust you ladies with your honest feedback. I also wanted to extend the thanks to Emma, who is now officially my Editor, I know without a doubt you will always 100% tell me how it is, there is no sugar-coating anything when it comes to you and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  Thank you to Arijana from Cover It! Designs, I absolutely LOVE the work you have done for me!

  And Lastly, I’d like to thank my incredible family and close friends for all of your support, couldn’t have done any of this if I didn’t have you guys constantly pushing me to thrive!

  Sending Love and Hugs your way!




  Some people would say that only a coward runs, but I'd say running away from Point Bright and the people I once loved most is the hardest damn thing I've ever had to do.

  The possibility of losing my friends due to my inherent need to flee is an entirely new sort of hurt, one I haven't felt before and the fact that I have lost myself over these past few months has almost killed me; I need to find myself again.

  I have to get back to the strong girl I was before Point Bright broke me, seriously messing with my head. I’m not sure how and if I can ever possibly be that person again but I must try. Too much has happened, too much crazy shit has gone down.

  I now know things I never thought could ever be remotely possible when I was innocent and naïve.

  That girl, the one with the pure heart is long gone and left in her wake… is me, the girl with the tainted one.

  My heart has been repeatedly splintered only to be mended then shattered again.

  In one night I lost the boy who continually hurt me whilst also insisting I was his world. The same boy who made me feel like I mattered… even if that meant forcing me to love him.

  Maybe the beatings worked after all?

  Or maybe I'm just a stupid lonely girl trying to make up for the neglect I have experienced in the previous few years. Even after all the crap he put me through, I continued to love him fiercely and stood by him only to find him in bed with her.

  Then there's Jax, I loved him from the moment I laid eyes on him but I knew I could never have him. Then I found out he was my mate; well surely it was destiny telling us that we were meant to be together?

  To have him reject me because he believed I was too weak to be the Luna of his pack broke me more than the beatings ever could.

  He really doesn't know how wrong he is!

  I now have to leave behind the girls who have been more like sisters to me, leaving all this pain behind.

  My destination is my parents pack house. What I don't expect is to smack head first into a really muscular chest, only to find out…

  I've found my second chance mate.


  As I step out of the car, I’m immediately hit with a sense of deja vu. The sound of people’s voices and laughter coming from inside the pack house fills my eardrums. My parents obviously have pack members over.

  I make my way up the porch stairs as a familiar feeling, the same feeling which overwhelmed me hours before, comes rushing into me like a gust of wind. I stop myself from barrelling over as I lean against the pillar on top of the stairs catching my breath, rubbing the palms of my hands against my eyes trying to clear my pulsing vision. It seems to work a little bit. I’m able to see a little clearer as I turn and face the front door.

  My sense of smell is playing games with me too. It’s a mix of two very distinct smells; spicy and sweet. The spicy scent is intensely manly making my insides throb with need whilst the sweetness to the scent makes my mouth water. I’m completely confused but manage to slow my steps a little as I try to figure out where this amazing smell is coming from.

  I swear it’s making me drool. Whatever it is…it’s deliciously familiar.

  The scent is seriously strong, it can only mean that my mate is a rather powerful one. After all that I’ve been through, I’m not sure whether that is a good thing or if it’s bad. I move to lean against the wooden railing on the porch with the palm of my hand resting against my forehead. Closing my eyes I try to calm by beating heart as well as the dizziness that is forming due to the power that is radiating from within the house.

  My body is trembling, I’m not sure if I’m excited to find out who he is or if I’m terrified that I might be rejected for a second time this evening, especially when they figure out I’m human.

  I anxiously walk towards the front door, the shivers running through my body intensify as I get closer. It’s as if tiny electrical currents are running through me from head to toe, but all I can focus on right now is my mate. Everything else that happened this evening doesn’t mean shit right now.

  I place my hand on the door knob and as I’m just about to turn it, the door flings open pulling me with it and I go flying into a hard chest.

  I gasp as I’m winded.

  “Mate,” he


  My hands rest on his chest at my eye level, his strong hands holding either side of my upper arms firmly. I look at my finger tips and I can feel tingles surging through them where they touch his body, over his blue golf shirt.

  “Tyler,” I whisper, out of breath.

  I look up to his beautiful face and his eyes that are as dark as night. If I had to have seen these dark eyes months ago I would have been scared stiff, most probably running for the hills. Now… after everything and how I’ve grown to love the twins, I know they would never hurt me. They are my heart.

  My second chance mate is Tyler, my sweet, loving Tyler.

  I smile to myself as I look into his handsome face. As always he’s walking perfection. His black hair is combed over and tucked behind his ears, still long enough to touch the collar of his shirt, but every strand in place. His face is clean shaven and silky smooth too.

  So perfect and all mine.

  He brings his hand up to my face and pushes a few stray tendrils away from my eyes. ^ My eyes find his again and I watch as his now blue ones stare lovingly into my own.

  “I knew it… felt it… we were always meant to be,” he says softly, in his mesmerising deep voice as he continues to look from my eyes to my lips.

  I smile as soon as he places both of his hands on my face stroking along my jawline with his thumbs. A shiver runs down my spine and I lean my head into his touch.

  I place my hands on either side of his waist, steadying myself. He leans down and rubs his cheek against mine so gently, closing my eyes I breathe him in.

  He pulls away from me just a little, his lips lingering close enough that I can feel his irregular breathing against my own dry lips. Leaning forwards, he brushes his lips against mine softly but I can’t control myself; it’s as if my body is calling to his… needing to touch, desperate to be closer.

  I dig my fingers into his hips, scrunching up the fabric of his shirt between my fingertips. I push my lips against his, earning a growl from him as his mouth attacks mine. He chuckles against my lips as he pushes me against the now closed door, his warm hands holding my face firmly as his lips meet mine again. We continue to kiss each other, not caring if anyone sees.

  I pull away and he lets out a soft growl causing me to let out a small laugh at his impatience. I can feel the burn in my cheeks; I know my blushing is obvious, it always is. I mean… it’s not something I can hide with my pale skin. Tyler just stares silently, looking my face over with a small smile on his.

  My eyes catch something behind him. Looking over his shoulder, I come to my senses realising there’s a girl… or should I say a beautiful woman standing a few feet away behind Tyler looking confused. Just like Tyler, she’s matched to perfection in all her blondness and long shapely legs.

  Tyler follows my line of sight. His face pales as he instantly removes his hands from my face drawing them into loose fists as if my skin has burnt him.

  He looks at me then back to the woman.

  “What the hell, Tyler?” She says through sobs. I watch as tears start to fall down her pretty face.

  Tyler stumbles for words as he walks slowly towards the beautiful woman with his palms up facing her.

  “Kate, It’s not… shit… I mean…” He runs his hand through his shiny black hair stuttering, “I’m sorry, it’s not what it looks like, it… it doesn’t mean anything.”

  And… there goes my heart once again.

  I don’t know if it’s due to us being mates, but I sense the lie as he speaks it. I know he’s lying… I can feel it, nevertheless it still hurts a heck load hearing those words come out of his mouth.

  “It looked like it meant more than that from where I was standing.” She wipes away her tears and crosses her arms.

  “No Honey… please don’t cry.” He turns fully in her direction as he continues, “It was a mistake, it should never have happened,” Tyler says, oblivious to the fact that he’s breaking me with every word as he comforts this beautiful woman.

  Kate looks around Tyler, her eyes widening when she sees me. Her tear stained face looks up at Tyler and then she takes a step away from him. He matches her step and when the woman makes a run for it, Tyler doesn’t spare me a second glance as he follows her; calling out her name.

  I’m left standing against the door, my emotions all over the place, everything still completely magnified. I don’t understand how he can fight the pull that is between us; I’m trying my hardest right now not to run after him.

  I know I should be angry and upset. Tyler left me standing here to run after his girlfriend, but… my selfless side can’t help but sympathize with the woman; fact is, I was in her position about two hours ago. However, unlike Tyler, Drake never gave me a fighting chance when he found his mate.

  I’m overwhelmed by everything that’s happening. I can hear my beating heart in my eardrums as I sag against the closed door attempting to slow down my breathing. I hear people in the house and in the backyard, but I’m too emotionally spent right now to try and find the words to explain to my parents the events of this evening. Even though it doesn’t hurt as much to think about what happened with Jax now that I’ve found Tyler, I still can’t seem to find the courage to say the words out loud. How do I tell them that I was rejected?

  I need space to breath…I’m not running, I just need to get away from the crowd.

  Running for the stairs I head to my bedroom, slamming the door closed and letting out a deep breath as I rest my forehead against it. I immediately sense that I’m not alone, quickly turning around into the darkness. The scent is strong, powerful and it’s not Tyler’s.

  I’m suddenly pushed back against the door. It’s hard enough to knock the air out of me and let out a squeal, but it’s not nearly enough to hurt. I feel strong hands reach down my thighs, gasping as I’m lifted up and pushed against the door once again; my legs immediately wrapping around the large body to keep me from falling.

  His scent is so manly, I’m positive that this is where the spicy tinge I smelt earlier came from. I rest my arms over broad shoulders, feeling the muscles underneath my palms as we face each other in the darkness. His warm hands on my upper thighs move as he starts running them up the dress that I’m currently wearing and towards my ass, leaving little goose bumps along the trail.

  I know the man in front of me can see clearly in this dark room due to his wolf senses, but my eyes are still attempting to adjust to the darkness. I want to see him clearly, want to see every inch of him just so I know that this is real and not just a dream.

  We’re both quiet except for his heavy breathing alongside my own, so very clear in the silence of the room. I feel his heart beating just as fast as mine and I sense the happiness radiating from him as much as I feel it glowing within me.

  I’m just about to open my mouth and tell him to say something when his mouth crashes down on mine possessively. His lips are hard and wild as he forces his tongue into my mouth. Opening up, I let him in as he pushes against me, so hard that I can feel his need straining against his jeans. I can’t get enough of him and I whimper into his mouth as he pushes harder against me. I run my hands into his long hair and tug him closer to me as if it were even possible. He moans into my mouth then suddenly he’s pulling his lips away from mine but still holding me tightly against him as he starts walking. He doesn’t bump into anything and walks full of purpose. I barely see him in the darkness until he reaches for the curtains letting in the light of the moon so that I’m able to see him better.

  I can’t help but grin like a fool as I drop my legs gently to the floor. His arms now wrapped around my waist, I look up to his gorgeous face.

  “So beautiful… and all mine,” he says softly, as if reading my own thoughts. He runs his thumb over my bottom lip so soft and gentle. Pushing the hair that lies on my shoulder away, he bends and kisses me tenderly down my neck and bare shoulder.

  “Talon,” I say breathlessly. Does this mean he accepts m
e and wants me as a mate? I have two mates? Is that even possible? If Tyler rejects me does that mean Talon rejects me by default?

  His kisses on my collarbone cause my worries to drift away. I pull away a little causing him to lift his head up, pinning me with a worried look.

  His messy hair has grown longer over these past few months, his black untidy hair now passing his collar bone; he even has a messy side parting going on, but he still looks so handsome. I twirl my finger around a piece that falls into his face, I can feel him staring at me now. I look back into his eyes when a smile forms on his lips, tucking the strand back behind his ear I give him a very soft kiss on the tip of his nose. Closing his eyes, I feel his body tremble against mine as more pieces of hair fall back into his face.

  As much as I adore Tyler with all his perfection, I love Talon and the I-don’t-give-a-shit-what-I-look- like attitude he has going on.

  I stand on the tips of my toes and move the strands of hair away from his face again as I lean in and whisper against his lips. “All mine…”

  He grabs the back of my head and pushes my lips against his; hard, forcefully and oh so Talon like. He’s breathing harshly and the only thing that matters right now is us...


  “Talon! Are you in there? I’ve been looking for you. Baby please,” a whiny voice yells from behind my bedroom door.

  I tense under Talon’s touch. He releases me and steps away. Our connection breaks and everything comes back to me. The loud music from downstairs, the bass of the speakers vibrating through the floor boards beneath my feet and the fact that someone-who I’m guessing is Talon’s girlfriend-has been looking for my mate whilst I’ve had my tongue stuck down his throat.


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