Angel Blackwood

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Angel Blackwood Page 9

by Sophie Summers

  I immediately run past them and out of the marquee. I walk past a few couples as they laugh and chat and head down to the little swing at the bottom of the secluded yard.


  I stop in my tracks, sniffling and wiping my tears away.

  “You think I’d accept you? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Kate shouts. Axel takes a small step forward. “Please…” He sounds so hurt. “Don’t do this. You’re my mate, Kate. We’re meant to be together.”

  Kate stands looking at him, it looks as if she wants to go to him, but she’s having an internal battle. She shakes her head. “No. No. No. I can’t! Look at you! Look at all that ink on your skin. I can’t do it. I can’t be with you. What will my parents say? The Fates chose you for me?” She looks down at her shaking hands.

  I come out of the shadows and they both look up at me. I don’t care if I’m overstepping and I don’t care if I’m butting into their business. If I can stop what happened to me happen to someone else, it’s worth a shot.

  I look at her, “Don’t do it! Look past his appearance. You haven’t even given him a chance yet. Don’t reject him because of what you see.” She looks troubled as she looks back and forth between us. Axel gives me a pained smile that tells me how grateful he is, but my words don’t mean shit since she’s already made her mind up.

  “I’m so sorry, this is so hard… My wolf is calling to yours, but I can’t. I just can’t be with you. I’m in love with Tyler. He loves me, he’s perfect for me, Axel. We belong together. You’ll find someone and she’ll be perfect for you.” Tears start falling and her pretty makeup starts running down her face; even crying she still looks so perfectly beautiful - I’m really starting to hate the word perfect.

  “You’re her! You’re perfect for me, we belong together! The Fates say so, Kate… We belong together.” He’s begging her. His body begs her, his teary eyes beg her and so do his strangled words. My heart hurts for him because I see the moment she makes her decision.

  “I’m so sorry, Axel, but I…” She looks at me, then back at him. “I… reject you!”

  Axel falls to the floor clutching his chest crying out in pain.

  “I hope you find someone that will love you, cherish you and appreciate you for all you’re worth, Axel. I’m so sorry…” Kate runs past me sobbing as I run towards Axel who is curled up on the floor.

  “You have to accept it. Accept it and the pain will stop. I promise you.” I lean down on the grass on my knees, placing my hands on his shoulders. He pushes me away, causing me to fall on my bottom.

  “Don’t…promise…me shit! You don’t…fucking know…what this feels like. Leave! Fucking… leave…me alone,” he says through gasps, as he holds his chest with ring covered fingers. His hair is no longer neatly combed over and I can see the tears falling down his cheeks; my wolf can feel his pain.

  I sit up again and place my hand on his chest.

  “I do know. I know that it feels like your heart is about to burst and every little breath you take feels like you’re swallowing a thousand razor blades. It hurts…I know it does. Accept her rejection and it will all be over. I know your wolf is telling you to fight it, but is she really worth it? You deserve better, Axel. Accept the rejection and the pain will stop.” His breathing is deep and the tears flow freely now. He looks up at me and tugs me in for a hug, his enormous body enveloping mine.

  I hear him whisper over my shoulder in the direction Kate went, “I accept your rejection.” It takes him a few moments before he gently untangles himself and I wipe away the tears from his face and smile.

  “You did good,” I say.

  “Who would reject you?” He asks in a gravelly voice, as he wipes away my running makeup from the previous tears I shed.

  “Apparently a few would.” I give him a pained smile. “Even my second chance mate just threatened me with rejection if I didn’t stop ‘whoring around’.” I say using air quotes. His eyes widen and his eyebrows crease in confusion. I can’t believe I just told him that.

  “You’ve already found your second chance mate?” He asks, frowning.

  “Mates, they’re twins, and yeah I don’t think they want me. They’re under the impression that I still have a second chance mate. They don’t know about my first rejection.” He still looks confused,I let out a deep sigh and attempt to explain.

  “You see… I was dating someone when I met them and while we were spending time together I fell in love with them. I cheated on my boyfriend and made-out with both of them.” His eyes bug out and he gives another disapproving frown. I don’t know why I’m explaining everything but I can’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth. He looks so sad; maybe telling him how bad I had it will brighten his mood.

  I raise my hands in defeat. “Don’t you worry, I was punished for that misdemeanour and have to live with those scars.” I cringe, shaking my head.

  “Anyways, I stuck with my boyfriend even though I told the twins I was going to break it off. Then I find my boyfriend in bed with his mate and run into the arms of my first mate trying to get away. As you can guess he rejects me because he thought I was weak.” I laugh that off too. I know I’m not supposed to tell anybody about the fact that I’m half human so I keep that little nugget to myself.

  “Boy, was he wrong. So I flee to my parents’ house and run smack-bang into one of my second chance mates. When his girlfriend busts in on us having a heated make-out session he runs off behind her. Running to my bedroom thinking I’m going to be rejected a second time that night, I’m mauled by Talon before I even get to close the door. When his girlfriend knocks on my bedroom door, he too abandons me. So yeah, I guess it’s just a matter of time before I’m completely mateless.” I force a laugh out, wiping away the tears with a long deep breath.

  “Fuck,” he says, looking emotionless.

  “Yeah, see… you don’t have it so bad. You still have a chance to meet your second chance mate.” I smile at him.

  “Fuck that shit. I don’t want another mate. I don’t care how fucking fit they are, I don’t want one. Can’t believe I was rejected… the love I felt when I laid my eyes on her was amazing, but now? I fucking hate that uptight, perfect bitch,” he mumbles.

  “Can I tell you something funny?” I poke his one arm.

  “That perfect bitch is dating Tyler.”

  “Let me guess, he’s just as flawless as she is. He’s probably a jock too with perfect teeth and clear skin. I wouldn’t have stood a chance either way,” he says, rolling his eyes.

  I start chuckling because he’s spot on. He looks at me as I confirm and shakes his head as he mutters a “Shit!”


  “Angel! I’ve been looking for you. Couldn’t you hear me trying to connect to you? Are you okay? I could hear what he was saying to you through the open link you were sending my way. Can’t believe that jerk, honestly,” Nixon mumbles, as he makes his way down the pebble path to where we sit on the lush grass under the moonlight.

  He stops a few steps away when he catches sight of Axel.

  “Who are you?” He frowns, then looks down at me as I pat the grass.

  “Come join the reject squad,” I mumble. He sighs then flops down on the grass next to me leaning on his one elbow. Axel and Nixon shake hands and introduce themselves.

  “You were rejected as well?” Nixon asks Axel.

  “Yeah not even thirty minutes ago,” Axel grunts, looking out at the view of the lake in the distance.

  “Shit sucks,” Nixon says, and we both agree.

  “Can’t believe what Talon said to you, babe. Fucking tool doesn’t deserve you,” he mutters.

  “Which part are you talking about? The part where he threatened to reject me or the part where he said he’ll pray for me to have a second chance mate that treats me like shit when he does?” I say sarcastically.

  Axel whips his head in my direction. “The fucker said what?” He growls.

  I place my hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry abo
ut it. Let’s just go back up and enjoy the rest of the party.”

  We spend the rest of the evening chatting, laughing and dancing, not sparing one minute worrying about the twins. The three of us get along great and surprisingly have a lot in common besides the whole rejection thing. I choose to ignore the twins eyes on me the rest of the evening, making sure neither of them can get into my head.

  Chapter 8

  No one explained to me exactly what a welcoming ceremony entailed, if they had I probably would’ve been more freaked out than I initially was. So here I sit, on the edge of my bed in the early hours of the morning looking down at the bite mark on my wrist where my father had to bite me. There was also a lot of sacred pack talk culminating in a lot of howling, but the bite is what I remember most because it hurt like a bitch.

  It still hurts like a bitch.

  As soon as the howling was done, I could already feel every pack mates emotions; I just moved my eyes to them, focusing my mind to it, hearing the thoughts of those who hadn’t put up any barriers in their mind. It’s so much harder to keep my walls up now, I’m guessing it will be easier for them to reach into my head now as well; I don’t want anyone to see how tainted and messed up it is in there with all those hidden, horrible memories.

  The wound has yet to heal, even though Alex told me it would because of a wolf’s mega fast healing ability. I find a bandage to wrap around the wound then wash all my makeup off before climbing into a pair of black shorts and a loose green top. Looking into the mirror, I lift my shirt to see the bruise Talon left on my waist near the tattoo that bears his name. If you look close enough you can see his individual fingers bruised in a perfect pattern. I gently place my fingers over the individual bruise prints and wince.

  Why am I not healing like a wolf? I ask Faith, but I don’t get a reply.

  There’s a knock on the my door, I lift my head up to see my mother pop her head in. She has a big smile on her face and she’s carrying a gift bag.

  “Don’t think I forgot about your birthday. Here, your father and I have something for you.” She ushers me over to my bed and we sit on the edge.

  “Mom, you and dad have already done so much for me, you didn’t have to get me anything,” I say, leaning over and hugging her.

  “Of course we did. Besides, we didn’t exactly go out and get you something. I’ve had this with me for a very long time. Now open it up,” she says excitedly.

  I pull out a piece of fabric that is entwined with some sort of rope. The fabric is holding something, I disentangle the woven rope and gently pull away the material.

  There lies a beautiful silver ring that holds a stone. I lift the ring up, looking closely at the stone; It’s opaque with brushes of white inside. If you look at it from different angles it has a purply blue tinge to it.

  “It’s beautiful Mom,” I say in awe, as I stare at the stunning piece of jewelry.

  “It’s a moonstone. This ring belonged to my mother and her mother before that,” Alex says, staring down at the ring in my hand.

  “I’ve never seen you wear it,” I say, as I try the ring on different fingers to find the perfect match.

  “That’s because it was never meant for me.”

  I look up at her confused.

  “I never felt worthy enough to wear the ring. Over the short time that I’ve had the pleasure of being in your life, I’ve realized how strong a woman you are.” She tries to continue as she takes my hand in hers, but I interrupt her.

  “That’s because you and Johnny have helped me become stronger,” I say with a frown. She shakes her head.

  “No, honey. You have always been strong; you came to us already determined and powerful, you are wiser and more passionate about life than I ever have been.” She takes a deep breath then continues, “You know how much I love your father, and even though I’m telling you this now it doesn’t mean I’d change any of my past when it comes to him; besides not keeping you of course. When I met him, I fell so in love; I wanted to give him everything and that’s what I did. I gave up my friends and the family I had left, and in doing so I gave him my strength. I no longer needed it. I knew he would protect me, and if I ever needed anything he would be there for me, and he was. But in doing that I lost focus on the girl I was before him. I forgot about my past and only cared about my future…with him.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” I don’t know why she’s bringing this up.

  “Because I think you need to hear it. You told me about Drake, and I know something is up with the twins. You three were so much closer before the…before the…accident.” She pats my shoulder gently.

  “I’ve been watching the way that they watch you, and the way you’ve been watching them when you think no one’s looking. You love them both, but you’re not allowing that love to destroy the new loves that they have found. You don’t realize how proud I am of you for doing that, honey. I would never have allowed it. You’re so much stronger than you realize, and that is why I give you the ring. It’s not only that you don’t have to rely on any man, it’s so much more than that! You shifted without the help of anyone, I don’t think you can comprehend how big that is for a she-wolf and the humility you showed at tonights ceremony was absolutely amazing. You were meant to be part of this pack, Angel. You have a power and independence I never had. Only strong Eden woman should have the privilege of wearing this ring. My mother and grandmother were both incredible woman and now you too get to hold that title.” She wipes away a tear. I’ve never heard Alex talk about her mother, let alone a grandmother, but the way she talks about me being strong and powerful only makes me want to prove her right.

  “I… I don’t know what to say to all that?” I look back down to the ring.

  She lets out a throaty laugh. “You don’t have to say anything, hun, just believe every word I say. Momma knows best and all that jazz.” She winks and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Thank you so much.” I hug her tightly.

  She disappears soon after and I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth; I still can’t keep my eyes off the beautiful stone in the ring. I hear growling coming from the twins room, followed by loud crashing. I throw my toothbrush down and clean my mouth out before running into their room. Tyler has Talon up against the wall by his neck.

  I’ve never seen Tyler this angry before. He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. I know he’s said some harsh things, but I’ve never seen him act this way towards his brother.

  “Don’t you ever speak to her on my behalf again. I don’t care what you think about her, don’t put fucking words in my mouth. How dare you speak to our mate like that!” He roars, throwing Talon against the wooden shelves on the other side of the room. Talon gets up, shakes the wood pieces off, then reaches for Tyler, tackling him against the bedside table and smashing it.

  “You weren’t there to see how he had his hands on her, how she leaned into his touch; she wants him. I couldn’t hear her thoughts because she’s blocking us out, but I know she does!” Talon growls and straddles his brother with his hands around his neck.

  He shouts again, “She’s playing with us again, bro, making us look like fools in front of everyone!” Tyler’s face is going red as he clutches the hands that wrap around his neck; I panic.

  I run for Talon and attempt to pull him off Tyler. “Talon, stop. Please! You’re hurting him!” I scream.

  Talon shoves me in his rage and I hit the column of their large four-post bed. I hit the floor with a thud and look down at the blood droplets on their beige carpet beneath me. I touch my lip and flinch. I bit my lip. The silence in the room is immediately broken when the door is flung open and my very angry father and a livid looking Caspian enter the room. Out of nowhere Caspian picks up Talon and holds him up against the wall as if he weighs nothing.

  My father picks up Tyler by the collar of his shirt forcing him to stand. Tyler looks despondent as he tries to push against my father to get to me, my father orders him to stop and he unwill
ingly does so. I turn my eyes to Talon, the rage in his entire body immediately dissipates when he looks down at me on the floor and his eyes meet my bleeding lip. His hand goes out as he tries to reach for me.

  “If I ever see your hands on her again, I’ll rip you apart,” Caspian growls, full of dominance as he shoves Talon against the wall again. Talon is a little bigger than Caspian, but he allows Caspian to shove him without even fighting back. Caspian being an alpha, we all can feel the power in his voice.

  Axel comes running in with tousled hair and boxer briefs, his artwork on full display. His eyes are sleepy, but it does nothing to hide his fury; I can feel it pulsing through him. He looks down to me before gently helping me up, his hand wrapping around the bruise on my waist causing me to hiss out in pain.

  He loosens his hold and leads me out of the room. Before the door is slammed shut, I hear my father’s deathly growl followed by yelling.


  “Uh uh… this way,” he says, pulling me in the direction of the staircase. My steps falter before I reluctantly following him. He leads me out of the pack house, past the car park and towards the trail that leads to the lake. Axel is still in his boxers but this doesn’t deter him.

  We sit side by side for a few minutes with our feet hanging off the edge of the little wooden dock. The sun is a few hours from rising and it’s not a full moon so it’s dark tonight.

  “He is just like them,” I whisper.

  “What?” Axel asks softly.

  “Talon. He is just like Drake, my ex, and Jax, my first mate.”

  “What happened?” he asks gently in his still sleepy gruff voice.

  “Drake was sweet and so so gentle when he wasn’t angry. He was drawn to me in a weird obsessive way and he became very possessive. I felt unloved for so long and craved affection like I needed it to breath, so when he started paying attention to me and showing me his love, I latched on. The first time he shoved me up against a door should have ended our relationship…but it didn’t. The night I came home and told him I’d kissed the twins and wanted to end things with him he...” I pause, wringing my hands together as the memory replays in my head of that horrible night. Axel lets out a winded sound and I whip my head to look at him.


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