Angel Blackwood

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Angel Blackwood Page 30

by Sophie Summers

  I look to Fabian who’s now watching Phee’s every movement.

  “Didn’t even hear you come in?” As I say the words I remember that my mother is sitting with Noelle in the kitchen. If Fabian came through the front door, he would have had to have seen my mother; his hatred for wolves is so strong, he would have definitely caused a commotion.

  He drops his head and runs his hands over the back of his neck. As if ignoring the question won’t make me ask it again.

  Whatever, douchebag!

  “Oh okay. Sneaking in I see. What? Is it past your bedtime?” I smirk as he whips his head up.

  “Shut it, wolf!” He makes a move to leave, but I reach out and grab his arm. His body immediately turns rigid; I need to keep him from finding my mother.

  He snatches his hand from mine and then lifts it as if he’s about to hit me, but I stand my ground staring him dead in the eye.

  “Fabian! Don’t you dare hurt her!” Phoenix scolds. Fabian immediately drops his hands and looks at her remorsefully.

  I look to Phoenix and say, “I’ll message you.” I’m not sure whether Fabian knows about Phoenix helping me and I don’t wanna cause anymore drama between these two. I wink at her and she nods.

  Then I look up to Fabian and give him my sweetest smile, “I think you two need to chat…” I gently push him into the room and close the door.

  I chuckle to myself when I hear him sheepishly mumble, “You told her, didn’t you?”

  I make my way to the kitchen to find Noelle and my mother laughing hysterically over something. The image of these former best friends giggling brings a smile to my face.

  “Okay, party time is up. Fabian’s home.” I look to Noelle.

  “Who’s Fabian?” My mom slurs a little. I look her over, noticing her empty glass and the empty wine bottle between them.

  “Fabian’s my boy,” Noelle says before downing the rest of her wine.

  My mother’s face is blank as she stares at Noelle. “Mom, we don’t have time for this. We need to get outta here before he comes out and finds you here. Come on, let’s go.”

  “Don’t be a stranger anymore!” Noelle calls out as I pull Alex out of the back door. I have to basically push her clumsy ass over the wall when we get to it. I strap her into the passenger seat then run over to the driver’s side. I’m surprised Fabian hasn’t already caught us out.

  I giggle as I help a sleepy Alex up the porch stairs and into the house. “No more wine for you,” I grunt, holding her weight up.

  “It always makes me sleepy.” she says on a yawn. The house is dark and there’s no one lingering around the cars in front of the main house. I hush Alex when she starts mumbling about Noelle having a son. We make a move to pass the lounge, but the floorboards beneath my feet creak. “Shit.”

  “Need some help there?” I gasp when I hear Talon’s voice in the dark.

  “Jesus, Talon. Give a girl some warning next time.” I rub my chest over my heart that’s beating so fast.

  He chuckles, helping me hold up Alex as we head for the staircase that leads to my parents room. “You love my little girl don’t you, Talon?” Alex starts slurring again.

  “Mom, please. shhh,” I tell her quietly. I don’t want to do this right now.

  “Luna, I love Angel more than anything in this world,” Talon says genuinely as we walk down the quiet hallway.

  “You make sure you treat her right, you hear me? I hear any nonsense about you hurting my baby, I’ll personally make sure you’ll never see the light of day again,” she says in a tone I’ve never heard come out of her mouth before. I look up to see Talon’s troubled face, then Alex starts her giggling again.

  “Where’s my father?” I ask Talon.

  “Right here.” We stop dead in our tracks and see Johnny standing on top of the staircase with his arms folded over his chest.

  “Mom had a little too much wine,” I say as he takes her from our arms, lifting her up and holding her to his chest. She wraps her arms around his neck. He looks down at her smiling, then looks up to me and whispers, “How did it go with Noelle?”

  “I think it went good. They were laughing and happy when I left. I’m sure they resolved whatever issues they had between them,” I say.

  My father looks down at Alex now fast asleep in his arms and smiles nodding his head, “Good. I’m glad.”

  I lean into Talon’s side. He wraps an arm over my shoulders and I tilt my head into his chest, breathing him in.

  Jesus… I love the way he smells.

  Talon’s hand squeezes my shoulder and I quickly look up to find my father staring at us with an odd expression. “You two good?” He asks, directing the question at Talon.

  “Yes, sir. I’m going to walk Angel to her room then I’m going to go complete my night duty and check the perimeter,” Talon says, sounding a little too rehearsed.

  My father nods his head.

  “Night, dad.”

  “Goodnight, sweetie.”

  I turn and walk away before he decides to ask any more questions.

  I shower and change then climb into bed happy with the outcome of the night.


  I wake up sometime during the night. The pillow I was clutching to my chest has been removed and in its place is a warm hard body. An arm wraps around me pulling me closer. I rest my head on his chest as I fall back to sleep with his hands running through my hair.

  The weird thing about the situation is… I can already feel a warm body close behind me, his hand still resting on my hip.


  I wake up the next morning breathing a sweet scent, but when I reach out all I feel is emptiness and warmth where a body should have been.

  Was I dreaming? Did Tyler climb into bed with me last night? Did he hold me to him and gently scratch my hair as I fell back to sleep?

  When the hand that rests possessively over my breast gives me a little squeeze, all other thoughts evaporate. His hand is under my shirt, on my bare skin.

  He pulls me tighter against him and I feel his erection against my ass; his very… large erection. My nerves cause me to leap out of the bed.

  Talon’s shirtless form lets out a stretch. His hair is all crumpled. All I wanna do is climb back in bed with him right now, but I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself if things start heating up.

  “What’s going on? Why’d you jump up like that?” he mumbles as he lies on his chest pulling the pillows under his chin. His eyes are still blinking from just being woken up by my rash behaviour.

  What do I say? I can’t lie to him.

  “Just tell him the truth.” Faith’s voice filters through. “His wolf thinks you don’t want them.”

  “Of course I want them! I want them so bad it hurts.”

  “But it doesn’t feel right without Tyler?” She asks. She doesn’t even need an answer from me. She knows he’s the reason I keep backing away.

  “Angel?” Talon blinks a few more times, then looks my nervous state over before sitting up and moving closer to me.

  He reaches out and grabs my wrist, pulling me gently to stand in between his legs. He runs his hands up and down my upper thighs staring into my eyes.

  “Talk to me,” he says softly.

  “I’m not ready for that yet.”

  “For what?” He seems confused.

  “Sex, Talon. I’m not ready to have sex.”

  “I know, baby. I wasn’t going to try and have sex with you. I want to…don’t get me wrong. I want to be inside you so bad. My wolf wants to claim you too, but only when you’re ready, baby.” His words only cause the tremble in my body to worsen. His words are seriously not working because now I’m all mushy and love struck.

  “Baby, you’re making this hard for me.” He looks down at my stomach and clears his throat. When he looks up I can see his eyes darkening with hunger written all over his face, “I can smell your arousal, Angel.”

  My eyes widen and I immediately feel the heat on my cheeks. I step
away from him quickly.

  “I’m jumping in the shower quick.” I don’t wait for a response as I quickly head for the bathroom.

  I take my time in the shower, luckily Talon is no longer sitting in my bed when I enter my room in search of clothing. I make my way downstairs to find the house empty.

  “Where is everybody?” I mumble out loud as I head for my father’s office on the other side of the house. I’m suddenly met by chaos and people rushing all over the place.

  “Jacob, any word on Caspian? Are his men on route?” My father calls out over the noise. I look around the office, but can’t see Alex.

  “He sent a few of his best guards as soon as word of the attack reached him. He’s busy organising another team as we speak,” Jacob replies.

  “Angel!” I turn around when I hear Alex’s frantic voice. She rushes up to me.

  “What’s going on? What attack is Jacob talking about?” I’m so confused and the chaos in the office is getting louder and louder.

  She grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd and away from the office. We head to her bedroom and she pulls me inside, closing the door behind me before heading towards her bed where a suitcase sits half packed with clothing.

  “There was an attack on one of our neighbouring packs, many were injured and a few were killed. The South Plains Pack’s Alpha is Seth, your father’s cousin. He’s only just turned eighteen and the Alpha position was recently handed down to him. We believe that the rogues took this as an opportunity to overthrow him and his pack and take their land. Seth’s pack held them off and the rogues retreated, but we don’t think the fight is over. They’ve already hit three territories in the east, we didn’t think they’d be brave enough to hit your father’s allies, but apparently they are. Your father and I are setting up a team, we don’t know how long we’ll be away - maybe just a few days - but you need to stay here, Angel. Jacob will be here and Caspian will be sending men too. We have to work together, it’s the only way to force these rogues away.” She hastily digs through drawers as she packs the suitcase.

  “Why doesn’t Johnny just send men? Why do you both have to go? Surely it is in the best interests of this pack that their Alpha and Luna stay and protect us?” The panic in my voice has Alex pausing, she turns and looks at me with a sad expression.

  She rubs her soft hands against my cheek affectionately, “I know you’re worried, sweetie, but there isn’t anywhere safer for you than right here. The reason your father is Alpha of one of the strongest pack in the South is because of the way he works. His pack mates respect him and would give their life for his, and he himself will give his life for any of his men. Not many possess such loyalty, Angel. When our pack goes to war, your father wants to be right there leading his pack. I’m his mate, Angel. I need and want to be right by his side.” She gives me a small smile and I nod my head. I don’t want them to go, I don’t even want to think about them being in danger.

  One of the pack members collects the bags from Alex and takes it to the car. My father stands on the patio issuing out orders to members who are going with him and to the ones who will be staying behind.He stands stiffly, his tone leaving no doubt about the authority he holds as Alpha. He turns towards me and his shoulders drop. The movement is so small but I notice it, when he opens his arms for a hug, I don’t delay. I rush forward and wrap my arms around his waist, holding onto him tightly.

  “Everything’s going to be okay, baby girl.” His voice breaks through my connection as he links with me.

  “I don’t want you guys to go,” I link back. Hating myself for sounding so weak.

  I feel his body shake as he chuckles, then he wraps his arms a little tighter around me.

  “We’ve fought far worse battles, Angel. A few rogues thinking they can destroy our allies won’t stand a chance against us. You ever want to talk, just call out for one of us. Our connection will always be open for you, Angel.” He speaks out loud this time, placing both hands on my shoulders and forcing me to look up into his eyes. “You don’t realise how hard it is for me to leave you behind, but I know you will be safer on our territory. You have to promise me that you’ll keep our pack link open. I need to make sure you are okay 24/7, there’s no more reasons or secrets for you to feel the need to block us from linking with you. Please do this for me, Angel,” he pleads with heavy eyes, I can’t help but nod. He kisses my cheek and hugs me again.

  “Be safe, okay? Look after Mom too. I love you, Dad,” I whisper, before moving away from the embrace.

  “Love you too, baby girl.” He smiles and then turns, continuing to shout out orders to a few nearby men.

  Turning away, I search for Talon. I check the bottom floor and come up empty handed. I then head to my room first, since he’s more than likely to be there than in his own, but there’s sign of him there though either. I head to the bathroom and hear shuffling in his room. I open the door linking to the twins bedroom and find him looking in his closet.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” I say, entering his room.

  “You could have just linked to me, I would have told you I was here,” he says, with his back to me.

  “I forget.” I shrug.

  He turns around holding some folded clothes in his hands. I look to the bed and see an empty suitcase.

  “Oh no. Please don’t tell me you’re going aswell?” I say breathlessly. I’m not even sure why I’m asking, I already know the answer. I sit down on his bed next to the suitcase.

  “I have to help. I can’t just sit here,” he says, placing the clothes neatly into the suitcase.

  “Did my father ask you to go? You don’t have to go. I can speak to him, Talon.” I ramble on until he grabs my face, forcing me to look at him as he sternly says, “I volunteered, Angel. I have to help out where I can. I love you, but you can’t change my mind. I need to do this for the pack.” He releases his hold on me then turns and zips up his bag.

  “If this is about earning your place in this pack-” he doesn’t allow me to finish, his dark eyes find mine and his firm voice shuts me up.

  “It’s not that at all, Angel. I want to fucking do it, okay? Now drop it.” He swiftly kisses me on the cheek, mutters an “I love you”, then leaves with his bag in tow.

  I lean my head against one of the columns on their bed, closing my eyes as I listen to the cars start driving away. The window is a few feet away, but I can’t bear to see him climb in a car and drive away.

  Fifteen minutes go by and the sound of cars leaving has passed. I let out a deep breath and close my eyes.

  “Shit! Sorry, I didn’t know you’d be here.” Tyler’s voice has me frozen in place. I turn my head and find him standing in the doorway. He’s shirtless with a towel around his waist. He points to his closet. “Just going to get some clothes then I’ll be out of your hair.”

  I stand up quickly. “No, Ty. It’s okay, it’s your room. I’ve got to find Nixon anyway.” I move towards the bathroom door.

  “He went with Talon, Angel.”

  I stand there speechless with my hand on the bathroom door.

  “I know you would much prefer to have Talon here protecting you, rather than be stuck with me, but it’s gonna be okay. Talon’s gonna be fine and I’ll stay outta your way,” Tyler says softly.

  I turn to look at him. “I wouldn’t have wanted you to go either, Tyler,” I sigh, before quickly turning to leave the room.


  Ronny and Chloe have been messaging me, filling me in on the Drake situation. Apparently he hasn’t been caught yet and I can’t lie and say that that little fact hasn’t got me a little paranoid, especially as I’m pretty much alone now.

  Rather than mope around, I decided to meet up with Phoenix. We go through techniques to use when trying to control my magic. Turns out its much harder for me to control because I’m not using spells and potions like usual witches do. It usually happens when I want to hurt someone or when I’m really angry and It seems like the only way to stop it is b
y calming my mind and body down. I think I will definitely benefit from some calming techniques. Phee was completely in tutor mode and wouldn’t speak to me about Nixon or Fabian, or what transpired between the two of them after I left last night. I’ll give her a few more days and then I’ll ask again.

  I spend the rest of the day allowing Faith to roam free. It’s starting to get darker so I continue in my wolf form towards the pack house. I pass a few people I’ve never seen before, they stare at me wide mouthed and watch my every movement. I wonder for a second if I rolled in something, whether my coat is dirty. I turn my head to see if anything is on my coat, then I remember what Johnny was saying to Jacob. These must be the men that Caspian sent down.

  “Well, well, well. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” The familiar voice has me letting out an excited bark as I dash in his direction. I jump up, tackling him to the ground.

  Axel starts laughing louder and playfully wrestles me. After some time and aware of the eyes on us, I move away from him. He sits up leaning on one knee as he runs his hands through my coat.

  “Your coat is beautiful, Angel. Your eyes, wow! They’re so different, not your natural colour,” he says, giving me a huge grin.

  I give his cheek a sloppy lick then nudge him as I make my way into the house and upto my room. I hurriedly dress and run back downstairs. Axel stands at the bottom of the staircase with a smirk on his face as he eyes my fully dressed form.

  “I wouldn’t have minded you shifting in front of me. You didn’t have to go all the way to your bedroom to do that, babe.” He winks and I playfully punch his arm before giving him a hug.


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