Angel Blackwood

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Angel Blackwood Page 34

by Sophie Summers

  “Angel!” A small girl with wild, fiery red hair comes running from the clearing of the woods hysterically. Nixon follows with Talon and Axel behind him.

  I realise she’s the little witch Angel has made friends with.

  As the girl and Nixon get close enough to see what Angel’s doing, the girl starts screaming.

  “Stop her! Make her stop!” Axel reaches out, wrapping his arms around her just before she gets to Angel. Nixon growls at him then also starts yelling as he rushes over.

  “You’ll kill her! It will kill her!” He says whilst Talon holds him back.

  “Kill her? No, Angel is saving her. She’s healing Kate.” I look back to Angel and notice blood dripping from her nose, there’s blood dripping down her neck to. I stand up quickly and jump over Kate’s body. I reach for Angel, as soon as I touch her, her body collapses into my arms. I lift her hair to see where all the blood is coming from; its coming from her ears.

  “Get your hands off me! Let me help her!” The girl screams.

  “Angel? Baby, wake up.” I pat her cheek softly as I watch my tears drop onto her rosy cheeks.

  “Move. Let her go!” The little red head pushes at me, forcing me to lay my mate onto the sand.

  “Nixon! Get Noelle, now! I need her help. You need to tell her what’s happened,” Phoenix says, freaking out.

  “What happened? What did you do, brother?” Talon says, kneeling at the other side of Angel’s head.

  I explain to them exactly what happened.

  “She told you to say that to me? Didn’t you think something was wrong?” Talon’s angry voice echoes, breaking the silence.

  I look down ashamed. I wasn’t thinking straight. I knew she was trying to tell me something, but I kept pushing, forcing her to do it. Now I could lose her because of my selfishness.

  “You two can argue later. You’re stressing out the little witch.” Axel’s firm voice has both Talon and I looking at the red head. She stares at both of us wide eyed and with shaky hands as if we’re about to eat her any moment.

  “Is she going to be okay?” I say softly. This seems to snap her out of her panic. Looking down at Angel with a sad express, she grabs her hand and cradles it inbetween hers.

  She nods her head, “I’m going to try my best…” Then she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “Why did you make her do it? You knew she wouldn’t be able to survive this something like this.”

  “I don’t understand. Who are you talking about? Kate? Kate was dying and Angel said she had the ability to heal. I didn’t know she would get harmed in any way. If I had know that it would cause Angel pain, I would never have asked her.” I don’t understand what she is asking me.

  “You didn’t know that the only way Angel is able to heal is by taking on the pain of the person she is healing?” She frowns. Her words leave me out of breath, my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

  “You didn’t know. She didn’t tell you, did she?” The witch says.

  I lean over and kiss Angel’s forehead, her skin cool against my lips. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry. Please don’t leave me. I promise I’ll be better, I’ll make up for every horrible thing I’ve ever done and said… Just come back to me,” I say, sobbing. I don’t care if I look weak in front of these people, I just want her to come back to me.

  “Her temperature is dropping. We need to get her inside. It’s cold out here and we need to keep her warm,” the girl says.

  “I’ll carry her,” Talon says, quickly picking her up and holding her to his chest before striding towards the pack house. I’m left looking down at Kate’s body.

  Axel pats my shoulder, “Don’t worry, man. I’ll sort her out. You need to make sure your girl survives.” I run after the witch and Talon as Axel picks up Kate.

  “What about the rogues?” I say, keeping a lookout as we hurry through the trees.

  “We were able to drive them away. Don’t think they’ll be back anytime soon.” He’s angry with me, I know that his concern for Angel is the only thing that’s keeping him from ripping my throat out.

  We reach the pack house just as Noelle’s car comes skidding to a halt out front.

  “Get her to the room now! Phoenix help me with these,” Noelle yells, digging through her trunk. Jacob comes running out of the house. He has scratches on his torso and ribs, but they’ll heal on their own in an hour or two.

  “What’s going on? What happened to her?” He inspects Angel for wounds, not realising that her injuries aren’t visible.

  As Talon lays her down on the surgical bed, I explain what happened to her.

  Noelle and Phoenix start placing candles all around the room. They carry out the same rituals that Noelle used when she saved Angel the first time.

  “Where is she?” The Alpha’s voice echoes through the wall. He rushes into the room, pushing Talon out of the way. Luna Alex is in hysterics as she looks down at her daughter.

  “What happened?” The Alpha’s black eyes find mine. “Speak now, Tyler.”

  Nixon speaks out before I have a chance, retelling the story in a way that sounds so much better than if I had to explain.

  The Alpha moves out of the way and a few moments later we’re all seated in the same positions we sat the last time we were in this room. We watch Noelle move around Angel, muttering in a language I’ve never heard before. The only thing different is the little red headed witch who helps her.

  Hours slowly pass in a haze of worry and guilt. Even though Angel hasn’t woken up yet, Noelle says that she is safe… she just needs to rest. They move her into her bedroom and the doctor sets up a drip and other various pieces of equipment around her. Alex sits on the bed next to Angel silent tears fall as she wipes the blood off Angel’s face and hands.

  I stand motionless next to the doorway, watching everyone doing what they need to. People walk past me, but I’m oblivious to everything and everyone. I hear Axel say something to me, but I can’t respond, I’m unable to focus on anything other than Angel as she lies in the bed.

  Axel then shoves my arm, immediately all the noise around me comes back with into focus. I shake my head and blink my eyes as his face comes into view.

  “Dude, you need to shower. You have blood all over you.” He looks back to where Angel lies. Alpha, Luna, Noelle and the little witch I now know to be Pheonix are seated around her bed. Strangely, I don’t see Talon anywhere.

  “She needs her rest and you need to shower. I’ll get someone to call you if she wakes up or anything.”

  I look down at my clothes and hands, the dried blood is everywhere.

  “Kate?” I say not even able to finish the sentence.

  “She’s in the hospital. Her parents managed to get her there in time. Seems like Angel’s efforts weren’t in vain after all. Her worst wounds were healed by the time they reached the hospital. She’s in recovery. Alpha Johnny made sure that one of your pack mates keeps an eye on her.” Axel gestures for me to leave the room with him and I do. As we get to the bottom floor, he grabs my shoulder and turns his voice into a whisper.

  “You need to make it right with your bro. He’s losing his shit. Nixon is trying to keep him away from everyone until he cools down, but you two need to make this right. Angel is going to need both of you when she wakes up.” I’ve never seen the man so serious before, he’s always making jokes and taunting us with the friendship he has with Angel.

  I nod my head, “I know man… I know. Let me get all this blood off me and I’ll start making things right…. Beginning with Talon.”



  Pushing against his chest, I’m so grateful that he isn’t able to shift. I don’t think I’d be able to control him if he was in full beast mode.

  “You need to stop, Talon! Get control of your wolf right-fucking-now!” I yell, shoving at his chest again as I look into his black angry eyes, standing in the back yard behind the main house. I had to get him out of the house and away from Angel’s fra
il looking body. Looking at her, and seeing Tyler covered in blood in the same room was only making him more agitated.

  “It’s all his fucking fault! He’s such a selfish prick. He’s all take-take-take, everything he wants he gets! I’m done with him!” Talon’s entire body is shaking, a couple of people have even come outside to see what the commotion is. He tries to duck past me again, but this time I tackle him to the ground, holding the collar of his shirt and pushing him down.

  “I want to blame someone too, Talon! I want to hurt him, make him hurt for what he’s put her through! I want to hurt you just as bad for causing her pain, but none of this is going to help Angel. None of it!” I yell so loud that I feel my wolf close to the surface. I let out a deep breath as I calm both him and I.

  “It was a mistake, Talon. He made a mistake, I assure you it’s one that will haunt him for the rest of his life,” I say in a calmer voice.

  “I was jealous of him, Nixon.” He lets out a force laugh as he drops his head back on the grass. “I’ve never been jealous of him… Ever. When I heard he broke Angel’s heat… for once in my life I was jealous. Not because I wanted to be her first or shit like that, but because he didn’t deserve to take that from her. I knew how brutal the idiot could be, she didn’t deserve that. I’m always the first to have his back, Nixon. I’m always the first to forgive him, but this time…” He shakes his head and his eyes turn watery. “…this time I don’t think I can.”

  “I know I’m to blame, brother. It’s my fault she’s lying there and believe me, I know it.” At the sound of Tyler’s voice, Talon’s body turns rigid underneath mine. Letting out a deep growl, he pushes me off of him with such force I land on my back a few feet away completely winded. As I try to catch my breath, I watch as Talon bolts for Tyler. Tyler doesn’t even budge, he just allows Talon to tackle him to the ground. There’s an audience around us now, but no one intervenes. Talon lands punch after punch in Tyler’s face. Tyler tries blocking and wiggling out from underneath him, but Talon is on a war path.

  I get on my feet needing to stop the commotion.

  “You don’t deserve her as a mate. As soon as she’s awake, I’m gonna make sure we complete our bond and she rejects your ass!” Talon says. His words enrage Tyler because the next thing I know, Tyler is on top dishing out punches to his brother who is now underneath him.

  “That will never happen! I know I did wrong, but I’m gonna make it right! She’s my fucking mate too!”

  “Neither of you will be alive to complete the mating bond if you don’t explain yourselves right now!” The sound of Alpha Johnny’s voice over the sound of the crowd muttering and the boys punches causes complete silence. Tyler has his hand in the air ready to land one on his brother and Talon has Tyler’s clean shirt scrunched up in his hand. Both stop and gape at the Alpha, who stands a few metres away looking as if he’s about to join in on the fight.

  Jacob moves away the crowd before pulling Tyler off his brother. Both boys stand, unable meet the Alpha’s eyes.

  “You are her mates? Both of you?” Alpha says, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Both men nod their heads.

  “Words. I need words,” Alpha growls.

  “Yes Alpha. She’s our mate,” Tyler says.

  “How long have you known?”

  “Since the night she came back from Point Bright. The night she shifted for the first time,” Talon says.

  “Why am I only learning about this now? Clearly the mating bond hasn’t been completed yet?” Alpha shifts on his feet, I know the answers he’s getting is only stoking his inner rage. He’s going to blow soon and only the Fates can help them then.

  The twins take longer to respond than is acceptable. As the Alpha takes a step menacingly forward, the truth starts bubbling out of each of the twins mouths at the same time.

  Talon says, “I wanted to make her pay for what she put us through. I was angry, Alpha. God. I hate myself for wasting time when I could have spent it loving her.”

  Tyler says, “I was confused. I didn’t know if we were right together. I wanted to reject her, I thought I loved Kate. I didn’t realise the extent of all the secrets Angel was keeping from us.”

  The Alpha’s eyes widen and his hands drop to his sides, shaking with rage. He calls for Jacob and two other guards. “Lock them in the cells downstairs before I put my hands on them and rip them apart!” He roars, turning around to avoid looking at the twins as the guards pull them away.

  Chapter 27


  It’s been three weeks. Three long, torturous weeks down in these cells. Alpha was nice enough to give us one of the better cells, so we have bed mats, a toilet, along with a lone shower in the corner of the cell and a guard that brings food for us regularly too. Our uncle, is disappointed with us just as much as Alpha Johnny. Neither want to see or speak to us for fear of lashing out and doing something they’ll regret; I don’t blame them. I knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time before everything was put out there, now it’s time for our punishment. This is it.

  I was forced to share this cell with Tyler. At first we were at each other’s throats, but as the hours and days passed, we kinda patched things up. I still don’t believe he deserves Angel, but then again I don’t think any man will be good enough for her, including me. I miss her soft touches and the way she smells. I miss her sassy attitude… fuck it, I just miss everything about her. I sit for hours on end, wishing I could take back every single nasty thing I’ve said to her. If I could rewind back to the night I found out she was my mate, I’d show her how much I loved her every second of every day. I’d never let her think she wasn’t wanted. She was always wanted, I was just being a childish prick looking for revenge.

  No one will tell us about her progress. I wonder if she’s woken up yet, if she’s asked about us. The Alpha must know how hard this is for us, not being able to see her or touch her is far worse punishment than being locked up in this dark basement.

  I look across the room to see Tyler laying on his side facing the wall, his food sitting on the small wooden table untouched. He lies shirtless. He’s lost a lot of weight these few weeks, he’s never been a scrawny guy so looking at him this way has me worried. His ribs are starting to stand out now, he doesn’t want to eat and he stopped talking last week sometime. He’s taking this hard. He doesn’t even have the strength to hold his thoughts anymore, I hear them all the time. He’s still blaming himself, going over every horrible thing he’s ever done to her, always blaming himself. I haven’t told him that I can hear what he’s thinking, I don’t think he has the energy to care either way.

  “Ty, man. Eat something… just a bite. You’ll feel better, it will give you energy. You could do some push ups with me or something. It helps, I promise.” It actually does as well. It’s the only way to keep myself from going crazy in this little cell. I do squats, push ups, even fucking jumping jacks to work up a sweat and get to the point of exhaustion where I can just flop down and pass out.

  He just shakes his head.

  A few hours go by and I’ve pushed my body to exhaustion once again, even with the limited amount of working out I can manage in here. I lay on the hard mat and look at the cement ceiling. I wonder if the Alpha will ever trust us again. I’m afraid he’ll sends us away, away from Angel. I don’t think I can survive living without her. These last few weeks without her have almost killed me. I know I have to earn his trust again, make him believe that I will do everything in my power to be the man Angel needs. I fear he doesn’t think we’ll be able to hold the Alpha position with Angel as our Luna. I know once we are mated to Angel, Alpha Johnny will then need to prepare to hand down his role as Alpha. I just don’t know whether he’ll see us worthy of that honour.

  I hear a female voice, “Shh… I know what I’m doing, Nixon. I’ll be fine. Just make sure Axel keeps the guards busy! Oh no you don’t. Don’t look at me that way, Nixon. Go… I’ll be quick.” The voice is a whisper, but I can hear
her so clearly. Tyler continues to lay there, his hearing obviously stunted in his weak state.

  Phoenix suddenly appears from behind the shadows, rushing over to our cell.

  I stand up up. Hearing footsteps, Tyler looks behind him. When he sees Phoenix he jumps up, reaching out the of the cell for her. She takes a weary step backwards.

  “How is she? Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay,” he rambles out, his voice thick. Phoenix walks closer and she looks him over, a sad expression crosses her face as she steps closer to us. Reaching out, she takes Tyler’s hand.

  “You look terrible, Tyler. You have to eat something. You’ve lost too much weight,” she says softly, before looking at me.

  “Make him eat something, Talon. Even if you have to shove it down his throat. Angel wouldn’t want to see him this way.” She lets go of Tyler’s hand, but he reaches out and grabs her again, pulling her closer to the cell.

  “So she is okay? You need to tell her I’m sorry. Please…” I watch as he begs, tears falling down his face. He sniffs and looks away, taking a few seconds to compose himself before continuing, “…please Phoenix, tell her I’m sorry and that I love her.”

  Phoenix tilts her head to the side, I can tell she’s trying to keep herself from crying. Her voice comes out rough as she says, “Angel hasn’t woken up yet, Tyler.”

  Both my brother and I gasp. The air leaves my lungs and I’m left gasping for it as I hunch over. Tyler comes to my side trying to get me to breath.

  “Do you think she will ever wake up?” I ask, still hunched over and looking up at her.

  Her posture straightens and her gaze is intense as she looks at me, “I’m gonna make sure she does. I came down to fill you in on her progress. I know the others have been forbidden to tell you anything, but I’m not part of this pack and I know Angel wouldn’t want you locked up like this.”


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