Darkness Fallen

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Darkness Fallen Page 3

by Dave Willmarth

  Alexander opened guild chat. “So, Rocky just got his first kill. A noob barbarian who came with a group to claim the bounty on me. Rocky didn’t like the way he talked about my mom.”

  “Oh, shit. Go, Rocky!” Sasha cheered.

  Max asked, “Where’s the rest of the group?”

  “He said the wolves and bears killed them. He was only level 12. Nice of them to feed our critters for us. Especially Rocky. He seems to like barbarian tartare.”

  “BWAHAHA!” Brick’s laughter could be heard both in guild chat, and drifting down from the keep.

  Alexander teleported himself back to the keep. Walking to the smithy, he retrieved enough obsidian to make two more cannons and then went back to the dining area. He sat and socialized as folks joined him to eat their breakfasts. While they ate, he shaped the two weapons and infused them with the Ray of Light spell. Remembering the pain from overusing his mana the day before, he used soul crystals to provide the power for the weapons.

  Finishing the second cannon, he walked back over to the smithy to pass the weapons along to Brick for shaping of the trigger mechanism. The sun was up now, and the bustle of activity around the keep increased. Alexander spotted Lola seated at one of the tables nearby and went to join her.

  “Good mornin’, Alexander,” she greeted him. “I hear ye be makin’ a trip to Stormforge today.”

  “Yes, most of the guild will be going for training. Would you like to join us?”

  Lola shook her head. “I be needed here. Me gramps says there be a whole new land to organize. I’ll be sendin’ the merchants with ye, though. Already give’d them a list o’ supplies we’ll be needin’.”

  “When we return from Stormforge, I’ll be heading up to the plateau to see about creating a new portal and building a wall around the tower. If you’d like to join me there, you could get a good look at what we’re dealing with?”

  “That be a good idea. Me and me gramps both should take a look-see. Ye’ll be back by noon?”

  “If not sooner. I need to meet with the king while the others get their training. The gathering of supplies will probably take longest.” Alexander handed Lola a couple of the king’s teleport scrolls. “If someone attacks while we’re gone, send someone to the palace with one of these. We’ll return immediately.”

  “Aye, will do. I’ll give one to the guard officers. Fer when we be away as well,” Lola confirmed.

  “Yo! Dork boy!” Sasha’s voice rang out. Alexander turned to find her exiting the kitchen with a plate of food. She sat next to him, greeting Lola with a smile. “I was thinking about how you killed that monster yesterday. That enchanting thing adds a lot of power to stuff. So… what if you could enchant a potion? Like, add extra healing magic to one of these?” She produced a low-grade healing potion and handed it to him.

  “This one gives 1,000 health. Do you think you could beef it up?” She looked at him, a challenge in her eyes.

  Alexander held the glass vial in his hands, inspecting the red liquid within. After a few moments, he said, “I’m not sure. I mean, I could enchant the vial easily enough, but I don’t know if that would help at all. I’ve never heard of anyone enchanting a liquid. It must be possible though because we get buffs from the water here. I’ll ask Fitz and Master Baleron. Do you have a few more I could experiment with?”

  Sasha produced a pouch that clinked when she set it in front of him. “There is a dozen of them in there. Try not to waste them.”

  “I won’t,” he assured her distractedly. Her question had opened up a whole new line of thinking.

  His train of thought was interrupted when she put a hand on his arm. Looking up, he saw her face had become more serious. “I’m glad Jules was able to come back okay yesterday. I was worried about that myself, though obviously not as much as you.” She gave him a small smile.

  “Yeah. And thanks for getting in my face. I sort of lost it there for a minute. You were right to beat me up.”

  “HA! As if I need an excuse. Smacking your fat head is just plain old good fun!” She grinned back.

  Changing the subject, he said, “I’m going to the control room to retrieve the mirror and have a chat with Jeeves. Want to come along?”

  “Nope. Got work to do before we head to the city. Don’t lose track of time.” Sasha got up and left.

  Alexander stood and wished Lola a good day before teleporting himself up to the control room.

  “Hello, Jeeves. How are you today?”

  “I am quite well. Thank you, Master. I have spent the night examining the new territory you gained yesterday. It is quite extensive.”

  “Well, I saw some of it from the air yesterday. But how extensive are we talking here?” Alexander asked.

  “I am not able to sense the entire area, as there are no structures on most of the plateau. However, the tower you visited yesterday is approximately twelves miles north of here. The smaller ancillary tower to the east is six miles from that tower. And the western tower is five miles in the other direction. So, at a minimum, your new territory is twelve miles long by eleven miles wide. That would be approximately two thirds the size of the kingdom of Stormforge. With the previous Dire Lands dimensions, I deduct that you are now the master of more land than King Charles. If your territory extends farther than the towers in any or all of those directions, your lands could be significantly larger, Master.”

  “And what else can you tell me about the territory, Jeeves?”

  “Within the area I have described, I have located one abandoned mine, two abandoned villages with stone structures, both severely damaged, and one pier structure on the river near one of the aforementioned villages.”

  “Can you mark those on my map, please?” Alexander pulled up the map on his UI. The vast empty area around the tower began to fill out in sections surrounding blue dots that marked the tower, mine, and village locations. Large blank spaces were still left in between.

  “Thank you, Jeeves, that is very helpful. Now, I believe you leveled up two times yesterday?”

  “Three, Master. The first was when the embassy was completed, and the intruder was destroyed. The second and third were upon the addition of the extra territory and resources. I am now level 19.”

  “Great! Congratulation, Jeeves. Were you given any more upgrade options?” A familiar display appeared above the control table.

  “Yes, Master. I currently have four options.”

  A familiar display appeared above the control table.

  Extended Area

  The area of influence of Dire Keep would be extended one-half mile in every direction

  Stone Golems Level One

  The Keep will be able to generate stone golems to serve as labor or defense. Level One maximum: 10 golems. Resources required per golem; 200 stone, 1,000 mana

  Aerial Defense Level One

  The inner keep will be protected by a domed magical shield that can absorb damage equal to the number of keep’s resource units. Alternate power sources may increase damage absorption.

  Dungeon Spawn

  The keep can summon a low-level dungeon to be placed within its area of influence. The dungeon will grow with the passing of time or the absorption of life force and magic items.

  “If you wish more details, or would like my opinion, you need only ask, Master.”

  Alexander once again opened up guild chat. This time, to save time, he pasted the options into a text message for the guild members. He followed up the text with a question in voice chat.

  “Okay, folks. Choosing time again. Jeeves has earned another upgrade. We’re going to pass on the Area Extension. I think we’ve got more than we can handle at the moment. Anyone disagree?”

  “I think it should be the golems or the shield. A dungeon would be nice for leveling our citizens, but we have more immediate needs. And we can always send them to the Stormforge dungeon for now.” Max offered. There were multiple mumbled agreements, no comments to the contrary.

  Alexander tried to n
arrow it down. “Alright. Golems or Aerial Defense. Anyone?”

  Silverbeard spoke first. “It be my humble opinion that Golems be more useful at this time. With the addition o’ the gryphons, the light cannons, and a dragon roost nearby, I do no’ be thinkin an invasion by air is likely to succeed. The golems be good front-line troops to hold a gate, fer example. And when not in combat, they be useful fer multiple purposes.”

  Dayle spoke next. “I’d be curious to see how tough these golems are. But I agree with Master Silverbeard in principle. Having some stone tanks to take even part of the damage in a melee would be useful.”

  “One second,” Alexander said. “Jeeves, can you participate in guild chat? And if so, can you tell us all whether the stone golems can be healed?”

  “Yes, Master. Now that you have invited me, I can monitor and participate in guild chat. And yes, stone golems can be healed by allies just as any citizen can be, with nature, holy, or light magic. They can also consume stone to regenerate themselves, given time. Also, at higher upgrade levels, you may create a larger number of golems, or the same number with more strength, health, and intelligence.”

  “Thank you, Jeeves, for anticipating our next question. That interface upgrade is certainly proving itself worthwhile,” Alexander said.

  Brick chimed in. “I be thinkin’ the golems be the way to go.”

  “I agree,” Alexander said. “I was just talking with Jeeves about the new territory, and the large, unexplored, unmapped area. With ten golems, we could send them out in every direction and have them fill in the map while we’re doing other things. Jeeves, will you be able to monitor the golems enough to fill in the map?”

  “Yes, Master. The golems would be extensions of the keep, and therefore under my control when not following direct orders from one of you. I can see and hear what they do, and speak through them if needed. They would indeed be ideal for mapping or scouting. Though they will not be able to do so with any discretion. Stone golems are not quiet unless sitting still.”

  “BWAHAHA! Just like me!” Brick chortled.

  “So, anybody disagree? If you have a different opinion, please speak up.” Alexander asked. There were several comments in favor of the golems, but none against.

  “Then golems it is. Jeeves, please activate the Stone Golems upgrade. And begin creating golems. Do you have enough stone?”

  “My pleasure, Master. And yes. I have approximately 4,000 units of stone at the moment, mainly from removing the stone to create the dining hall and duergar quarters. I will need a mana source to animate them, however.”

  Alexander pulled out a handful of soul crystals. Setting one on the table, he asked out loud, “Can you use one of these?”

  “One moment while I analyze the crystal, Master. Yes. I am able to draw mana from the crystal. This one is sufficient to charge six of the golems.”

  Alexander looked at the crystal he’d set down. It was a medium grade crystal, one they’d gotten from some of the undead when they cleared the keep. Alexander lifted it and put it back in his bag. He withdrew the crystal that Max had looted from the Abomination below the tower. Setting it on the table, he asked, “How about this one?”

  After a moment, Jeeves answered. “This is a grand soul crystal, Master. This one would be sufficient to animate three dozen golems.”

  “Great! I’ll leave this here with you. Let me know when it reaches 25% capacity, and I will recharge it.” Alexander left the crystal on the table. “Oh! How long will it take you to create the golems?”

  “Each golem will take approximately four minutes to form and animate, Master.”

  “Wow! Faster than I expected. Okay, please create ten golems and instruct them to assist the farmers and loggers for now. When we return, we’ll send them out to the new territory to scout. Please show me the current keep status.”

  The glowing blue display above the table changed to the keep status screen.

  Dire Keep: Level 19/25

  Physical Status: 1350/1700

  Resources: 23,100 units

  See Infrastructure for details

  See Resources for details

  Current Population: 148

  Defensive Capabilities: 85%

  Citizens: 142 Guests: 6

  See Defense for details

  Ancillary Structures: 23

  Production rate: 55%

  See Ancillary Structures for details

  Production will increase with population and use of ancillary structures

  The population number reminded Alexander that the duergar should be taking the oath today. That would take them to nearly 300 citizens.

  “Jeeves, will you level up to 20 when your population reaches 200?”

  “N,o master. I will receive significant points, but they will not be sufficient to gain level 20. Each successive level requires a much larger number of points to achieve. A population of 300, plus the repair of the two villages would be sufficient for the next level.”

  “Okay, Jeeves, please begin repairs on the villages. Do you have sufficient resources?”

  “No, Master. After creating ten golems, I will have enough resources to fully repair one village, and to bring the other village to approximately 70% physical condition. If you wish, I could harvest more stone resources by expanding the living spaces in the keep.”

  “That’s a good idea, Jeeves. Do we have a library?”

  “Only the study in your quarters, Master. I do have a plan for a library available, Master.”

  “And what other structures or rooms do you have plans for?”

  “I have standard plans for corridors and stairways of different sizes and configurations. I also have plans for barracks rooms, guest rooms, guest suites, dining and gathering halls, kitchens, storage closets, bathrooms of varying size and complexity, offices, medical facilities, laboratories, training hall, dungeon cells, cisterns-”

  “Okay, I get the idea. Thank you, Jeeves. How many prison cells do we have currently?”

  “Twenty-four cells, Master. On two dungeon levels.”

  “Alright, Jeeves. We may need more than that soon. I now have the ability to bind prisoners, so that we do not have to send them to Stormforge. So, let’s do this. Begin construction on another dungeon level. Make it large enough for twenty-four more single-person cells. You’ll need to create the stairway leading down, and a corridor wide enough to keep the cells separated. When you are finished with that, I would like you to create a laboratory accessible only from my quarters. Cut it into the stone at the back, as it will not need windows. Next on the list, please create a hospital ward sufficient in size for fifty beds. I assume that will allow you to harvest enough stone?”

  “Yes, Master. Any one of those would give me sufficient stone units to complete the second village. The three projects combined will add about five thousand additional units.”

  “Then let’s go with that plan. Also, please consult with Silverbeard to see if he has suggestions for further expansion within the keep. And, can you expand the underground levels below the main tower on the plateau?”

  “Yes, Master. The tower and structures below are now within my area of influence. If you have no objection, I shall designate that structure as ‘Garrison Tower’ and the others as east and west observation towers.”

  “Alright then. Please discuss that with Silverbeard as well. I’d like to add a couple of large chambers off the stairs just below the garrison tower floor. To be used as barracks if it becomes necessary to retreat there. Sufficient in size to sleep 100 citizens each. With appropriate bathrooms.”

  “Of course, Master. I estimate the time required for all projects to be four days. The first village repair will be completed tomorrow. The second in three days. The prison level will also be complete in three days. The remaining structures here and in the tower, will be complete on the fourth day.”

  “Good enough, then. Thank you, Jeeves. It’s time to head to Stormforge. I’ll see you when I get back.”

bsp; With that, Alexander lifted the garrison tower mirror with a grunt, and teleported back to the courtyard. Finding Lola among the guild members gathered there, he handed her the mirror. “This is the mirror that leads to the garrison tower. Please find a secure place that is accessible here in the inner keep.”

  Lola simply nodded her head, taking the heavy mirror from him as if it weighed nothing at all.

  Looking around, Alexander noted that some of the guild members had not yet arrived. There were still a few minutes until the designated meeting time. So he took the opportunity to examine his own stats.

  Mage: Alexander Level 56

  Build: Ranged magic/Melee dps

  Health: 16,000Experience 6,100/123,000Attribute pts avail: 24


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