Darkness Fallen

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Darkness Fallen Page 8

by Dave Willmarth

  “Indeed, Master. The newly completed walls are now within my area of influence. How can I help you?”

  “I would like the golems to do a bit of scouting so that you can fill in our map of the area. Please ask four of them to head out in the cardinal directions. And the other four to head in the ordinal. That should give us a pretty complete picture. And please instruct them not to harm anything that does not attack them first.”

  “Of course, Master. It will be done.”

  Alexander and Lola stood in silence as four of the golems headed out of the southern gate, then split up. The remaining four set off in the direction of the northern gate.

  “These golems are going to come in quite handy, I think!” Alexander mused, feeling a bit proud of himself. The map they created would be extremely useful.

  “Aye. They be tough fighters ‘n’ hard workers. They can carry twice their weight and no’ get tired,” Lola agreed. She stepped away to confer with one of the farmers who was driving a herd of cows, pigs, and goats through the portal. Alexander noticed two duergar were assisting the farmer.

  Alexander turned to the group of players who were milling about the open space between the portal and the tower.

  “There are more than a hundred square miles of forest on this plateau, nearly all of it unmapped. From the air, it looks completely forested, except along the riverbank, and probably around the other two towers. There are also a couple of old villages and a mine marked on this map.” Alexander shared his map with the guildmembers. “Feel free to break into groups and explore. Try to have a healer with you, just in case. And yes, Fibble counts as a healer!” He grinned at the little goblin, who puffed out his chest and waved his stick in the air. “If you run into any trouble, call out in guild chat. We can locate you with your medallions and teleport to you. For now, try to stay within five or six miles of this tower. If you find something interesting that isn’t a danger, call that out too. And mark it on your maps, please.”

  As the others began to group up, Alexander called Fibble over. The diminutive warrior in leather armor scurried over with a questioning look on his face. “Let me see your stick, Fibble. I want to make sure it’s all charged up. So you can heal your clan mates.” Alexander stuck out his hand. Fibble looked uncertain for a moment but decided he trusted Alexander, and handed over his precious stick.

  Alexander removed a small soul crystal and used it to bring the weapon to full charge. Handing it back to Fibble, he said, “There you go. All set!” The goblin took the stick back, hugging it to his chest and nodding his head. His ears flapped with the motion. “Big magic! Protect friends!”

  Alexander looked around. Dayle’s group had partied up and were headed toward the north gate. Helga, Lugs, and Benny had adopted Lola, who was now wearing armor. She had a stout mace on her belt and a shield on her back. Though Benny was a healer, he was still slightly lower level than the others. It couldn’t hurt to give him some help. “Fibble, can you help protect Lola today? Heal any of the group that gets hurt, but especially Lola.”

  “Fibble protect!” The goblin nodded his head vigorously again before scooting off to join the group. Helga saw him coming and then winked at Alexander. She’d make sure the little fella came to no harm. Lugs led the group out the south gate.

  Fitz was standing near the southern gate, infusing the stone with wards and enchantments. Alexander approached. “I sensed some tunnels to the west of here. Thought I’d take a group and explore. Would you like to join us?”

  “Thank you, lad. But I will remain here. I want to put some protections on these walls. Kai is already doing the same on the north side. We will await you here.”

  Alexander took out two of his newly crafted dragons with the communication enchantment and handed them to Fitz. “You can reach me with this if anything interesting happens. There’s one for Kai, too.”

  The wizard took a moment to analyze one of the little obsidian dragons. “I see you’ve been experimenting! This is good work, boy. Useful too.” He arched a single eyebrow at Alexander. “And you didn’t blow anything up?”

  Alexander laughed “Well, I did destroy two of the rings while trying to learn the enchantment. But no. No explosions.”

  “Only two?” Now both of the wizard’s eyebrows were raised. “I’ve had students destroy dozens of items, trying to learn a less complicated spell. You continue to surprise me, boy. Now, off with you! I’ve work to do before dinner!” Fitz waved him away with one hand while producing a sandwich from a pocket with his other. As he did so, Rufus appeared as if by magic, dashing up the wizard’s arm to try and seize his share of the snack. Alexander grinned at the battle of wills that began as he turned toward his core group. Lorian was now standing with them.

  “I found a tunnel system west of here,” Alexander explained. “It could be just empty lava tubes. There’s also a secondary tower to the west. I thought we’d head in that direction and see what we find. Any objections or better ideas?”

  “West be as good a direction as any,” Brick chimed in. The others nodded in agreement.

  Alexander sent out party invites, and the group headed out the south gate and turned west. They crossed the new growth section that surrounded the new wall and then stepped into the cover of the giant elder trees. The temperature dropped instantly. These old growth behemoths let little light or heat through their canopy far above. The friends were pleasantly cool as they moved among scattered undergrowth and around trunks that were six feet wide and more. As they moved deeper into the forest, the oldsters only got larger.

  Lorian and Max moved ahead to scout to their left and right. Max faded from view as his armor blended into the background. Lorian simply dashed up the trunk of a tree like he was part squirrel, disappearing into the branches above. Alexander and the rest of the group continued in a westerly direction. With the sun nearly invisible above, they had to use their HUD maps to remain headed the right way.

  Maybe thirty minutes later Lorian called out in party chat. “There is a bear den here. A mother and two young cubs. The mother is level 40. She is nursing and no threat to the group. About a hundred yards south and west of you.”

  “Thank you, Lorian. We’ll avoid disturbing her. Let’s move a bit northwest for a few minutes,” Alexander replied. The group turned a few degrees north and continued. Max was next to speak.

  “Incoming! Got some kind of hunting cat chasing me!” The group could hear him crashing through the brush ahead, not even trying to hide his presence as he approached them at speed.

  Brick stepped forward, shield up as Max rounded a massive ten-foot-wide tree and sprinted toward them. Around the other side of the tree came a jet-black cat, making no noise as it bounded after Max. It appeared to be almost playing with him. Bounding high in the air and landing behind the ranger rather than sprinting after him, it reached out a forepaw and batted Max’s legs out from under him. Rather than pouncing on him, it bounded away, landing ten feet to one side. It stopped, crouched on all four legs, and its tail twitched back and forth. Only then did it note the other members of the group.

  Max cursed as he hit the forest floor, face-sliding through the leaves and dirt. “Shoot it already!” he shouted when he came to rest. Getting to his feet, he continued his run toward Brick and the group, only about twenty yards away. The cat just sat where it was, watching. Maybe six feet long from nose to rear, it resembled a very large panther. The tip of its tail, still twitching, was a light grey for the last six inches.

  Reaching the group, Max panted. “Damned thing was sitting in a branch, dropped down on me as I walked under it. Then it let me get up and run. Thinks I’m some kind of friggin’ mouse!”

  The cat seemed to smile at Max’s comment as if it understood. Still, it did not move. Even its tail was now still as it considered the party of adventurers.

  “It’s not attacking,” Lainey observed. “Maybe it did just want to play? Did it hurt you, Max?”

  “Only his pride. And maybe his ars
e!” Brick snickered.

  “Look out! There’s a huge bunny behind you!” Max pointed behind the dwarf, eyes wide.

  Brick half-turned with alarm before he caught on, turning back to see a smug grin on Max’s face. Jules slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.

  “Well, what do we do with the big kitty?” Sasha asked. The urge to step forward and pet it was written all over her face.

  “Do nothing.” Lorian’s voice drifted down from a tree above them. He dropped soundlessly to the ground next to Sasha. He spoke in a hushed tone. “That is a night prowler. A kitten. Its mother will be nearby, and likely in a much less playful mood.” He motioned for the group to step back, slowly doing so himself. “My people thought night prowlers to be extinct. We have not seen one in centuries.”

  “If that be the baby, how big is the mama?” Brick whispered in awe.

  “This one is not a newborn.” Lorian clarified. “I expect it is about six months old. Its parents will be half again that size.”

  “That would be bigger than Tigger!” Jules gasped.

  “Tigger?” Sasha asked. Alexander had a sinking feeling in his stomach.

  Jules smiled brightly at Sasha. “Alexander’s tiger! The poor thing told me Alexander hadn’t named him yet, so I gave him one! It’s from an old children’s tale from like a bazillion years ago!”

  Before the conversation could proceed further, there was a terrible racket to their west. A loud roar, followed by the sound of splintering wood. The prowler kitten’s head turned toward the sound, ears up and alert, shifting side to side like radar dishes. After a moment, it dashed off in the direction it had come.

  “There’s some kind of fight going on over there. The tower should be in that direction. Let’s go investigate.” Alexander called out as he began to jog toward the sounds of battle.

  The group had gone less than a quarter mile when they came upon a newly cleared area. Several bushes and a few small trees had been smashed to splinters. One of the trees was being used as a club by a stone golem. Facing off against the golem was an adult night prowler. Full grown, this one was easily ten feet from its nose to the base of its tail. Its shoulders were a good four feet high.

  The golem’s shoulder and torso sported parallel scratch marks where the great cat had made contact but seemed no worse for wear. The cat, on the other hand, was favoring its left hind leg and trying to back away while still keeping an eye on its foe. Alexander took a closer look.

  Night Prowler Matriarch

  Level 65

  Health 18,400/24,000

  Alexander shouted “Jeeves! What’s going on?” knowing that the keep’s AI controlled the golem.

  “This creature attacked the golem as it moved through the trees, Master. It has done minor damage, but the golem is still at 94% combat efficiency.” Jeeves’ voice came from the golem. It was a little creepy.

  The prowler looked toward Alexander and growled. The sound was so deep it felt as if his bones were vibrating. The cat began to alternate its gaze between the golem and the new arrivals.

  Lorian spoke quickly. “Prowlers are intelligent. It would not attack the golem for food. My guess is the golem was approaching its den. And the creature is trying to lead it away since she can’t kill it.”

  “Jeeves, command the golem to drop the tree and stand down, please.” Alexander called out, trying to keep his tone of voice calm.”

  “Of course, Master.” The golem immediately dropped the sapling club and took several steps back before standing still.

  Sasha cast her biggest heal at the female prowler. The cat’s eyes widened as the damage to its leg was repaired, and the pain ceased. Still, it continued to growl at everyone in sight.

  Lorian stepped forward, slowly. He removed a chunk of boar meat from his bag and tossed it toward the cat. The cat leaned forward and sniffed at the meat, never taking its gaze from the half-elf and his friends.

  Lorian said quietly “Follow my lead. This is a Matriarch. She is the queen of this section of forest. Show her some respect; she could kill us all with little effort.” He took a knee and spread his hands wide, then bowed his head to the cat. Her growling ceased, but she still looked suspiciously at the party, and especially at the golem.

  Alexander and the others copied Lorian’s posture, down on one knee with hands wide. He wasn’t ready to bow his head and lose sight of the cat, though.

  The prowler matriarch leaned forward and took the chunk of meat in her jaws. The meat, which was large enough to make steaks for five people, disappeared without even being chewed. She settled down on her haunches and just stared at the intruders.

  Jules stood and stepped up next to Lorian. “I think I can talk to her…?” she ventured, sounding unsure.

  “What do you mean, talk to her?” Max asked before Alexander could respond.

  “Just like with Tigger. I was sitting with him on the balcony the other night, just talking to him. He stared at me and just purred. But after a while, he seemed to understand. He nodded his head at me and even smiled once. I got a notification that I learned a skill called ‘Empathy’. It lets me talk to animals,” she explained.

  “Animals don’t talk,” Brick declared as the others all rose to their feet as well.

  “Well, not with words. Not like ‘Hey go make me a sammich’ or anything. But I could understand what he was thinking, sort of. Like, I knew when he agreed with me. And when he was laughing at Alexander.” Realizing what she’d said, she looked guiltily at Alexander. Moving quickly to change the subject, she added, “Anyway, I think I can talk to this kitty, too. She seems very smart.”

  Alexander opened his mouth to object. Not just object. The words ‘Hell no!’ were on his tongue as visions of poison ladybugs flashed in his vision. But Lainey kicked him pretty hard in the shin. When Alexander turned to her, again about to yell something, she pointedly widened her eyes and shook her head no. Alexander’s mouth clamped shut as he got the hint.

  Sasha covered for him. “Jules, how sure are you? Look at the claw marks on that golem. She can kill you without even trying.”

  “Well… I’m pretty sure. I mean, I’m not scared or anything.” She looked to Alexander, clearly asking for his support.

  His guts twisted, heart racing, it was all he could do to nod his head. He knew he shouldn’t feel this way. He wouldn’t it if were any other party member walking toward the giant cat right now. But in the back of his mind there remained that fear that if Jules were to be killed, she would not respawn.

  Alexander watched with fists clenched and teeth grinding as Jules slowly made her way toward the prowler. She spoke softly to the cat, hands held forward and apart like she was going in for a hug. The cat made no moves, nor gave any indication whether she was inclined to talk… or massacre.

  When Jules was just a few feet away from the prowler, she stopped and sat cross-legged in front of her. She continued to talk just as if she were chatting with a Sasha or Lainey about everyday things. Alexander couldn’t make out the words, only the tone.

  After a couple of minutes, Alexander’s heart nearly stopped when the cat shifted her feet. But rather than pounce, or swing a paw a Jules, she settled down into a posture that was more of a nesting pose. She tucked her front paws up under her chest and began to purr softly.

  Alexander and the others all let out sighs of relief. It appeared the matriarch was willing to talk. Jules leaned forward and began to scratch the giant feline between her eyes. Those eyes promptly closed, and the purring grew louder. When Jules sat back a few moments later, the big cat head-butted her in clear demand for more scratchings. Jules let out a pleased laugh and resumed, this time scratching under the cat’s chin with both hands.

  She turned and called out to the others “It’s okay. She understands. I told her the golem was just exploring, and didn’t mean to hurt her or her babies.”

  As the group began to move carefully toward Jules, a dark blur burst from the trees to their left. It impacted wi
th Max, knocking him off his feet. As Max shouted in alarm, and the others turned toward him with hands on weapons, the prowler kitten with the grey-tipped tail bounded away from Max and toward its mother. Alexander could swear it was smiling.

  The matriarch had opened her eyes in alarm at Max’s shout, raising her head to look over the top of Jules. Seeing her offspring bounding away, laughing at its new toy, she actually smiled. The kitten took one final leap and landed right in front of Jules, bowling her over. When she squealed in surprise, the kitten instantly backed away and lay flat on its stomach. The matriarch reached out a paw and swatted it, as if in reprimand for interrupting her scratchings.

  The kitten looked apologetically at Jules as she got to her feet. It tummy-crawled toward her, head-butting her when it was close enough. The elfess scolded the kitten briefly before relenting and scratching its head with one hand as she scratched its mother with the other. It would have been comical to watch if both cats hadn’t been so intimidatingly huge.


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