Darkness Fallen

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Darkness Fallen Page 23

by Dave Willmarth

  He moved to the sofa and patted the seat next to him. As Sasha moved to join him, he said, “Odin, please show us Fibble’s current character sheet.”


  Alexander opened the portal, and the dozen or so citizens who had gathered in the courtyard moved through to Greystone Manor on the other side. Blix waited and walked through with Alexander.

  Once through to the other side, he called out to the dispersing group. “I’ll be opening the portal back in two hours!”

  As soon as he had closed the incoming portal, he cast the spell to open it again, this time to Broken Mountain. Master Ironhammer was waiting there with his smiths and a couple wagonloads of supplies. Just in case, Alexander called out, “I welcome you all to Greystone Manor!” as they began to file through the portal.

  Alexander shook hands with Ironhammer. “Welcome back, Master Ironhammer. This is Blix Copperbottom of the banker’s guild. He’s opening a Greystone bank for us at the keep.”

  “Good t’meet ye.” The dwarf and gnome shook hands, as Ironhammer asked, “Have ye see’d our dragon forge yet?”

  Alexander grinned at the ‘our’ as he followed the two around the main house to the dragon forge. Blix might be a banker, but he was still a gnome and was as enamored with the forge as any dwarf. He gasped in awe, touching every surface he could reach. Even going so far as to reach momentarily into the forge itself to feel the heat.

  Alexander waited patiently for the gnome to emerge. “This is a wondrous thing, Alexander,” Blix said with some gravity. “Just the fees you could charge the masters for working here could finance your whole loan program, and make our bank one of the wealthiest around in a matter of a few years.”

  Alexander grinned at the gnome. “At the moment, we’re not charging. Oh, sure, the masters gave Brick some mithril for the privilege of working the forge. But mainly we’re just giving them access out of friendship.” Alexander watched as Blix’s eyes nearly bulged from his head. “However, we can certainly think about that for the future.” He tossed the gnome a bone.

  After a brief tour of the manor house, Alexander led Blix back out to the courtyard. “To save a little time, I’ll teleport us over to the Ogre and introduce you to the O’Malleys. Then I’m afraid I must report to the king, so I’ll leave you in their hands.

  With a nod of agreement from Blix, Alexander teleported the two of them to the private dining area inside the Ogre. Stepping out into the restaurant, they found Martin just emerging from the kitchen.

  “Martin! Good afternoon. I’ve brought a friend I thought you might like to meet.” Alexander motioned toward Blix. “Martin O’Malley, meet Blix Copperbottom. Blix is starting our bank for us at the keep. He’s also going to be administering a program where we loan funds to citizens who want to build businesses in the keep.” He winked at Martin, who laughed. Then he continued, “I thought you two should talk.”

  Martin held out a hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Copperbottom.”

  “Please, call me Blix. Any friend of Alexander’s is a friend of mine,” Blix replied.

  Alexander looked at Martin. “I think it’s safe enough for you to build your Ogre II when you’re ready, Martin. It’ll have to be made of stone, but that will actually decrease your construction costs. Blix here can fill you in. I built his bank for him this morning. Now, I have to go report to the king on what happened in Antalia yesterday. Can you make sure Blix gets back to the compound?”

  Martin clapped Alexander on the back. “Of course. And by the way, several of them bounty hunters cleared out of here this morning. They got news about the bounty bein’ lifted. But a few are still in the other room. Mattie’s dungsnuffler’s with ‘em now.”

  Alexander’s face grew grim. “How many?”

  “Five of them, last I looked.” Martin’s voice grew concerned. “Now, if you plan to take ‘em on in here, I’ll back you up. But I’d appreciate it if ya don’t damage too much furniture…”

  Alexander chuckled. “I wouldn’t damage your place on purpose, Martin. In fact, if they wish to fight, I’ll kindly invite them outside.” He grinned at Martin, who looked as if he thought he should be worried.

  Alexander walked through the kitchen, followed by Martin and Blix. He stopped a moment to greet Rose, before continuing into the tavern. Martin nodded toward a table on the far right of the room. “The dungsnuffler be the one with his back to us. With the black hair.”

  Alexander looked over the group at the table. None of them were over level 40. The four players wore average gear. There were three melee types in chainmail and one caster.

  Martin reached under the bar and produced an axe handle with more than a few scratches on it. Alexander just winked at him and stepped toward the table.

  “Gentlemen!” he called as he stepped closer. “I understand you’re looking for me? What can I do for you?” He stopped about five feet from the group.

  Mattie’s ex-husband burst from his chair. “You! You kidnapped my wife! Where is she?”

  Alexander smiled coldly at the man. “You must be Mattie’s EX-husband. She divorced you. I was a witness. She told us all about you. What was your name again?”

  The man growled at him. “You’ve no right-”

  “I have every right!” Alexander roared, interrupting him. “I am Alexander, Baron of the Dire Lands, Knight Advisor to the King, and friend to the crowns of Stormforge, Broken Mountain, and Antalia! You are a worthless drunken piece of shit that abused his wife until she fled in fear. She is now a citizen of Dire Keep and one of my subjects! Sit down before I take your head here and now!”

  The entire tavern went deadly silent at Alexander’s outburst. The men sitting at the table looked from their companion to Alexander. He addressed them as a group. “Which of you leads this group?”

  One of the warriors stood. “I do. Name’s Pollock. We’re from Antalia. Came here for the bounty. Since it was just lifted, and you claim to be a friend of the crown, I’m guessing something’s happened since we left.”

  Alexander nodded his head. “Indeed. Yesterday we raided and took control of the PWP guild house. We discovered that chancellor Lucius had poisoned and locked away the queen, intending to marry Princess Kimberly and take the throne for himself. We relieved Lucius of his head and killed the guards loyal to him. The queen has been healed, and she is now in control again.”

  The others looked confused, but Pollock nodded his head. “Figured it was something like that. So, you wiped out PWP? Those guys were real assholes.”

  Alexander grinned. “Not exactly. PWP was a healer’s guild, good people. Mostly priests. Then Henry framed the leader for murder and took over. That’s when all the PK action started. Those players are all gone, most of them spending the next year in lockup. Some of them in real life. They were working for a terrorist organization called Light of Truth. They have attacked Jupiter Tech headquarters twice now - bombs, rocket launchers, automatic rifles…”

  One of the seated players said, “Oh, shit.”

  Alexander continued. “I came over here thinking you were part of that group. I think I’ve figured out you’re not. Anyway, we’re restoring the old PWP, the healer’s guild. We’ve had their leader released from jail in Antalia. We’ll be releasing several of their officers that are locked up here. We’ll give them back their guild house and help them rebuild. Never hurts to have a guild full of healers as friends!” He grinned at them.

  Pollock responded “No, we ain’t PWP. In fact, those assholes gank’d us more than once as noobs. Good riddance to them.”

  Alexander turned serious. “Then I have to ask… why are you still here? If you came for the bounty…”

  Pollock motioned toward Mattie’s ex-husband, now seated in his chair and stewing in his anger and damaged pride. “He told us you had kidnapped his wife. We figured we’d help him get her back, and get some xp. Maybe some loot in the process.”

  Alexander turned to Martin. “Martin, could you ask Rose to come out here

  While they waited, Alexander gave his best diplomatic smile. “It wouldn’t have gone well for you. None of my people are under level 50. You’d have been outnumbered and outmatched.”

  He let that sink in as Rose approached. Upon seeing Mattie’s ex-husband, she shouted, “Who let that dungsnuffler in here again? Martin!” She looked angrily at the man and then back at her husband.

  One of the seated players snorted, mumbling, “Dungsnuffler! Ha!”

  “Rose, would you please tell these adventurers about the dungsnuffler?” Alexander couldn’t help but grin as he said it.

  Rose rolled up her sleeves and looked as if she might punch the man. “Drunken waste of a human soul, that one is. Married my sweet Mattie. Used her for money so he could go out whoring and drinking. Then went home and abused the poor girl. Alexander, if ya don’t kill him, I will.”

  Pollock’s face darkened as Rose spoke. So did those of the other players.

  “You lying bitch!” The dungsnuffler shot up from his chair, lunging at Rose. He held a dagger in one hand, aimed directly at her throat. Alexander quickly cast a magic shield in front of Rose, doubting that it would be strong enough to stop the man. He frantically drew his sword.

  He need not have worried. Before the dagger even reached the shield, the man’s head dropped from his shoulders.

  Pollock leaned down, wiping his sword on the man’s shirt. “I had to do it. He would have killed her.” He looked at Alexander, worry evident on his face. Killing a citizen within city limits would result in a long prison sentence. For many players, that spelled financial ruin. Pollock’s friends all put hands on their weapons, ready to fight their way out of the city.

  Alexander nodded as Rose kicked the dead body in front of her feet. “I would have killed him if you hadn’t. Though I fear I would have been too slow to save Rose. Thank you.”

  Pollock looked relieved. His friends relaxed. Alexander said, “I will have to arrest you. But I will tell the king what happened here. And I’m sure the O’Malleys and Blix here will testify on your behalf. And this asshole had more than one run-in with the guards in the past. I expect the king will release you with no charges.”

  Pollock nodded. Alexander instructed his friends “Pick up the body. And the head. I’ll teleport all of us to the palace, and we can deal with this quickly.”

  When everyone was ready, Alexander teleported them to the courtyard inside the palace walls. Two guards immediately lowered spears at them until Alexander held up a hand. Both guards snapped to attention and saluted. “Sir!”

  “Please inform Captain Redmond and the king that we’ve had a little incident. A citizen has been killed by an adventurer. I’ve brought everyone here.” He motioned to the crowd.

  The guard noticed the head being held by one of the players and made a face of disgust. “Good riddance, I say. I’ll inform the king immediately. Please await him in the great hall,” he instructed before taking off at a run.

  Alexander led the group through the inner bailey gate and into the palace structure. They proceeded down a wide corridor and through a large double doorway into the great hall. The throne was empty, so the players set the body and head on the floor and they all waited patiently. Alexander winked at Pollock to reassure him.

  King Charles and Captain Redmond emerged from the doorway that led to the king’s study. “Alexander! What an interesting group you’ve brought me. Have you managed to find even more trouble?”

  Alexander grinned at the king. “It does seem to follow me around, Your Majesty.”

  Looking to the headless corpse on the floor, the king frowned. “Tell me.”

  Alexander explained the identity of the dead man, the events at the tavern, and the circumstances of the man’s death. Captain Redmond spoke quietly to the king for a moment.

  Then the king asked Rose for her version of the story. He asked Pollock a few questions about where he was from and why he was in Stormforge. When Pollock admitted he was here to kill Alexander, the king raised an eyebrow.

  “Alexander, you knew this man and his friends came to kill you? Before you brought him here?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. He was seeking the bounty from Antalia. Then he thought he would be rescuing Mattie from a dastardly kidnapper.” He grinned when the king snorted at his comment. “That’s all been worked out. And I have a report on that for you when we’re done here. I have no issue with Pollock or his group. He saved Rose’s life when I would have been too slow.”

  King Charles looked thoughtfully at the group. He motioned for a pair of guards to remove the body. “Mister Pollock. We thank you for saving the life of our friend Rose. And I warn you to think twice about attempting to kill Alexander here. He has a gift for staying alive and overcoming enemies much greater than your group here.” He grinned at the warrior.

  Pollock bowed to the king “Yes, Your Majesty. I believe I see what you mean. He’ll have no trouble from us.”

  “As for Antalia, my messenger returned this morning via teleport scroll. He had messages from the queen, the princess, Sir Jeffrey, Sir Michael, and the man you wanted released, Martin.”

  Captain Redmond stepped forward and handed Alexander two envelopes. “The messages from the princess and Martin were for you. The queen tells me you and yours saved her kingdom from a dire future. I’ve met Lucius. Didn’t like him. I understand you ripped his head off?”

  Alexander coughed. “Um, not me. Prince Kai did that, Your Majesty. Lucius was using evil magic taught by the Dark One. Kai was… displeased.”

  “Ha! I would have paid much to see that!” The king laughed. “In any event, it seems the Greystone guild are heroes in yet another realm. The queen invites you back for a dinner in honor of your actions.”

  Alexander bowed deeply. “It would be our honor. The rest of the guild are… back in our homeland just now. There was an attack there, and one of our own was severely injured. Lost both legs and an arm.” The players in the group gasped and looked at Alexander with questioning faces. “I expect the others back in a day or so. If you wouldn’t mind letting her know we could be there in… three days?”

  The king nodded his head. “I believe I’ll send my son with you. It’s about time he learns a little diplomacy, and we need to strengthen ties with Antalia.”

  “Of course, Your Majesty. I’d be happy to escort him.”

  “Well, Alexander. It seems you’ve taken a situation that could have led to war, and turned it into a benefit for my realm once again. How can I repay you?”

  “No payment is needed, Your Majesty. It is our pleasure to serve. I would ask a favor, though.”

  “Name it!”

  “Captain Redmond is familiar with four adventurers arrested during the PWP attack on Stormforge. They were officers of the old PWP guild before it was subverted. They took no active part in the attack, though they did nothing to prevent it, out of fear. I would ask that they be released on parole. To help Martin rebuild the guild as it was before.”

  The king nodded his head “We expected this after you explained your intentions the other day. I’ve already approved their pardons. But if you wish it to be parole instead, so be it.”

  Alexander grinned. “Never hurts to be careful, Your Majesty. If they misbehave, we can send them right back here.”

  “So be it. We’ll have them released and ready to accompany your group in three days’ time. Is there anything else you wish to report?”

  “It seems the queen filled you in on the situation quite well, Your Majesty. I don’t think I have more to add. Except that I expect the queen will ask us to help her remove Chaos Nation as a threat to her city while we are there.”

  The king winked at him. “She included that as well. Make us proud, Alexander. If that is all, I have one or two other things to take care of. I wish you luck!” The king retreated back to his study; the captain followed right behind him.

  Alexander turned back to his group, only to find Rose patting a desponden
t Blix on the shoulder. “Blix? Everything okay?”

  The gnome nodded his head. “I had hoped for an introduction to the king, is all.”

  Alexander resisted the urge to facepalm. “I’m sorry, Blix. Slipped my mind completely. If you like, you can accompany us to Antalia. We’ll stop here to pick up the prince, and maybe I’ll have an opportunity to introduce you then. AND you’ll get to meet the queen and princess of Antalia.”

  The gnome perked up instantly. Then looked worried. “I’ll need to go shopping for proper attire!”

  Rose took his hand and patted it, calming him. “Don’t worry. I know where to take you. We can go right now.”

  Blix looked at Alexander. “I’m afraid I will need to remain overnight.”

  Alexander smiled at the diminutive banker. “When you’re ready to come back, just go next door to Lydia’s alchemy shop. Tell her, or her husband, Captain Redmond, and they will contact me. You can stay in any vacant room in the compound. Master Ironhammer will show you around. Or I believe we have some credit at the Stallion, right outside the gate.”

  “Nonsense!” Rose glared at him. “Blix will stay with us. If he’s going to help us with the Ogre II, he might as well see what we do!”

  As they left the palace, the group separated. The O’Malleys took Blix and headed off into the city. Alexander turned toward the Greystone compound but noticed Pollock loitering around, looking unsure of where to go. He paused to talk to the man.

  “Suddenly without a mission?” he asked.

  Pollock looked sheepish. “We planned to head out to kill you this afternoon. So, yeah.”

  “Are you guys all members of a guild?” Alexander asked.

  Pollock shook his head. “Nope. We’re friends in real life. All of us play for a living. But we could never agree on a guild. Plus, they want so much of your time. So, we run dungeons and quests together. The loot is decent.”

  Alexander considered for a moment. “Here’s the thing. You’ve already heard that we’re having real world problems with this ‘Dark One’ - whoever he is. This is no-bullshit, serious terrorist stuff. And he’s in control of the Chaos Nation guild in Antalia. You also heard that the queen is going to ask us to help take them out. It wouldn’t hurt to have some backup that we could count on.”


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