Darkness Fallen

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Darkness Fallen Page 38

by Dave Willmarth

  “As most of you know, we have the opportunity to declare the Dire Lands and the land we’ve claimed up on the plateau to be a new kingdom, which we will call Elysia. I have been hesitant to do so, for several reasons. But as Master Silverbeard was kind enough to point out this morning, most of those reasons have been resolved. The Dark One is dead, PWP has been eliminated as a threat and is being rebuilt as an ally, and Chaos Nation will likely be dealt with today.”

  He paused to produce the scroll he’d been given by Kai. “I’ve spoken to the kings of Stormforge and Broken Mountain, and both have given their blessing. This scroll contains an offer of alliance from the Dragon King. One of the expectations is that I serve as king of Elysia.” He paused again to gauge the reactions in the room. Beyond a few nodding heads, there wasn’t much of one.

  “My plan was to establish a ruling council, with ministers for the various needs of the kingdom all advising and voting on laws, policies, and so forth. But several of you have made the argument that a figurehead, a king, in this case, is needed. I am opening up the discussion for any arguments against having a king. Or against me being that king. Please, feel free to offer your opinions. There will be no repercussions whatsoever.”

  Max raised his hand. “Will we have to refer to you as ‘sire’ or ‘majesty’ all the time?” He winked.

  Alexander shook his head. “Only you. The rest of you can just continue to call me Alexander.” This earned him a few smiles and chuckles from the group.

  Sasha was next, “Are you going to make Jules your queen?” she asked with an innocent look that Alexander new so well. He blushed as a chorus of “Ooooooh,” and laughter echoed through the room. He found Jules, who was blushing furiously and trying to make herself small.

  “Jules has been my queen from almost the first day we met.” He smiled at her. This caused another chorus of comments until he raised his hands for quiet. A last voice in the back shouted “You romantic dog!”

  Alexander asked, “Any REAL questions or objections? This is for real, people. You all have the opportunity to shape the creation of a new kingdom. You have a say in this. Let me hear your thoughts.”

  Lugs raised a massive hand, and said, “The fact that you’re trying to so hard to get our input is why I believe, and I know most of here believe, that you should be king.”

  There was general applause to his statement. Blix was the next to raise a hand, though he had to stand on his bench for it to be seen. “Alexander. If you were not king, and you acknowledge that a king is needed, who else besides you would serve?”

  Alexander smiled. “A VERY good question, Blix! Anybody else want the job?”

  There was some murmuring in the crowd. A few fingers pointed. A voice near the back shouted, “Gnomes rule!” It sounded suspiciously like Blix.

  Alexander waited for a couple of minutes for someone to be nominated or to step forward on their own. When no one was named, he said, “Last chance? We can have an election. Hell, we can flip a coin. Anyone?”

  Kai stood and said, “You are the clear choice, Alexander. I understand more than most your hesitation. But you must accept this honor, and the responsibility that goes with it.”

  The crowd shouted words of agreement and support. Alexander nodded his head.

  “So be it. Jeeves, are you listening?”

  “Of course, Master. How may I serve?”

  “Right now, as a witness. Please record what is said from this point forward.” Alexander paced back and forth.

  “If this new kingdom is to prosper, or even just survive, I will need all of your support. And I don’t mean moral support. I mean each of you may be called upon to serve in some capacity. As a minister, an officer, or an advisor. Some of you are already serving.” He pointed to Grimble. “Supervising part of our infrastructure in some way. Or managing our people.” He saluted Jenkins. “Or making sure we’re all properly fed.” He pointed at Plowright, and then Mattie.

  “If any of you are not willing to serve in some capacity, please say so now. I know some of you, especially the adventurers among you, might wish to just live your lives free to explore or follow quests, or just craft all day and spend time with friends.” He winked at Grumpy.

  He waited, but no one answered. “Then I thank you all. We will work out the details in the coming days. A few of the positions are already filled. Silverbeard will be promoted from chamberlain to Chancellor. Lola will be Treasury Minister. Plowright, you will be Minister of Agriculture. Grimble, Minister of… Mining? I’m afraid I don’t know the proper term there. But you’re the boss!” The crowd laughed with him. “All of you remember this. Work hard, serve your fellow citizens well, and you will be rewarded. Loyalty and dedication will be valued above all else here.” Again there were murmurs of consent.

  “Jeeves, loudspeaker, and intercom, please. I want every citizen everywhere to hear this.”

  “Go ahead, Master.”

  “Attention, citizens. We are about to take a big step in the growth of our little community. Please gather in the main courtyard for an important announcement. Thank you.”

  Alexander motioned for everyone to exit the hall and head outside. As they filed out through the doors, Fitz moved to stand next to Alexander.

  “I’m proud of you, boy. No other adventurer has managed to, or cared to, found their own kingdom. You’ve done so without taking the lands from another, and with the blessings of your neighbors. I will support you in whatever ways I can. Good luck, son.”

  Alexander was a little choked up. The grumpy old wizard had become like a grandfather to him. He’d done little of importance in his life to be praised for, other than just surviving. It felt good! He watched as the wizard left the hall with the others. Thinking he was alone, he sat back down for a moment. A hand on his shoulder made him start.

  “Fibble say you be good boss. King. Whatever. Fibble want to help. Be ‘mister too. Maybe… ‘mister of demon killing?” The little goblin stood on the bench next to Alexander, earnestly patting him on the shoulder as he spoke.

  Alexander coughed as he suppressed a laugh. Forcing a serious expression, he nodded at the goblin. “Fibble, I think you should be Minister of Demon Killing, AND Minister of Cookies. When you are not busy killing demons, you should make sure that all the cookies baked in our lands taste good. It will mean you have to check them quite often…”

  Fibbles head nodded slowly as he thought it over. Then more vigorously, until his ears were creating a breeze. “Fibble can do both!”

  “Then it is settled!” Alexander lifted the goblin up onto his shoulder and walked towards the doors. When he got outside, he found all the guild members in a semicircle around the main doors. Behind them, the citizens of the keep were filling in the courtyard. Lugs reached out and snatched Fibble from Alexander’s shoulders, settling the little goblin onto one of his own.

  Alexander waited as more folks gathered. Farmers and miners filtering in from outside the walls or through the mirror from the plateau. He saw Regina and Bodine with Jake and Bobby and a couple of the wolves emerge among the stragglers. Lia even floated down from her roost to perch on the wall next to the gryphons, who were observing as well.

  Standing in front of the main doors, just below the dragon head that had become a symbol of their guild, Alexander raised his hands. The crowd grew quiet, and he began.

  “I want to thank you all for being here! Not just here in this courtyard, but here in these lands. Each of you volunteered to join us, knowing there was danger involved. You worked hard to help make these ruins into a home. To help us all survive, and even thrive!” He clapped his hands and was immediately joined by those around him, applauding each other.

  “We have grown quite a bit since that first day, though it was not so long ago! In fact, it is my pleasure to announce that beginning today; we will become a new kingdom!” There were a few gasps of surprise, but most had heard rumors about the possibility. It was still, after all, a small community.

p; Alexander took a deep breath, and raised the stone beneath him enough so that all those gathered could see him clearly. “I, Alexander Greystone, declare these lands formerly known as the Dire Lands, and the recently claimed land atop the plateau above, to be the new Kingdom of Elysia!”

  A thunderous gong rang through the keep. Much louder than those they heard with each level increase. Fireworks exploded in the air above them, unsettling the gryphons a bit. The crowd roared in approval, fists raised into the air. Hugs and handshakes were exchanged. Alexander caught sight of Taylor giving Mattie a celebratory kiss.

  >>>SYSTEM ALERT! <<<

  The Greystone Guild has founded the new Kingdom of Elysia! Alexander Greystone has been declared King of Elysia!

  A roll of thunder echoed off the cliff face and across the forest. Odin’s stamp of approval.

  Alexander raised his hands again, and the crowd calmed. “In the coming days, ministers will be appointed. With a new kingdom comes new responsibilities. You are all positioned to grow with this kingdom, and prosper with it! One special position announcement.” Alexander nodded to Lugs, who whispered to Fibble. He held out a hand, which Fibble stepped onto, and raised Fibble high into the air. “Fibble, our goblin protector, has been appointed to two positions. He is now Minister of Killing Demons and Minister of Cookies!”

  The tiny goblin perched upon the ogre’s palm puffed out his chest and raised his stick in a heroic pose as the crowd below applauded and laughed good-naturedly. Helga called out, “You forgot Minister of taking baths!” which caused more laughter, and earned her a glare from the goblin minister.

  Alexander called out, “Thank you again, all of you. We’ve got a big day ahead of us! Some of us will be visiting Antalia later today to secure an alliance with them. We may also be conducting a raid on Chaos Nation’s guild house. I look to all of you who remain here to defend our kingdom if the need arises while we are away!”

  The crowd began to disperse. Alexander looked to the players and guildmembers still gathered around. “Anybody NOT want to go to Antalia today?”

  Grimble said, “I got ministerin’ stuff to do at the mine,” and headed for the gate. Plowright and Mattie likewise departed. Jenkins ventured, “I know I speak for all of the sergeants when I say we’d like to go along. But I have a feeling you’ll be wanting us to stay.”

  Alexander nodded. “You are correct. I need you to watch over the city, in case another attack comes. You will be among the only experienced fighters left here. Taylor, I need you to come with me this morning. I’ll have you back by noon.”

  The other three sergeants, one human and two dwarfs, bowed their heads and took their leave. Thea’s lads were right behind them, headed for the new dragon forge. Thea remained, saying “I’ll be there ta speak fer Broken Mountain if ye need me.”

  “Thank you, Thea.” Alexander smiled at her.

  Helga said, “We’re too low level to be of much help. But we’ll be there if you need us.” The other newly noobified players nodded in agreement.

  “I know you guys wanted to run the cemetery dungeon this morning. I’ll teleport you back right now. I’ll be heading to Stormforge at noon to pick up some folks to take with us to Antalia. If you’re done with the dungeon by then and want to tag along just for fun, you’re welcome to do so. But you’re right; there’s no point in you being involved in any fighting.”

  The four of them moved to a clear spot in the courtyard, and Alexander teleported them back to the Greystone compound.

  “Everybody else, we’ll be leaving for Antalia an hour after noon. I’m going to Stormforge first, to pick up the PWP officers and Prince Edward. Anybody else who needs to go there can come with me, but you’ll need to be ready to return here by noon.”

  He opened the portal to Greystone Manor and stepped through. Lainey went along, saying she wanted to get some training. Taylor followed Alexander. The others stayed behind to take care of various tasks.

  Alexander and Taylor walked with Lainey out the gate and down the street. They parted when she headed south to find her trainer. Alexander looked at Taylor. “You didn’t have time to go see Mags the other day. Get over there now and find something for Mattie.” He smiled at the eager look on the guard’s face. Taylor took off in the direction of Mags’ shop. Alexander headed into the palace to find the captain or the king.

  Passing through the inner bailey, he found Prince Edward waiting for him. “My father said you’d be by this morning. He said to thank you for the extra light cannons.”

  “More toys for you to play with?” Alexander winked at the prince. “I don’t suppose you know if the prisoners have been released?

  “They were released yesterday, Your Majesty.” Edward bowed deeply, grinning at Alexander. “The captain arranged for them to have rooms at the Stallion. We should be able to find them there.”

  Alexander rolled his eyes, at both the title and at having just walked right past the Stallion. He and Edward made their way back out through the gates to the Stallion, the upscale inn and tavern on the corner. Stepping inside, he found the same young lady at the desk. He could not recall her name. She smiled prettily, saying “Welcome back, Sir Knight. How can I help you today?”

  Edward cleared his throat. “That would be ‘Your Majesty’, not ‘Sir Knight’. Alexander is a king now.”

  She blushed and curtsied deeply. “I apologize, Your Majesty!” she said, looking down at the floor. Alexander sighed in resignation. He was going to have to get used to this. “No apology necessary. I’ve been a king all of twenty minutes, and I’m not used to it myself.” Edward chuckled behind him.

  “I’m looking for a lady named Amelia and her friends. I understand they were given rooms here for the night?”

  “Yes, Majesty. They are in the dining room right now. I believe they are expecting you.”

  “Thank you very much.” Alexander tried to reassure the young lady with a smile. It didn’t work.

  The two men entered to find the dining room mostly empty. Only eight or nine of the tables were occupied. Alexander spotted Amelia at the rearmost table and headed her direction. Edward called out, “All rise for his royal highness, King Alexander!” then giggled quietly at the surprised and confused looks from the patrons as they began to rise. Alexander quickly made patting motions with his hands, saying “Please, keep your seats. The prince here has an unfortunate sense of humor.” He ‘accidentally’ shoved an elbow back into the prince’s gut, getting a pleasing ‘ooph’ for his efforts.

  Amelia and her fellow PWP officers rose as Alexander approached. They bowed their heads in unison. Alexander pulled over a chair, leaving Edward to get one for himself, and said, “Please, sit.”

  Amelia smiled at him. “You’ve had quite the adventure since we last met, Your Majesty.”

  Alexander sighed. “Do me a favor. If we’re not in court or some other formal setting, please just call me Alexander. This ‘majesty’ stuff is already getting old.”

  One of the other officers, an older gentleman with a mostly bald head wearing priest’s robes, said, “I understand we have you to thank for our freedom. And from what Martin says, a whole lot more.”

  Amelia added, “Yes, you apparently got rid of Henry and all his minions, and took our guild house, but didn’t loot our vault?”

  “And I plan to give the guild house back to you this afternoon. Before I go to see the queen,” Alexander confirmed. “The Dark One is dead, and so is Lucius. They were the main supporters of Henry and his ilk. And I expect the queen will send us after Chaos Nation today. It should be safe for you to restore your guild the way it was.”

  Amelia reached out hesitantly, then put her hand atop Alexander’s. “Thank you so much, Alexander. We were all seriously considering quitting Io altogether. A year with no way to earn income would have broken us. We were arguing about which game to try when the word came that we would be paroled.”

  “You were honest with me after the attack on this city. I checked out your s
tory, and it was just as you said. You followed Henry out of fear, and I can understand that. The four of you did what you could to stick to your principles in a tough situation, and that is something to be admired. Besides, it never hurts to have a guild full of healers as friends, right?” He smiled.

  The older gentleman laughed. “That is true. Though from the rumors I have heard, you have the blessing of not only our god, Asclepius, but several others.”

  Alexander nodded. “That is correct. No servant of darkness will be able to walk the grounds of our keep without suffering quite a bit. The gods of light are uniting to help us resist the forces of darkness.”

  The man nodded. “Well, I for one will help you in any way that I can. You could have just forgotten about us, and left us to rot. But you’ve gone out of your way to help us. I won’t forget that debt. Neither will my family.” The sincere look on the man’s face put a lump in Alexander’s throat.

  To lighten the mood a bit, he asked, “Does your family play as well? I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve been told your name?”

  The man shook his head. “I’m Lucas. And no, we could only afford one set of gear. It’s an older set, from back when Europa launched, that will only calibrate to one player’s brain patterns.”

  Alexander knew the gear well. In the early days of VR tech, the headgear was big and clunky and primitive compared to today’s tech. But his father and Michael had made sure that the Jupiter games would continue to accommodate that gear. Millions of families across the globe couldn’t afford better.

  Alexander looked around at the citizens in the dining room. He said, “All of you, please come with me to our guild house. It’s just a few houses down. We can talk more openly there.”

  He rose and led them out of the Stallion, receiving another curtsey on the way out. They walked down the street toward the compound and approached Lydia’s shop. Alexander had an idea. “Let’s make a quick stop here.”

  They followed him into the shop, where they found Lydia behind the counter helping another customer. Alexander led the group toward the back room when Lydia motioned him to do so.


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