Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance

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Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance Page 15

by Ashlee Price

  I finally found my way into the kitchen and brought out the salads after starting the water to boil for the lobster. We needed food; we were giddy as children at a pajama party.

  After we had eaten, Dagger suddenly asked, “Do you play chess?”

  The room was swimming for me. I shrugged. “I’m not sure.” I slurred my words a little, I think. “I think my dad tried to teach me but finally gave up. He’s kind of impatient with teaching.”

  Dagger leapt to his feet and pulled me from my seat by the hand. My champagne flute was upset, and the golden liquid went over the side of the table like a waterfall. Dagger pursed his lips in a don’t worry about it expression and firmly pulled me behind himself and down the stairs.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m going to teach you.”

  “You like doing that sort of thing, don’t you?” I said.

  “Like what?”


  “Only certain people. Like you—you’re extra fun to teach, and you’re so quick to learn.”

  “Careful now, those might be your last words,” I warned.

  He popped the door to his apartment open and drew me into his sitting room, where a chessboard rested on a table, the pieces waiting like soldiers poised for the battle to begin.

  “Dagger, I’m sort of dizzy from the champagne. Not sure if I’m up to learning anything that complicated.”

  “You’ll do just fine,” he said, coaxing me on. “Anyway, this may be the last time I take you so easily.”

  His voice dropped off as he heard his own words. They’d taken on a new meaning, and I felt a chill at the implication. Last time? No! I wanted to focus on the “easily” part of the prediction, but there was something almost prophetic in his tone that suggested otherwise.


  “I know. I felt it, too.” His voice was low and I could hear the dread in it.

  “Is everything going to be all right?”

  “Shhh…” He held my head against his chest. “I’ll keep us both safe. I swear it. I’ve come too far to risk losing you now. Come here and just lie with me. Just stay with me for the night.”

  I nodded, and he led me to his bedroom. I felt forlorn as he pulled off my clothes and picked up my naked body to lay it between cool sheets that wore his scent. He did likewise and then pulled me until my head lay in the cradle between his shoulder and chest.

  It was safe, or at least it felt that way for the moment.



  Two more weeks of classes passed, and Malchevsky was present each time. I knew he was trying to psyche me out. He was never without comment as I taught some of the more interactive couple moves, including those that would permit penetration if the couple desired. He slid in wolf whistles beneath his breath and always made sure he was in the front row so I could hear them. I was torn between tearing his head off—if for no better reason than to make an example of him—and keeping my temper and ignoring him. I chose the latter; responding to his juvenile behavior would only encourage more of the same. There were other clients in the room, and those were the people I wanted to focus on and encourage.

  You could feel the tension of anticipation in the studio as both the men and women looked forward to what we’d named Coupling Night. Nudity was optional, but there was a spirit of competition and naughtiness that told me they would all be naked. Whit and I had discussed it one last time and I’d put my foot down. She was young, beautiful, and technically single, but she belonged to me. There was no way I would use her nudity to make money. She’d offered to do it, but I wouldn’t let her. I had overheard some of the men anticipating seeing Whit’s entire body, particularly Malchevsky. Tough luck, guys. Only one man would see the intimate spaces of her body, and that would be me.

  Tiffany, on the other hand, seemed to be looking forward to the exposing poses. I assumed her goal was to be the envy of all the women there as she allowed Malchevsky to penetrate her orifices. Some of the wives who were less fit were nervous, but their husbands were insistent. It appeared that there was competition even among those to whom time had not been kind.

  We were deep in the last class before Coupling Night when Malchevsky got right into my face from his front row position. “I can’t wait, you know.”

  I ignored him. It didn’t stop him from continuing. I hadn’t mentioned that Whitney would be wearing a leotard.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Dagger. I’m not done with you yet. I’ll look over her merchandise, and if I’m interested, you’ll be a past tense and I’ll bang her every time I feel like it. She looks a little brighter than her sister.”

  He was so caught up in his taunt that he didn’t see me move, but he felt my hands go around his throat. I spun him around and stood him up so he was facing the class. “Gentlemen,” I announced. “Before we begin Coupling Night, you need to know and respect the ‘stop sign’. This is a move that your partner can make at any time when they feel in jeopardy, and you must, I repeat, you must release them and break away immediately.”

  Malchevsky’s face was changing color, and I released the pressure momentarily to let him grab a breath before reapplying it. “If your partner grabs you around the throat, or appears to be attempting to do that, you are to immediately release her. Does everyone understand that?” There was a nodding of heads as eyes grew large at the sight of Malchevsky choking. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Malchevsky?” I asked, releasing him. He went down to his knees, coughing and gasping. Not a man in the room moved. They understood what and who he was, even if they didn’t know the dynamics of our mutual hatred. They wouldn’t interfere, but I knew there would be talk in the locker room. Malchevsky got to his knees, rubbing his neck and glaring at me before rising and staggering out. I dismissed the class.


  I got on the phone with a friend who owned a security company and ordered a 24-hour tail for both Malchevsky and Whitney, but with different logics.

  I wanted Whitney protected, but I wasn’t sure whether I should tell her of Malchevsky’s remarks. It might overly alarm her. Once I had Malchevsky taken care of and we moved, she’d never have to worry. In the meantime, though…

  Malchevsky was to be followed so I could bring him to justice. I had a plan, and both Whitney and Tiffany had to be safe and far away for me to carry it out. There would be security cameras installed throughout the studio, inside and out. Whitney would flip if she knew, but I was also having a tracker put on her car. I knew that was a little over the line, but if anything happened to her and I hadn’t, I’d never forgive myself.

  “Hey, stranger,” Whit said from the door. I concluded my conversation and motioned her in.

  “Hey, yourself. How are things today, sweetheart?”

  “Well…” she walked in with that sexy slide she had and came to rest in the chair opposite my desk. “I hear there was a bit of a showdown in your class today, and what’s this I hear about a stop sign?”

  Damn! I’d hoped she hadn’t heard about Malchevsky. I didn’t want her to worry. He was such a jerk and not worth her thoughts.

  “A little something like that. Nothing for you to worry about,” I told her briefly, not wanting to encourage any further discussion on the subject. She wasn’t going to let it rest, though.

  “Shouldn’t I know this stop sign, so I can teach the ladies?”

  I felt flustered. “Just tell them if they feel pain or fear, to grab his neck. He’ll let go.”

  She nodded, watching my expression. “Okay, will do,” she replied, getting up from the chair and drifting to the door. “Anything wrong?”

  “Me? Nope.”

  “You sure? Did I do something wrong or say something that offended you?”

  “No, nothing.” I wanted her to leave or change the topic. She was too sharp to fool—she would keep at me until I told her, and then her angst would set in. I looked up. “Whit?”

  “Yeah?” She whipped around with relief on her face.<
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  “Just have things on my mind. Everything will be okay, you hear?”

  She nodded. “Okay,” she answered, but I could hear the doubt. She left, and I wondered why she didn’t trust me on this. Was it me, or her?

  She seemed to avoid me the rest of the day. The magic of our house search had faded, and even though I knew we were okay, there was still a tinge of disappointment on both our parts.

  I wanted Malchevsky gone!



  It was Coupling Night, and all the excitement of a ten-year-old’s Halloween combined with a bachelor party with strippers was drifting through the studio. Kat was overwhelmed with phone calls from members looking for last-minute details and instructions. She handled them coolly, if not even with a bit of disinterest. With the exception of Dagger and Malchevsky, there wouldn’t be a male within thirty years of her age, and that presented no challenge for her sensual side whatsoever.

  I noticed workmen in the studio and looked to Dagger for an explanation, but he shrugged it off. “Just some fire inspectors. Listen, why don’t you grab Tiffany and take her out to show her the new house. Have a little lunch, too, and then you’ll be free of all this uproar with the caterers, florists and all the rest,” he suggested with a tone that didn’t permit argument. I shrugged and decided to do as he asked. He’d been very distant to me for the past few days. I was glad to do something that returned me to the house where our dream day had happened. I wanted that part of my life to return.

  “Tiffany, would you spend the day with me?” I asked her on the phone.

  “What for? I’ll be over there tonight.”

  “I know, but this is different. This place is a madhouse, and there’s something I’d like to show you.”


  “I’d like to keep it a surprise. Let me pick you up in twenty minutes?”

  “Okay, okay. You get your way this time,” she agreed.

  “On my way.”

  Tiffany came out of her apartment, her hair teased high and enough makeup to paint a monkey on her face. It was obvious she was on the scent of males and looking forward to the night’s festivities. She got in, slamming the door overly hard. I was beginning to feel a sense of dread at having invited her. I didn’t need conflict. My nerves were on edge as well.

  She looked at me sidelong as she buckled her seatbelt. “Nice car,” she allowed, tapping the windshield as though checking it for flaws. She was going to make someone a really miserable mother-in-law someday. “So, what gives? Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise. I don’t want to hear you complain all the way there.”

  “Then why don’t you let me out now and save me the trouble?”

  “Stop it, Tiffany. Let’s just be sisters, can we?”

  “I thought that’s what we were doing,” she muttered. As we drove north, she turned her attention to the scenery. “Are you planning to take me into the boondocks and kill me, leave my body buried in some cow pasture?”

  “Tiff, stop it! You know, you are such a bright woman and you let that sarcastic side of yourself hide it. We could talk about so many things and make a really nice day of it.”

  She was silent for a few moments, and I wondered if she was actually thinking about giving that a try. Then she blurted, “Is Dagger going to fuck you tonight?”

  I gasped, and the urge to slam on the brakes and dump her in the ditch was all but overwhelming. I shook my head.

  She shifted sideways in her seat, looking at me straight on. “What? Everyone is supposed to be naked, right? Isn’t he going to fuck you just like all the guys are fucking their women?”

  I shook my head.

  “Why not?”

  “Dagger knew how I felt about it, even though I agreed to go along with it so I could be with him. Now he’s insisting I wear my leotard. No penetration between us.”

  “Is he going to be naked?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, thank God for that! I’ve been waiting to get a good look at his junk. From what I can tell, you’re one lucky girl.”

  “Tiffany, do you have to be so vulgar?”

  “What would you call it?”

  “Yoga is like an art form. Think of it as gymnastics mixed with ballet. If you do it the way it’s intended, it’s more about opening the soul and the mind. The body positions are just to create those openings.”

  She was nodding. “Boy, he sure sold you a bag of horseshit, didn’t he?”

  I sighed. I could see there was no way this conversation was going to turn ladylike. I was having second thoughts about taking her to see the house. I really didn’t want her salty remarks to ruin my upcoming pleasure at living there.

  Dagger had been insistent, though, and I sensed there was something behind that request. I just wasn’t sure what it was.

  She was silent for a while as the city faded into country and the views of the lake began to open up. “Look at these rich bastards. You can hardly see the lake for all their gated estates. It ought to be against the law.”

  We pulled into our long drive. I was bracing for what I was going to hear.

  “What’s this?”

  “This is the house that Dagger bought. I thought you’d like to see it.”

  “Is he going to live here?”

  I nodded.

  “How about you?”

  That was the question I’d dreaded answering because I knew there’d be another threat to run to Mother and Dad and tattle. “I’m living here, too.”

  “No shit? As in having your own quarters, or as in being in his bed?”

  “Tiffany, leave my personal life out of this, would you? Dagger asked me to bring you out here. I know he wants me to feel comfortable inviting you out to stay sometimes. Look, let’s go inside and have a look around.”

  I pulled to a stop at the head of the drive and got out. I heard her door slam behind me, so I kept going and unlocked the front door, pushing it wide so she’d see the expanse of the great room reaching towards Lake Michigan.

  “Well, shit, now you’re one of those rich bastards!” came her opening volley.

  “Tiff, be nice. It’s not my money, it’s Dagger’s.”

  She said nothing more, but wandered from room to room and finally downstairs and out to the pool. She was a little more respectful when she spoke again.

  “It’s beautiful, Whitney. I have to say it is. You’re one lucky girl. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Thank you, Tiff. That means a lot to me, coming from you.”

  She nodded and walked through the house again. “Can I stay in this room?” she called from one of the lake-facing rooms in the guest wing.

  “Pick whichever one you want,” I called back to her. There was a calm between us I’d not felt for some time. She suddenly seemed to be at peace with the world and with me.

  “I like it here,” came her voice behind me. “The natural setting, no traffic, a cozy house, and I can picture a fire in that fireplace,” she mused aloud. I liked that she felt that way; it made it so much easier to have her visit.

  I nodded and let her soak it in. I wanted Tiffany to realize that she, too, could have something like this. She didn’t have to settle for less, or be alone. She had good points, even if she went to great lengths to mask them. It was if she was trying to apologize for who she was. That’s when the aha moment hit me. Mom and Dad had always held me up as the shining example to her. She was tired of competing with me and had just thrown in the towel and chosen to be as dark and vulgar as she could in rebellion. Our own parents had done that to her. It gave me a sinking feeling.

  “You know, I always looked up to you, Tiff. I’m glad you like it here. I want you to come and stay, and often. We can make our family holidays here.”

  “Huh!” was her mocking response.

  I hurried on, before she fell back into the acidic skeptic mode.

  “Come on. I’ll take us to lunch, and then we’ll have to head back to
beat the traffic and be on time.”

  She took one last look around and then nodded in agreement. We went to the same restaurant where Dagger and I had eaten. “Try the BLTs,” I suggested. “They’re huge and really great. They also have a house specialty, pickle slaw.”

  She turned her mouth down at the latter but did take my advice on the sandwich. We sat companionably munching and watching the seagulls dive into the water or onto the beach and come up with something clutched in their mouth. Their calls were at once irritating and yet familiar. I couldn’t wait until we moved!

  As expected, the traffic was heavy heading back into the city. I dropped Tiff off at her apartment and headed for the studio. Dagger waved from across the pool area, but he kept working with the caterers. I sighed and went upstairs to get a shower and dress for the Coupling Night activities.

  I’d decided to French braid my hair and fasten it at the crown of my head with a barrette. This would allow me the freedom to do the various moves and also allow the student couples to see what I was doing. I could feel excitement growing in my woman’s area. Dagger naked was a vision any woman would wet herself at seeing, and to think it belonged to me… well, it was too good to be true!

  I could hear clients arriving as I descended the stairs and went into the women’s locker room. Everyone was there a bit early, modestly undressing and doing the most they could with their hair and makeup. I went from person to person, encouraging them and giving them positive comments. They needed to feel strong and beautiful in their minds before their bodies would respond accordingly.

  Finally, it was time. We’d decided to hold the Coupling in the women’s workout room as it was the largest. I went in first and was amazed to find it transformed. That must have been what Dagger was up to all day. The room was decorated like a chic French bordello. The mat was covered in an assortment of pillows, and candles burned from sconces around the room. There was soft Parisian music playing from an invisible source.

  The ladies filed in behind me, and the men appeared almost immediately. There were pauses as people who weren’t couples viewed one another. Shy smiles and cocky winks were exchanged here and there. I saw Tiffany bring up the rear of the women’s group and Malchevsky enter right after her. His body was hard and muscled, covered with dark and frightening tattoos.


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