Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance

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Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance Page 108

by Ashlee Price

  Foster was quiet for a time, thinking about what Karen had said. The older woman talked most of the morning, leaving Foster to listen and deal with her own thoughts. She liked the idea of thinking someone was out there to complete her, but she found herself thinking more about what she had told her about Trent. She had not caught the sadness in his eyes. Especially when he was too busy trying to get in her knickers.

  “I just lost mom a couple of months ago. I can’t even process that. She was the last of my family except a distant cousin. I just don’t know what to do and while I will not deny that Trent has a certain appeal to him, my mind is not even on that.”

  “Yeah that is what I used to say about Lawrence, but then he was there and it just happened. I think you always find what you need when you stop looking. I don’t know what I would have done without Lawrence but I never had to find out.”

  Foster knew that there was something to what she said, but she didn’t think she was ready for anything else. Her days were filled with work and her evenings were filled with long walks in the woods before the sun went down. It was only the late at night times that she felt s alone. It was then that she wanted everything to be different.

  “It’s okay to be afraid of something different, but I am telling you that I see something between you two. Just wait and see.”

  She seemed so sure and it planted the seed in her head. Maybe she was ready for something new. Foster wasn’t sure if Trent was the one, her Lawrence, but he was someone that she wanted to see again.

  Chapter 7

  “Hey, Trent?”

  He smiled to himself and then sat back in the chair he was sitting in. “Foster. How are you?”

  “Good. I was just wondering if you were still up for the riding lesson today?”

  Trent had thought she would back out and never call him. Now his day had changed and he was going to be with her. The smile got wider and he nodded his head to no one in particular. “Of course. Do you want me to come get you?”

  “No, I will be down there in a while. I was just calling to ask you what time you would want me to come by if you’re not too busy today.”

  “Not at all. Come whenever you want, I will be here all day.”

  “Okay, see you soon.”

  She was gone then, leaving him almost shaking inside with anticipation. His day had certainly improved dramatically. Being with Foster sounded much better than anything else that he had planned for the day.

  He looked down at himself, deciding he needed to jump in the shower first before she got there. Trent hadn’t felt excited like that in a long time. He told himself that he had to slow down, give her more time. Trent had known that he was coming on too strong the time before, but it was hard not to. She had looked so inviting and he must have seen something in her eyes that spurred him on, but it was clear to him that she wasn’t ready for that yet.

  Trent would just have to slow down, even though all he wanted to do was have her. It wasn’t long after he got out of the shower that she was knocking on his door. Trent hadn’t gotten dressed all the way, his button up shirt still open as he answered the door. Foster’s face faltered for a minute when she seen him, that same look was back and his body was telling his mind that he was wrong, she was ready.

  “Come in Foster. I was just getting ready. Would you like some coffee?”

  She shook her head that she would, trying to deny herself the man’s body in front of her. He was looking good in his jeans. They were not tight, but molded to his frame and the soft black curls on his chest made her want to run her fingers through it to see if it was as soft as it looked. “Coffee would be good.”

  Her voice almost broke and she felt her face getting red with her thoughts. She was thankful that he didn’t ask her if she was okay. Foster was sure that he knew why she was so nervous around him. It was not so hard to figure out and she tried to make her face relax, pushing the dirty thoughts out of her mind. She was there for a lesson, nothing more. The only problem was that Karen’s words were echoing in her mind. What if he was the one?

  “How was your week Foster?”

  “Pretty good. Tiring. I don’t know how Karen does it. Animals are a lot of work.”

  “All things that are worth it are.”

  He meant more than he was saying and she avoided the real answer in his eyes. “I have heard that before.”

  Trent brought her a cup and sat down next to her. It was like before and she remembered the kiss and the way he had felt touching her. “So have you ever gone for a ride before?”

  “A ride?”

  “On a horse.”

  She blushed, “Oh, no I haven’t. Is that okay?”

  He nodded, loving the way her face showed how she really felt. The look in her eyes made him want to kiss her again, but instead he stood up to give them a little space. “It’s fine. I like the idea of being your first.

  Foster shot him a look, trying not to show how his words really affected her. She finished the coffee and stood up to go with him out towards the stables. She had been there enough that she knew her way around, getting familiar with his ranch her first week with Karen. What she couldn’t get familiar with was the way she felt when he was near. Foster didn’t think she could ever get used to such a feeling.

  The barn was darker and she could hear the horses making noise in greeting. “How is that grey horse that we saw Monday?”

  “Ashes is doing good.”


  “Yes that is what the owner named her. She was the only one that survived a barn fire.”


  “It was quite a sight. The folly was still young and covered in ashes when she walked out after the fire burned out. No one is quite sure how she made it, but she did.”

  “That is quite a story.”

  “Nothing is how it appears. She turned out to be a great horse, but now they want to use her for their children, so I am trying to calm her down a bit and get used to a saddle again. After all of that happened, they have left her to stay unbridled for the last year.”

  “You do seem to have a way with them.”

  She watched his hand slowly stroke the horse’s head. Foster was still nervous around the large animals, but with Trent there she knew it would be okay. He moved her hand to where his was. “You have to say hello before you jump on the back of her. It’s only polite.”

  His body touched her in several places ever so gently and then moved away. Trent got the saddle ready before taking the horse’s reins and pulling her out into the early morning sunlight. “I don’t know if I am ready to ride one by myself.”

  “You’re not. I was thinking we could ride together. It will help you get a feel for it anyways and maybe help you relax. If you are nervous, the horse will be nervous.”

  She gulped, trying to dislodge the knot that had suddenly formed in her throat. They were going to be close, touching even and as she looked from him to the horse, Foster was starting to have doubts about horse riding all together.

  “Um, yeah, okay.”

  “You don’t seem so sure.”

  “I’m not, but that’s okay. I guess I just worry about falling off.”

  “I’ll hold on tight enough that you won’t have to worry about that.”

  She nodded, still not so sure, but she smiled and tried to hide her apprehensions.


  His hold was tight enough that moments later she was not thinking about falling off, but falling for the man that held her tight against his chest. The ride was too much and after a few minutes her breath had quickened and her eyes had closed as she leaned back into his warmth. “Are you nervous?”


  Trent slowed down, thinking it was because of the ride, but it had nothing to do with that. She wasn’t even paying attention, though she knew she should have. Foster was more worried about the feel of him behind her and the strength of the arms encircling her. How could she worry about anything else?

you want to stop for a while?”

  She nodded, opening her eyes finally. They were farther off than she had thought they would be, knowing that the walk back would help cool her ardor so she didn’t do something that she may regret later. “If you don’t mind. Maybe we could walk back for a bit. I need to feel the ground underneath me.”

  Trent brought the horse to a slow stop and she was thankful for the break of contact when he got off behind her. She slid her leg over and moved to his waiting arms to help her down. She got to feel the front of him with her descent and the need that had been stirred by the ride. Foster was thankful that she was not the only one having a hard time of it. She smiled up at him, thanking him.

  “We can get back on when you are ready. For now we can just walk though. It feels different the longer you ride too. Sometimes the ground will feel unsolid for the first few minutes.”

  “Good, I was thinking my legs were going to go out.”

  “Well that could happen too.”

  He moved to help her steady herself and she pulled away after a moment. “I got it.”

  Trent pulled away almost reluctantly. They walked back to his house and found themselves falling in step with each other. Trent tried to break the silence, talking about the beautiful sky, but neither one of them was really thinking about the weather.

  When they got back to the training grounds, he helped her back on and let her walk around the ring by herself. Foster wasn’t the only one that needed a break from the contact between them and she seemed to be a lot more comfortable on her own. It was well past noon before she got off of the horse and her knees did almost buckle. She stopped herself with a hand on his shoulder.

  “Why don’t we take a break? I haven’t seen someone pick up riding as fast as you have.”

  “I’m a pretty quick learner.”

  “I see that.”

  Foster smiled and then looked down. “Well I had a great time Trent. Thanks.”

  “Where are you going off to so quickly?”

  “Oh, I just figured you had things to do. I don’t want to keep you.”

  “You aren’t. I was hoping you would stay for lunch. Are you always so skittish?”

  Foster was around him, but she didn’t want to tell him the real reason. He was the real reason. “I just don’t want to intrude. It’s your only day off and you were already nice enough to give me a lesson.”

  “I got more out of it than you did I’m sure. It was just an excuse to get next to you and have you here with me.”

  She bit her lip and looked back over at him. It was when he said things like that, that Foster became skittish. Trent was the type of man to make her wish that she was ready for a relationship. Not even sure if that was what he wanted, it was what she wanted. A romp in the sack once or twice would not be enough. There was something about him that drove her to think of her non-existent sex life and actually want to change it. But was she actually ready? Foster didn’t know if she could ever really be ready for a man like Trent. He was different than every other guy she had dated before. He was a real man.

  “You don’t need an excuse Trent. I would have come if you had asked me over for tea.”

  Chapter 8

  Foster stayed for lunch, but she left confused and slightly shaking. He had been a perfect gentleman, none of the earlier flirting. She almost wished that he had kissed her and made good on the promise in his eyes, but he hadn’t. Not even in the smallest way. So, as she drove away, her mind and body were at odds and she found herself utterly in a lurch.

  She was confused that he had not acted the same. Had he changed his mind as she had changed hers so suddenly? Foster had known that she wasn’t ready for a relationship, but she was ready for something physical. Now it seemed as if he had changed his mind on wanting to ravish her. It was a pity to say the least.

  He offered her another lesson in the late afternoon, but Foster was finished for the day. She told him that she had a couple of errands to run, bowing out of the offer. When he tried to tie her down for the next weekend she agreed. Foster wasn’t sure what had happened, but it was suddenly not going to be him making her feel better. She throbbed when she left his ranch and Foster had to take care of her own needs when she got home. It was not how she thought the day would end.

  Lying in bed, she was satisfied, but not in the way she should have been. Foster was still thinking of the man that made her weak in the knees and all she wanted was to feel his touch. She went to sleep still wondering what had gone wrong. After the ride he had been talkative and very needy through the eyes and then it was over.


  Trent didn’t know what happened. She was ripe for him. He had seen it in her eyes and the way Foster leaned in when they were talking. He thought that it was the perfect time, but then something had stopped him. It was the look of vulnerability that had skirted across her face for a moment before the smile covered it up. She wasn’t ready yet and he had to respect that. There was a reason why she was there and it wasn’t to be taken advantage of.

  But that evening his cursed his thoughts. Maybe she was just as horny as he was and needed some relief? That thought came later in the night and he almost called her. Picking up the phone, he stared at it for several moments. Finding her number in the call log, he read the number over and over again. He was trying to build up courage, more than making a decision and it showed. Pushing the call button and dragging the phone to his ear, he almost hung up with the first ring.

  She wasn’t going to answer. It was too late, he was sure of it.


  Trent cursed himself silently and answered her. “Hey Foster.”

  “Hey…” She didn’t sound too excited to hear from him, but it could have had something to do with the time of night that it was. Her voice was sleepy and Foster was still stinging from what had happened between them earlier in the day. It was embarrassing how needy he got her and then left her out to dry. “What’s up?”

  Trent’s mind raced. He had no idea what he was supposed to say to her. He shouldn’t have called and when he couldn’t think of a good reason for being there, he floundered for the words. “I um…”

  “Trent it is really late. Did you need something?”

  He needed her, but that was not something that could be said out loud. “I was wondering…”

  The sure man was suddenly not so sure. Foster’s voice seemed to lighten up and she gave him time to say what he was going to say. “Yes?”

  Her prompting made his brain clear. She was not going to have patience with him much longer and Trent really believed that she should already be in his arms. He would never be considered a shy man, but all of a sudden he was more afraid that she would say no than the act of even asking. “I’m sorry. I will see you later. I don’t know what I am doing.”

  He said goodbye softly and quickly hung up. Trent was cursing himself out loud now that he could and Foster was looking at her phone in utter disbelief. Whatever he was going to ask hadn’t come out and now she was left to lie in her bed and wonder. There had been something in his tone that she hadn’t heard before.


  “What is with you today, Foster? I haven’t gotten a real answer out of you all morning.”

  Foster looked up from the cow that she was holding to the side for Karen to work on. “Sorry. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Oh?” Her older wrinkled face smiled and she looked at Foster as if there was a naughty reason why she was so tired.

  “It’s nothing like that.”

  Karen’s face fell. “Oh. I guess I was just hoping since you had seen Trent yesterday.”

  Foster could feel her face getting red. She had thought about him all night after he called. She wanted to know what he wanted, but there had been something holding him back. What had he wanted? Did he want her as much as she was dying for him? Foster hoped so. It was all she could think about was their kiss and the possibilities of what could happen.

He is a complicate man.”

  Karen didn’t like the sound of that, but she didn’t say anything, waiting to see if Foster would say more. She had seen the two of them together and Karen knew that there was something there. “All men are complicated, but a woman can always change that.”

  Foster didn’t know what secret ways she was talking about, but she wished she had known them the day before. Her body was still on edge, as much as her mind was. She wanted him so bad and he had just shut down. The late night call was the most confusing part and she replayed it in her head so many times throughout the day. What was he going to say?

  “I don’t know Karen. He is different.”

  Karen finished her work, stitching up the young cow and moving back to take her gloves off. Foster let her go and the cow moved away to feed no longer bothered by being held back. Foster wished that she could be so carefree afterwards. It was driving her crazy, his flirtatious ways and then cold disregard.

  “Just give it some time. We are all going through something and I think Trent is just out of practice. I haven’t heard of him dating someone in a very long time. He likes you, so just give him time. Trust me when I say that he is worth it.”

  Foster nodded, but she wasn’t sure if he was. Moreover, she didn’t know if she wanted to be with anyone. It was hard enough trying to start her life over, but adding in half the feelings she felt over the course of the night, may be a bit more than she had bargained for. “I don’t know if I am ready for all of that. Trent is a great guy, but it has been a long time for me as well.”

  “You two will be together. I can just tell. You are too perfect not to be.”

  Foster didn’t agree or disagree. It was hard to as Karen was so sure of herself. “Maybe, but I don’t think he is worried about that right now. There was a moment…where I thought he was going to make a move, but then it was gone and I was left looking like an idiot.”

  Karen smiled knowingly, but it didn’t help the way Foster felt about it. It was the first time that she had put herself out there and he had left her feeling an idiot. Foster was starting to wonder if she had lost her mojo.


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