Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World)

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Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World) Page 11

by Brandy Nacole

  “You couldn’t have grabbed something better: a bow, machete, perhaps an axe?”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “I was trying to be practical. We can’t go around carrying crap like that without getting noticed. Plus, we are trying to gain the trust of everyone we meet. I don’t think carrying in bows or axes is going to accomplish that.” I turn toward Ethan, placing my hands on my hips, “So what did you bring?”

  Ethan’s expression goes slack, losing its grim expression. He quickly recovers, setting his jaw and tightening his eyes. He knows what I’m pointing out and doesn’t like it.

  After a moment of silence I step even closer to him as I say, “Exactly.” Ethan just looks away pissed.

  Finally a cab pulls up to the curb. We pile in as the driver gives us all skeptical looks. Coy sits up front with the driver, thinking it might be less uncomfortable for the driver since he isn’t bruised or bleeding.

  No one says anything during the drive. I’m not sure if it’s because of the human driver but it’s deathly quiet. I look out the window and watch everyone we pass. Some are wearing suits and headed to work. Others are dressed casually, out enjoying the morning. It wouldn’t be hard to enjoy a place like this.

  I look at all the artwork and sculpted buildings we pass. It’s really amazing to me how much work people put into one little building. In America we never do this. In America we get the building up looking nice but as cheap as possible. All this art work would cost too much extra money, not to mention time. In a fast moving world, time is of the essence.

  When we arrive at the airport, we are detoured from going to the private hanger. A huge sign proclaimed NO TAXI’S. With no other choice, the driver drops us off at the front entrance. Danika is quickly on the phone and by the time we reach the front, airport security guards are waiting on us. Of course they’re Shadows, here to help other Shadows with any hitch they may have while traveling.

  Danika speaks with them for a moment before they guide us through the airport, bypassing security once again. I notice Coy raise his eyebrows in question but decides not to ask.

  I, on the other hand, can’t concentrate on anything but the pain that vibrates through my head with every beat of my heart, that keeps me from controlling my hearing. With all these people and the commotion of toting luggage, my head feels like it’s in a drum that’s being played intensely.

  My injuries have already healed themselves but I am still feeling disoriented. I put on a good show of being fine but really I need to sit down. I keep telling myself to hang on. We’re almost to the plane. There I can rest.

  People stir around us giving us plenty of room. Humans usually get a weird vibe from us anyway but looking at us now, anyone would stir clear of us. Danika looks the best. There’s a small rip in her sleeve and a few drops of blood on the front of her shirt. Ethan has dried blood down his arms that his shirt does not completely cover. His face still has a few bruises. My wounds have completely healed but the rips and blood on my clothes do little for me.

  My body is trembling when we finally board the plane. Tossing my bags on the couch, I casually walk into the bathroom. Once the door is shut, I brace myself against the sink with both hands. I can barely hold myself up. I think about the last time I ate. It had been before I had met with the Elders. Too long.

  Shadows’ metabolisms are higher than humans’ but mine is higher. If I don’t nourish my body regularly, I start getting weak. My body starts shutting down, then the need for blood starts taking me over.

  At the mere thought of this, the blood lust hits me hard. My chest tightens and my gums start to ache where my fangs want to puncture through. The last time I had a drink was two weeks ago. Usually I only have to drink once a month, sometimes only once every two months.

  I’ve learned from experience that I need blood to regain my strength after a big ordeal. I don’t fully understand why that is but I think it has something to do with the healing process. My body uses a lot of energy to heal itself and to replace that energy I have to take it from something else. I grip the amulet around my neck and take a deep breath. My chest loosens a little but I’m still tense.

  I quickly clean up, washing all the blood off myself. Taking another breath, I walk out. I notice a bowl of fruit lying on the counter small kitchenette counter as I walk by. I grab a banana and apple, the fruit won’t be enough but it’s a start. I’ll just need to find more food soon.

  Everyone has already seated themselves, ready for take-off. Danika and Ethan are sitting in the two front seats with Coy sitting behind them. There is an empty seat beside him and the two couches are open. I glance back at the overstuffed chair outside the private room Danika had been in. Really wanting some privacy to calm myself, I retrace my footsteps back to the lonely chair.

  I take my seat, trying to control my shaking body. My hands are shaking so bad I’m barely able to peel my banana. I can’t see the others but I hear my name. Tuning in to the conversation I hear Ethan tell Danika that I was probably still in the bathroom. I guess she was wondering where I was.

  After consuming the banana and apple, the captain gives the all clear to move about. I go look in the fridge for something with some actual substance and am disappointed when I open the door and find nothing but a few fruit juices and a yogurt.

  I slam the door causing everyone to look back at me. “What? I’m hungry, aren’t you?” I say in my defense.

  “I’m starving.” Ethan says rubbing his stomach.

  “Unfortunately, we didn’t stock up since the trip was such short notice. We will have to wait until we land.” Danika informs us and then goes back to her book.

  I sigh heavily. “Where are we going, anyway?”

  “London, like you instructed.” Danika says. Then with a look of concern she stands and walks over to me, wary now. “Don’t you remember?”

  I don’t remember saying that. In fact, I didn’t even know where to go. I was going to ask Ethan about the location of the Lycans headquarter once we met back up in the limo. I never got the chance of course. So when did I say that?

  I’m sure everyone notices the confusion on my face. Danika continues, “We discussed our next location in the cab ride.” The only thing I remember is silence.

  “Uh no, we didn’t talk at all. How could we? There was a un-knowledged human in the car.”

  “We talked in code.” Danika glances at Ethan with concern before looking back at me. Her voice is soft, like she’s trying to jog the memory of an amnesia victim. “I asked you where we were going. You said you didn’t know. Then Ethan said he thought it was best if we visited his grandparents in London. You agreed.” Danika takes a step closer to me, “Racquel, what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t remember that conversation but we must have had it since we are already in route. I guess I just blanked out and went in neutral.”

  I place my hand on my forehead and shake my head. I’m so confused I can’t even think straight. My heart beat drums in my ears.

  “People go into a neutral mode all the time but usually still remember what’s going on.” Danika glances down at my hand. “Racquel, why is your hand shaking like that?” This time instead of stepping toward me, she steps back. “Are you okay?” This time instead of concern, I hear fear in her voice.

  “I’m fine. I’m just hungry and need to replenish.” I turn to go back to my seat but Coy’s in my way.

  “Here,” he says holding out his arm. At first, I’m confused. There’s nothing in his hand for me to take. Then I notice all the bite marks on his arm. My stomach drops as realization hits me. I grimace, disgusted at the idea.

  “Are you insane? Get away from me.” I say, shoving his hand away.

  “You need blood. I can see it in your eyes. When Vampires are thirst starved, their irises dilate until their eyes are completely black. Your eyes are betraying you.” He takes another step toward me, I recoil.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about. I�
�m not a Vampire, you idiot.” No one’s ever pointed out my eyes dilating before but I know it happens. I can feel them expanding now at the sound of his sweet pounding pulse. I wonder the others think when they see my almost pure silver eyes.

  I try walking past him but he continues to block my way. “You are part Vampire. As well as many other creatures, am I right?” Coy asks as he continues to try to get close to me.

  I nod, knowing he’s probably heard stories, while I continue to try to keep some distance between us.

  “Then drink. I know you need it. Right now the last thing we need is an angry vamp tearing out our necks.”

  “I do not nor will I ever drink from a human.” I step closer to Coy getting right in his face. My voice is harsh and tight. “Now get out of my way.”

  He stands still for a moment. I can see the protest playing on his lips. Ethan interjects, placing his hand on Coy’s shoulder in a silent warning to back off. It takes Coy a minute but finally he steps out of my way, shaking his head.

  I walk to the back taking my seat. I sit there shaking. If I’m going to be honest with myself, I wanted his blood and I wanted it bad. That has only happened one other time in my life and I was able to ignore it then. I can ignore it now.

  I can hear not only my blood thumping but everyone else’s too. Coy is calm with a normal beat. Ethan’s is a high speed beat. Danika’s heartbeat is the one that’s so alarming. Her heart is pumping over time, probably scared that any minute now I’ll slaughter them all.

  I take a deep breath and decide to try taking a nap. Since I have nothing to eat, Coy’s bloods calling me, and I feel seriously weak. Sleep will at least pass the time until we land. I’m just about a sleep when I sense a presence in front of me. I open my eyes to see Danika standing in front of me with her arms crossed. Her heart beat is still loud and racing.

  “We need to talk.”

  Ah hell. I thought everyone got the hint to leave me alone. I heave another sigh, “What?”

  “You cannot put your pride before the safety of this group. I cannot have an unstable person to worry about while also keeping my eyes open for other threats. I need to know that I can trust you and everyone else on this plane. Same goes for you. If you feel that you cannot trust me or anyone else, you need to let us know.” She pauses for a minute. I’m about to protest when she continues. “And right now, no one trusts you. You were outraged, shaking, and irrational. If you need something, I don’t care what it is, you get it in order to keep yourself together. If we can’t trust and support each other, how far do you expect us to get? How can we think clearly if we are constantly on the defensive against each other?”

  “Good question. But I have another one for you. Can you or anyone else say they truly trust me? Before I got irate, did you trust me?”

  “That is not the point, Racquel-”

  I jump out of my seat, enraged. “That is the point! You stand here lecturing me on keeping myself under control, to let you know when I don’t trust one of you, but the truth is no matter what happens none of you will ever trust me.”

  Danika takes a step back. I push forward. “How do you think that makes me feel? How do you think I like traveling with people who don’t trust me? And in turn how can I trust someone who doesn’t trust me? I can’t. So really there is no point to this conversation, Danika, because there will never be any trust.”

  I leave her standing there speechless while I slump back into my seat. I feel completely and totally drained now. I had a small shot of adrenaline from the argument but now my body feels as if I pushed it to the max. I am seriously going to have to start keeping supplies with me at all times. I cannot afford to let myself get this defenseless.

  What if we were actually attacked again? I don’t know that my body could take it. It really does suck having so many different essences running through your veins. It takes so much to fuel them all. That has to be my biggest flaw. Well, besides being a freak. And after all that, Danika still won’t leave me alone.

  “You’re wrong, Racquel. You never let me finish. You are correct, I didn’t trust you before. But after I seen you fighting and protecting us during the fight, I grew to trust you. But now… now I don’t know what to think.” Danika’s shoulders slump a little as she turns to walk back to the front.

  I let out a big, heavy, what do I do sigh, but then I shrug the frustration off. Why should I feel any kind of remorse? I was sitting back here not harming anyone. I was minding my own business. So what if I snapped for a minute. Everyone eventually does, even if it’s just for a moment.

  Jeez this day has really sucked. First, we get ambushed by Lord Aldrick and his weirdness. Then we get the human tag-along. We get attacked by weird looking creatures, origins unknown. I wonder what’s next.

  I close my eyes once again, really needing just a little bit of sleep. Just as I’m about to go off to Neverland, the captain’s voice comes blaring over the speakers telling us we will be landing shortly. Figures.

  Chapter Ten

  I manage to get a few minutes of sleep before we land. But when I wake up, I can hardly move my muscles and when I do, they scream in protest.

  Once I’m fully awake, the only thing on my mind is food. We exit the plane and find another limo waiting for us. Everyone else wants to head to the safe house that has been set up for us but I separate from the group wanting to be alone. I’m still not too fond of my travel companions or their accusing glances. Plus, I don’t want witnesses to what I am going to have to do.

  Ethan tells me where the safe house is and I head off, hitting the streets of London totally bewitched. I have been to London once before but never left the airport. The view was nice but being out in the city is different. It is captivating.

  When we left Sofia, the sun was rising and it was around 6:00 in the morning. Our flight took three hours and with the time change, it’s now almost 7:00. It’s still dark out with a slight morning fog that holds the cold mornings chill. Luckily I grabbed my jacket before departing with the others.

  I soon find a small café that has just opened. It’s like any other café, a few tables inside, a few umbrella tables set up outside. I order plenty of carbs and fulfilling foods. I go through several cups of cappuccinos but my body is still shaking with need after I’m done. I know what I have to do, I was just hoping it wouldn’t come to this.

  I notice the time and get going, hoping to find a blood bank before any workers arrive. I’m sure I could sneak around and get what I need even if there was someone there, but I would rather not have to worry about getting caught.

  When I need blood I always go to the blood banks. To me that’s the most civilized way to get blood. I don’t believe in drinking from humans. It doesn’t sit well with me to take someone else’s life force to sustain my own. Hospitals depend on the blood they have there and I would hate to be the reason they were short. Taking from a blood bank seems the best option available.

  I went to a Vampire colony once before to get blood but learned my lesson real fast. There are some Vampire colonies that keep blood in stock so they don’t draw attention to themselves. Whenever I went to one for a supply, it turned into an event I will never forget but one I wish I could. Instead of getting blood that I needed, my blood was spilled all over the ground as the Vampires tested my strength.

  I walked several miles, in a matter of minutes, using what strength I had. After walking, almost gliding, I see a promising sign that proclaims blood donations can be given here. Bingo.

  The blood bank doesn’t look like your average facility. Instead it looks more like a cottage, a place where someone would live rather than use as an infirmary. There are two cars parked in front. I look around to make sure no one’s out and about. With the coast clear, I sneak up to the side window and peek inside. There are two women inside sorting through files. One’s an older woman with gray white hair. The other’s a bit younger, maybe in her late forties. Whatever they’re doing, it seems to have them distracted.
r />   I walk around the building looking for the room I need, the cooling room, where they store the blood. It’s full of steel refrigerators with glass doors. Luckily I find a small window outside this room. I try to open it but it’s locked. Typical. Where most people would have trouble unlocking the window without getting noticed, I have my telekinetic ability. I picture the lock opening and soon hear the lock give, releasing the window.

  Once inside, I start scoping out the different types of blood available. This place is pretty organized. Each refrigerator marked with which blood type it holds.

  I’m not particular on what blood type I consume but I do like taking whatever is the most abundant. Helps ease my guilt. In this case it’s O negative. Not my favorite but beggars can’t be choosers now can they?

  Another plus to getting blood from a blood bank, it’s all been tested. When people donate blood, the facility tests the blood for any type of diseases. Most Vampires could care less about diseases since they don’t really affect them. I, on the other hand, am unsure if I’m blessed in the same way and would rather not find out.

  Usually I only need one bag but I grab two bags just to be sure, then I head back out the window, locking it behind me. Satisfied that I left no evidence of my theft, I head around the corner and find a nice quiet place to consume the blood. My fangs extend before I can even crouch behind a dumpster. I feel like some ravenous Vampire that’s been starved for months.

  The bag rips right open and the coppery fluid fills my mouth, running down my throat and into my system. I can feel the blood supplying me with energy, filling in the holes that needed nourishment. My body stops shaking, my head clears, and I start feeling at full capacity again. I’m surprised after I down the second bag, I hardly ever need this much.

  After I’m done, I make my way back to find the safe house. I walk through the streets of London watching all the happy little families that are so excited about being here. I watch as couples walk hand in hand admiring the scenery and each other. The mothers and fathers, who are pointing out this or that to curious children. All of a sudden I feel lonely and London doesn’t look so grand anymore.


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