Bound by Her Blood

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Bound by Her Blood Page 13

by Mara Leigh

  “What?” Astrid says. “You seem conflicted. What are you thinking? Tell me.”

  “What I said about Rock before. That I love him.” I shake my head. “I can’t explain how that happened so quickly. I haven’t even told Rock, so you can’t say anything, please. Not even to Malcolm.”

  She nods, making a lock-turning motion in front of her half-smiling lips.

  “But I do love Rock, and I can’t imagine my life without him.” I look down at my hand, interlaced with hers.

  “What?” She tucks a finger under my chin and raises my gaze to meet hers. “What’s wrong?”

  “If you and Malcolm hadn’t stopped us, I would have had sex with Gray. I get the whole attraction while-you’re-feeding thing… And you’re right, that’s wearing off a bit.”

  “And yet you still feel something for Gray,” she says without accusation, without any kind of judgment.

  I nod. “It seems…so wrong. Like I’m betraying Rock.”

  “Honey. Lots of vampires take multiple mates. You know that.”

  “Females, too?” Xavier had eighteen mates, but I never imagined it the other way around.

  “Of course,” she answers.

  “You and Malcolm?”

  “Neither of us has met anyone else we want to mate. We give each other everything we need.”

  “That’s what I want.” I squeeze her hand. “I want what you and Malcolm have. A monogamous committed relationship with a man that I love.”

  “The heart wants what the heart wants.” She cups my face. “Don’t fight your feelings.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I mean you should stop worrying. Listen to your heart, not a bunch of rules you learned when you were human. If you listen to your heart, I promise you’ll find your mate—or mates. You’ll find the ones who will make you happy.”

  Chapter 16


  Malcolm ushers me toward the side of the room as the ladies head in the other direction. Selina stares back at me with longing in her eyes that makes me want to follow, to drag her away from Astrid and fuck her over and over, never stopping until we die.

  “What the fuck, man?” Malcolm says.

  “Don’t look at me.” I shake my head. “I didn’t start it.” But that’s no excuse. She’s a baby. I should have been able to prevent that from happening. I should have shown more control.

  “It was her first time!” Malcolm says. “You knew that.”

  “I know.” I rake back my hair, still trying to get in control of my body, my emotions. “My hands were tied.”

  “That’s some bullshit excuse and you know it.”

  I do know it. I could have broken the bonds holding my hands in an instant. I could have put a stop to her dry humping, but if I’m being honest with myself, if I’d broken free the situation would have quickly moved past dry humping. Way past.

  I scared Selina. I nearly shagged her. Given another two seconds, my fangs would have been in her vein, those panties would have been off her and then…

  No wonder that Xavier creep wanted her. Selina’s intoxicating. Beautiful, yes, but her inherent power… There’s something different about her.

  I shake my head. As she pulled blood from my vein it was nearly impossible to believe she hadn’t gained power from the veins of a thousand vampires before me, and while she fed, I felt a strength in her that compared only to Faiza, the one who made me.

  No vampire I’ve met since has lived up to even an ounce of Faiza’s power or sensuality. And none has ever touched my heart. I thought my Maker had spoiled me for love. Until tonight.

  I stare at the ladies’ room door. “What do you think Astrid’s saying to her?”

  “I don’t know, you asshole. Probably trying to convince her that you aren’t a rapist.”

  “Hey, I was the one with my hands tied. If anyone was a potential rapist in that situation…”

  Malcolm shoots me a look, and I hold up my hands in surrender. “Okay. Okay. But man…you’re sure it was her first time feeding from a vampire?” Her reaction was way stronger than I expected, and I nearly took advantage of her inexperience.

  “She claims she didn’t even feed from her Maker.”

  “That’s not possible.”

  “I know,” Malcolm says. “But her transition story is compelling. I was going to suggest she tell you about it, too, in case you have any theories, but after what just went down, I’m not sure you should ever get within a mile of her again.”

  He’s right, but I don’t want to stay away from her, either. I close my eyes for a moment as a theory of how she might have turned takes hold in my mind. It doesn’t seem possible, and my suspicion fills me with dread.

  But if she’s telling the truth, there’s only one explanation that makes any sense. I had a strange feeling from the moment I met her, one that should have thrilled me given my mission, but I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.

  Malcolm claps my shoulder. “Can you keep your dick in your pants from now on?”

  I nod.

  “Because Selina needs our help, Gray. That Xavier asshole sent his so-called King’s Guard after her. She needs to learn how to defend herself and you’re the most highly skilled fighter I know. Rock can’t protect her on his own.”

  Power surges inside me, along with the need to keep Selina safe—at any cost. My instinct to protect her is so strong I don’t mind if Malcolm’s friend is protecting her, too. And if my suspicions are right, my need to protect her goes way beyond my attraction. Keeping her safe her is my duty.

  “I’ll help train her,” I tell Malcolm. “You were right to come to me, mate. What happened tonight...” I hold up my hands. “It won’t happen again.”

  But now that I’ve inhaled Selina’s scent, felt her soft body against mine, I have to see her again, even if I’m forced to remain chaste. I can keep my distance. I have to.

  “I’ll keep my hands off her like it’s my sworn duty.”

  Malcolm snorts.

  Selina exits the ladies’ room behind Astrid, and my cock instantly springs to attention, so hard it’s painful. I twist my back against the wall, hoping to find a position where my raging wood isn’t touching my trousers, some posture where my arousal isn’t so fucking obvious.

  If I’m going to help train Selina, I’ll have to find a way to live with constant wood.

  And I’ll be able to confirm my theory. If I’m right, I’ll be lauded, rewarded beyond my wildest dreams, but the thought of completing my mission fills me with loss.

  If I’m right, I can never be with her. Not ever.


  My heart jumps when I see Rock step out from the tree’s shadow, but as he crosses the street, guilt floods through me. I run to him and fall into his arms, pressing my head against his thick chest.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks. Lifting me, he takes a strong step toward his vampire friends. “What did you do to her?”

  “She’s fine,” Astrid says. “She fed from someone we know and trust and—”

  “I’ll tell him about it.” I lift my head from Rock’s chest. “The feeding was intense, but I’m absolutely fine. I’m just so glad to see you.”

  Holding me aloft in front of him, he searches my eyes for answers, and I hope he finds the reassurance he needs there, because in his eyes I see the lengths he would go to protect me.

  I will tell him what happened with Gray, but first I need to tell him how I feel about him. As soon as we get home. Even if he doesn’t reciprocate my feelings, knowing that he feels protective will be enough for me. I’ll make it be enough.

  He sets me down, then wraps an arm around my shoulders, the weight and heat welcome burdens.

  “Your British friend,” Rock says to the other vampires. “What’s his name again? Grayson? He’s on his way over.”

  My insides go berserk watching Gray walk down the path from the house toward us. Out here in the moonlight, he’s even more handsome, unnaturally so, and he
strides with a combination of confidence and grace that anyone would find alluring.

  Gray slowly opens the gate to the sidewalk and joins the four of us at the edge of the street.

  “Rock, right?” Gray reaches out his hand, and my giant takes it, the two males shaking like it’s an Olympic event and both want the gold.

  “Gray’s agreed to help with Selina’s training,” Malcolm says.

  “Do I get a say in that?” I ask.

  Gray’s face flashes with what looks like hurt, but it’s gone so quickly I wonder whether or not it was my imagination.

  “Gray was made by one of the Ancients,” Malcolm tells me. “And he’s trained in every martial art invented by human or vampire. Plus, his knowledge of vampiric history could answer some questions about how you were turned.”

  “Not to mention,” Astrid adds, “why that Xavier guy was so determined to have you as his mate.”

  I nod. Until now, it never occurred to me that anything was driving Xavier beyond malice, his anger at my refusal to yield. Could there be more? If so, I’m in even more danger than I imagined.

  “We need somewhere to train,” Gray says.

  “The gym at FJS.” Malcolm looks at Gray like it’s obvious.

  “No.” Gray shakes his head. “Too many people could spot her there.”

  “So what?” Astrid widens her stance. “Xavier’s Guard hasn’t infiltrated FJS. She’ll be safe at FJS.”

  “Still…” Gray says. “Somewhere less conspicuous would be better. I know a warehouse—”

  “I’ve got a place,” Rock interrupts. “Below my bar.”

  “A basement gym?” Gray’s tone is beyond condescending. “Forgive me giant, but you have no idea what it takes to train a vampire princess.”

  Everyone turns toward him, including me.

  “Princess?” Astrid says. “Are you serious, Gray? You said you’d be nice.”

  Gray laughs, but it’s an awkward laugh, and instead of taking back yet another condescending nickname for me, he doubles down. “What else should I call such an inexperienced baby who needs all four of us to help her?”

  Crushed by his patronizing expression and tone, I double down, too. I step away from Rock, back straight, head high, all my muscles taut so no one can see them tremble.

  “For all you know, Grayson Cumberland the fourth, I am a princess.” I point toward him. “Watch yourself or I’ll make you kneel before me.”

  He sucks in a sharp breath, then turns on the charm. “Okay, princess. You win.” Grinning, he kneels and shuffles toward me. If his smile weren’t so charming, this playacting would make me even angrier. But instead, I want him to shuffle that smiling face right between my legs.

  Cheeks blazing, legs quivering, I turn away from the vampire kneeling before me. “I feel safe at Rock’s.”

  “Your wish is my command. Princess.” Gray says the last word mockingly.

  When do we start?”

  Rock smiles. “I say today. How’s nine?”

  “As in morning?” Gray gets up from his knees and shakes his head as he brushes dirt off his expensive-looking suit. “What time is it now?”

  “Four-twenty,” Malcolm replies.

  “I need to go home and change into something a little more…appropriate.” Gray frowns. “Doesn’t give me much time to get there before dawn.”

  Rock grunts. “I thought vampires were fast.”

  “We are at some things,” Gray says. “Other things?” He shoots me a wicked smile. “With certain things, we vampires like to take our time, making them last like no other species on Earth can.”

  “Gray,” Astrid says. “You’re terrible.”

  He backs away, hands up again. “Can’t help myself, luv.”

  The meaning of his words sinks in, and I feel like a child for not figuring it out sooner. Gray was bragging about sex. How long he can last. Flames lick inside me, thinking about him taking his time—with me—taking his time as he thrusts deep inside me.

  Burning up, I back toward Rock, and he slings his arm around my waist, pulling me tightly against him.

  They call me a baby, and I am a child compared to all four of them. I don’t know any of their actual ages, but sense they were made many years ago, and if Gray was made by one of the Ancients…

  I don’t know what that means, not precisely, but the idea isn’t hard to comprehend. I assume Gray’s at least as old as Rock, maybe older, even though he looks like he’s in his twenties.

  It’s a strange new world I live in, one where appearances count for nothing—not when it comes to guessing ages, anyway.

  “Show up or don’t,” Rock says. “I can teach her to fight.”

  “She needs to know more than how to throw a punch, big man. It’s not like she can sit on her opponents, which I would imagine is your preferred fighting tactic.”

  Rock’s hold tightens on my ribs. “If you think you know better, then show up.” His fingers ripple over my ribs, barely moving, but each adjustment ignites little sparks of pleasure inside me. I can’t wait to get back to Rock’s.

  My libido has revved up again and, if I’m honest, it never really calmed down after what happened on that sofa. Plus, I sense that the feeding altered something deep inside me. My sex drive is even stronger, and everything else about me feels stronger too, like it will never go back to normal.

  “Thanks for the meal,” I say to Gray as coldly as I can manage.

  But as much as I try to stay neutral, Gray’s expression is so hungry when he looks back at me that I need to turn away.

  “Thank you, Malcolm and Astrid,” I say. “It was lovely meeting you and I really appreciate all your help.”

  “You’re welcome,” Astrid says as she takes her mate’s hand. “Now we’d all better get out of this street before someone notices us and calls the cops.”

  “Or we fry in the sun,” Malcolm adds.

  “Wait!” Gray’s posture changes, his muscles tense and his nose lifts to bring in more of the night air as he scans the street. “Someone’s here. Someone’s watching us.”

  “The police?” Astrid asks, looking around herself. “Xavier’s Guard?”

  Fear seizes my chest and Rock holds me more tightly.

  “Never mind,” Gray says. “Whoever it was, they’re gone.” He delivers the words with assurance, but his body language, still tense, hints at something different.

  “In any case—” he nods to Rock “—best get her home quickly.”


  After the potent cocktail of adrenaline and sex hormones, not to mention the dash back to Rock’s bar, filled with fear that Pike found me, I’m full of energy when we return.

  I need to talk to Rock. I need to tell him how much I care about him. And to explain what happened with Grayson, or try to, before I have to resist that irresistible vampire while we’re training. Rock will probably pick up on our sexual tension, and besides that, he deserves to know.

  Even if the chemistry between Grayson and me is dialed down by a hundred when we train tomorrow, I need Rock to understand that what I feel for Gray isn’t real. That it’s just a vampire thing. That the one I truly want is him.

  Stretching, Rock yawns. “If we’re going to train in the morning, we’d better get a few hours of sleep. I’ll take the couch.”

  “No.” I step slowly toward him. “You don’t need to give up your bed.” I lean against him.

  He keeps his arms at his sides, but I cradle into the vast expanse of his chest feeling like I fit there. Like the space between his huge pecs was custom made for my head.

  I can think of other ways I hope we’ll fit, too, but I want to take things slowly. Not only for me, but I sense for him, too. This thing with Rock, whatever it is, it’s too important to rush. It has the potential to not only be my first relationship, but the one that lasts for the rest of my life.

  “Can we talk for a bit before bed?”

  Rock sits on the sofa, and I snuggle in beside him.

bsp; “Hey,” I ask softly. “Do you think that Grayson guy will show up for training?” I try to keep my mention of Gray casual, like I couldn’t care less.

  “Got the feeling he’s pretty motivated to come.”

  “But how…how will he get in?” It’s getting close to dawn and the bar is locked.

  “He can find out.”

  I turn toward him. “Gray’s been here before?”

  “In the bar, yes. Not sure if he’s been in the gym, but a lot of vamps know about my gym and how to get in. Everyone who works at FJS knows or can easily find out.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “O'Malley’s is a vamp sanctuary. Available for anyone who needs to escape the sun or the cops.”

  “Wow.” That’s really generous and kind of Rock. He keeps exceeding all of my expectations. By multiples. “Isn’t that a big risk for you? Sheltering vampires? If the cops find out…”

  He shrugs. “I trust my staff, and I trust the vamps who come here.”

  I fondle the front of Rock’s shirt, lightly skirting over the surface and loving how his heart rates increase under my ear, at my light touch.

  That he risks his bar, his life, to help vampires he doesn’t even know… My feelings for Rock are so strong, and I have to find a way to tell him. Even if it seems way too soon.

  I freeze and straighten.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, concern in his eyes.

  “If your sanctuary is well known amongst the vampire community, then…could Pike find it? Could he find me down here?”

  Rock’s huge fingers stroke my back as he ponders my question, or how best to answer it.

  “I’ve thought of that,” he says softly.

  “You have?”

  He nods. “But don’t worry.”

  “How can I not worry?” Rock is strong, but Pike… A shudder traces through me. Pike might not be as large as my giant, but he’s ferocious and a vampire. And if he comes in while we’re sleeping…

  “First off,” Rocks says, “the gym that’s one floor above us is well known, but no one knows how to get down to this level. No one has the code or even knows where the door is. You’re the only person I’ve ever brought down here. Ever.”


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