A Lost Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 2)

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A Lost Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 2) Page 8

by L. Rose

  “Just weakened a little. Give me a moment. I’ll be okay.”

  “What did you do to them?”

  “Put them to sleep. I’m not sure how long they’ll stay like that.”

  My hands slid from his arms up to his shoulders. He lifted his head and blinked up at me. “Alex, there were thousands out there.”

  He nodded. “I know. I could kill them, but it could have knocked me out. A sleeping spell was easier.”

  The power he held inside of him was amazing.

  I tugged him toward me and kissed him hard. He moaned under my lips, and I found his tongue to play with my own. Pulling back, I said, “You saved us.”

  He stared up at me in a bit of a daze. “Don’t say that yet. I’m not sure where I’ve landed us. I just made sure it was a room no one was in.” Smiling, I kissed him again. He gently pushed on my chest and muttered, “If you keep doing that, my weakness will continue.”

  I laughed, and he covered my mouth. Grabbing his hand, I pulled it down to whisper, “I’ll go out and scope the area—”

  “No. Just give me a moment and we’ll go together.”

  “All right.” I pulled him against me again and twisted enough to sit us in the cramped area with him between my legs. He didn’t even fight it. He rested back against me and breathed deeply. He sounded asleep, but I knew better. He’d still be alert; he was just trying to gain some energy back.

  “Couple more minutes,” he mumbled.

  “Sure,” I whispered.

  Laughter and then music started outside the room.

  Christ, where the fuck were we and would we have to fight our way out? We needed to find out where Lucifer was. He’d be our best chance to get out of there. Hopefully.

  Right then, I wasn’t too sure of anything, and I didn’t like the thought of Alex having to use his reserves of power. It could harm him more than help.

  Usually, I wouldn’t let worry seep into my veins, but fuck, with Alex there it did. He was family. He was ours, and I didn’t want him to risk himself more. Absently, I massaged the back of his neck since his head was turned into my shoulder.

  “We could wait until their party stops,” I suggested. “They could be drinking and pass out by the end of it.”

  “No. They’ll sense us soon. I’m blocking our scents and power from them, but I won’t be able—”

  “Fuck, you shouldn’t be doing it. You’re trying to get energy back, not waste it.”

  He chuckled low. “It’s not a waste, and it’s easy to do.” Groaning, he started to move away until I pulled him back. “We have to make a move now. My magic is already building.”


  He turned in my arms and smiled. “Trust me.”

  I searched his eyes. Already they looked livelier. “I do.”

  “Good.” He pecked my lips, blushed for doing so, and then quickly stood. “We’ll go out there. I’ll block our powers, and hopefully they’ll think we’re new demons or something so we can get out.” He wouldn’t meet my gaze now. I’d deal with that later, make sure he knew I wanted his lips on mine any time, or else I wouldn’t have kissed him before.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  He nodded, opened the door, and stepped out. I followed quickly. My body buzzed, and I saw we were in some type of living room before I caught his “Motherfuck—” He froze as all eyes were on us. Out of the corner of his mouth, he said, “Seems they blocked my block and knew exactly what we are.”

  Of fucking course the demons didn’t allow anyone to goddamn hide.

  They stood from the couches, from the stools at the bench, from the table where they’d sat playing poker. They all stood smiling like they’d just won the lottery.

  Only we were their winnings.

  The front door in front of us burst open. I stood in a fighting stance while Alex called his power up. The sunlight blinded us for a moment, and I blinked rapidly.

  A long, loud noise sounded throughout the room. The demons, to my utter fucking shock, sank to their knees.

  Alex gasped. I swung my gaze back to the doorway, and my mouth dropped open. I couldn’t believe it.

  I didn’t know how long went by, but eventually, Asher sent a message to Nate telling him he’d taken me down to my sister’s suite to get my mind off things. They’d probably only just woken up, but it was a good idea. The kids were always a good distraction.

  Especially when Alex and Thorn’s emotions inside me were lost. I felt the loss even more since I’d just made the connection and bonded with Alex, but Asher told me they would have blocked the connection for my sake.

  I knocked on the door, and it sprang open by a smiling Sophie. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me close. Lifting her head, she dug her chin into my hip. “Hiya, Aunty Paige.”

  I ran my hands over her head. “Hiya, Sophie. Is your mom awake?”

  “I think so. I didn’t call out this morning. I snuck out my room and heard her yell at Daddy about doing something harder.”

  Oh shit.

  Asher choked, holding back a laugh.

  “Ah, yeah, okay. I’m sure she’ll be out soon.”

  Asher choked again, and I elbowed him. Curling my arm around Sophie’s shoulders, I ushered her back into the living room. “You know you shouldn’t answer the door on your own.”

  “But there’s men who watch to keep us safe. Mommy told me.”

  “I know, honey, but your mom and dad would still like you to never answer the door without them around.”

  She sighed. “Okay.” She skipped over to Asher, her arms already raised. He scooped her up and swung her around, drawing out a giggle. “Hiya, Uncle Asher.”

  He stilled, just blinking down at her.

  “What’s wrong with him?” she asked.

  I laughed. “Nothing, honey. He’s just happy that you’re calling him Uncle Asher.”

  “Oh.” She grinned. “Mommy said I could when I asked. And I get to call Nate my uncle Nate, and Thorn my uncle Thorn, and Alex my uncle Alex. Even though Alex does supercool magic and I wanted to marry him, Mommy said I couldn’t because he was your boyfriend, Aunty Paige. Then I asked how come you get to date, like, four boys, but she said she’d tell me when I’m older or that I had to ask you… so…?”

  I didn’t know what to say. What I did think, though, was that I was going to kill my sister for leaving it up to me.

  Maybe it would be best for the simple answer. “Because I love them all, and they were made just for me.”

  “That’s amazing!” she cried, and then squished Asher’s cheeks together. “Isn’t that amazing!” He nodded, smiling, also trying to hold in his laughter again. Sophie didn’t. She giggled and announced, “I want to be just like Aunty Paige and love lots of boys.”

  Oh fuck.

  “How about we make a start on breakfast for everyone?” I suggested quickly.

  “Yes,” she cried. “I’m starving.”

  Oscar was the next to rise, just as I had the bacon and eggs cooking while Asher talked, and Sophie got the cutlery and cups out. My nephew walked in looking like a little monster himself with his shuffling feet, messy hair, and tired eyes. He made his way straight to Asher and leaned into Asher’s side. I looked on, my heart melting as Asher put his arm around Oscar and said, “Morning, buddy.” Oscar grunted back in reply.

  Asher would have made an amazing father. The only time I saw his expression that soft was when he was with me and the rest of the men. Outside our rooms, he was cold and hard. It was beautiful to see the difference he held, the gentleness to him, for the people important to him. I wished I could give my men children.

  Sadness washed through me. I couldn’t regret what I’d become or where my life was at because I had my men, but I would have loved to have extended our own little family with their kids.

  Asher’s gaze lifted, his gates opened, and he flooded me with contentment and happiness. I smiled warmly at him and went back to cooking. No, I could never regret where my life wa
s because I had four beautiful, amazing men. If only Ezra were around…. I shook my head from that thought before it took me under.

  “Aunty,” Oscar mumbled.

  “Yes, little man?”

  “Can I have pancakes?”

  “You can have anything. As soon as I’m done here, I’ll make you some.”

  “Thanks. Uncle Asher, do you want pancakes?”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Asher’s eyes shine, his chest expanding. I could feel how honored he was the kids were calling him uncle.

  “Morning,” my sister announced, walking in with a satisfied smile and fresh from the shower, dressed in jeans and a woolen sweater.

  “Morning, Mommy,” Sophie cried and ran at Yasmin to hug her. “I got up myself this morning, and then Aunty Paige was here. Did Daddy end up doing it harder?”

  I laughed and Asher chuckled when Yasmin choked on her own saliva. “W-What?”

  “I got up without calling out like you asked, and I heard you yell at Daddy about doing it harder.”

  “Ah, right….” Yasmin looked at us for help. We were too busy enjoying her embarrassment.

  “It’s all right, Soph,” Eric said as he walked in. “I took care of it.”

  “Goodie,” she yelled, and then went back to grabbing juice out of the refrigerator.

  “Eric,” Yasmin whispered in a harsh tone.

  “She doesn’t know any better.”

  “But others do.” She gestured her head toward us.

  Eric just smiled and called “Morning,” before he planted a quick kiss on Yasmin’s cheek and walked our way.

  I froze when a frantic knock sounded on the door. Asher was up out of his seat and at the door in seconds, opening it. He stepped back, and Aggie, the witch who was spying on her coven mistress, moved in. Her eyes wide with worry.

  “Eric, take this,” I said, handing him the spatula. “Ollie wants pancakes.”

  “So does Asher,” Oscar said quickly.

  “I’ll let your mom know if we can make it back in time.”

  He grumbled, “Fine.” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then Sophie and finally Yasmin. Only when I went to pull away from my sister, she took my hand. Our eyes met and she studied me.

  “I’m okay,” I told her.


  I nodded. “I will be. Alex and Thorn went on a mission. I’m just… jittery without them.”

  She gave me a soft smile. “They’ll be okay.”

  “My queen, please,” Aggie called.

  My heart lurched. Whatever she had to say was important.

  Yasmin squeezed my hand. “Go. Be safe.”

  “I will.” With a quick fierce hug, we parted, and I rushed to the door. Asher slipped out first, then me and Aggie. Felnick already stood there with six other guards waiting for an order.

  “Down to the office. Felnick, call in more guards because you’re in with us. I want four guards to stay here with my family,” I told him.

  “Yes, my queen.” He dropped behind to organize the men while we kept going until we reached my office.

  Once inside with the door closed, I went behind the desk and faced Aggie, demanding, “What’s wrong?”

  “Grace didn’t come back last night,” Aggie said, ringing her hands together in front of her while Asher slowly moved around to my back. Aggie went on, “She told us she had to head into the city to get more herbs. Something she’d done in the past, but she never came back. I overheard two of her close friends say they hoped her plan goes well. I don’t have a good feeling.”

  The door banged open, and Felnick entered with Alma in his arms.

  “Alma,” I cried and rushed around the desk, only to have her grin over at me.

  “Put me down, handsome. Maybe next time we can do a different kind of riding?” Alma winked up at him while he blushed and set her on her feet.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, stopping at her side and taking her arm to lead her over to the chair.

  She patted my hand with her free one. “Don’t fret. I’m fine. Just exhausted from all the darn stairs in here. May I suggest getting elevators?”

  “Noted.” Asher grinned.


  “Miss Alma, you said it was urgent to get here, which was why you asked me to carry you,” Felnick said.

  “Oh yes.” She smiled. “I’ve seen it. The council will soon know of our existence. War is coming. How you choose to approach it will decide on the outcome.”

  “Can’t you just tell us what way to approach it?” I asked.

  “No, dear. The powers that be won’t let me.”

  “Can you tell us when at least?” Asher questioned.


  “But it must be soon since you’ve told us now,” I said, more to myself than anyone.

  Alma smiled up at me as I leaned my butt against the desk in front of her.

  “Soon could mean anything. Days, weeks, or even a month,” Felnick added. I glanced to him and caught him looking away from Aggie quickly. She didn’t see his hungry gaze as her eyes were on the floor.

  Until she lifted them and said, “I could go there. Pretend—”

  “No.” I shook my head. “What you’re already doing for us is a risk. I won’t have you attempting a bigger one.”


  “No” was clipped. At first, I thought it was Asher. I turned to him, but he shook his head. I glanced to Felnick, who stood with his fists clenched, his jaw locked, and glaring at Aggie like he would kidnap her to protect her.

  “I can do whatever I wish, Felnick.”

  “Oooh, this is good.” Alma clapped.

  “You cannot when you are so willing to risk your own life all the time.”

  Aggie’s hands dropped to her hips, and her chin lifted in defiance. “Who are you to tell me?”

  Felnick’s teeth ground together before he bit out, “You’ll find out exactly when you’re older.”

  Aggie snorted. “That makes no sense. I’m old enough to know now.”

  Oh, this was awkward because she totally wasn’t getting his point. He wanted her in a naked way. He wanted her in a way he had a say in her future and decisions.

  “Fine. You want to know who I am to tell you why I won’t allow you to risk your life?”


  “Right now? Here in front of everyone?”

  Her head jerked back. Confusion washed over her features, dipping her brows and pinching her lips. She opened her mouth, closed it and then opened it again to stutter, “Y-Yes, um, at least, I think so.” She glanced at me. “Do I?”

  “Yes, you do,” Alma said.

  Aggie nodded down at her. “Okay.” She looked back at Felnick. “Then yes, I want to know.”

  “I’ll be the man in your future, Aggie. I’ll be the one in your bed, claiming you as mine, and you’ll be the woman who will want to stay there and not risk her life because you’ll see a future with me.”

  Wow, that was awesome.

  Aggie’s cheeks shot to a deep red. “Uh… no.”

  Felnick blanched. “No?”

  Alma scoffed. “Oh, don’t you pretend you don’t like him. You’ve been crushing on him since you were a youngin’ I heard.”

  “Alma!” Aggie yelled.

  Felnick was now looking smug. “We’ll talk more about this later then.”

  “I…. What…?” She shook her head. “No, we won’t.” She glared.

  “We’ll see.” He faced me. “My queen, your guards will be ready for when the time comes for war. I’ll even ask around to see if there are others willing to join the fight.”

  Alma gurgled. We all looked to her; she shook her head.

  My brows drew down. “No to others joining?” I asked. She winked. “But war is coming here, we’ll need all the people there are if what I hear about the ruthless council is right.”

  Alma shook her head but said nothing. Obviously, she couldn’t speak on the matter.

lma,” Asher called. She gazed up at him. “Is the war coming here?”

  She winked. That was a yes.

  “We’re missing something,” I stated. Alma touched her nose.

  “The council will come for us?” Aggie asked.

  Alma winked.

  “If they come here, will we win?” Asher asked quietly. She shook her head.

  “Which is why we don’t need more guards,” I said quietly. “They’ll win no matter.” Alma winked, then gurgled, but I was lost in the fear. It was like an invisible fist surrounded my heart and squeezed it tightly. I couldn’t lose anyone. The people, my people, we had to get them out. Oh God, my family. The kids. All the children.

  The door opened and Nate strolled in. “Alma, do we have a chance if we take the fight to them?” He’d been listening at the door.

  When Alma lifted her hand and shook it side to side, I knew it meant it was a possibility. It still meant risking my men, my guards. It meant there would be a war with only a slight chance we’d win. But if we didn’t take it there, go to them, we didn’t have a chance at all.

  “I don’t fucking like this,” Nate announced.

  Everyone nodded, looking dejected.

  “At least there’s a better chance for us if we go there, or we’ll risk losing our lives and the people under our care,” Felnick said. We could all hear the tension in his voice, the worry.

  I dropped to my knees and grabbed Alma’s hands. “Can we run? Can the mages and witches move our community someplace else?”

  She shook her head. “The fight is inevitable.”

  “Meaning even if we move, it’ll still happen in the future,” Nate said.

  Asher’s hands landed on my shoulders. Softly, he said, “You knew this would come, love.”

  I bit my bottom lip and nodded. I straightened and turned into him, gripping his T-shirt. “I just didn’t know it would be so soon. It kills me knowing you will all walk into danger with me.”

  “If we don’t, the council could ruin so many more lives. They’ve killed innocents, probably kidnapped some more. They need to be stopped, and we’re the best chance to do it.” Nate told me things I already knew; it didn’t mean the mind-numbing fear would ease.


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