Medieval Mischief

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Medieval Mischief Page 3

by Mlyn Hurn

  “I’ll wait in the hall, just outside the chamber door.” He turned, and had everyone else leave. Once in the hall, he made everyone return to the party, even her father. Gandalf, though, refused to leave.

  Brand folded his arms across his chest, and leaned back against the wall. Gandalf smiled at him. “It doesn’t bode too well, my friend, for the bride to faint before you even get in the bed.”

  Brand frowned at his friend’s jest. There was something that didn’t seem quite right, but he couldn’t put his finger on what it was. He decided to deflect his friend’s interest in his nuptials.

  “I noticed you were paying a lot of attention to my wife’s cousin during dinner,” he spoke, and then realized he had referred to Avalon as his wife. He frowned at how easily the word had tripped off his lips.

  Gandalf smiled. “I must admit, my old friend, she is a very tempting morsel. She is a widow, you know. Beyond that, I couldn’t get much more out of her. I gather though that the two women are very close. She kept her eye on you two like a hawk all evening.”

  Brand half-listened to his friend, but was still trying to hear any sounds from inside the room. He suddenly heard the shuffling of feet. He thrust away from the wall, and threw open the door to the bedchamber. He and Gandalf watched in surprise, as Althea appeared to be helping his wife climb out the window.

  “What the hell…” Brand shouted.

  * * * * *

  Both women turned in guilty surprise. Avalon had her skirt hiked up and was trying to reach a familiar foothold that she had used before to escape from some of the rooms in her father’s castle. Althea blushed brightly at being caught in aiding her cousin escape. But once Avalon had told Althea who her husband was, she had realized that she had to help her escape “the rapist.”

  “You!” Brand shouted, then rushed across the room to grab Avalon’s arm before she could completely disappear out the window.

  Chapter 3

  Avalon had taken the veil off, so she could see clearly in her flight. Althea tried to pull Brand away from Avalon, but Gandalf grabbed her arms, and pulled her back, into his arms. Both watched as Brand hauled Avalon back into the bedroom.

  Althea felt heat steal through her as she felt the strength of Gandalf’s hard body pressing into her back. His hands had moved, and his arms encircled her now, just beneath her small breasts. Each ragged breath she took caused them to move against the hard muscled forearms binding her to him. She struggled and wiggled against him to break free, but that only caused her to become intensely aware of his hard manhood pressing into her soft buttocks. She had felt a pull to this strong, brusque man from the minute she had seen him in the hallway. But she didn’t want to be attracted to him! Especially now that she knew he was a friend to a rapist!

  * * * * *

  Brand jerked Avalon back into the room. “Where is my wife?”

  Avalon and Althea glanced at each other. This only angered Brand more.

  “Damn you, woman! Where is my wife? Tell me now, or I will make you wish…”

  Avalon glared right back at him. “Or what? You’ll rape me again?”

  Silence filled the room. Stunned, Gandalf relaxed his hold on Althea, and she broke free. She rushed over, and began hitting Brand. “Let her go, you fiend! You defiler of innocent women! Release her!”

  Brand had enough trouble trying to hold onto the squirming Avalon. He was glad when his friend once again took the other woman back into his arms. Brand gritted his teeth and glared at the woman that still fired his passion. Even now, he was as hard as a rock, even though he was angry with her. He should have been worried about his wife, not contemplating tossing this wildcat on her back and having her again. His mind was full of thoughts of how it had felt to be buried deep inside this woman’s shaven pussy. He wanted to hold and squeeze her tits again. He wanted to suck her nipples deep into his mouth. He wanted…

  Brand shook his head. “I’m not going to argue with you, woman!”

  Avalon glared right back at him. Despite her anger, Brand sensed that her passion was rising just as quickly as his was. “You stupid, ignorant moron!” Avalon shouted back at him. “I am your wife! Why do you think I was trying to escape?”

  Brand slowly relaxed his hold on her arm. Avalon jerked free of him. She turned to glare at Gandalf. “Release my cousin, you oaf!” Her voice demanded he comply. Avalon could be quite the “lady of the manor” when she needed to be. Gandalf slowly relaxed his hold on Althea, but not before he ran his hands lingeringly along her arms. Althea shivered in arousal at his touch. But she hurried over to stand next to Avalon.

  “What were you doing in the forest unaccompanied?” Brand demanded of his new wife, his voice hoarse.

  Avalon tossed her long hair defiantly back over her shoulders, raised her chin and looked down her nose at him. “The same thing you were, apparently. I wanted to be alone.”

  “Your father should not have allowed you to leave the keep without guards,” Brand answered her accusingly.

  Althea stepped forward. “We didn’t know she had gone until it was dark out. By then, I didn’t want to raise an alarm…” Her voice trailed away when Lord Brandeis turned his glare on her.

  “Leave us alone, Gandalf. Take Lady Althea down to the main hall.”

  “No!” Althea evaded Gandalf’s hand. “I won’t leave Avalon alone with you.”

  Brand smiled, reaching out to grab Avalon’s hand, holding up the ring he had placed on her finger such a short time ago. He had not noticed the ring when he had first accused her. “She is my wife. Now, get out, both of you! Tell her father she is fine, by the way. And no one is to disturb us until morning.”

  Avalon gasped at his words, and Althea opened her mouth to protest. But Gandalf grabbed her arm and pulled her forcefully from the room. Avalon glared at her husband. “I see your man is as much a bully and brute as you are.”

  Brand flushed brightly at her words. He wasn’t proud of how he had acted yesterday with her. But her resistance, he reminded himself, had quickly faded. And the second and third times he had taken her, she had not resisted him at all. And the fourth time, she had been the one to awaken him. He smiled slowly as he recalled that last time.

  Avalon stamped her foot angrily, seeing the look on his face. “Stop it!”

  Brand smiled at her. “Stop what, wife?”

  * * * * *

  Avalon turned angrily away from him. She didn’t want to be reminded of any of their time together. Just looking at him was arousing her again. She sat down huffily on the side of the bed. Nothing was going as it should, she thought. She felt the bed move beside her. She turned and saw he had sat down next to her.

  “A fine mess we have here, my sweet, isn’t it?” Brand spoke softly. “We have no choice but to go forward, you know. We can’t tell anyone what happened between us yesterday. It would only hurt and disgrace our parents, which neither of us would want to do, would we?”

  Avalon heard his words and nodded. He was right. The time to speak up had been before the wedding, not now. She turned to look at him. She saw the clear blueness of his eyes, his curving mouth. She remembered the way his mouth had trailed over her skin, kissing her, nipping her tender spots. She squirmed on the bed.

  * * * * *

  Brand lifted his hand to stroke along her jaw line. He wanted her, no matter who she was. He held her eyes as he bent slowly towards her. Very lightly, he touched his mouth to hers. Her lips trembled as they met his, and then softened, opening. His tongue swept inside, finding heat within. Kissing her deeply, he leaned into her and pressed until they were lying back upon the bed. Slowly, gently, almost as if he’d done this countless times before, his hand left her jaw, and moved down over her upper chest, to finally cup her full breast. He stroked the globe tenderly, gently.

  He shifted them farther onto the bed as Avalon moved into his touch, her hips moving restlessly on the covers beneath them. He easily found the fastenings of her gown and released them. Avalon gasped when sh
e felt the cool air of the room touch her now naked breasts. Before she could move, though, Brand lowered his head to kiss and suckle at her bountiful breasts.

  He cupped the full globes eagerly, caressing them tenderly, lovingly. He suckled her nipples until they were beaded up tight and long. Each nipple glistened wetly in the candlelight of the room. Brand raised his head to gaze at her body. He praised her, telling her how beautiful she was. He raised her skirt to her waist, and his hand again explored her pussy lips. He smiled when he felt the wetness there. He kissed her deeply as his fingers moved inside her.

  Avalon moaned and shifted to accommodate his every move. She lay wantonly on the covers, her thighs widespread, dress pushed above her waist, and her bodice shoved down so her breasts were bared to his gaze and mouth. She couldn’t stop the soft cries that were escaping her, as he touched her smooth lips, and moved his fingers within her body. His touch set her body on fire once again. She felt overwhelmed by emotions. She should fight him, shouldn’t she? But her mind told her no…he was her husband, after all. And she had been taught that all good wives “submit” to their husband. But what her body was feeling was so much more than submission.

  Brand sucked her nipples eagerly while he moved his fingers, first one, and then two, inside her narrow passage. She was so tight, but as he worked her, he could feel her body relaxing even more. He used the wetness of her secretions to slip a third finger in. Avalon’s soft cries of desire told him where she liked to be touched the most. She was so close to reaching the pinnacle of her desire!

  He wanted to be inside her again. But he also wanted her to realize her desire for him was not something she could control. He raised his head from her luscious breasts and kissed her open mouth deeply. His tongue stroked hers. He was surprised when she moved her tongue against his, and then she actually sucked his tongue into her mouth. His cock got even harder in response to her simplest touch.

  Brand pulled away from her slightly, but Avalon’s eyes remained closed as he took her higher and higher. Her hips thrashed on the bed below him, and her moans were music to his ears. But he wanted more from her. He leaned back down and lightly bit her lower lip. Avalon’s eyes darted open in surprise. He could see the passion fog that clouded her gaze. He moved one finger to her clit to tease her, and he saw her jerk in response, her eyes glued to his own, now widely aware.

  When Brand spoke next, his voice was very husky. “Yes,” he told her softly. “See me. Know that you are mine to touch, as I want.” He waited and his fingers paused until he saw full awareness creep into her eyes. And then he resumed his erotic and teasing touches to her tender flesh. Avalon squirmed to get away, but he held her fast to the bed. And then his touch alone held her in place.

  * * * * *

  Avalon gasped, wanting to move away, but unable to budge from his erotic touch. Even though his eyes were gazing into hers, almost seeing her soul, she couldn’t move away from what he was giving her and how he was making her feel. And then, the waves broke over her so suddenly, she gasped. She felt her body, her emotions, flying toward the heavens out of her control. His eyes held hers steadily as her body jerked beneath him, and her soft womanly folds spasmed around his fingers, flooding his hand with wetness. Her cries filled the silent room.

  Avalon heard his voice as if from a great distance. “Yes, my sweet wife. You are mine! I will touch you whenever I want, and you will come just as you have now. You will not be able to resist me. Your body will betray what your mind tells you to do.”

  Brand watched her face as his words penetrated her euphoric fog. As he saw true comprehension dawn in her eyes, he slowly withdrew his fingers, and then kissed her lips softly. “Sleep for now, my pet. We will deal with all the problems later.” Brand pulled her close, ignoring his own raging arousal, for the present.

  Chapter 4

  Althea pulled free of Gandalf as soon as they reached the main hall. She felt totally frustrated at having been hauled away from her dearest friend, and guilty that she should have fought harder to stay with her, protect her. But she had also felt drawn to the big, strong giant that had worked so strenuously at keeping her away from her cousin all afternoon and evening. She had tried to remain aloof from his attentions before the wedding, but something about him had slowly worn her down.

  She had soon found herself smiling at his little jokes, and finally laughing out loud. As the time passed before the ceremony there were several times their hands would touch and Althea felt her pulse pounding, and her breathing became unsteady. She had worked at avoiding any prolonged contact with this big bear of a man. Sitting at the table, she lost track of how many glasses of wine she drank. When she least expected it, he asked her to dance with him. While they were holding hands, she glanced up, and their eyes met, then held. Dear Lord! Althea felt the zing of attraction and arousal strike through her body like a lightning bolt. The minstrel music suddenly seemed barely audible over the buzzing in her ears.

  Althea stumbled in shock as the feelings rushed through her, followed immediately by her comprehension of their meaning. Gandalf caught her against his chest. The feeling of her sensitive breasts, already peaking in excitement, pressed to his hard broad chest, didn’t help her composure. She struggled to catch her breath, and finally shoved herself nervously from his arms.

  Without warning, Althea turned and left the main hall, nearly running into the small garden, which she, and with begrudged help from Avalon, had carefully cultivated over the years. She hurried to the farthest corner of the garden, and sat down on the bench there. She could feel her breath rushing in and out, and fanned herself with her hand, trying to cool the fevered flush that had risen to her face.

  She heard the twigs being crushed beneath his feet just a moment before Gandalf found her hiding place. His soft brown eyes searched her face worriedly. “Are you all right, milady? Did I step on your foot?”

  Althea choked back her laughter that it could be something as simple as an injured foot that had caused her to flee from this man’s arms so suddenly. She met his eyes to deny his concern, and to say it was nothing, when the look in his eyes stopped her once again. Oh no…she thought. The feelings were still there. She had hoped they had dissolved in the cooler night air, but they had not. She found herself wanting to be held in his arms, and kissed and more. She had loved her husband, and she had missed him terribly. But never had he made her feel such chaotic feelings, such heat, with just a light touch of a hand, or a simple glance from his eyes.

  “No, Sir Gandalf. You didn’t step on my foot.” Althea’s voice trailed away as he reached out to lightly touch her jaw line, stroking his fingers lingeringly across her petal-soft skin.

  “Good. I would hate the thought of hurting you,” Gandalf told her softly, his fingers now stroking across her full, lower lip. “In any way, any place or any time.”

  Althea shook her head as Gandalf took her hand and pulled her slowly to her feet. She was unaware that she said “no” until he questioned what she was saying no to.

  “What is it that you say ‘no’ to? No more dancing? No more sitting outside in the cool night air?”

  Althea shivered as he pulled her close to his chest, his strong arms enfolding her slender form gently. He bent his head and lightly kissed her lips. Althea surprised them both by surging forward in his embrace, her arms moving to hold his head close. Her own mouth opened and her tongue stroked along his lips.

  * * * * *

  Gandalf didn’t need any further encouragement. He met her tongue with his own, stroking hers eagerly. His one hand moved from her back, caressing her spine all the way down, until he cupped one rounded buttock. He squeezed her full flesh, and captured the moan that escaped her parted lips in surprise. But there could be no denying the way she moved against his own growing hardness, her hips squirming, wiggling back and forth across his cock.

  Gandalf lowered his head to kiss her neck, all the way down to her cleavage, which showed delectably above her gown. Althea moved in
his grasp, not to escape, but to get closer to him. Her movement allowed him to slip his hand between their bodies and find the edge of her dress. He tugged downward, until her nipple was exposed to the cool night air. He lifted his head, to gaze down at her womanly beauty. He smiled at the peaked nipple.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered softly, just a moment before he enveloped her turgid bud in his hot mouth. His sucking began instantly, drawing her deeper into his heat. Althea gasped in arousal, and her hands caressed his hair as he suckled her breast. She didn’t care if someone saw them either!

  “Do you like that, my sweet?” he asked her gently. He licked at her nipple, and then pulled the dress a bit farther down until her whole breast popped free. He quickly cupped the small globe in his large hand. His touch was gentle but firm as he stroked her nipple, and then he began squeezing her small, pert breast. Althea moaned in agreement. He laughed softly. He wanted this woman. She was like a fire in his loins, almost from the first moment he saw her.

  He moved them back to the bench, seating himself, and pulling her down onto his lap. He easily captured her mouth, and then his hand moved to lift her skirts. He caressed her soft thighs eagerly, and when he neared the top, Althea spread them for him. When his fingers moved between them, she cried out in surprise, shocked at the intensity of emotions and sensations winging their way through her body at his touch. He moved his fingers over her soft bush, and caressed her lips. When he moved his finger to her clit, she jerked in surprise. He pulled back as her eyes flew open and she stared at him as he teased her tender, sensitive love button.

  “What are you doing?” Althea gasped in stunned disbelief. Her husband had never touched her like that. “Oh, dear Lord!” Her voice broke as he pressed and pulled back, touching her over and over.


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