Art of Loyalty

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Art of Loyalty Page 6

by Monique Orgeron

  “Take Vin where? What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Fallon will fill you in on the way. Go. I’ll make an excuse in case Gabriel wakes up, but I doubt he will.”

  “Fallon runs up to me and says, “Let’s go, Brittany needs us.”

  My face obviously shows concern and confusion because Fallon turns to look if mom’s watching us before she whispers, “She’ll be okay, but we need to leave. I’ll tell you all about it in the car.”

  We get in my car and Fallon starts explaining the situation and tells me where to go. I’m pissed beyond belief. I start driving faster. We get to the hotel and go up to the front desk, Fallon knows what room she’s in, but we need the keycard.

  I stand behind Fallon as she asks the clerk for the keycard to room 527. He tells her the room is occupied but he can give us another room. Fallon, in a calm voice tells him she knows the room is occupied but we still need the keycard. When the man doesn’t cooperate, I start to move towards the desk, but Fallon stops me.

  She now starts expressing herself like a true Stern. She starts with a smile as she points to his name tag.

  “Mr. Foret, I would like to introduce myself. I am Fallon Stern. I hope for your sake you will never forget that. You are going to give me the keycard to room 527 and you’re going to do it because you value your life. See the man behind me?”

  The man nods and looks like he just pissed himself.

  “He is Vincent Stern, my brother-in-law. One day he will work exclusively for me. If you do not do as I ask, I will have him beat you until you are unconscious, and I will still get the keycard. Your choice. So, what will it be?”

  The man slowly hands over the keycard with his hands shaking.

  “Thank you, Mr. Foret, I will remember your kindness. I am sure we will meet again so I hope you will remember mine as well.”

  I watch as she walks away. I can’t believe it; our little Fallon will make a fine boss one day.

  On the elevator ride, I’m fuming, not only for Brittany but for any woman that has to go through any of this shit. I know it must be written all over my face because I feel Fallon’s hand touch mine as she loosens my grip. She then lays her hand in mine and squeezes.

  “I know you feel something for her, no matter how much you want to deny it. I also know she feels something for you too. But I know her, she will be pissed seeing you here. She will need you to be strong. So, try to remain calm, if you go in there half-cocked she will try to push you away.”

  I squeeze her hand knowing she’s right. I don’t know what I feel towards Brittany, but it’s more than any feelings I’ve ever felt before.

  Once the elevator opens, Fallon releases my hand as she makes her way to Brittany’s room. Without knocking she slides the card into the lock and opens the door. The room is dark, with only one lamp on.

  We don’t see Brittany anywhere. Fallon calls out, “Brittany, Brittany!”

  In a breathy whisper we hear. “I’m here.”

  We run to the other side of the bed and that’s when I see her. She’s sitting on the floor in a black slip, holding a gun in one hand and her phone in the other. She doesn’t look up as Fallon and I bend down to see to her. She has a black eye and swollen cheek. Her arms are covered in bruises with her assailant’s fingerprints. She’s still shaking when I go to remove the gun from her hand.


  “Yeah baby, I’m here.”

  She allows me to take the gun, then she looks at Fallon, “Why did you bring him?”

  “I needed him, and you need him here.”

  She finds the energy to let out a small chuckle shaking her head. “I don’t need him here.” She then looks at me, “I don’t want you here!”

  Fallon looks at me and tells Brittany, “Well tough, he’s here. Now, he’s going to help me get you off the floor. Is anything broken?”


  “Good, come on Vin, let’s get her up.”

  I make Fallon move out the way, so I can pick Brittany up and lay her on the bed. Fallon walks to the bathroom and returns with a wet cloth to clean Brittany’s face and arms to see the damage. My rage is boiling over now. I can’t hold it in any longer.


  She doesn’t answer, so I repeat myself. “Who?!”

  She sits up and tells me “I’m not going to tell you. I took care of him. He knows never to call me again. The pussy ran out of here naked, carrying his clothes.” She laughs but winces out in pain. “You should’ve seen his small limp pecker bouncing as he ran.”

  I stand, wide legged and my arms crossed. “I want his name!”

  She jumps off the bed, passing Fallon. Getting in my face, she yells at me.

  “No! I am not, giving you his name! I can handle my own business!”

  I lean down and whisper, “I will find out, you know I will.”

  “You might, but you won’t touch him. I will make sure of that. I can take care of myself!”

  She turns around and falls on the bed exhausted. She used all her energy on fighting me.

  “I only called Fallon because I’m too shaky to drive.”

  Fallon sits down beside her, hugging and comforting her, but Brittany refuses to cry or show any weakness. After a few minutes, Fallon stands and brings Brittany’s clothes to her and helps her dress.

  I help Brittany to stand up and walk. Even though I know it’s killing her, she allows her body to lean on mine for support.

  The drive isn’t that long, but as I look in the rear-view mirror I see Fallon running her fingers through Brittany’s hair and all I can think of is how much I want to be the one doing it. I turn the car around without them noticing and head towards home. I plan on dropping Fallon off then bringing Brittany home.

  When I pull up to the mansion, Fallon asks what we’re doing. I don’t answer her until we come to a stop. I get out the car and open Fallon’s door.

  “You need to be here for Gavin so that Gabriel doesn’t find out. I’ll bring her home. If Catherine asks just…”

  She lays her hand on my chest. “I will think of something Vin. Don’t worry, just take care of her.”

  I wait for Fallon to get in the house, then I get back in the car. Brittany fell asleep, so I quietly drive to her home. When I get there, I again go through her purse and unlock the door. Then I go back, lifting her into my arms, I carry her in and upstairs to her room. When I lay her down, she wakes.


  “Yeah Baby, I’m here; just sleep.” I cover her then sit in a chair across from her bed. I watch over her as she sleeps. If I can’t sleep at least I can watch over something so beautiful. A few times in the middle of the night she opens her eyes and sees me watching her. She never says anything, but I feel like it gives her some comfort knowing I’m still here.

  But there’s no comfort for me, seeing her like this tonight, brings too many horrible memories flooding back. From as early as I can remember, I have seen abuse. First my mother then Catherine. My mother was weak, abuse turned her into a drug addict and later killed her. There are not many memories I have of my mother being clean and sober, but I remember when she was, she would drill into my head, everything about Catherine. I was too young to understand the whole dynamic between the two of them, but I knew Catherine was the strong one. But I also remember from the few times I saw Catherine, she didn’t like me. I didn’t understand at the time why or why she looked at me with hatred. But I remember there was something else in her eyes that I didn’t at the time have a word for. Despair. I saw a connection no matter how small it was, and it became a life line for me when my mother died. I was alone, and desperately needing someone, even if that person was Catherine.

  She took me in and even with me knowing she hated me, she was more aware of me than anyone ever had been in my life. But then, there was him. William. The man was pure evil. He loved to take beautiful things and make them ugly. That’s the way I saw it when I was little. He made Catherine with all her beauty, ugly; covering
her black and blue, just like my mother. Their screams and cries were the same. The sounds of my mom and Catherine were worse than any I ever made, when he came for me. I was willing take all the abuse if it meant I never had to hear their cries again.

  They were the same but yet so different. I knew my mother loved me, but the difference was my mother loved William more. She would fight for him. Catherine, fought for me. She became my mother and always will be. Somewhere from hate we found an unbreakable bond, that will never be broken.

  My memories fade when the sun is on the horizon, and Brittany wakes. She looks over at the clock on her nightstand.

  “You should go Vin, before Catherine wakes.”

  I remain unmoved. She now sits up. “Thank you for staying with me, seriously. I think it would be easier for you if you went home before Catherine finds out.”

  “I’m not worried about Catherine.”

  “Then it will be easier for me, if you left now.”

  She looks down at the floor and whispers, “Please.”

  I stand, nodding my head and walk out the door, acknowledging her need to be alone. Before I turn the corner, I hear her crying. This is why she needed me to leave, so she could finally break down and shed her tears. I linger in the hall, wanting to turn around and comfort her but I honor her wish and leave her alone.

  Once I arrive home, I see Catherine waiting for me in the kitchen.

  “How is she?”

  “She’s fine.” I lie and tell her, “I haven’t seen her today though. I stayed in the car watching her house. I was concerned whoever did this would find her.”

  I growl out the next part. “I want whoever did this to her!”

  Catherine nods her head. “I’m sorry it had to be you I sent. I know seeing a woman like that brings back bad memories. But I can’t let you have him yet.”

  “So, you do know who did this.”

  “Of course, I do.”

  “Then I want him!”

  “I will give him to you but not now. I have use for him right now. When the time is right, you can take care of him any way you’d like. But until then, you will respect my wishes and not press the issue. Do you hear me, Vin?”

  “I hear you, I’ve always heard you and I’ve always waited for you to allow me to do anything.”

  In a harsh voice she tells me, “And you will wait again!”

  I know she can tell by my expression that I am not happy, but I feel the need to express it.

  “I’ll wait Catherine, but not for long. Not ever for that long again.”

  I walk over to her and kiss the top of her head. “The memories never need a reason to come back mom, they never leave.”

  I walk away, leaving her there, hearing her crying. I cannot wait for this day to be over. I hope I can finally find peace in sleep. I’ve left two beautiful, strong women crying in my wake.



  It’s been two weeks since Brittany was attacked, and my frustrations are growing. I want to get the bastard who laid his hands on her. I’ve asked Catherine again for his name but again she denies me. She knows I can find out on my own, but she has ordered me to back off. She says her plans for him won’t take much longer and to trust that he will pay for what he’s done.

  I’ve heard from Fallon that Brittany has been doing much better and has returned to working. I don’t understand how she can put herself back at risk. This only adds to my ever-growing frustrations.

  Memories of her underneath me are even more intensified now. I’m just not sure how to handle all the feelings I have for her. On one hand, I think of and want her constantly, but then I refuse for her to get any closer than she already has. It dawns on me though, when Fallon mentioned she went back to work that maybe an arrangement can be made. One that will satisfy my hunger for her. Which leads me to standing outside her door, reciting how to explain and ask for a business agreement without sounding like a prick.

  I knock on the door once then twice. She answers wearing casual clothes covered in flour but looking beautiful without a mark on her face.

  I clear my throat, “Can I talk to you?”


  Oh, fuck this! I don’t answer her, pushing her out my way, I walk into the house.

  She slams the door behind me yelling. “Vin, what the fuck do you think you’re doing? You can’t come here….”

  I turn fast and give her a look that shuts her up quick. I am not one to fuck with and she should remember that right away. When I have her silence, I walk further into the living room when I smell something.

  “Is that cookies?”

  She walks past me and storms into the kitchen. I follow amused. She puts on oven mitts and opens the oven door, bending to remove a sheet of cookies. I look at her as she fumes, then while reaching out to grab a cookie, she slaps my hand.

  “No! They’re not for you. Why are you here, Vin?”

  Looking around I see not only dozens of cookies but my eyes land on a bouquet of roses. I can’t help myself, so I ask, “Who are the roses from?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business but they are from Catherine. She came by last week and brought them for me.”

  “Is that supposed to make it all better for letting that man hit you?”

  She gets even more pissed, if that’s even possible. “Catherine did not let anyone hit me! I do not work for her. It is not her responsibility to handle my problems. She came to show me she cared, that is all.”

  She pauses then tells me, “I hope you’re not here to ask for his name again because I’m still not giving it to you. I don’t want you doing anything to him. I will handle it myself.”

  “I don’t need you to tell me anything. I can and will find out who he is.”

  “Promise me you won’t do anything to him.”

  “Don’t ask me that. I don’t want to lie to you.”

  She turns away from me. So, I continue, “I spoke with Catherine. She claims the man will pay so I trust that he will.”

  “Good, then you will leave it alone?”

  “For now.”

  She starts to look somber and that’s not what I wanted. So, I try to change the subject. “I didn’t know you baked.”

  She giggles, “Well, you don’t know shit about me. What do you want, Vin?”

  She starts rolling more cookie dough into balls and lays them on another baking sheet. I look around the kitchen again to see all the cookies made. What the hell is she making all these cookies for?

  “Who are the cookies for?”

  She stares daggers at me and pushes out her hip, crossing her arms.

  I give up. “Fine, I just wanted to talk to you.”


  I sit down on one of her five barstools around her island. I don’t know what to say so I try to go with a compliment. “Your kitchen is nice.”

  “Do you really want to discuss my décor?”

  “No, that’s not why I’m here. I want to apologize for the night we spent together.”

  She laughs, “Really? You’re sorry about sleeping with me? That’s a first, usually, men don’t apologize for fucking me.”

  I grunt, “That’s not what I meant! I mean I’m sorry I left the money. I thought you were sleeping with me because of work, or at least that was my understanding.”

  She stops what she’s doing and puts her hands on the island looking pissed again. Why are all the women in my life always so pissed?

  “So, you mean that, you think I will just fuck anyone for money and that I let them come to my home, to fuck me in my bed?!”

  Shit! “No, no I’m saying all this wrong. I’m not used to having to explain myself.”

  “I think I like you better when you don’t talk.”

  Now I start getting pissed. I stand abruptly. “Listen, I am sorry for paying for something that you willingly gave, but how the fuck was I supposed to know? I have never hired a…”

  She glances at me waiting for me to fuck up again
with my words. “I’ve never hired an escort before.”

  “You were looking for an escort? I thought you didn’t do the whole hiring of the escort thing?”

  “I don’t.”

  “Then why did you want to hire me?”

  “I don’t know. Why did you want to fuck me?”

  She looks at me then tilts her head, “I guess I was curious.”

  I chuckle, “Curious, why?”

  She shrugs and goes back to rolling her dough, “I’ve never seen or heard of you enjoying one of the other girls or men. So, I guess I wanted to see why. Plus, you have a really nice ass.”

  “So, you thought I was gay?”

  “No, not gay, because you could have hired Leo or Chris. I don’t know, you’re the only Stern that doesn’t indulge.”

  “Oh, honey I indulge, I’ve just never paid to indulge.”

  She gives me a crooked smile. “Then why were you willing to pay me?”

  “I was curious.” She smiles even bigger. “I’ve seen you many times and I’ve heard of your reputation. I guess I wanted to see what the hype was about.”

  “And, did you find I live up to my reputation?”

  “That’s why I’m here. I thought I could sample you once and be done but…”

  “But what, Vin?”

  “But I should have listened to you when you told me I might like what I find. I can’t seem to get you out of my head.”

  She does something I never expected, she blushes.

  I continue, “I want you to forgive me. But I want you to know, I’m not interested in a relationship; not now, not ever. That won’t change. I would, however, like to see you again on a professional basis.”


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