Fifty Recipes For Disaster - Book 1 (Fifty Recipes For Disaster New Adult Romance Series, #1)

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Fifty Recipes For Disaster - Book 1 (Fifty Recipes For Disaster New Adult Romance Series, #1) Page 8

by Carla Coxwell

  Who the hell could that be? I remember the last time I had an unexpected visitor. I walk to the door and say a silent prayer that Robbs isn't waiting on the other side again. I look through the peephole and see Jenny. That's even worse.

  I decide to pretend I'm not home. I take a seat on my sofa and wait for her to leave.

  "Kiara?" she calls out loudly. "I know you're home. Your car is in the parking lot and your neighbor says you haven't left all day. Please let me in. I'm not leaving until you listen to what I have to say."

  I stomp over and swing the door open. "What do you want?"

  "Can I come in?" Jenny asks with hesitation.

  "I think you've already proven you'll do whatever the hell you want," I snap harshly as I move back to the sofa. She steps into the apartment and shuts the door behind her. She stares at me intently before speaking again.

  "Are you all right, Kiara?" she asks. "You look awful."

  I glance down at my clothes. I'm wearing plaid flannel pajama pants and the same sweatshirt I wore to my meeting with Chef Lee. I know my hair is a mess, and I can't imagine the circles under my eyes have improved since I last checked in the mirror.

  "Thank you for the critique of my appearance," I say with a sneer. "If that's all you came for, you can leave now."

  "Kiara, don't be ridiculous. I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you."

  "I'm sure you are," I reply sarcastically. "You're such a selfless, charitable person. If you're here to check on me, you needn't have bothered, I'm just fine."

  "I know you're pissed at me, and you have every right to be," Jenny says softly. "And I know you're in trouble at school. I overheard Paul talking to your instructor yesterday."

  "Ah... tell me, were you under Paul when you overheard him? Or do the two of you save that for after hours?"

  "I deserved that," Jenny replies anxiously. "But nothing's going on between Paul and me. I came here to explain that video you saw."

  "So you know Robbs caught the two of you."

  "Kiara... I knew Robbs was filming us that night. I meant for Robbs to film us."


  Tears fill Jenny's eyes. "This is the worst thing I've ever done. It was all Robbs' idea. We were both so jealous of the way Paul treated you, and we thought you'd win the apprenticeship. Robbs convinced me that we had to stop you, that we had to find a way to make you quit."

  "Let me get this straight," I interrupt her. "You were afraid I'd sleep with Paul and win the apprenticeship because of it. You resented that idea, so you decided the best way to deal with it was sleeping with him first?"

  "I know... looking back now, I can see it was hypocritical and devious. I can't apologize enough for what I did. But it's no reason to sacrifice your education. Come back to the restaurant... please?"

  I shake my head. "I don't care what your motivations were. Paul still slept with you. He wined and dined me after work, and then had sex with you as soon as I left."

  "That's not what happened, Kiara. That's what I came to tell you."

  "I saw the video, Jenny."

  "I know, but Robbs lied about when it happened. Paul and I had sex way before you started showing interest in him."

  The pieces all fall into place in my head, and I begin to understand. "It happened right before he started acting so distant toward you," I say softly.

  Jenny nods. "And it was all me, Kiara. I seduced him. I asked him to help me study for a pairings class because I knew the only way I had a chance with him was if he was drunk. I kept the evening going, kept asking for more samples and bigger shots of vodka. And even after all of the booze, I still had to talk him into having sex with me. That's why there's no audio on the video Robbs showed you. We didn't want you to hear me convincing him that it was okay."

  "So everything Paul said when I confronted him was true?"

  Jenny nods. "It's been awful at Fission since you left. Paul is devastated. He sulks around the kitchen and snaps at everyone who tries to talk to him. And we didn't even have a cooking competition this week. He said his heart just wasn't in it. Please, come back."

  I sit silently for a moment, absorbing what I've just learned. "Jenny, I'm glad you came over to explain this. But there are parts that I'm still not understanding. Like why in the world you'd ever join forces with Robbs."

  "He got me riled up over the fact that Paul was showing you so much favoritism. At first, I thought he was crazy. But he got me to agree to help him, if he could prove that Paul was unfairly favoring you... that day you were covering the prep station..."

  "He's the one who pulled the cutting board over the edge of the table. He's the reason all of the food fell to the floor. He blatantly sabotaged me, and you were okay with that?"

  "I was being selfish." She's sobbing again, and I feel that she's truly sorry for what she did. "I wasn't thinking about the situation being unfair to you. When Paul hugged you after the food fell, then made ME help fix the mistake, I was convinced that Robbs was right... that you'd win the apprenticeship regardless of how well he and I cooked."

  "I should have known Robbs was up to something when he showed up here with that video. I came so close to not watching it... I didn't trust him. But he gave me a long speech about his attitude at Fission not being personal, and claimed that he was trying to protect me. I should never have let him through the door."

  "He would have made sure you saw the video no matter what," Jenny says gravely. "I'm so sorry... I know I keep saying that, but I want you to understand. Robbs has been even more smug and hateful since you quit. If for no other reason, you should come back to work to kick his ass in the competition."

  "How much of this does Paul know?"

  "None of it," she admits. "He hasn't asked me how you found out that we slept together. And to his credit, he hasn't taken out any of his frustrations on me specifically. If he did, I'd deserve it. I think he might actually be in love with you, Kiara. If you were ever interested in him at all, you should go talk to him... he's probably still at Fission."

  I stand and grab my purse.

  "Does this mean that you're coming back to work?" Jenny asks hopefully.

  "I don't know. But you're right. I need to talk to him."


  I speed all the way to Fission and arrive in record time. With the exception of Paul's black Land Rover, the parking lot is empty. I pull into a spot, jump out of my car, and rush to the front door. As usual, it's unlocked. I let myself in, run through the dining room, and barrel through the kitchen doors. Paul is bent over the sink, scrubbing a saucepan. I clear my throat and he jumps before turning around.

  "Kiara?" he asks in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

  "Oh, Paul," I cry and throw myself into his arms. "I had to come talk to you. I'm so sorry!"

  He holds me tightly and caresses the back of my head. "What's the matter, Kiara?" he asks in a soothing voice. "Is it your midterm? I spoke with Chef Lee yesterday. I told her that you're welcome to come back to work here."

  "It's not the midterm," I answer with a sob. "It's everything else. I talked to Jenny. I know I was wrong about when the two of you hooked up. I know you weren't lying when I confronted you that day."

  "Thank god," Paul says, holding me even tighter. "I'm so sorry, Kiara, I never should have been with her. It's you who I've wanted all along. I've been infatuated with you since the moment I saw you sitting at the back table. Your incredible talent in the kitchen just made me want you more. Will you ever be able to forgive me?"

  I pull away slightly and look into his clear blue eyes. "I already have."

  His eyes light up and a broad smile spreads across his face. He leans down and kisses me softly... his lips on mine feel better than anything I've ever imagined. I open my lips slightly and tease his tongue with mine. Shivers coarse through my body, and I feel as if I'm going to collapse in his arms. I slip my hands down to his chef's jacket... my fingers fumble as I try to undo the first button and he pulls away suddenly.

"We can't do this, not like this," he whispers, still holding me.

  "I know," I say, agreeing with a disappointed nod. "If I'm going to rejoin the competition, we can't get involved."

  Paul lets out a laugh. "That's not what I'm talking about. Come sit down with me," he says, pulling me toward the group of stools arranged around the prep table. We each take a seat and he continues.

  "I'll figure out how to go forward impartially with the competition. That's not why I just stopped you from undressing me," he explains with a sly grin. "I stopped you because I want to do this right. I know you've been through a lot in your life. I know you're hesitant to trust people. And you know I've made more than my share of mistakes with women in the past. I think we should take things slowly. I want to prove myself worthy of you. When we finally make love, I don't want there to be a doubt in your mind about my feelings for you. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?"

  With tears in my eyes, I nod and fall back into his arms.


  Jenny and I sit at our usual back table and drink coffee before our shifts start. It's Thursday, my fourth day back at Fission.

  "Are you ready for today's challenge?" I ask her.

  "I hope so," she replies with a nod. "But as usual, as long as one of us kicks Robbs' ass, I'll be satisfied."

  I've been able to forgive Jenny for the part she played in all of the drama, but I'm still having a hard time being civil to Robbs. Every time I see him, I remember the smug look of satisfaction he had on his face after he showed me the video. I still haven't told Paul that his night with Jenny was a set up, and I don't intend to. I also haven't shared with him that Robbs sabotaged my prep work that day. I know it would be an easy way to get Robbs kicked out of the competition, but it will be more satisfying to kick his ass and win the apprenticeship.

  "How are things going with Paul?" Jenny asks.

  "Perfect," I say. "We still haven't consummated our relationship, and I have to admit that I'm enjoying all of the courting. He opens doors for me, pulls my chair out at tables... I feel like I'm living in a romantic, Victorian-era movie."

  "I've never had a man treat me like that," Jenny says.

  "You will," I assure her. "You just have to stop discounting yourself. Demand to be treated with respect, and you will be."

  Jenny and I have gotten closer over the last week, but I still haven't worked up the courage to ask her the question that's been nagging me. The way Robbs looks at her leads me to believe there was more to their relationship than planning my downfall, but I don't want to bring up a sore subject with her. If anything physical did happen between them, I'm sure it's over now.

  "You may have to remind me of that next time I start dating someone," she says.

  "I will." I smile. "That's what friends are for."

  We each take a long drink of our coffees, and Robbs walks through the front door.

  "The asshole has arrived," I tell Jenny. She turns and we watch Robbs pour a cup of coffee behind the bar and take a seat at his own table. His shit talking has stopped completely since I returned. He still sneers at me every chance he gets, but his silence has been a welcome change.

  "You know, I heard him talking to Amy yesterday," Jenny tells me. "He called his faculty advisor and reported Paul's relationship with you. He insisted that it gives you an unfair advantage in the competition and asked if there was any legal action that could be taken. His instructor told him to grow a pair and stop complaining."

  "That just makes me want to kick his ass even more. He's such a whiny little bitch," I observe. "Paul knew he'd try to pull something like that. He's been trying to come up with a way to make the competition fair."

  "After what Robbs and I did to you, it would be fair for us both to be thrown out on our asses," Jenny says.

  "Jenny, I told you I forgive you for that. There's no reason for you to keep bringing it up," I remind her.

  "You're a better friend than I deserve, Kiara," she says.

  "Don't worry. I'm sure I'll fuck up eventually and then you can have a chance to forgive me." I laugh.

  Paul walks out of the kitchen and joins us at the table. "Good morning, ladies. Are you ready for today's cooking challenge?"

  "We hope so," I reply. I want to kiss him hello so badly, but we agreed to maintain professional behavior when we're at work. I am positive everyone at the restaurant knows that we're seeing each other, but neither of us wants to fuel the gossip flames.

  "Robbs, get over here. We're about to get started," Paul calls across the room.

  Robbs slinks over. "I don't know why we're even bothering with this anymore. We all know that you're going to choose your girlfriend's dish."

  Instead of returning Robbs' snarky attitude, Paul smiles. "I thought you might feel that way, so I won't be judging the competitions anymore. I'll be tasting your plates, of course, but Patrick and Claire will choose the winning dish."

  "That's more than fair," Jenny assures him.

  Paul turns to Robbs. "You would do well to remember that your attitude will be a factor in the final decision of who will win the apprenticeship."

  "Yes, Chef," he answers half-heartedly.

  "Excellent," says Paul, smiling. "Now, as I'm sure you realized when I mentioned Claire, we're having a dessert challenge today. I don't care what you make, as long as we don't already have a similar dish on the menu. You will have a full hour, and you must plate six portions. Your time starts now."

  Jenny, Robbs, and I jump up and race to the kitchen. I've been expecting a dessert challenge, and I know exactly what I want to make. I race past my cooking station and go straight to the walk-in cooler. I grab eggs, cream, and butter before moving on to the pantry. There I get vanilla beans, flour, baking powder, and lavender buds.

  I take my ingredients to my station and set them on the table. I set the oven to preheat, grease six small loaf pans, and shake flour into them. I mix my batter and finish just as the oven beeps to alert me that it's reached my desired temperature. I pour equal amounts of batter into each pan and place them on the top rack of the oven.

  I glance at the clock and see that I still have forty minutes left. The cakes need to bake for twenty, and I need to come up with something to serve with them. I go back to the walk-in and survey the contents. I see a bag of Meyer lemons and decide that a frozen custard would be the perfect accompaniment to the cakes. I take three pieces of the fruit back to my station.

  I glance in Jenny's direction and see that she seems confident. I can't tell what she's making, but two cartons of eggs sit at her station. I don't care what's going on at Robbs' station, so I don't bother looking his way.

  Claire and Patrick are walking around the kitchen, while Paul sits quietly at the prep table. I start my custard base on the stovetop then grate the lemon zest into it. Meyer lemons are sweeter than regular lemons, so I decide to add a little of the juice as well. I let the ingredients simmer just long enough for the sugar to melt. I transfer the mixture to a shallow metal pan and then slide it in to the blast chiller.

  I return to my station just as my timer beeps. I slip on two mitts and remove my desserts from the oven. I set them on a cooling rack and go back to the storage shelf for plates. I decide that the small, square plates will be a striking contrast to my round cakes and I take six of them back to my station. I gently turn the cakes out onto the plates and check the time. We have ten minutes left in the challenge, and I have nothing to do.

  "There's a lot of waiting around involved with dessert making." Claire says as she approaches my station.

  "Yes, Chef," I agree.

  Claire moves closer to me and drops her voice. "I'm glad you came back, Kiara. And I want you to know that Paul is a good guy. Don't believe everything you hear around here. Charlotte's cousin applied for the pastry chef position at the same time I did. I know she has the wait-staff convinced that I slept my way into the job, but that couldn't be further from the case. My girlfriend and I have been together for six y
ears," she adds.

  "Thank you for telling me," I reply kindly. "And I've learned my lesson about listening to Amy and Charlotte." I wink.

  "Good girl. You're going to go far in this field."

  Claire moves on to Jenny's station and I once again check the time... we have five minutes left. I walk to the blast chiller, hoping my custard has had time to solidify. The cakes could be served on their own, but I think the addition of the custard will guarantee my win. I retrieve the pan and stop for an ice cream scoop on my way back to my station. I create six perfect spheres of custard, but leave them in the pan. I want to wait until the last possible second to plate them... the last thing I want is for them to melt and make my cakes soggy.

  I look in Jenny's direction again. She has six perfect flans plated. I give in to temptation and glance at Robbs' station. He seems flustered, and the plates on his table are empty. He's bent over a large pan, cutting his cake into squares.

  "You have sixty seconds," Patrick announces.

  I count to thirty and place the custard on my plates.

  "Time's up," Claire calls out. "Step away from your stations and move to the dining room."

  We all obey and take seats at a round six top. Paul, Claire, and Patrick follow us, each carrying two plates.

  "All right, Chefs, explain your dishes," Claire calls out.

  Jenny goes first. "Today, I've prepared a maple-infused flan with a bourbon blueberry sauce."

  Robbs clears his throat. "My dish is a maraschino chocolate cake, with just a hint of cayenne to keep things interesting."

  "I made lavender-vanilla lava cakes with frozen Meyer-lemon custard," I say.

  "These all look spectacular," Patrick compliments us. "Let's sample Kiara's dish before the custard melts."

  I cut into my cake... the outside feels spongy and the filling oozes over my spoon. I add a touch of the custard and then sample my dish... it's as delicious as I'd hoped it would be. And unlike my failed midterm sorbet, my custard is perfectly creamy.


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