Sacrifice of Innocence

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Sacrifice of Innocence Page 1

by Adrian Blue

  Sacrifice of Innocence


  Adrian Blue

  © Copyright 2016, Adrian Blue, All Rights Reserved

  Chapter One

  Lira stood in line with the other shaking girls from her village. The village elder scanned them, before he held out a large bowl draped in a jaguar hide. One at a time, the girls stepped forward to slide their hand under the hide and remove a pebble. Each time the pebble was blue there was a sigh of relief from the crowd.

  One after another, the girls drew blue pebbles. When eight of the twelve girls had gone, it was Lira’s turn. She stepped forward and slipped her hand under the hide to feel the small pile of pebbles remaining. One felt smoother than the others, as if it had been worn longer on the banks of the river. She caught it between her fingers and withdrew her hand from the bowl.

  Lira opened her hand and the crowd began to whisper. Green. She stared at the innocent-looking pebble with a sinking feeling in her stomach. She could feel collective stares from the other villagers, but also their relief. To them, it was fitting that it should be the orphan girl who was sacrificed to the snake god, Kukulkan.

  The village elder stepped back from her and held up a hand for quiet.

  “The gods have chosen Lira for this year’s gift. We are all thankful for the sacrifice of her innocence to please the great god, Kukulkan. May he smile upon us.”

  “May he smile upon us,” the villagers repeated.

  Two married women came forward from the crowd. They gently gripped each of Lira’s arms and pulled her away from the other girls. They led her toward the ceremonial hut for preparation. An armed soldier fell into step behind them. He was there to make sure she did as she was told.

  In the past, she had seen girls fight their fate. Some had to be carried to the temple still screaming their denials. She had no intention of fighting. There was nothing for her in the village, anymore. With her parents dead and no one to take her in, life had been difficult for the past few years.

  If she could make herself a pleasing sacrifice to Kukulkan, perhaps the afterlife would be a better place than the living world had been. With that thought in mind, she went willingly into the hut with the two women.

  A bowl of water sat over the coals in the center of the hut and a clean fur lay on the floor nearby. The women pulled her over to sit on the soft pelt. They spoke quietly to each other, as they pulled the water from the fire and mixed in flower petals from the jungle. The steam took on a sweet scent.

  One of the women moved away toward a low table against the wall, while the other knelt in front of Lira. She dipped a clean cloth in the water.

  “You will sit still and let us bathe you?” the woman asked.

  Lira nodded.

  The other woman returned with two small pots. One of them held green paint. It would be used to paint Kukulkan’s symbols on her body. The other was scented oils for her hair. The village would make her as beautiful as possible in the hopes of gaining the snake gods favor. If he accepted her, the village would have a bountiful harvest.

  The woman raised the warm, wet rag to her face and began to remove the dirt on her skin. It was a far cry from the coldness of the baths she took in the river. Lira sat still and let the woman strip her and wash her face, torso, and legs. She expected the woman to hand her the rag to finish her bath, but the woman gestured for her to spread her legs.

  Lira hesitated until the woman pointed toward the flap covering the hut’s entrance. The threat was obvious. If she did not willingly let the woman clean her, the warrior would come in to force her. Blushing fiercely, Lira opened her legs. The woman gently wiped her most secret places, only pulling away after the heat and wet had started to feel good.

  “Turn over onto your belly,” the woman ordered. “And rise up onto your knees.”

  Lira did as she was told. The position was uncomfortable, leaving her private areas bare and open to the two women.

  “Do not move,” the woman said.

  Lira held herself perfectly still. She stared ahead of her at the door, while the two women whispered to each other. Suddenly, a pair of hands parted the halves of her bottom to reveal her tiny rosebud. Lira gasped, but stayed still as she had been told.

  A finger swiped oil over the sensitive skin and her body clenched. A moment later, something the size of a finger began to press into her. Lira moaned at the unfamiliar sensation, not sure if she liked it or not. It felt odd, but the stretch made her secret place throb.

  The sensation continued, as the object pressed deeper into her. Finally, it stopped and a new sensation began. Warm fluid began to fill her. Lira grunted at the feeling. It continued on until it almost became uncomfortable, before it stopped.

  “Close yourself,” the woman ordered.

  Before she could ask what the woman meant, the object began to pull out of her. Lira hurried to clench down around it. The motion created friction on the sensitive inside of her rosebud and strange shocks of pleasure. When the object was gone, a rounded bulb pressed inside her. It made it impossible for the liquid to escape.

  “You may relax,” the woman said.

  Lira let her muscles go slack. The women moved around behind her, whispering to each other. After a few moments, one of the women came around to her side and pressed a palm to her distended belly. She rubbed and Lira could feel the fluid move inside her.

  “When this is finished, you will be clean inside as well as out,” the woman beside her whispered.

  Lira lay her forehead on her folded arms and tried to ignore the odd feeling of liquid sloshing inside her. The woman behind her muttered something under her breath, and then a slick finger slipped between her legs to touch her most secret place. Lira jerked and looked back over her shoulder.

  “You must be prepared to please the snake god,” the woman explained. “He will wish to devour you here where no mortal man has touched you.” She tapped at the object holding the fluid inside Lira’s belly. “And here.”

  Lira stared at her with wide eyes. The woman ignored her and dipped two fingers in the bowl of oil. She raised them to Lira’s secret place and rubbed over her small opening, massaging the tender flesh.

  “Open,” the woman demanded.

  Lira closed her eyes and tried to focus on doing what the woman said. A slender finger slowly began to squeeze inside her virgin body. It was a tight fit, but it made her body throb. Her nipples tightened at the pleasurable feeling.

  “She is growing ready,” the woman said to the one rubbing her belly. “He will be pleased with her responsiveness.”

  Lira was not sure what they meant.

  Chapter Two

  The finger slid deeper inside her and Lira felt her body tighten around it. It pulled back and pressed back in again with a little more force. She had to bite back a moan at the feeling.

  “Will she accommodate him?” the woman rubbing her belly asked.

  Lira heard a thoughtful hum from behind her, and then two fingers were squeezing into her. Her thighs shook at the feeling and she let out a shuddering gasp.

  “Yes, but it will be difficult.”

  The fingers left her and she tried not to feel disappointed. The woman beside her stopped rubbing her belly and helped her to sit back on her knees over a large bowl.

  “I will help you to release yourself,” the woman said.

  Without any notice, the bulb was removed from her clenching rosebud and the liquid flowed from her. Lira groaned in relief. One of the women rubbed at her belly as she released into the bowl, pressing to be sure it was all out. When she was empty, the other woman gently wiped her clean with the warm cloth.

  “Hold still,” the woman said, before a slick finger slid between her cheeks and over her s
ensitive rosebud. “Hands and knees,” she ordered.

  Lira did as she was told and gasped at the finger that prodded at her tiny rosebud. The finger pressed until her body eased and welcomed it inside. Lira’s inner muscles fluttered at the feeling of the slick finger sliding into such a forbidden place. When the woman added a second finger dripping with oil her tight rosebud stretched and ached pleasantly.

  “She is ready,” the woman behind her announced.

  Panting from the new, but pleasurable sensations, Lira looked over her shoulder to watch the women set the bowl of water and oil to the side. One of them held up a short dress made of jaguar hide.

  “Put this on,” she said.

  The other woman helped Lira rise on unsteady legs. She tried to stand perfectly still, as the dress was pulled over her head. The women tugged it down over her round hips and stepped back to look her over. Lira looked down at herself.

  The dress barely skimmed the tops of her thighs and left her arms bare. She said nothing about it. If that was how the great snake god chose to devour his sacrifices, who was she to question him? She stood still and let the women paint her in the symbols of Kukulkan. When they were finished, they ran lightly oiled hands through her long, dark hair to add to its luster.

  “You are ready,” one of the women announced.

  Lira followed them from the hut. Outside, the village waited for her. One by one, they came forward to hang flower chains around her neck and wrap gold bangles around her wrists and ankles. When the last of them had come and gone, the village elder came to stand in front of her.

  “Please the god well,” he said gravely. “Or the village will perish.”

  Lira frowned at the wording. The elder made it sound like the god would destroy the village if she was not a pleasing sacrifice. She shook her head at the thought. Kukulkan was a fierce and strong god, but surely he would not smite those who loved and feared him simply because she did not die well.

  She began to doubt herself. He was going to eat her wasn’t he? What else could devour mean? Still puzzling over it, she nodded to the elder. A small group of armed warriors surrounded her and began to lead her to the temple path.

  The dirt trail was smooth and cool under her bare feet, and the trip through the jungle to the temple was quick. All around her, the jungle was alive with animal calls and the sweet scent of flowers. The dark stone temple appeared as they rounded the last corner.

  It sat silent and still among the vibrancy of the jungle. The guards stopped at the edge of the grassy area surrounding the stone base. Lira looked around at all of them.

  “Go,” one of them urged. “We can go no closer.”

  Lira looked from their stern faces to the intimidating temple. She took a deep breath and walked away from them. The moment her feet touched the grass, the jungle fell silent. The air filled with the slithering sound of hundreds of snakes. She drifted closer to the temple entrance.

  The moment she crossed the threshold, the slithering stopped and silence fell. She stood in the doorway and peered into the shadows. The hallway seemed to slant down into the earth. She could see nothing in the dark corridor ahead. The light from the sun only shone a few lengths into the temple’s interior. Lira eased forward into the deep shadows.

  She shivered, as the cool inside the temple closed around her. She walked blindly down the corridor, waving a hand in front of her. Soon, the light from the sun was gone and she was deep in the darkness. She followed the corridor deeper into the earth, until a faint glow appeared ahead of her.

  Lira walked toward it. The glow grew brighter with each step. Faint sounds echoed down the stone hallway to her, odd wet noises and soft cries. She slowed her pace, but continued forward. The sounds grew louder as she went, the cries interwoven with what sounded like screams of pleasure.

  Lira crept forward until she reached a doorway. The light spilled from beneath a carved wooden door. She reached out to lay her palm against the wood. At the touch of her hand, the door swung open and she was momentarily blinded by the torch light. When her vision cleared, she gaped at the scene in front of her.

  Chapter Three

  The floor of the room was covered in a thick layer of snakes. Torches hung from the walls to illuminate the large chamber and living floor. Black, and green, and gold, they writhed over each other forming a carpet. Spread around the room, draped in deadly snakes, women writhed in what appeared to be ecstasy.

  Lira stared around her open-mouthed, trying to make sense of what was in front of her. The woman closest to her was on her hands and knees with her head facing away from the door. Snakes wound around her arms and legs, and as Lira watched, a large python squirmed its way into her dripping core.

  The woman arched her back and shrieked. From the way she begged, it did not seem to be hurting her. A second snake rose up to flick its tongue over her gaping back entrance. At her enthusiastic moaning, it shoved inside her. Lira covered her mouth with a shaking hand.

  She felt her virgin core clench in confused interest. Her eyes drifted to another woman. She was on her knees facing the door, her head thrown back and chest heaving. Two snakes were latched on to her large breasts, feeding messily from her puffy nipples. Rivulets of milk ran down her chest to her swollen belly.

  She rubbed frantically between her legs, as a large snake nosed at the juices smearing her thighs. As Lira watched, the snake pushed her hand aside and shoved inside her. The woman’s mouth fell open and her howl of pleasure echoed off the walls.

  Lira drifted further into the room. Everywhere she looked, women were being pleasured by snakes. Many of them were pregnant. She carefully picked her way across the room to a pregnant woman who was on her back, propped up against the base of a statue of Kukulkan. The woman had her eyes closed, but she opened them when Lira stopped beside her.

  She smiled up at Lira and spread her legs wide. Suddenly, her back arched and she gasped. Her eyelids fluttered. Lira leaned down when she caught a glimpse of movement between the woman’s thighs. A baby snake, no larger than the width of a finger wiggled out of her. The woman’s core clenched and wetness dripped from her.

  A large snake slithered up over the woman leg and rubbed its nose between her legs. The woman arched and let out a loud wail. Her body shook and another baby snake slid out of her. Her lips moved frantically. Lira leaned down to try and make out her words.

  “Yes, yes, yes! Please more!”

  Lira stared around her. Were all of the women past sacrifices? Is that what the village meant when they said the women were devoured? She looked down at the woman giving birth to snakes, seemingly in the midst of ecstasy. Was that to be her fate? Lira’s virgin core clenched at the sight of a snake thrusting inside a woman not far from her.

  She watched the way the snake’s bulbous head plunged in and out of the woman’s stretched entrance, the snake’s scales slick and dripping with her juices. The woman tossed her head in pleasure, moving her hips into the motion and loudly begging for more.

  Lira looked down at the snakes around her. None of them made any move to touch her. Did she want them to? A woman across the room screamed so loud it jolted Lira out of her thoughts. She watched the woman shove herself back on the snake thrusting inside her. The woman cried out with each push, gasping and moaning.

  Lira felt her body clench and wetness spill out onto her thighs. She eyed the closest snake, but it continued to ignore her. How did she signal her readiness? And where was Kukulkan?

  As if her thoughts had summoned him, a large figure appeared in the midst of the crying and moaning women. His green, scaly skin shimmered in the torchlight. Lira’s mouth dropped open as the naked man turned to face her. He was easily two heads taller than her and powerfully built. Her eyes moved down his muscular chest to fasten on his massive, erect manhood.

  She felt her virgin core clench in terrified interest. Would that truly fit inside her? The man started across the room toward her, snakes moving out of his way to speed his progress. Lira stoo
d frozen in place, unsure if she should move closer or run away. His manhood was the size of her forearm and pointed straight at her.

  Her heart raced. She made up her mind to run when he was only a body length from her. Lira spun away to flee, but the god caught her around the waist with one muscular arm. She gasped at the feel of his throbbing manhood against her bottom.

  “Be still, little mortal,” Kukulkan rumbled. His deep voice vibrated from his chest to her back.

  Lira went limp.

  The god wasted no time crossing the distance to the altar. He set her on her hands and knees on the cold, stone slab. Lira started to crawl away, and he jerked her back by the hips, placing a stinging slap on her bottom.

  “Be still, I said,” he growled.

  Lira started to reply, when he parted her cheeks with his thumbs and swiped his tongue over her delicate rosebud. She gasped and tried to jerk away. He pulled her back and thrust his tongue deep into her tight passage. The hot, wet muscle stretched her wider than the woman’s fingers.

  Her elbows collapsed. Her body clenched down around the intruder, but it did nothing to stop him from thrusting his tongue in and out of her over and over again. As her muscles gave in to him, Lira pressed her burning face to the cool stone and moaned.

  “Yes, little one,” the god mumbled. “Yield to me.”

  Lira wailed, as a thick finger slid in alongside his tongue. That place seemed to be directly tied to her virgin core. The more he toyed with her back passage, the more her core clenched and ached for his touch. He slid a second thick finger into her and she arched her back into it.

  “Does this pleasure you, little one?”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  She bucked her hips to drive his fingers into her harder. It felt so forbidden and wrong to enjoy having him touch her there, but she did not want him to stop. His tongue lapped at her stretched entrance, slipping between his fingers to slide into her. He added a third finger and the stretch made her whine.

  “Do you accept me?” the god asked.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “Please.”


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