Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self

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Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self Page 64

by Claire Tomalin

  Blackborne, Robert (secretary to naval commissioners under commonwealth) xxi, 102–5, 109, 111, 115, 121, 122, 124, 136, 141 356, 414n, 459n

  Blake, Admiral Robert 55, 61, 124

  Blayning family 436n

  Blitz (London, 1941) 233

  Bludworth, Sir Thomas 228

  Bodleian Library, Oxford 363, 382, 458n

  Boteler, Dame Elizabeth 306, 307, 310, 340, 381, 439n, 458n

  Boteler, Sir Francis xxi, 306, 307, 310, 323, 342, 355, 439n, 450n

  Boteler, Isobel (later Hutchinson) 307, 439n, 450n, 454n

  Boteler, Julia (later Shallcross) 307, 355, 366–7, 380, 439n, 450n, 454n

  Boteler family 307, 309, 310, 320, 379

  Bowdler, Thomas 381–2

  Bowyer, Robert (usher at the

  Exchequer) xxii, 69, 73, 244

  Bowyer, Will 69

  Bowyer family 103, 201, 310

  Boyle, Robert 252–3, 256, 359

  Bradshaw, John (regicide) 45, 117

  Brampton, near Huntingdon: (Pepys house) 12, 19, 20, 22, 42, 102, 120, 131, 132, 150, 155, 157, 158, 161, 163, 167, 190, 198, 204, 245, 270, 305, 324, 327, 328, 344, 392n

  Brampton church (St Margaret’s)

  (memorial to Pall) 354

  Brandreth, Henry 78

  Braybrooke, Lord (Richard Neville) 383, 384 ‘breaking bulk’ 182

  Breda Declaration 105

  Breda peace treaty 192

  Brentford, sacking of 12, 16

  Brentwood, Essex 316

  Brereton, Lord 286

  Bridewell, Blackfriars, London 3, 303

  Bridges, Mr (nephew of Lord Chandos) 362

  Bright, Mynors 384

  Bristol, storming of (1645) 25, 26


  British Museum 3 82

  Brooke House Commission 281–2, 284–7, 308, 386

  Brouncker, Lord xxii, 144–5, 175, 189, 206, 207, 216, 233, 252, 254, 255, 266, 287, 290, 297, 309, 328, 330, 331, 333, 340, 411n

  Browne, Sir Richard 288

  Browne, Sir Thomas 6

  Bryant, Arthur 54, 287, 330, 405n, 460n

  Buck, Charles 380

  Buck, Sir John 458n

  Buck, Lady (née Frances Skinner) 307, 355, 373, 379, 380, 439n, 458n

  Buck, Sir William xxii, 308, 379, 458n

  Buckingham, duke of see under Villiers Buckingham, Mary, duchess of (née

  Fairfax) 262–3

  Buckingham Street, London 320, 322, 323, 328, 330, 340, 341, 351, 354, 355, 369, 371, 437n

  Buckinghamshire 200, 201, 244

  Bull Inn, Brampton (later Black Bull) 20

  Bunyan, John 386

  Burchett, Josiah xxii

  Burnet, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury 175, 220, 302, 444n

  Burton, Henry 13

  Bury St Edmunds 32

  Bushnell, John 284, 433n

  Byrom, John 381

  Byutt, Thomas 373

  Cade, John 80

  Caillou (bookseller) 357

  Caius College, Cambridge 457n

  Calvinism 27, 41

  Cambridge 38, 270, 271–2

  Cambridge University 67, 379

  Cromwell at 20

  royalist senior members ejected 24

  Calvinist body of teachers 27

  SP at xxxvi, 28, 35–7, 38–44, 80, 176, 301

  Montagu appointed visitor 36, 44

  John Pepys at 100

  John Jackson at 344–5

  Cambridgeshire 7, 11, 24

  Campbell, Gordon 440n

  Canvey Island 189

  Capuchins 234–5

  Carew, John 407n

  Carew, Thomas 5

  Carte, Thomas 382

  Carter, Charles 44

  Carteret, Sir George (treasurer of the navy) xxii, 35, 84, 116, 133–4, 171, 172, 173, 182, 189, 190, 222, 231, 261, 266, 285, 287, 409n, 447n

  Carteret, Jemima (‘LadyJem’; née Montagu) 26, 42, 97, 116, 130, 170–73, 176, 181, 270, 285, 403n, 447n

  Carteret, Lady 172, 173

  Carteret, Philip 171–2, 173, 294

  Carteret family 171, 172, 173

  Castell, John 44

  Castle Rising, Norfolk 299, 317, 435n

  Castlemaine, countess of see Villiers, Barbara

  Catherine (yacht) 129, 134, 317

  Catherine of Braganza, queen of England xxii, 217, 335, 369, 455n

  Catholic Church 14

  Catholicism 14, 280, 283, 299, 300, 313, 341


  attacks on suspected Catholics 13

  hatred of 14

  EP’s Catholic education and leanings 57, 283, 300, 400n, 432n

  SP’s attitude 57, 283, 300, 400n, 432n and the great fire 234, 235

  rumours of a plot to kill the king 235

  number in the London area 313

  Charles II’s Catholic wife and mistresses 313–14

  banned in London area 315

  William III removes from all offices 349

  Cecil family 307

  censorship xxxvi, 35, 49

  Chandos, Lord 362

  Chapel Royal 247

  Chappell, Edwin 405n

  Charing Cross landmark 30

  Charles Emmanuel, duke of Savoy 50

  Charles I, King xxxvi, 10, 24, 133, 135, 136, 219, 284, 357, 433n

  and absolute monarchy 13

  leaves London with his family 14

  refuses to accept limitations on his power 15

  raises his standard at Nottingham 15

  in Huntingdon 25, 30, 393n

  ‘moved about like a chess piece’ 30

  trial 33–4, 107, 109, 117

  SP’s attitude towards 14, 34–5, 315, 385

  execution 14, 34, 35, 67, 71, 85, 86, 114, 117, 118, 141, 315, 385

  Charles II, King xxii, 4, 101, 153, 176, 220, 260, 284, 315, 324, 348, 433n, 448n

  proclaimed king 348

  and Evelyn 35, 188, 189, 221

  forced to flee abroad 44, 71, 108,

  382, 407n and Whitelocke 74

  and Montagu 75, 76, 79, 91, 108

  and Downing 79, 91, 95

  coronation 87, 124, 217, 240

  a ‘sober man’ 103

  Breda Declaration 105

  nation rejoices at his restoration 112–13

  trials of regicides 116

  and slavery 410n

  and Coventry 136

  the Second Dutch war 180, 188

  compared with Cromwell 189, 218, 221

  congratulates SP 193

  sexual practices 206, 207, 218

  makes SP secretary for the affairs of the Admiralty 216

  SP’s writing on 217–26

  performance as a speaker xxxvi, 219, 222, 265, 394n

  personality 220, 342, 444n

  inattention to affairs of state 221

  allies with Catholic France 223, 289, 313

  and the great fire 228, 229

  Royal Society patron 254–5

  Brooke House Commission 286

  ambition 289

  puts a stop on the Exchequer 293

  prorogues parliament 301

  SP works closely with him 303

  Oxford parliament 330

  rules without parliament 330

  sends SP to Tangier 333

  creates difficulties for the navy 336, 358

  death 341

  Charlett, Dr Arthur xxii

  Chatham 127, 138, 154, 189, 249–50, 288, 303, 317, 229

  Chaucer, Geoffrey 88, 134, 352, 386, 412n

  Chelsea 150, 151, 153, 156, 158, 159, 161, 292, 323, 361

  Cherritt, Ann 454n

  Cherry Garden Pier 138

  Chesterton church (St Andrew’s) 42

  Chetwynd, James 69, 99

  Cholmley, Sir Hugh (engineer) 221, 335, 414n

  Christ’s Hospital School 303, 330, 331, 353, 362–5, 366, 457n

  Church of England 15, 88–9, 299, 302, 314, 341, 349, 390n

  Churchill, John 331, 348

Cicero 370, 455–6n

  City Council 90, 91

  City of London 3, 15, 29, 47, 253

  Clapham, London 304, 341, 365, 368, 369, 373, 378, 380, 381, 453–4n, 459n

  Clapham Church 381, 459n

  Clare College, Cambridge 38

  Clarendon, 1st earl of see Hyde, Edward

  Clarendon, 2nd earl of see Hyde, Henry

  Clarke, James Stanier 446n, 452n

  Clarke, Dr Timothy 254

  Cleveland, duchess of see Villiers, Barbara

  Closterman, John xxii

  Clothworkers’ Company 304, 340

  Cock, Bow Street 250

  Cocke, Captain George xxii, 175, 182, 183, 216, 389n

  Cockerell, Frederick Pepys 448–9n

  Cockerell, Samuel Pepys 459n

  Coke, Chief Justice Sir Edward 10, 440n

  Coke, Sir Robert 10, 11, 390n

  Coke, Roger 406n

  Coke, Lady Theophila (née Berkeley) 10, 11, 390n, 426n

  Coke family 11, 390n

  Colburn, Henry 383

  Colchester 348

  siege of 32

  Colet, John 26

  Committee of Safety 76, 78

  commonwealth (1649–60) 36, 41, 43, 62, 71, 95–6, 102, 108, 124, 126, 134, 140, 148, 206, 253, 286, 412n

  Cooke, Henry 21, 392n

  Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 1st earl of Shaftesbury (1621–83) v, xxii–xxiii, 48, 97, 147, 352–3, 408n

  childhood 6, 389n

  privy councillor 106

  made a peer 106

  regicide trials 115

  and the restoration of the Stuarts 118

  fierce struggle against Charles II 118

  SP cultivates 293, 435n

  anti-Catholic 299, 314

  personality 300

  ‘Little Sincerity’ 300, 301

  aims to exclude the duke of York from the throne 300, 313

  evasive about his religion 302

  alleges that SP is a Catholic 300–301

  health 305

  in the Tower 313

  long political journey 315

  founds the Whig Party 315, 328

  lord president of the council 318

  career ends 330

  death in exile 330

  Corbet, Miles 117–18

  Cornhill, London 80, 323

  Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 375, 457n

  Cotehele 436n

  Cottonian Library 356, 363, 379, 457–8n

  Country, Captain Richard 75, 403n

  Covent Garden Church 323

  Coventry, William (later Sir William) xxiii, 82, 138, 141, 142, 174, 184, 185, 188, 189, 230, 232, 280, 285, 414n background 136

  character 136

  advises on Navy Board 133

  secretary to the duke of York 136, 193, 224, 421n

  liking for SP 136–7

  talks with SP 137, 262, 290

  supports SP for jobs 145, 225

  withdraws support 294–5

  to sea in Dutch war 179, 180–81

  given knighthood 181

  privy councillor 181

  critical of Sandwich in prize affair 182–3

  Myngs’s funeral 186

  critical of king 222–3

  loses king’s favour 223

  mocked by Buckingham 224

  sent to the Tower 225

  SP visits in the Tower 225

  SP prefers not to be seen with 225

  a founder member of the Royal Society 254

  leaves Navy Board 287

  congratulates SP on his secretaryship 298

  and the accusation that SP was a Catholic 300, 301

  retires to Minster Lovell 320

  suggests SP write history of Dutch wars 333

  his journal 404n

  death 345, 447n

  Cowley, Abraham 284

  Cradock, Walter 406n

  Creed, Elizabeth (née Pickering; daughter of Gilbert) 109, 206

  Creed, John xxiii, 106, 109, 115, 154, 185, 189, 229, 232, 345, 434n

  becomes SP’s close associate and rival 73, 102

  loses his job with Montagu to SP 101–2

  personality 102, 406n

  visits Lady Sandwich with SP 127

  at Portsmouth 138

  visits with Medway with SP 423n

  and Charles II’s adultery 218

  and the Royal Society 254, 362

  and SP’s Navy Office accounts 263

  marriage and country life 291

  tomb in Titchmarsh church 434n, 453n

  Creed, Richard 101, 406n

  Creevey, Thomas 384

  Crew, John, 1st Baron Crew of Stene xxiii, 12, 97, 100, 407n

  responsible for custody of Charles I 30

  purged from Parliament 33

  SP’s visits to 46

  Montagu intercedes for 106

  complains to SP about dissolute court 153, 218

  Crew family 141

  Crisp, Diana 123, 202, 423n

  Crisp, Laud 69, 123

  Crisp, Mrs (of Axe Yard) 69, 123, 129

  Cromleholme, Samuel xxiii, 28, 233

  Cromwell, Charles 73

  Cromwell, Henry 43, 45, 48

  Cromwell, Oliver xxiii, 33, 34, 67, 176, 193, 222, 253, 254, 260, 282, 300, 407n, 456n

  education 12, 20, 392n

  and Milton 21

  MP for Huntingdon 23

  and Edward Montagu 24, 59, 65–6, 75, 79, 402n

  ‘Old Ironsides’ 25

  Richard Pepys’s appointments 28, 46

  defeats the Scottish army 32

  fights in Ireland 35, 44

  favours Sadler 36

  high steward of Cambridge 43

  battle of Worcester 44

  dissolves parliament 44

  becomes lord protector 45

  and Downing 58, 65, 79

  comes close to kingship 60–61

  problems and triumphs 70

  illness and death 70, 71

  funeral and burial 72–3, 403n

  fate of his head 117, 119, 408n

  compared with Charles II 189, 218, 221

  Cromwell, Richard xxiii, 11, 71–5, 101, 117, 124, 253, 393n

  Cromwell Museum, Huntingdon 393n

  Croone, William 252, 254

  Cumberland, John 7

  Cumberland, Richard, bishop of

  Peterborough xxiii, 7, 44

  Cumberland, William 7

  Cumberland family 7

  Dagenham, Essex 171

  dancing 149–55

  Daniel, John 208

  Daniel, Lieutenant xxiii, 185

  Dartmouth, 1st Baron see Legge, George, 1st Baron Dartmouth

  D’Avenant, Sir William xxiii, 74, 135, 136

  The Unfortunate Lovers164

  Davies, J.D. 358, 452n

  Deane, Anthony, later Sir Anthony xxiii, 290, 317, 318, 319, 325, 333, 343, 351, 353, 379, 441n

  ‘Declaration of Indulgence’ 346

  Defoe, Daniel 326

  Journal of the Plague Year 418n

  Deism 456n

  Dekker, Thomas and Philip Massinger:

  The Virgin Martyr51, 398n

  Deptford 120, 125, 127, 133, 138, 154, 169, 172, 187, 189, 190, 207, 230, 231, 233, 88, 339, 344, 362, 420n, 433n

  Deptford church (St Nicholas) 446n

  Derby House 298, 309, 317, 319, 339, 341

  Dering, Edward 177

  Dickens, Catherine 215

  Dickens, Charles 9, 47, 386

  Pickwick Papers47

  Dickens, John 9

  Digswell, Hertfordshire 307

  Doling, Tom 69

  Dolphin Inn 124, 149

  Donne, John 209, 288, 42n, 433–4n

  Downing, George, later Sir George xxiii, 31–2, 123, 298, 394n

  and SP’s entry to Cambridge 28, 36, 46

  SP works for 46, 58, 68, 95, 98, 103, 110–11

  special envoy in the Hague 50, 65, 74, 75, 96, 117, 181

  brutality 58–9

  urges th
e crown on Cromwell 60

  house in Axe Yard 68

  Cromwell’s funeral 72

  personality 79, 260

  journal 83, 404n

  and Charles II 91, 95, 200

  knighthood 95–6

  capture of Barkstead, Corbet and

  Okey 117–18

  baronetcy 118

  and slavery 410n

  Dowsing, William 395n

  Dryden, John xxiii, 41, 66, 72–3, 135, 197, 206, 258, 330, 343, 352, 396n, 412n, 418–19n

  at Cambridge with SP 41

  SP’s letter to 352

  Fables, Ancient and Modern 449n

  Tyrannic Love290

  Duke’s Company 136

  Dunbar 71

  Dunbar (later Henry; ship) 108

  Durdans, near Epsom 120, 188, 238, 255, 369, 390n

  visited by SP as a child 10–11, 17, 21

  Dutch East India fleet 188

  Duval, Claude: SP at his hanging 290

  Dyke, Elizabeth (née Pepys) 426n

  East India Company 257, 291, 356, 429

  Edgcumbe, Lady Anne (née Montagu) 45, 296, 334

  Edgcumbe, Sir Richard 296

  Edinburgh Review383

  Edmonds, Alice 454n

  Edwards, Jane see Birch, Jane

  Edwards, Samuel (son of Jane) 250, 251, 330, 345, 379

  Edwards, Tom (SP’s clerk, husband of Jane) xxiii–xxiv, 169, 174, 196, 231, 242, 247–50, 270, 283, 288, 304, 330, 412n

  Elizabeth, Princess (later Elizabeth of Bohemia) 11

  Elizabeth I, Queen 14, 182, 253, 357

  Ellington, near Brampton 132

  English Civil War 253

  years leading up to 12–15

  outbreak (1642) 11, 15

  causes of 15

  effects of 15, 16

  London’s defences 16, 17, 391n

  royalists fail to take London 16

  divisions over 23–4, 25

  Edward Montagu’s role in 24, 25, 26

  the New Model Army 25, 29, 32–3, 36

  the king in Huntingdon 25–6

  end of the war 26

  Charles flees to Scotland 26

  see also Second Civil War

  Epsom, Surrey 369

  Essex, 1st earl of 393–4n

  Essex, 2nd earl of 16, 26, 115

  Essex House, London 26

  Etherege, George: She Would if She Could323

  Evelyn, John xxiv, 5, 31, 74, 175, 197, 283, 333, 343, 352, 357, 359, 362, 373, 388n

  supports Charles I 16

  and Charles II 35, 188, 189, 221, 223

  on Cambridge 38

  his marriage 54

  and SP’s stone 64, 401n

  and Cromwell’s funeral 73

  diaries 84, 88, 382

  and the rebuilding of London 234

  and the Royal Society 254, 257, 258, 359

  advice on visiting France 280

  on Houblon 291–2

  SP first dines with 293

  attends mock siege 303

  visits SP in the Tower 319

  encourages SP to write a history of the navy xxxvii, 328, 333, 357, 443n, 445n

  and Mary Skinner 340–41


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