The Greystone Chronicles: Book One: Io Online

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The Greystone Chronicles: Book One: Io Online Page 6

by Dave Willmarth

  Seeing the concern on the faces of the king and his people, Alexander stepped forward, and again took a knee. “Your Majesty, if I may?”

  “Rise, Alexander. You and your Greystone clan have done much to aid the realm, and you are always welcome to speak your mind within my court.”

  “Thank you, your Majesty,” Alexander stood and addressed the king in a voice loud enough for all to hear. “I have listened to your discussion here, and I may have solutions to several of your problems. First, as to your immediate need for the weapons and armor to outfit your first 600 recruits. I think we can supplement the supply that Master Smith can procure or forge by week’s end.” Alex motioned to Brick and Max, who motioned for a table to be brought over, and began pulling loot out of their bags. “As I mentioned, we fought and killed hundreds of demons as we worked our way down through the dungeon yesterday. Many of them dropped weapons or armor as they died. We have with us approximately…”

  Alexander looked to Max, who replied, “About 180 swords, 150 spears with obsidian heads, 85 obsidian daggers, 180 chainmail shirts, 200 ebony bracers … and 40 helms that have holes in the sides for demon horns to poke out.” At this last part, the king and Master Smith both laughed out loud.

  Alexander continued, “Many of these items will need repairs, as they have may have been slightly damaged when we killed their previous owners,” this got a laugh from nearly everyone, “but they should function well enough as training gear in the short term, Majesty.”

  Master Smith, who had approached the table to inspect the various items, spoke up, “Aye, Majesty, these will work well enough. Simple repairs for the most part. Though those helms with holes would be better melted down and forged anew.”

  As the king nodded at Master Smith, Brick cleared his throat and looked a bit embarrassed. “Er, yer Majesty, sir? I might… well what I mean is… I have… a few horns. Demon horns, I mean. I cut them off as we looted the bodies, thinking they’d make clever drinking cups or something. Your smiths could attach ‘em to the helmets n fill those holes. Save ye some time on reforging. Make fer right scary lookin soldiers, it would!”

  The king tried to hide a smile as he looked to Master Smith with eyebrows raised. “Aye, Majesty, that would be possible. How many of these horns do you have, master Dwarf?”

  Looking embarrassed again, Brick opened his bag, then mumbled a number.

  “What was that?” the king asked, still smiling. “I couldn’t quite hear you. Speak up!”

  Brick took a deep breath, upended his bag, and dumped out a large pile of horns. “Just over 400 horns, yer Majesty. Though I’d like to keep just a few for meself, if ya don’t mind?”

  Sasha giggled and covered her mouth, eyes wide. Max just fell to the ground laughing. The king and Master Smith laughed long and loud. Finally, wiping a tear from his eye, the king was able to speak. “My thanks master Dwarf. It has been quite a while since I laughed so hard. And to do so after receiving such dire news is truly welcomed. I’m sure we can work something out. As we heard earlier, there are only 40 helms with holes, so we’d only need 80 horns to correct those. Though I do like the idea of horned helms! Our soldiers going to fight demons with the horns of their brothers mounted on our heads! Wearing demon armor and swinging demon swords! Maybe we can create a special front line unit of shock troops with horned helms? What do you say, Captain? Master Smith?”

  Smiling at his King, the captain replied “Of course, your majesty. A single company of 150 men would do nicely. We’ll give them special training and extra pay.”

  Nodding his head, Master Smith agreed. “Easily done, Majesty!”

  “That settles it then!” roared the king. “One hundred fifty helms with two horns apiece, plus some extra for replacements. Well take 400 of your horns, master Brick, at shall we say 1 gold per horn?” Brick bowed low to the king, gladly accepting. That left him a dozen or so horns as souvenirs.

  “That’s very generous, Majesty. Though I think you nearly just made Master Knox cry!” Alexander said with a smile of his own. “However, I have more solutions that should quickly make Master Knox much happier. First, in the interest of assisting the realm, the Greystone clan will sell all these weapons and armor to the Royal Armory for one half of what we’d normally receive from the vendors in the city! You see? He’s smiling already!” Alexander nodded toward the Treasurer, who was smiling at the king. “In addition, Majesty, I would respectfully suggest that you consider recruiting a lesser number of soldiers. Beyond the cost of recruiting and outfitting 5,000 men, there is an ongoing cost of wages, food, medical care, and so forth. I don’t believe you’ll need that many men, sire.”

  “I cannot defend these walls with the less than ten thousand guards I have now, Alexander. If the demons were to assault the city, with the men we have we wouldn’t last the hour.”

  “I agree completely, your Majesty,” Alexander replied, “and I don’t think even 5,000 more men would help you in that situation. But consider this. My three companions and I entered that dungeon yesterday, and in about 10 hours we killed more than 400 of those demons. Not one survived. We are simple adventurers, not legendary warriors. We used strategy, fought them 3 and 4 at a time in enclosed spaces. And with their demon lord dead, it may be some time before they dare to inhabit those caverns again. Now, right now within your city there are thousands of adventurers like us, who would love to be given a quest to seek out and destroy demons wherever they may appear within your realm. They would gain experience, which we value greatly, and some quality gear. In addition, the quest could require that they return with the armor, weapons, and yes, even horns of the vanquished demons to be sold to the crown, or to local vendors, as you see fit.” Alexander winked at Brick as he finished.

  “Thus reducing the expense for additional troops, both in the short and long term. And more importantly, saving the lives of many of our young men who would otherwise be lost in battle with these demons!” The king shouted happily. “Alexander, I believe Master Knox may be considering offering you the hand of his eldest daughter!” The king laughed, and the treasurer looked thoughtful. “That is, if this lovely young druidess has not already claimed you?” Alexander, Brick, and Max all laughed, and Sasha blushed furiously.

  “Save your daughter, Master Knox,” she said. “I’ve known Alexander my whole life, and I love him like a brother. But no woman deserves to be tied to him for life!”

  Smiling again, the king looked to the four friends. “Approach Greystone Clan, and kneel.” Each of them climbed the stairs of the dais and knelt before the king. “For your many services to the realm, and for your true friendship, I name each of you Friends of the Realm! I grant each of you a boon. What would you have of me?”

  Without even thinking it over, Max spoke first. “Horses, Majesty. We have not yet been able to afford to pay the stable master for riding lessons or to purchase mounts of our own. We are forced to walk wherever we set out to. So I would ask for training from the stable master, and 4 mounts to aid us in our adventuring. Oh, and maybe a special made ladder to help my dwarf friend here mount his horse.”

  Brick spoke next, having no doubt what he wanted, but taking a moment to work out a plan. And to give Max a look promising future retribution for the ladder comment. “Ale, Majesty! The ale hear in the city is fine, but, and I mean no offense, it ain’t Dwarven ale! I would ask that ye name me as official trade emissary to me people in the Broken Mountain, and empower me to enter into a trade agreement. Things like them dire wolf pelts, which make soft lining for plate armor, would be highly valued under the mountain. We could trade them for barrels of dwarven ale and spirits, which yer Majesty could then sell to the local taverns. I know me fellow adventurers would pay well for them, and everyone would make a profit. I’ll take a few barrels per shipment as me share!”

  Sasha was the next to speak. “Your majesty, when we found these herbs, which I now know to be feather-root, I was not able to identify them. As it turns out, they are rare and
valuable. And so I wonder how many other valuable herbs I have passed by because I did not know their worth. Also, even now that I know the value of feather-root, I don’t have the knowledge to make them into useful healing potions. So I would ask my boon of the captain’s wife. She is a well-known alchemist, and I would ask that she teach me some of what she knows of herbs and alchemy.”

  While his friends were speaking, Alexander had been thinking. “Majesty, I am not sure how to adequately describe what I would ask. Let me begin by saying this. My father is… an important man where I am from. From birth I have been trained as a noble son would be. In the arts of negotiation, the principles of war, the rules of law and nuances of politics. Mathematics, engineering, literature, even some limited medical training. I was encouraged to solve puzzles and play games of strategy. My father planned for me to one day take up his position. Or to build and run my own corporate empire. A position that you would consider somewhere between a prince and a guild master. However, circumstance led me to choose the life of an adventurer. And while that is where my heart still lies today, my youth and vigor will not last forever. So, I suppose what I am asking is that your Majesty grant me your friendship. Use me as a counselor when you have need of my mind, so that I may offer ideas such as I have today. Send me and mine to engage your most dangerous enemies. Allow us to grow and get stronger, in order to better serve you and the realm.”

  The king sat back in his throne, looking at each of the group in turn with a serious expression. Then he looked out over the various merchants and courtiers gathered in the room, who had been listening and quietly commenting on the proceedings.

  “Did you all hear that? Were you listening? THAT is how you ask your king for a boon. Too many of you, finding yourselves in the same position, mindlessly blurted out, “I want 1,000 gold!” or, “make me a baron!” Pitiful. These young adventurers have shown proper etiquette, forethought, and grace. You could all learn from them!”

  Looking back to the group, the king smiled. “Rise, all of you. That marble is hard on the knees after a very short time!” The four of them all rose to stand before the king, taking three steps backward down the stairs so as not to look down upon him, and keeping their heads bowed. “In fact,” said the king, noting their continued deference, “let it be known henceforth that these four, Founders of clan Greystone and Friends of the Realm, need not kneel before me again! A simple bow will suffice, and only in the most formal of settings.” The four of them bowed in acceptance.

  “Now, as to your requests. Master Dwarf, we shall start with you. As a youth I visited the Broken Mountain as an emissary for my father. I will admit to developing a fondness for dwarven spirits myself! Your idea is a good one, though I may keep more barrels for the palace cellars than I sell to the local taverns. But first things first. You have placed in front of me fifty dire wolf hides. I believe the bounty on these is 5 gold per pelt, is it not? Master Knox, you will present Master Brick with 250 gold for his bounties. Master Brick. Though it will annoy many of the merchants in this room today, I hereby appoint you my official trade emissary to the Broken Mountain Dwarves. Take these 50 pelts, along with any others Master Knox has recently purchased from other adventurers. Trade them to your people for the best ale and spirits you can lay your hands on. Take 5% percent of that, and all future shipments, as your payment.”

  Brick, tears in eyes, bowed so low that his beard swept the marble stairs. “Thank ye, Majesty. I’ll not disappoint ye!”

  “Master Ranger. Max, is it? You and your friends shall have your training. Stop and see the stable master at your convenience, and he will assist each of you in becoming expert riders. Once your skills are worthy of them, you may each select the mount of your choice from my stables. I have some stallions of the finest bloodlines available. But I suggest you consider alternate mounts. I myself prefer one of the great cats. They have the speed and endurance of horses, but can handle rougher terrain. They can be set loose to hunt for their own food, and can even be trained to fight alongside you. And for you Master Brick, if you are so inclined, we even have a few purebred battle boars! Once you have made your selections, we will have them delivered to your guild house stables, along with appropriate saddles and tack.”

  Max also bowed deeply to the king. “Thank you, Majesty. For both the training and the excellent mounts. I’m afraid our guild house is but a small structure, and we do not have stables of our own. But we could board them at the nearby Bloated Ogre stables, if you wouldn’t mind delivering them there?”

  “Ha! The Ogre! I have a few fond memories of that place myself,” The king replied. “But no. No… that just won’t do. I cannot have my purebred mounts housed in such a place. We shall have to think of something else.” The king motioned for the captain, and the two men had a short whispered conversation.

  “Who’s next? Ah. The lovely Lady Sasha. My Captain informs me that Lady Redmond would be pleased to take you on as an apprentice. She has a fiery disposition much like your own, and I admit I’m curious to see how you two will get along! In addition, Lady Redmond is our palace Healer. She tends the household staff, palace guard, and any visitors with ailments in addition to watching over myself and my family. Once you have completed your training, we will offer you a salaried position as her assistant, with a flexible work schedule to allow for your adventuring.”

  Sasha favored the king with her biggest smile, and a delicate curtsy. “Thank you, Majesty!”

  “And now for Alexander. Our young prince guildmaster! You have indeed impressed me, young sir. Not just with your prowess in combat, with the killing of dire wolves and slaying of demons, but also with your quick thinking and clever ideas, and most importantly, your sincere desire and willingness to protect and enhance the lives of my people. I am quite sure your father is proud to call you son. However…” the king paused, looking over the assembled courtiers. “I have too many counselors already! And few are truly trustworthy. They whisper in my ear with ideas that promote themselves, their own wealth, or secure their positions more than benefit the kingdom or the people.”

  Alexander bowed to the king, “I understand, Majesty. I presumed too much in asking. Please forgive me.”

  “Nonsense! It is my honor to call you friend, and to name you Knight-Advisor to the Throne. I said I don’t need counselors who buzz about and annoy me, but I could use a good man who comes when called. And when not needed, goes away and does something useful like killing demons! Take this ring. It has a seal of office that will identify you as one of mine. In addition, it will allow me to communicate with you instantly if I should need you while you are out questing. Further, you will be provided with a supply of teleportation scrolls that will allow you and your group to return to the palace immediately when called.”

  Still surprised from the sudden turnaround, Alexander stammered a bit in his reply, “Th…thank you, Majesty. Serving will be my honor.”

  Achievement Earned: Friend of The Realm

  For your service to the king and to the people of Stormforge, the king has named you Friend of the Realm! You are now Respected by all citizens of Stormforge. Services and goods purchased within the kingdom will cost 10% less, and items can be sold to vendors for 10% more.

  The notification appeared on each of the group’s UI’s. They quickly waved them away, as the king was still speaking.

  “We’re not done yet.” the king continued. “Max. I have thought it over. I just cannot have my prized mounts living in the Ogre’s stables. Nor can I have my trade emissary and knight-advisor living in some small cottage.” The captain motioned to a one of the palace chancellors, who approached the king with an ornate wooden box. “Last year I executed for espionage the ambassador from the Wastelands. I spared his family, though, and sent them home with whatever they could carry. Since then, the embassy has sat vacant, as the Wastelands chose not to send another ambassador.” The king reached the box out toward Alexander. As Alexander began to step forward and accept it, the king ch
anged his mind, pulling back the box with a wink at Alexander. “Lady Sasha, within this box you will find the keys and the deed to the former embassy. They are now Greystone property. The estate is quite easy to find, as it is just a few blocks to the west of the main palace gate. As it happens, it sits one house beyond Captain Redmond’s estate, the front of which is Lady Redmond’s alchemy shop. In addition to the main structure, the grounds include a workshop structure that would make a fine alchemy lab for you, and a greenhouse for growing your own herbs. In addition there is a large stable for master Max. And Brick, you will find a loading dock near the kitchen that leads down to an extensive wine cellar where one might store a large number of barrels and bottles! Stock it well, my friend. I should warn you now, I may sneak out to escape my counselors and join you for a drink!”

  Sasha stepped forward, and accepted the box from the chuckling King. She curtsied once again, and gave him her brightest smile. “These are truly amazing gifts, Majesty. Far more than we deserve. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!” Stepping back to join the others, Sasha opened the box, and there indeed were a set of keys and a property deed.


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