Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1)

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Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1) Page 19

by D. J. Heart

  "Okay, what happened in the bedroom?" Peter puts his hands on Evan's feet, rubbing his thumbs over his ankles. It feels good, making him shiver with pleasure.

  "Chad and I... we had sex, and Chad knotted me. Chad was on top of me, and then Aiden came into the room."

  "While Chad was still inside you?"

  Evan nods, remembering how stiff Chad's body had gone at the sound of the other alpha's voice.

  "Yes. He said he didn't think Chad had it in him, and then he laughed and took a picture with his phone. Chad yelled at him to get out... he was very upset."

  Peter is silent, mouth drawn in a thin line. He does not look happy. "What happened after that?"

  Evan squirms. Being knotted by Chad when he was that worked up had not been fun. He'd been frothing at the mouth he was so mad. Evan hadn't been afraid or felt that Chad was going to hurt him, but it was horrible to see his alpha so violated.

  "Chad was upset, but he didn't say anything as we waited for his knot to go down. Then when he was done, we waited for you to come home." Evan works up his courage to ask the question that's been bothering him. "Didn't Chad tell you what happened?"

  Peter looks down, clenching his jaw. "He did, I just wanted to hear your version of it."

  "Where did Chad go?" Evan asks, feeling bold. Whatever has happened between his two alphas, the fact that it's about Aiden makes him think Peter didn't react the way he was supposed to. The way a good mate would.

  "He just went for a ride on his bike to cool his head. He'll be back soon." Peter stands, brushing his hands on his thighs on the way up. He looks disturbed, turning away from Evan and gazing out the window at the view of the city.

  Evan is unhappy. He had his first day at school, and even though Aiden was kind of a jackass, it was amazing. He wants to tell Peter all about it, to share how happy he is, but now he's stuck being mad at Aiden.

  And he is, mad at Aiden that is. Evan is furious. He wants to do much more than kick the obnoxious alpha on the leg. He wants to neuter him. Anyone who would hurt Chad, for no reason, deserves nothing but awful things to happen to them.

  Evan isn't all that upset on his own behalf. He never felt like he was in any danger. Chad, on the other hand, was confronted with a hostile alpha while he was in his den, in a compromised position. It's the worst thing that can happen to an alpha. To be vulnerable like that.

  "What did you say to him?" Evan asks, needing to make sure that Peter hasn't fucked up. That he hasn't hurt Chad further.

  "Why do you ask?" Peter says, turning back towards Evan with a scowl on his face. Evan closes his mouth, but then he presses on.

  "I just... You're going to take Chad's side this time, right?"

  Peter looks surprised. "What do you mean, this time?" His brows are drawn down in a frown, his chest puffing out in the way of an alpha who is feeling defensive. It's intimidating, but Peter has spent the past weeks making Evan trust him, and he knows that nothing bad will happen to him for speaking his mind. At least he hopes so.

  "It's just from what I've seen, you don't take Chad seriously when he complains about the way Aiden treats him. I just want to make sure that you let Chad know that you're on his side and not Aiden's."

  Peter's mouth opens in surprise, and then he looks furious.

  "Chad is my mate, you stupid omega. I am always on his side," Peter snarls, stalking forward, eyes blazing. Evan holds his breath in sudden fear. He hadn't expected Peter to react like this. The alpha reaches for him, grabbing his arm and yanking him out of the chair, pulling him to his feet. The rough handling is more startling than painful, and Evan cries out in surprise.

  Peter stills at the sound, taking a deep breath, the grip on Evan’s arm loosening slightly. He starts walking, dragging Evan along. He isn't rough, but there is nothing gentle about the way he's handling him either.

  Peter marches him to the guest bedroom, pushing him through the door and giving him a cold look. "You're sleeping in here tonight. I don't want to see or hear you until I come for you in the morning. Do you understand?"

  Evan's heart thunders, and when he tries to answer, he can't seem to get the words out. He feels like he’s about to cry, everything is just going wrong. Peter doesn't care, slamming the door in his face. A minute later he hears the lock sliding into place, the sound ringing in his ears long after the echo of Peter's footsteps has faded.


  Peter spends an hour pacing the hallway outside the elevator. He alternates between rage and worry, Evan’s accusation weighing heavy on his mind. The very idea that he and Chad aren’t united—aren’t a team—offends him to his very core. Aiden is his friend, nothing more. There are no sides to take. Evan doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

  The elevator doesn’t move or open, still sitting in the parking garage where Chad got off. Frustrated and upset, Peter heads back into the apartment. He settles down in his office to get some work done while he waits.

  Evan shouldn’t talk about things he doesn’t understand, he thinks, distracted. Peter and Chad are solid. He and Aiden might share a history, might be close as brothers, but Chad is his mate. They both know where they stand.

  Booting up his computer, unsettled, he gets to work.


  Two hours have passed, and Chad is still out. Peter stands up and stretches, irritated that he’s being forced to wait. That Chad is making him worry. He sits back down; shoulders tense as he forces himself to concentrate on his work. It’s tedious stuff, but it takes enough of his concentration that time doesn’t pass too slowly.


  Three hours have passed, and Peter is starting to get worried. Calls to Chad’s phone go straight to voicemail, and work is no longer a sufficient distraction to keep his mind off his worry. He paces his office, staring at his watch as he weighs the pros and cons of using one of his teams to track down his missing mate. If Chad is okay and just wants to be left alone, he’ll be furious for the heavy handed tactic. But if he’s been hurt or taken… Peter can’t risk it. He makes the call.


  Aiden isn’t exactly surprised when Chad comes banging on his door a little after midnight, but he is pleased. If he’d been wrong in his assessment of Peter’s relationship with the yappy young alpha, it would be Peter standing on his doorstep. Not Chad, alone.

  Aiden isn’t stupid, and he knows Peter better than anyone. Peter’s relationship is a fiction he maintains because it’s easy and convenient. An alpha like Chad, someone easily controlled and dominated, could never truly satisfy him. Aiden knows that what Peter needs is a challenge. Someone who can stand up to him—stand next to him. Someone like Aiden. He examines his competition, lips pulling up in a cruel smirk.

  Chad’s chest is heaving with rage, muscular body tense and nostrils flaring wide. He’s dressed up in a slick black leather jacket and tight jeans, trying just a little too hard to look menacing. He’s young and no match for Aiden at all.

  “Hey, puppy,” Aiden snarks, looking down his nose at the younger alpha. While Chad is impressively muscled, a perfect physical specimen, Aiden has fifteen years of experience in the field to fall back on. Chad’s brief stint in the army and his work for Peter hasn’t prepared him to take on someone like Aiden. He’s so in over his head it’s almost funny. Aiden relaxes his body, preparing for the fight he knows is coming. The fight he’s going to win.

  “Don’t call me that,” Chad snarls, voice pitched low and menacing as his body tenses up like he’s going to attack. Aiden’s smirk blooms to a full grin, mocking and cruel. He’s both ready and willing to put the younger alpha in his place.

  “You prefer bitch?” Aiden asks, tilting his head.

  Chad loses it. He roars, charging Aiden as he swings his fist in a move that’s all rage and no finesse. Aiden dodges the blow easily, grinning with mirth as he watches Chad’s frustration. Chad tries to hit him a second time, Aiden avoiding the blow just as easily. Enraged, Chad lowers his head and runs at Aiden like he’s a battering ram.
Aiden sidesteps the attack with an incredulous laugh, tripping Chad so that he falls to the floor in a heap of limbs, kicking him down before he has a chance to get up and charge again. A knee to Chad’s lower back, arms pinned behind his back, and Chad is completely at Aiden’s mercy. He’d known it was going to be easy, but that it was this easy is almost embarrassing.

  What Peter gets out of dominating someone so useless, Aiden doesn’t understand.

  “Get off me, you fucker!” Chad growls, writhing and fighting for all he’s worth. Aiden laughs, grinding his knee into Chad’s back as he waits for the impudent pup to tire himself out.

  “Have you calmed down yet?” Aiden asks when Chad goes still, a whole fifteen minutes later. Chad snarls, but he’s stopped trying to fight. Knows it’s useless.

  “Get off me,” he says, trying to sound dangerous. An omega might be intimidated, but not an alpha like Aiden.

  “No. I like you like this. I think I’m starting to get what Peter sees in you,” Aiden snarks, lowering himself down so that he’s plastered against Chad’s back, still pinning the young alpha’s arms behind his back. Chad freezes, and for the first time, Aiden senses real fear. He pushes his hips down, grinding his crotch into Chad’s ass. Chad whimpers then catches himself, making Aiden laugh.

  “Don’t worry, Chad. You’re not my type,” he says, standing. Chad stays on the floor, breathing heavily and—Aiden suspects—crying. It’s pathetic. “Now get the fuck out of here before I call Peter to come get you.”

  The mention of Peter gives Chad an impotent second wind. Chad pushes off the floor with a roar, charging Aiden like an enraged bull. Aiden knows that Chad has been trained, that he must have been semi-competent to work for Peter in the first place, but none of that is on display now. Chad is all instinct and rage, and Aiden is starting to get bored. He’s made his point, and Chad’s thick-headedness is more tedious than amusing at this point. The boy should know when he’s beaten.

  Two quick jabs, one blow to the side of his head and one to the jaw, and Chad goes down like a lead anchor. He lies on the floor, looking dazed, before stumbling to his feet. He looks like he’s about to charge again, and though he dislikes him, Aiden has no intention of actually hurting him. There are limits to what Peter will forgive.

  “Go home, Chad,” he says, letting every ounce of pity and contempt he feels show in his eyes. “You’re out of your league, and you know it.”

  Chad looks stricken—humiliated—shoulders heaving as blood drips from his ear and down his neck. Aiden almost feels bad for him.

  Tail between his legs, Chad turns around and hurries away.

  Aiden closes the door, grinning at just how well his plan is going.


  Chad climbs back on his motorcycle and races away, the utter humiliation of his defeat making him burn with shame. Aiden hadn’t even blinked, batting away his attacks like an adult fending off a toddler.

  He can’t face Peter. Not after that. He drives out of the city, jaw aching and bruised, the wind roaring in his ears as he speeds down the highway. Feeling dizzy, gripping the handlebars tight, he takes the next exit and pulls over at the first motel he passes. Dismounting his bike, stumbling when his feet hit the ground, he walks into the front office with deliberate steps. The ringing in his ears makes him think he might have a concussion.

  The front office is dingy and rundown, with peeling paint and a dirty floor that probably hasn’t been mopped in years. The night attendant, an elderly beta with greasy hair and a suspicious squint, gives him a wary look, but takes his money and hands him a key without comment. Chad is just happy he has enough money in his pocket to pay for the shockingly inexpensive room.

  He’s not stupid. Peter will worry when he doesn’t come home, and though he harbors no illusions that he will be able to hide for long, he doesn’t need to make it easy on his mate by using his credit card. He’ll face Peter in the morning when he doesn’t feel like shit.

  Key clenched tightly in his hand, Chad starts walking towards his room when a door behind him opens, and a voice calls out, “Hey, alpha man! You looking for a good time?”

  Chad turns, lip curling up in distaste at the sight of a rent-boy who can’t be a day older than sixteen. The boy is skinny, and his face is pretty and unmarred by drugs or rough living. Chad pities him.

  “No,” he says, shaking his head.

  “You sure? I know how alphas like it,” the kid says, coming closer. His head is bowed, eyes staring at Chad through his lashes. The body language is spot on, but Chad has never been interested in betas. Especially not skinny underage ones.

  “I’m sure, kid.” Chad still has a twenty in his pocket, and feeling charitable, he takes it out and hands it to the kid. “I’m mated.”

  The kid’s mouth turns into a sneer, his expression suddenly hard. “Fuck you,” he says, turning and running back to his room before Chad can offer a retort.

  That’s what he gets for being nice, he thinks, finding his room and stepping inside. It’s a dump, the stench of booze and sex heavy in the air, and there’s a needle on the floor by the nightstand. Making sure the bedspread is relatively clean, Chad sits down on the edge of the mattress and just… waits. He knows that he’s wallowing, but he doesn’t care.

  Peter should have been outraged on his behalf—should have believed him without hesitation—and that he didn't is a betrayal that stings.

  Not wanting to think about Peter or Aiden anymore, Chad crawls up on the bed and closes his eyes. His jaw aches, his ear sticky with dried blood, and sleep is a long time coming.


  “Yes, sir. I’ll let you know the minute we have news,” Dawn says, her voice clipped and professional. Peter hangs up the phone, resisting the impulse to fling it against the wall and smash it to pieces. Chad’s phone is in the apartment, and he’s disabled the tracker in his bike. Unless he uses his credit card, all Peter’s team can do is scour the city and look for him. Chad is going to be humiliated that his colleagues have been sent to find him like an unruly pup, but Peter is too worried to care.

  Chad wouldn’t try to confront Aiden, would he? The thought has Peter stopping in his tracks, the grip on his phone tightening almost to the point of cracking it. Chad wouldn’t be stupid enough to think he could take Aiden, right? Wouldn’t try to challenge him in a fit of rage…

  Of course, he would. Peter unlocks his phone and dials Aiden’s number, fingers trembling with renewed worry. If Chad challenged Aiden, Aiden would have every right to put him in his place. To put him down. It would be instinctual. Even Peter, who loves Chad more than anything, would have a hard time holding himself back if Chad challenged him. Aiden has no such love to stay his hand.

  “Hey, Peter,” Aiden drawls, sounding like he’s just woken up, “What’s up?” He doesn’t sound wary or upset, which is a relief. If he’d hurt Chad, even as a response to a challenge, they both know their friendship would be over. He wouldn’t be this unconcerned if that was the case.

  “I’m looking for Chad. Have you seen him?”

  The pause before Aiden responds isn’t comforting. “Yeah, he came by a few hours ago. He’s not home yet?”

  “Was he okay when he left?” Peter asks, wondering what the hell Aiden is playing at.

  “I wouldn't hurt Chad, Peter. He’s your boy,” Aiden says, voice chiding. “He was pretty mad about a joke I played on him today, but all I did was block his attacks and send him on his way. He was fine when he left.”

  Peter is relieved, and then furious. “What the fuck were you doing, walking in on him and Evan like that? What the fuck made you think that was an okay thing to do?”

  Aiden laughs like it’s funny. “Oh, come on. I was just playing around. Chad was showing off and posturing—hauling Evan over his shoulder like some kind of caveman—and I just couldn’t help myself. It was hilarious.”

  Peter tries to calm down, taking a deep breath. Aiden isn’t always the best judge of what’s appropriate and what’s not, and he
’s sure the rough alpha didn’t mean any harm. He still needs to make things right with Chad, though. Apologize.

  “I need you to apologize to him. He was upset, Aiden,” Peter says, leaning against the wall. That Chad left Aiden unharmed is a relief, though he dreads the sulk he knows is coming his way. Nothing makes Chad resemble a surly teenager more than dealing with Aiden. It’s exhausting.

  “I will,” Aiden says, sounding sincere and apologetic. Then he continues, “And by the way, I think you need to have a little talk with Evan.”

  Peter rubs his eyes, remembering that Evan is still locked up in the guest room. He’s probably fallen asleep by now. “About what?” he asks, knowing it can’t be anything too bad if it hasn’t come up until now.


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