Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1)

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Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1) Page 22

by D. J. Heart

  That some of his old friends would hear that he was back and come looking for him was only a matter of time. Not that Chad minds.

  His best friend from high school, Brock, comes by on Monday, the day before he’s decided to go back home. The alpha looks the same as ever, if a bit more muscular. He’s grinning from cheek to cheek, and Chad is surprised by how happy he is to see him again.

  “Chad! Chadster,” Brock says, laughing and punching him on the shoulder before pulling him in for a hug. “Why didn’t you call me and let me know you were back? I had to hear it from my mom.”

  “Hey, Brock,” Chad says, smiling despite himself. Though he and Brock had been close way back when, they didn’t keep in touch after Chad enlisted and eventually went to work for Peter.

  “Hey, Brock? That’s all I get? Man, you’re cold.” Brock laughs, making Chad grin. He invites the other alpha inside, the two of them heading towards the kitchen like old times.

  “You want something to drink?” Chad asks, opening the fridge.

  “Yeah, thanks. You got Coke?”

  Chad nods, throwing him a can. They stand around, neither one of them quite sure what to say.

  “So I heard you got yourself mated to an alpha,” Brock says, after a while, like he can’t quite believe it. “What’s that like?”

  Chad laughs. Usually, he would say that it’s great, but right now that isn’t exactly true. “Most of the time it’s pretty great, but we’re in the middle of a fight, so…”

  Brock grins. “You just need to show him who’s boss. Lay down the rules.”

  Chad snorts suddenly reminded just what his high school self would think of his relationship. How mortified he’d be that he is the more submissive partner.

  “Yeah, no. Peter is… scary dominant. Nobody messes with him,” Chad says, shaking his head. “He’s a total uber.”

  “For real?” Brock asks, looking genuinely surprised. “That’s… unexpected.”

  “I know, but it works. At least it does when he isn’t being a jackass…”

  Brock and Chad end up on the living room couch, Chad telling Brock all about his problems with Peter and Aiden.

  “Hold up,” Brock interrupts, sitting forward and looking excited. “You got yourself an omega. Your very own omega? Fuck, I’d bend over for an uber in a heartbeat if he gave me my own little bitch to play with.”

  Chad grins, missing Evan. “Yeah. His name is Evan. He’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. He’s got an ass like… it just squeezes my knot like.” Chad makes an expression to show just what Evan’s ass does to his knot. Brock throws his head back and laughs, closing his eyes.

  “Fuck man, I envy you. An omega. You take him with you to work, too? Keep him under your desk, let him suck you off all day?” Brock’s grin is lecherous, and for a minute Chad imagines what it would be like. To just use Evan however he wants. Then he thinks of how much of Evan he would miss out on if he were to treat him like a toy, and he shakes his head.

  “Nah. It’s weird. I used to think it would be like… like getting a cool toy. But he’s his own person. I wouldn’t trade getting to know him and seeing him happy for… well, anything.”

  Brock looks dubious. “His own person? What are you, an O-activist?”

  Chad laughs, straight from his gut, nodding his head. “I am. Can you believe it? I’ve got VIP passes to the Virgin O, and it never even occurred to me to use them… God, my seventeen-year-old self would kill me.”

  “Hell, I want to kill you. VIP passes to The O, and you’re not even gonna use them? What’s wrong with you?” Brock punches him, expression outraged.

  “I told you, I’m all for O-rights these days,” he says, Brock’s expression a cross between amazement and disgust.

  “Whatever, man. It’s easy for you to say, you’ve got access to omega ass whenever you want,” Brock grumbles, taking a sip of his Coke. Chad nods, acknowledging the truth of Brick’s words. It is easy for him, now that he’s got Evan to satisfy all his needs.

  “So… if you’re not gonna use those passes?” Brock smiles, giving him a sly look. Chad laughs.

  “Sorry, Peter took them. I don’t have them anymore,” Chad says, Brock’s face falling.

  “Fuck. That’s too bad. Think of me next time, will you?”

  “Sure, I will,” Chad says, having no intention of doing any such thing.

  He and Brock spend the rest of the afternoon catching up and hanging out, and the more time they spend together, the more Chad realizes how much he’s grown. He’s a different person, and Brock seems to realize it too. They part on friendly terms, promising to keep in touch and knowing they won’t.

  It’s a weird reminder of how far he’s come, and a lot of that is due to Peter. Waiting for his parents to get back from work, surrounded by memories of the past, he decides that he needs to grow up and deal with this situation at home. He’s had his time to think, and he’s made his point. It’s time to go home.


  Peter wakes up on Tuesday morning feeling sore and relaxed. He breathes in, the cloying scent of omega filling his nose, Evan’s tight little body nestled into the curve of Peter’s chest, asleep.

  Chad’s scent lingers in the sheets, unchanged since he left, but it’s faint. Wrong. It should be intense and fresh, not faded with age.

  Evan shifts, snuggling in closer to Peter’s body, his face buried in Peter’s chest. It’s nice, but Chad’s absence is like a hole. Every time he sunk his knot into Evan’s body, the omega mindless with need, he longed to look up and catch Chad’s eye. To share the experience with his mate.

  Whatever is going on between Chad and Aiden that has Chad so upset, no matter whose fault it is, Peter needs to fix it.

  Evan grumbles unhappily in his sleep as Peter pushes him away, but he doesn’t wake up. Peter knows he’ll be asleep well into the afternoon though he leaves a note just in case he wakes up early.

  Going to see Aiden, dealing with a problem. Call me if you need anything.

  Love, Peter

  Chad heads to the guest bedroom and showers, then makes sure Evan is still sleeping peacefully before getting dressed and heading out.

  He hopes Aiden will be understanding.


  Aiden stops halfway through his push-up, tilting his head to see if he’s misheard. Another knock has him jumping up, curious who would be at his door this early on a Tuesday morning.

  It’s Peter, looking delicious in faded jeans, a tight tee and a leather bomber jacket that must be at least two decades old.

  “Peter, this is a surprise,” Aiden says, grinning wide. It’s always nice to see Peter.

  “Hi, I hope I’m not interrupting anything?” Peter asks, looking over Aiden’s sweat soaked body. Aiden preens, muscles pumped and swollen, knowing that he looks good.

  “No, not at all. I was just getting in a quick workout. You want to come in?”

  Peter does, stepping inside Aiden’s apartment for the first time. It’s nowhere near as nice as the penthouse Peter and Chad live in, but it’s nicer than Aiden is used to. Peter looks around, and there’s no judgment in his eyes. For all that Peter lives like a king, he doesn’t put much stock in material goods.

  “You want some breakfast? Maybe a cup of coffee” Aiden asks, leading him into the kitchen.

  “Thanks, coffee would be good. I’m beat,” Peter says. “Evan went into heat last night, and with Chad gone I had to deal with it on my own. I mean, I’m not complaining, but it’s not the same without Chad.”

  Aiden’s heart beats faster. Chad is gone? Gone where? And is it for good? He listens to Peter talk, waxing on about his annoying little shit of an omega, wondering if his efforts to drive Chad away could have succeeded this soon.

  “What do you mean, with Chad gone?” he asks, making sure he doesn’t sound too eager. Peter winces, and Aiden isn’t sure what to make of the expression.

  “Yeah, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about… I need you to back off Chad. Co

  This is not what Aiden wants to hear. He fights to keep the sneer off his face, and he’s pretty sure he succeeds.

  “What do you mean, back off? I’m sorry about walking in on him, that was over the line, but other than that I haven’t done anything.”

  “I know, but for some reason Chad is just… ridiculously sensitive when it comes to you. Could you do me a favor and just not… talk to him, or about him, or mess with him at all?”

  Aiden can only sit there, shocked that Peter is willing to indulge Chad like this. It’s pathetic.

  “Is that really what you want?” he asks, leaning back in his chair, examining Peter closely. Peter blinks, looking confused.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, how can you be with someone so pathetic? I don’t get it. He’s just useless.” For once Aiden let his feelings about Chad show, needing to understand. He’s not going to get anywhere with Peter until he knows what drove him to settle for a boy like Chad.

  Peter’s face goes hard, and he sets his cup down in the counter. The mood is tense, but Aiden doesn’t back down. He’s not some weak-willed pussy Peter can boss around. He’s a real alpha.

  “Chad isn’t pathetic. He’s—"

  “You’re here because he can’t take some light ribbing, Peter. He’s sensitive? What kind of shit is that?” Aiden asks, voice heated. Peter grinds his teeth, looking furious.

  “He’s mine, Aiden. Chad is mine, and if the way you talk to him, or about him, or the way you interact with him makes him unhappy, then as my friend, I’m going to need you to stop. Do you understand?” Peter growls, hackles out.

  Aiden swallows, Peter’s intensity is both hot and intimidating. This is what an alpha looks like. Comparing Peter now to Chad’s sniveling display the week before is like comparing a kitten to a lion.

  “I don’t understand how you can be satisfied with someone like him,” Aiden says, body language submissive and at odds with his words. “Don’t you miss what we had? How good it was with a real alpha?”

  Peter’s angry expression vanishes; a look of shocked understanding taking its place. Aiden holds his breath, knowing that he’s exposed himself. He’s passed the ball to Peter, and he needs him to make the right move.

  “Aiden, I’m sorry. You’re my best friend, but… I need someone like Chad. Someone who doesn’t fight me. Someone who knows how to yield. If you and I had stayed together, you’d have been miserable.”

  Aiden swallows, Peter’s rejection making him feel lightheaded. It’s so unexpected. He needs someone who yields? What kind of shit is that?

  “So he’s easier? Is that it?” Aiden asks, anger simmering low in his gut. Peter blinks, then shakes his head.

  “No, Aiden. It isn’t about being easy. It’s about being with someone who’s happy to submit. Can you honestly say you didn’t hate it when we were together, the fact that I was more dominant?”

  “I…” Aiden doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know how to compete with submission. It’s crushing, his heart feeling like someone has reached into his chest and squeezed.

  “I’m sorry,” Peter says, pity in his eyes. Aiden hates it.

  “No… I get it. I actually… I need to get going. Thanks for stopping by,” Aiden says, standing. He can’t stand another minute of Peter looking at him like this. Needs him gone.

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll be on my way.” Peter gives him a brief hug, pulling back and dithering like he’s wondering if Aiden is going to break. Like hell he will.

  He walks Peter to the door, keeping it together. Peter steps outside, then turns before Aiden has a chance to close the door.

  “I think it would be best if we found someone new to be Evan’s bodyguard. I just… I don’t want him caught up in all this.”

  Aiden blinks. “You’re firing me?” he asks, furious.

  “I can help you find another job if you want. I’ve got a bunch of contacts, and good bodyguards are always needed.”

  Aiden stares at Peter, humiliated and furious. Not only is Peter rejecting him, he’s pushing him out of his life. Who does the fucker think he is?

  “Fuck you, Peter,” Aiden snarls, slamming the door shut. Like he needs help finding a job. He’d rather die than ask Peter for help.

  Stalking back into his apartment, Aiden drops to the floor and resumes his workout. The humiliation of being rejected has him seething and longing to lash out.

  It’s all Chad’s fault. He’s the little bitch who’s twisted Peter like this. Made him lazy with his submission.

  He’s going to make Chad pay for taking Peter away from him, for being what he is, even if it’s the last thing he does.


  Peter drives home, shocked. He can’t believe that Aiden wanted… what? For him to break up with Chad and be with him?

  It’s crazy.

  Time must have softened the lens through which Aiden remembers their relationship, making him forget how miserable he’d been every time Peter put him in his place. How frustrated. What Aiden needs is someone who will submit, not an alpha like Peter.

  When he gets home, Peter treads softly as he heads back into the bedroom. Evan is still fast asleep. Peter spends a few minutes just looking at his little omega, making sure he’s okay, before finding the note he’d left and slipping it in his pocket. He turns and walks to his office, wondering if Aiden is going to be able to move past this and be friends.

  He’s not going to forget the look of betrayal and contempt on the other alpha’s face anytime soon.

  The phone rings, Chad’s grinning face popping up on his screen. Peter frowns, wondering how he could have missed Aiden’s sheer contempt for Chad. It does not reflect well on him, he admits to himself, that Chad noticed and felt ganged up on. That he felt Peter didn’t mind that contempt.

  Peter will have to make it right.

  He picks up the phone.


  Part Six: Coming Home

  Chad rubs his hands down flat over his thighs, palms clammy with nervous sweat. The flight attendant walks by, patting him on the shoulder as she leans down.

  “Can I get you anything, Sir?” she asks, voice understanding and kind. She probably thinks he’s afraid of flying. Shaking his head, Chad offers up a tight smile. Nodding and giving him one more patronizing pat on the shoulder, she moves on just as the pilot announces that they’re ready for landing.

  Tray-table already up, seatbelt fastened, Chad waits for them to get on with it. Peter has no idea he’s on his way home, and though Chad thinks he’ll be welcome back—that Peter will be happy to see him and want to work things out—the nagging fear that Peter won’t refuses to leave him alone. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if he goes home only to find things the same. Or if Peter is still mad.

  Chad jolts when the plane touches the ground lost in thought and caught off guard by the quick descent. When he looks up, the flight attendant is giving him a sympathetic look. His ears burn with embarrassment though he has no intention of correcting her mistaken impression of him. He’s not like Aiden and Peter. Who cares what some random person thinks of him? It doesn't matter in the end. Then again, neither Peter nor Aiden would ever permit themselves to show their nerves like this. No wonder Aiden thinks he’s pathetic.

  Smiling, letting the flight attendant know that he’s okay with a small nod, Chad pulls out his phone and checks the time. His stomach twists when he sees how many missed calls he has from Evan, but he knows that if he’d talked to his young omega he would have folded like a house of cards and run home the second the boy asked.

  He still feels like a dick, though.

  Before he left, sitting in the airport, Chad had called Peter to let him know he was on his way back. The sound of Peter’s voice, like a tamed growl, had frozen him in place and robbed him of his ability to speak. It was easy to forget, after not hearing it for a while, just how hypnotic Peter’s voice was. How it vibrated deep into his bones and made him shiver.

  Chad had
chickened out, hanging up before saying anything and turning his phone to airplane mode. He wanted to go home, and he was scared that Peter would say something stupid and hurtful that might make him change his mind.

  The plane taxis into the gate, rolling precisely into place before coming to a full stop. The stillness as the engine cuts off is wonderful, though Chad is too worked up to appreciate it like he usually does.


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