Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1)

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Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1) Page 29

by D. J. Heart

  Peter won’t get involved unless Chad asks him to.


  Aiden hangs up the phone, feeling conflicted. The head man at Topgrunder himself, Charles Lovik, has just offered him another job heading up their new South African division. It’s an amazing opportunity, and one Aiden isn’t sure he can afford to turn down.

  Running the numbers, Aiden figures that he has another two months left before his savings run out, and he’ll have to dig into his retirement fund. With no real prospects on the horizon—at least none as interesting as heading up a Topgrunder division—Aiden knows what he has to do.

  There are just two problems. Number one: Lovik wants him in South Africa before the start of the New Year. That gives him just a few weeks to execute his revenge on Peter’s sniveling little bitch. Number two: it takes him away from Peter. The whole point of quitting Topgrunder was so that he could be closer to his old lover. That they could finally make it work.

  But there’s no helping it. Besides, giving Peter some time to cool down and see just how useless Chad is can only help him.

  He’ll take the job. It’s a professional milestone, and if Peter ever found out he passed on it, the alpha would kill him. Grinning, feeling proud, he calls Lovik back and accepts.


  Snatching Evan isn’t going to be easy. As far as Aiden can tell, the omega has never left the apartment by himself, and Peter’s penthouse is a veritable fortress. It is to be expected—Evan is a top of the line omega, worth more than most people make in a year—but it makes executing his plan difficult. Aiden needs to get Evan in a way that won’t make Peter suspicious of him. A way that makes the boy’s disappearance look like it’s Chad’s fault.

  Simply grabbing the boy is out of the question. Peter and Chad are too careful, and though he could no doubt succeed in taking Evan away from Chad if he met them on the street, Chad would know just who was to blame.

  For a minute, Aiden contemplates just getting rid of Chad and taking Evan, leaving Peter all alone. It would be better, in many ways, getting rid of all the competition, but Aiden discards the idea. He wants Peter disgusted with Chad’s incompetence, not heartbroken over his death.

  Aiden needs to plan this like an op. Sitting down at his kitchen table, laptop booted up next to him, he gets down to business.


  Evan presses his nose up against the glass, staring at the puppies inside the pet store with longing. He’s seen dogs before but never a real life puppy. They’re so much cuter than he could have imagined.

  So fluffy.

  “We’re not getting a dog,” Chad warns, coming to stand next to him. He looks amused like Evan is the one being cute. How he can think that when there are puppies right in front of him, Evan has no idea.

  “I know,” Evan says, knowing no such thing. “Can we go inside and pet them?”

  Chad looks at his watch, and then nods. “Sure, but just for a few minutes.”

  Evan beams, pulling on Chad’s hand and practically dragging him into the store. When they get to the big puppy enclosure, Chad lifts him under the arms and drops him right in with the puppies. Evan sits down, a whole pack of adorable little puppies competing to get into his lap. He drops down on his back, the puppies licking and clambering all over him. He’s in heaven.

  “Can I help you?” a salesperson comes up and asks Chad.

  “No, we’re just looking,” Chad answers. The beta retreats, and Evan opens his eyes to look up at his alpha. Chad is holding his phone up, taking a picture. Evan grins. Chad looks huge from Evan’s position down here on the floor.

  Sitting up, Evan gathers a particularly eager golden Labrador puppy in his arms and lifts it up to give it a kiss on the nose. It yaps at him, licking his face happily, and Evan just about melts.

  “Is it yours?” someone asks, and when Evan opens his eyes, he sees an unfamiliar alpha standing next to Chad.

  “Yes, he’s mine,” Chad says, voice tight.

  “Lucky man, it’s a perfect specimen. Did you get it at the Pritchett Center?”

  “No. We got him from Gordon’s,” Chad replies. Evan focuses on the puppy, the strange alpha making him feel uncomfortable. He’s got a scar running on the right side of his face, and he’s almost as big as Peter. The way he looks at Evan like he’s a thing, makes Evan want to run and hide.

  “Ah, I should have known. They do a great job,” the stranger says.

  “We’ve been very satisfied.” Chad’s voice is tight, and Evan wonders why the strange alpha isn’t picking up on how annoyed Chad is.

  “We?” the alpha asks, curious.

  “My mate,” Chad says, voice clipped.

  “Well, that explains it. You do seem a bit young for your own omega.”

  Evan can practically hear Chad gritting his teeth.

  “In case you ever tire of him, or just want something different, take my card,” the strange alpha says. Evan freezes, knowing that anyone who would buy a used omega is bad news. He pushes his face into the golden lab’s fur, breathing in the clean puppy scent. He wants the alpha to leave.

  “Richard Cruz?” Chad says, taking the card. “I think you know my mate, Peter Tank?”

  “You’re Peter’s mate?” the alpha, Cruz, says, sounding surprised. “Well, I’m sorry. I’m sure Peter will make his own arrangements when the time comes. Give him my best,” Cruz says, walking away.

  Evan doesn’t move, face still buried in soft fur, the puppy having grown tired of the position and started squirming. He lets the poor thing go, only to have it climb into his lap, pushing a perfectly polite little husky out of its way and stands with his little paws on Evan’s chest as it licks his face.

  “Come on, we’re leaving,” Chad says. He sounds angry, and when he lifts Evan out of the puppy enclosure, his hands are rough. Evan doesn’t protest as Chad takes his hand, walking out of the store like the devil is on their heels. Nor does he object when Chad takes them back to the parking lot, instead of to the mall where they were supposed to be going.

  “I’m going to work out for a bit,” Chad says when they step into the apartment, pulling off his coat and gloves and throwing them in the closet before heading towards the gym.

  Evan watches Chad disappear around the corner, bending down and picking up the heavy leather jacket that’s lying in a heap at the bottom of the closet. He hangs it up neatly, along with his own coat, then puts his mittens and Chad’s gloves back where they belong.

  Chad is upset, and Evan can’t decide if he should go and try to comfort him, or if he himself is upset.

  That Peter is on friendly terms with someone who buys omegas is not comforting, though Chad’s reaction is.

  Evan decides to see if Chad is okay. Walking to the gym, Evan opens the door and looks inside, the scent of old sweat and alpha pheromones washing over him. It’s intoxicating. He closes his eyes, breathing it in, then opens his eyes and stares at Chad.

  It’s a very pretty sight. Chad hasn’t bothered changing into his gym clothes, having stripped down to his briefs and putting on a pair of black boxing gloves. He’s going at the bag like it’s personally offended him, grunting with each hit. The muscles in Chad’s ass and back are a sight to behold, Evan’s cock chubbing up as his ass longs for Chad’s knot.

  Chad stops punching the bag, like he can feel Evan standing in the doorway, turning around to see Evan staring at him. The look in his eyes is feral; his body tight with tension. They stare at each other, Evan licking his lips and wanting. After a few seconds, Chad pulls his right glove off with his teeth, ripping the Velcro open with a growl. Evan shudders at the display of aggression. Chad stalks towards him, his enormous erection straining his briefs, the outline of his knot clearly visible.

  “Your mine,” Chad declares, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling Evan in towards his body. “Mine!”

  Evan reaches out and lets his hands come to rest on Chad’s obliques, the skin hot and sweaty to the touch. Chad reaches around Evan’s back, gra
bbing a fistful of hair at the nape of his neck and yanking his head back for a brutal kiss. Evan feels owned, Chad’s tongue licking into his mouth like it’s staking a claim.

  “Mine,” Chad snarls, Evan agreeing with every inch of his being. He grasps Chad’s muscular body, fingers greedy and hurried, hands sliding over sweat slicked muscle. Chad presses their lips together and plunders his mouth, pushing him up against the wall and grinding his erection into Evan’s stomach. It’s huge and hard, and Evan wants it inside of him. Wants to be impaled.

  “Need you, alpha,” he whimpers, Chad moving from his neck, angling his head back to gnaw on his throat like a wild animal. His stubble is abrasive, teeth scraping over Evan’s skin with enough force to mark him. Evan submits, the affirmation of Chad’s claim on him an elation without peer. The only way it could be better were if Peter were at his back.

  Chad, already feral and out of it, goes crazy at Evan’s declaration. He spins Evan around, slamming Evan’s front into the wall and yanking down his pants and exposing his ass. Evan gasps, loving the rough handling.

  Reaching into his briefs, Chad pulls out his cock and aims it at Evan’s hole. Chad is just about to thrust when Evan realizes that the alpha hasn’t used any lube.

  “Lube,” he cries, a little desperate. Chad freezes, and then pulls away and runs out of the room, coming back a second later with his cock dripping like he’s poured a whole bottle of lube over it. Evan watches Chad approach, slowing down the last ten feet, stalking towards Evan with a look that is all predator.

  Breath catching, Evan can’t help but cry out when Chad pounces, once again pinning him to the wall. This time, there is nothing stopping Chad from ramming his cock deep into Evan’s ass, biting down on Evan’s neck as he pushes in balls deep.

  “Chad,” Evan cries, gritting his teeth. The invasion is rough, no prep or care, an animal need to stake a claim. It hurts and feels good, but most of all it feels right.

  Chad wraps his arms around Evan’s neck and chest, holding him tight, and starts thrusting his hips like a man possessed. All Evan can do is hold on for the ride, the burning stretch fading and giving way to nothing but pleasure.

  Chad’s growling is almost subvocal, continuous and intense, resonating with the very essence of Evan’s being.

  The brutal thrusts of Chad’s cock work Evan’s prostate with no mercy, his ass clenching down on Chad’s cock on each withdrawal. It isn’t long before the pleasure overwhelms him. Evan comes, shooting his load all over the wall, vision blanking white.

  “Mine, mine, mine,” Chad chants, fucking Evan harder and harder.

  “Yours,” Evan agrees, his cock spent and sensitive. The agreement has Chad’s body going tight, hips slamming his cock in deep as he comes. Chad grunts, chest heaving against Evan’s back, knot locking him inside Evan’s body.

  For a minute, they just stand there, Chad holding Evan up against the wall, locked together by Chad’s knot. Evan feels amazing like everything is right in the world, Chad’s lips and teeth on his neck sending little aftershocks of pleasure through his cock.

  After maybe ten minutes have passed, Chad spins them around and sinks to the floor. He hugs Evan tight, Evan impaled on Chad’s knot and resting on his lap. It’s intimate and close, nothing but the sound of their breathing, and Evan is so thankful he gets to have this.

  “Love you,” he mumbles, Chad going stiff. The alpha hugs him even closer.

  “Love you too,” Chad says. The words are whispered into his ear, tired and content.

  Evan closes his eyes, happy.


  Peter is glad to get out of the house, Chad’s anger at his encounter with Cruz making him sullen and angry. With Evan, Chad is all smiles and cuddles, but Peter is being punished.

  “Do you know what you’re going to get him?” Evan asks, interrupting Peter’s thoughts. Peter looks down at the omega, the two of them walking hand in hand in the high-end shopping district just a few blocks away from their building. He squeezes Evan’s hand before answering, Evan looking adorable in a wool coat, scarf wrapped around his neck all the way up to his mouth, a fluffy red hat pulled down over his ears.

  “Not yet. Do you?” he asks. Evan shakes his head.

  “No. But it won’t really be from me, though. You’re paying for it,” Evan says, not exactly sad, but a little wistful.

  “If you chose it for him, then it’s from you. Okay?” Peter says. He understand why Evan feels upset, but to be honest, Peter likes that he’s the provider for their trio. As the prime alpha, it’s only natural.

  “Okay,” Evan says, pressing his body closer to Peter’s. Peter wraps his arm around Evan’s shoulders, hugging him tight.

  Chad often complains about the looks Evan gets from other alphas—and even some betas—when they go out. Peter has never had that problem. When alphas see him walking around with his omega, they turn away and pretend not to see him. Peter doesn’t know what he’d do if some knucklehead dared lust after his omega right in front of him. He admires Chad’s restraint.

  “There’s a store down here I thought we could visit,” Peter says, stopping in front of the entrance to a side street. Evan stops and nods, curious. He loves walking around, the streets cheery and lit up with thousands of twinkling lights, every store trying to outdo its neighbor’s Christmas display.

  “What kind of store?” Evan asks, curious. So far they’ve only gone into stores suggested by Evan though they haven’t bought anything.

  “It’s a specialty boutique. They make leather restraints, collars and things like that. I thought I could find something for Chad there. What do you think?” Evan’s eyes go wide, and he looks a little worried.

  “He likes being tied up,” Evan says, as though he’s confirming it to himself. Peter has pushed a little with Evan—trying to see if he’d respond to harder play—but so far he’s been disappointed. Evan is a hedonist. He doesn’t like pain—at least not the overt kind Peter enjoys inflicting.

  But that’s okay. Peter isn’t going to push, and he thinks he’s done a good job of respecting Evan’s limits.

  'The store’s lighting is soft, the scent of leather washing over them as they slip into the quiet space. Peter grins, pulling Evan inside with him. He loves this place.

  “Mr. Tank, welcome back.” Devon, the store owner, approaches them with a happy smile. He has every reason to be glad, Peter thinks, given the fortune Peter has spent on gear from this store over the years.

  “Thank you, Devon,” Peter says. Devon is an alpha, with a lithe, muscular body and curly blond hair. Dressed in a full leather uniform, the material clinging to the dips and valleys of his muscular body, he looks like an angel that fell from heaven. Sinful and hot.

  “An omega?” Devon asks, looking down at Evan with surprise. Peter grins, rubbing his thumb and index finger over the shell of Evan’s ear. Devon has his own omega, though Peter has never met him.

  “Chad,” Peter explains, Devon nodding his head in understanding.

  “You do take care of him,” he says, a bemused smile playing across his lips. Peter can only nod, the words true.

  “Are you buying for Chad, or are you looking for some new gear for this handsome fellow?” Devon nods towards Evan. “We have some new items designed for omegas that I think you would enjoy.”

  Peter would love to say yes, but Evan isn’t ready for that. He doesn’t want to freak Evan out needlessly, not even just by looking. He can always come back later.

  “No,” he says. “We’re shopping for a Christmas gift for Chad. Do you have any suggestions?”

  Devon grins, squaring his shoulder with pride. Of course, he does.

  They walk deeper into the store, the few customers browsing the shelves scurrying out of their way. Devon stops at a rack of straitjackets, running his hands over them with an almost reverent touch.

  “We just finished making these,” Devon says, taking one off the rack and lifting it up. “It’s fully adjustable, highest grade leather, a
nd it has this.” Devon opens the jacket, revealing the inside, pointing to a fine pattern of metal wires sewn into the leather. “These can be connected to any of the e-stims you own, delivering anything from a series of tingles to full on shocks. I have to confess I made one to Chad’s measurements, just in case I had a chance to show it to you.”

  Peter takes the jacket from Devon’s hands, the craftsmanship truly spectacular. Chad would love it, and Peter knows he has to have it. He might not even be able to wait until Christmas to use it.


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