Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1)

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Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1) Page 34

by D. J. Heart

  “He does.” Peter’s voice is curt. The last thing he wants to think about right now is his association with Richard Cruz.

  “Have you considered reaching out to him? He might have some idea of where an omega like this would be taken,” she says, waiting for Peter to reply.

  “I’ll give him a call,” Peter says, hanging up on her. He doesn’t have Cruz’s number programmed into his new phone, so he calls his secretary and has her connect him. Cruz picks up on the third ring.


  “Hi, Mr. Cruz, this is Peter Tank.”

  “Peter, how are you?” Cruz says, sounding pleased to hear from him. Peter grits his teeth and forces himself to be polite.

  “I have a situation, actually. My mate was out with his omega, and someone snatched him. The omega, not Chad. I’ve been trying to find him, but we’re running into nothing but dead ends. I was hoping you might have an idea of where I should be looking.”

  Cruz is silent for a few seconds, Peter waiting and hoping that the call will bear fruit. “I’m sorry, Peter. I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any business with that side of the omega trade.”

  Peter sighs, another hope dashed.

  “Thanks anyway,” he says.

  “I am sorry. If there’s anything I can do to help, don’t hesitate to let me know,” Cruz says, sounding like he means it. Peter thanks him again and hangs up.


  Evan’s third night in the VIP section of the omega house is just as boring as his second. None of the alphas pay him any mind, the lot of them busy talking to each other and fondling the omegas they’ve claimed for the night. Evan wonders why he’s even there, watching as a drunk alpha throws an omega over his shoulder and struts towards the private rooms.

  The alpha in charge comes into the VIP section, stands by the wall and scans the room, eyes landing on Evan before waving him over.

  Getting up from his seat on the edge of the couch, Evan darts across the room like the obedient omega he’s pretending to be.

  “Hey, Evan,” the alpha says, placing a hand on Evan’s back and leading him out of the room towards the back hallway. “The boss wants to see you. It’s nothing to worry about.”

  Evan shudders, nervous now that something new is happening, walking through an unfamiliar part of the building until they reach an office that is much, much nicer than the one the alpha in charge had fondled him in.

  “Yurick, just on time. Let’s have a look at our new guest,” a deep voice says, Evan keeping his eyes on the floor. He can see a pair of muscular legs come into view, a hand grabbing his chin and lifting his head.

  The alpha has a scar on his face, and his eyes are cold and cruel. Evan recognizes him immediately. It’s the alpha from the pet store. The one who had wanted to buy him.

  They look at each other, the alpha frowning like he’s displeased. When he glances over at Yurick, the alpha has a confused expression on his face.

  “Take him back. Don’t advertise him. I don’t want his picture anywhere on the site or in any promotional materials, do you understand?”

  “But he’s—"

  “It’s a simple instruction, Yurick,” the alpha with the scar growls. Yurick takes a step back.

  “I understand,” he says, submissive.

  “Good. Take him back.” The alpha drops his chin, turning away. If Evan had a knife, he would stab it through the alpha’s heart. The refusal to put his picture on the site, hiding him… this is the alpha that stole him. The evil alpha knows that Peter and Chad will be looking for Evan, so he’s trying to cover up his crime.

  But Evan is just an omega. There is nothing he can do against two alphas, no matter how angry he is. No matter how hot his rage burns. He needs to keep calm and be smart.

  The alpha in charge—Yurick—takes him back down to the VIP area, looking unsettled.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Evan asks, twisting his expression into something sad and pathetic. He doesn’t want Yurick getting suspicious.

  “No, you’re a good boy. Don’t worry about it,” Yurick says, smiling down at him. Evan ducks his head and lets himself be nudged back through the door to the VIP area, sitting down without anyone paying him any attention.

  As the hours pass, he daydreams about what it will be like to go to school. He pictures himself in a classroom, drawing, a teacher coming up to him and complimenting him on his work. Maybe offering a few suggestions. He remembers sitting on the huge bed he shares with Peter and Chad, reading through his acceptance letter, over and over, feeling so fucking lucky.

  Evan almost jumps out of the couch, heart hammering. His acceptance letter. It had included a phone number to the advisor’s office, and Evan remembers it. Maybe if he can call Emily Davies, she can call Peter and Chad and tell him where he is.

  It’s the best plan he’s come up with so far, and Evan is determined to see it through. Now that he knows what he wants, time slows down to a crawl.

  He needs to get back into Yurick’s office, and he needs enough time to use the phone and place a call.

  Watching the sad parody of alpha and omega relations going on around him, Evan waits patiently for the night to be over. By the time they start to leave, the security guards herding them away, Evan is practically bursting out of his skin.

  Once again, Evan is the last omega to be collected. Yurick smiles at him, cupping his neck and leading him back towards the room. Outside the door, Yurick pulls out his key and Evan panics. He needs to get into the alpha’s office. Reaching out, he brushes his hand over Yurick’s tee, feeling his rock hard abdominal.

  “Can we…? Can we cuddle again? I couldn’t sleep last night,” Evan says, doing his best to look pleading and cute. Alluring. Yurick hesitates, glancing around, but when Evan steps closer with a cautious little step and leans against the much bigger alpha, Yurick’s resolve crumbles.

  “Okay, but just for a little while,” Yurick says, hurrying Evan down the corridor and up the stairs towards his office.

  Evan’s heart pounds. He can’t blow this.

  This time, Yurick strips off his tight shirt before he pulls Evan into his lap. His pants stay on, the bulge in his dark jeans big and menacing. Evan wants nothing to do with it.

  “You’re such a good boy, aren’t you?” Yurick mumbles, hugging Evan close and grinding him into his lap. Evan writhes, going along with it, staring at the phone just a few feet away. The bulge digging into his ass is hard and uncomfortable, but Yurick seems to be having a great time. The alpha is breathing hard, hands sliding up Evan’s inner thighs and groping him without shame.

  There’s a knock on the door, Yurick freezes and clamps his hand over Evan’s mouth. The smack of his palm over Evan’s face is louder than any sound Evan had been making.

  “Yurick? Bo is back from the doctor, and she needs to talk to you,” someone says from the other side of the door.

  “I’m coming,” Yurick says, pushing Evan out of his lap and pulling on his shirt. Yurick leans down and puts his mouth to Evan’s ear. “I’m going to be gone for a few minutes. Just sit here and wait for me. Don’t make a sound or touch anything. Okay?”

  He pulls away, looking at Evan’s face with a worried expression. Evan closes his mouth in an exaggerated way, nodding vigorously. Yurick grins.

  “Good boy,” Yurick whispers, opening the door just wide enough to slip out of the office. Evan listens as the lock slides shut, then sits frozen for three seconds before he gets up and walks towards the desk.

  This is a stroke of luck like he can’t believe, and he’s going to make the most of it. He picks up the phone, the dial tone like music to his ears, and dials. His fingers are shaking so hard he almost can’t hit the right numbers, but he does it, and the phone is ringing.

  “Hello, you have reached the Guidance Office for the Obrey Art Institute. Our opening hours are…” Evan’s heart sinks as he listens to the message, cursing himself for his stupidity. Of course, Emily Davies isn’t in her office in the middle of t
he night. What was he thinking?

  “…If you would like to leave a message for one of our advisors, press one—"

  Evan hits the number so fast he almost knocks the phone off the desk. This can work. He can leave a message, and then Emily Davies will listen to it and tell Peter and Chad.”

  “To leave a message for Blake Morin, press one. To leave a message for Helga Bamburger, press two. To leave a message for Emily Davies, press three—"

  Evan hits three, watching the door and hoping to God that Yurick won’t come back before he has a chance to leave a message.

  “Hi, this is Emily Davies. Leave your name, phone number and student ID and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.” The words are followed by a beep, then silence.

  “This is Evan. I’m Peter Tank and Chad Brand’s omega. I’ve been taken to an omega house. I don’t know which one, but the alpha who asked to buy me in the pet store that time Chad let me play with the puppies is the one who took me. If you could call them and tell them, please? That I’m here? The man in charge of us is named Yurick. Please tell them that I’m here, okay?”

  Evan hangs up, tears streaming down his face. He hopes his voice was clear and that Emily gets his message. He stares at the phone, willing himself to remember Peter or Chad’s number, his mind as blank as ever.

  The sound of the lock turning has Evan scrambling back to his seat, Yurick entering the office with a disgruntled expression.

  “Good boy,” the alpha says, finding Evan just where he left him. “You’re such a good boy.”

  Yurick strips off his shirt and pulls Evan back into his lap. He grinds and fondles Evan until he comes in his pants, changing quickly and shoving his soiled pants into a plastic bag like he did the first night.

  If he hadn’t left the office, Evan never would have had enough time to call Emily. Not even close.

  Yurick praises Evan some more, then takes him back to the room where he’ll be sleeping. Evan goes without a fuss, thanking Yurick for the cuddle. The alpha grins, having no idea of Evan’s deception, and bids him good night.

  Evan finds his bed, hoping with all his being that his cry for help will be heard.


  “I’m looking for Chad Brand?” Aiden says, using his most charming voice and expression as he talks to the nurse behind the desk.

  “Are you a family member?” she asks, typing something on the computer.

  “No, just a friend,” he says, drumming his fingers on his desk. “I just wanted to come and wish him a healthy recovery.”

  “He’s in room thirty-two sixty-five. His mate is there with him, I believe. Take the elevator up to the third floor and go right.” The nurse smiles, Aiden nodding his thanks and walking down the hallway.

  Now that he knows where Chad is, he needs to get him alone. He needs to finish what he started, and this time he’ll make sure he succeeds.

  What he needs is to get Peter away, and to get inside the room without being seen. It’s not going to be easy, but Aiden has every confidence in his abilities. All he needs is a plan.


  Emily hangs up her coat and scarf before sitting down, warping her fingers around her coffee cup to warm them. She has an easy day ahead of her, with just three students scheduled to meet with her.

  Turning on her computer, a notification pops up that she has a new voicemail. It’s dated a little after one am, and Emily smiles to herself. Students are all the same. Clicking play, she sips her coffee and listens while opening up her email.

  “This is Evan,” the message starts, the omega’s voice sounding scared and desperate. Emily freezes, listening intently to the rest of the message. It’s heartbreaking. Putting her cup down with an unsteady hand, Emily picks up her phone. She logs into the student files, finding Evan, and types the number of his emergency contact into her phone.

  It goes straight to Peter Tank’s voicemail. Emily hangs up without leaving a message. She wonders why Evan hadn’t called his alphas directly but decides that that isn’t important. The important thing is that Evan needs her help, and she will do everything she can to give it.

  A quick search of the online phone book and Emily has Chad Brand’s number. It too goes straight to voicemail. Maybe Evan had tried calling his alphas and not gotten through? But if he had, he’d have left them messages. Wouldn’t he? Emily might just be an extra safety measure.

  A little more searching and Emily finds the website for Tank Security. She dials the number she finds in their contact us link, and this time someone picks up.

  “Tank security, how may I direct your call?” the voice is male, clearly an alpha, and if Emily were calling because she needed security, she would already be feeling reassured.

  “This is Emily Davies. I need to speak to Peter Tank. I have a message from his omega,” she says, trying to sound as professional as possible.

  “One second,” he says, putting her on hold. When she’s connected again, there is a brusque woman on the line.

  “This is Dawn Alter. I’m coordinating the search for Peter Tank’s omega. I’m told you have information?”

  Emily is startled by the woman’s brusque tone, taking a few seconds to compose herself.

  “Yes, I got a message on my work voicemail last night. It’s from Evan. He says that he’s been taken to an omega house, by the man who wanted to buy him when he and Chad were in the pet store, and he was playing with the puppies,” Emily says.

  “You work for the Obrey Art Institute, in the guidance office?” the woman asks, sounding distracted.

  “I do,” Emily says. She wonders how this Dawn woman can know that.

  “And your name is Emily Davies?”

  “Yes,” she answers, nervous now.

  “Just a minute. Okay, I have the voicemail. Is this the only contact he’s made with you?”

  “Yes, I just got the message a few minutes ago. I didn't even know he was missing. I—"

  “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Peter Tank will no doubt wish to thank you in person. We’ll be in touch.”

  The woman hangs up, leaving Emily staring at her phone. Her pulse is racing, and it takes her a few minutes to collect herself. Once she’s stopped shaking, she gets up and walks down the hall to Helga’s office. The older woman stares at her, brows raised, and Emily sits down in the chair across her desk.

  “You would not believe what just happened…”


  Peter’s new phone rings when the alpha is out talking to the doctors, no doubt badgering them about Chad’s care, Dawn’s name flashing on the screen. Chad grabs it, lifting it to his ear.

  “This is Chad,” he says, a pause on the other end of the line.

  “Chad, is Peter there? We found Evan,” she says, joy surging through Chad’s body at her words.

  “Where is he? What happened to him?”

  “You and Evan were in a pet store recently, correct? Did an alpha approach you wanting to purchase Evan?”

  “We ran into Richard Cruz. He didn't want to buy him, just said that if I wanted to sell he would be interested in buying… why?”

  “I need to talk to Peter, Chad. Can you please get him?”

  “Does Richard Cruz have Evan? Is he the one who took him?” Chad demands, growing into the phone.

  Dawn isn’t fazed by his fury. “I need to speak to Peter,” she says, voice calm and hard.

  “Peter!” Chad shouts, putting the phone down. He knows Dawn. She has tremendous respect for Peter, seeing Chad as the incompetent boy-toy.

  “What?” Peter barges into the room on high alert.

  “Dawn found Evan,” he says, handing Peter the phone. Peter takes it, listening as Dawn tells him everything she refused to tell Chad.

  “When you ran into Cruz, did he ask to buy Evan?” Peter asks, expression hard.

  “He just said that if we were going to sell Evan, he’d be interested in buying him—"

  “And you didn’t think you should have mentioned that?�
� Peter growls, looking furious. Chad hunches in on himself, Peter’s anger like a physical blow.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. It never occurred to him that Cruz meant anything sinister by making the offer—at least no more sinister than the omega trade was. That the awful alpha would act on his admiration for Evan by doing something like this Chad never would have guessed.

  “No, I’m sorry,” Peter sighs. “There was no reason to think… You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not mad at you.”

  “Did Cruz take him?” Chad asks, wondering why the alpha would do something so stupid. Peter is not a person you mess with without a very good reason.


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