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World of Darkness - [Time of Judgment 02] - The Last Battle

Page 14

by Bill Bridges (epub)

  “No, you covered all the bases, ” he said. “If you guys need anything, let us know. We’re over there, ” he motioned to their own bunks across the room. “Thanks. "

  Julia and Cries Havoc went back to join their own packmates. The ten Garou cubs now mixed together, members from different packs going to greet members of other packs.

  “How’d it go? ” Carlita asked, sitting up and putting her magazine aside.

  “Well, at least they’re talking to each other now, ” Julia said. “They’re so damn young—younger than u>e are. I hope Mari knows how to lead them into action; they're not used to taking orders. ”

  “Are you kidding? You think any of them has the guts to question an order from Mari? Hell, I don’t got those kind of balls. ”

  Julia smiled and chuckled. “What kind do you have? "

  “Shut up, girl! It was just an expression. " Carlita threw her pillow at Julia, who didn’t bother to dodge it and fell down onto the bunk, laughing.

  “The Shadow Lords will pledge no packs to this enterprise, ” the dark-haired herald cried, his eyes scanning the faces of the gathered Garou in the light of the flickering bonfire. Clouds partially concealed the half-moon, but all the Garou there could see quite well in such light. The Shadow Lord wore a flannel shin, workpants and boots. He looked like a redneck day laborer, complete with five o’clock shadow. His eyes, however, had the cunning of a predator.

  “Not a single one? ” Evan said, standing across the circle from the Shadow Lord. “Why not? Care to explain, or do we assume cowardice. 7”

  The Garou hissed but smiled, seemingly glad that Evan had not backed down easily. “We have none to spare. The Minions from the Black Lacquer Box are free; we must hunt them down before they insinuate themselves into our dreams. ”

  Evan frowned and looked down at Mari, sitting to his right. She shook her head; she didn’t know what he was talking about either. “Who are these Minions? ”

  The Shadow Lord spat into the fire. “I expected that all the tribes here would forget. Only the Shadow Lords remember. It was the tribe of thunder who recaptured these banes when the Silver Fangs set them free many decades ago. They were brought to these lands in an ancient box created by Baba Yaga. The white-furred fools released them and only our cunning tracked them down and returned them, one by one, to the box. Since then, our tribe has safeguarded it against further meddling. ”

  “So what happened? How’d they get loose again? "

  “If we knew the answer to that, we would be one step closer to trapping them back in their cage. Until then, we need all our packs to hunt the shades and capture them before they can migrate into the dreams and minds of all Garou. "

  Evan nodded, accepting the inevitable. “If this is your answer, I must accept it. I am sad not to have the Shadow Lords by our side. It is our loss. ”

  The herald’s eyes narrowed. He had not expected a compliment to accompany his report and clearly suspected its sincerity, hut he bowed and stepped aside, seating himself outside the light of the fire.

  A huge woman next to him stood up and marched up to the fire, looking around to catch the eyes of all in attendance: Evan, Mari, the Silver River Pack, the packs of cubs and the resident Black Furies and Children of Gaia, gathered around their leader, Alani Astarte, an old black woman.

  “The Get can send no further aid, ” she said. "I see that three of our own have already pledged their services to your cause. ” She scowled at the Vanguard pack, the three football players, who simply blinked, unconcerned at her annoyance. “May they earn great glory in your service. Our tribe is beset by Black Spiral Dancers, crawling forth from their holes in the Adirondacks. We sealed these long ago, but they have found a way to open them; they harry our packs at all hours. We are preparing an assault on their underground caverns. We need all our strong arms. None can be spared to aid the Wendigo in the north. ” She said this last with a degree of contempt, as if the idea were repugnant even if she could send warriors.

  Evan spoke. “Do you understand that the Black Spiral Dancers will only be strengthened if the Talon is not destroyed? That your expedition might be in vain? ”

  “I think the reverse, boy. Our action prevents the Dancers from going north to aid this thing. It lessens the forces arrayed against you. You are lucky that we undertake this task. ” Evan sighed, throwing up his hands. “If that is how you see it, I won’t argue. I can’t deny that the Dancers pose a threat. I don't know their numbers. I do know that a Wyrm Talon is one of the greatest enemies ever unleashed on Earth. This one might still be weak from its long captivity. That gives us a chance. The strength and courage of the Get might be what we need to succeed. The Wendigo can track it and hold it, but I can’t guarantee we can slay it without Fenris’s children. ”

  The woman said nothing for a few moments, and seemed ashamed at her own words. “You speak well, Heals-the-Past. I wish I could fight beside you, but our elders have chosen our path. It is our duty to follow it, no matter what maw we march into. The Vanguard will prove themselves for you, and so honor our whole tribe. ” She sat down again and sulked.

  A man sitting next to her then stood, dusted himself off, and stepped forward. He was portly, with a huge, blond beard knotted into five tails, and wore a ceremonial kilt.

  “It breaks my heart to bring more bad news to your moot, young Heals-the-Past, ” he said. “But the Fianna can send none of their own to aid you. We’re needed—every man of us—at Niagara Falls. The banetenders in the north weren’t the only ones keeping beasts at bay. The Niagara Uktena are having a terrible time of it, and we’re oathbound to aid them. Unless, of course, they say otherwise. " He looked to his left, to the last herald, waiting for some sign or gesture.

  The man, a middle-aged Native American, slowly stood up. He stepped up beside the Fianna herald. “Our need is dire. Three monsters from before the European tribes came to these lands now struggle against the wards that trapped them in ages past. If they should break those wards, our sept will need all the Garou it can get to bind them again. But we are also pledged to Little Brother, the Wendigo, and cannot deny their need. We ourselves cannot go, but we release the Fianna from their oath and allow them to send one pack of their own, should they choose to do so. ” He stepped back and took his seat.

  The Fianna herald smiled. “It is my great pleasure to announce that the Fianna will send you a pack. I cannot say who they are—that’s up the elders—but I’ll get them here by tomorrow morning, before you head out. ”

  “It’s a great relief to hear it, ” Evan said, nodding solemnly. “With the Fianna by our side, we’ll keep our spirits up. And thank you, Great Horn, " he said, bowing to the Uktena. “I am grieved to hear the troubles at your sept, and sorry that Elder Brother cannot fight beside Little Brother again, but your generosity has given us the Fianna. Thank you. "

  He looked out at all the Garou gathered and saw that there was no one left to speak. The four heralds—the only ones to answer the call—had all delivered their messages. He stepped back and bent to sit down when Storm-Eye, in her natural wolf form, jumped up and paced forward, circling the fire.

  “No good! ” she growled, her Garou words rough and limited in her wolf form, communicated and accented as much by gesture as articulate growl. “We go fight great evil. Only cubs with us. Where are Stargazers? Red Talons? Why nothing from them? ”

  Evan stepped forward again. “I know your frustration, Storm-Eye, but the tribes have done their best. Antonine Teardrop is gone, traveling in the Far East; there are no other Stargazers here to speak for his tribe. The Talons, as you know, are few in number here in New York. Surely, some from Canada will join us at the Winter Wolf Sept. ” Storm-Eye didn’t stop her pacing. She turned her gaze upon Alani Astarte. “Why no Furies? Why no Children of Gaia? "

  Alani stood up and looked at Storm-Eye with a gentle expression, taking no insult. “The Finger Lakes is a haven. It will become even more so in the coming days, when the troubles get w
orse. It is the strongest caern in the region, the only one powerful enough to regularly forge moon bridges overseas. We must defend it with all our strength. We have none to spare. ” Behind her, a Garou stood up. “Elder? May I speak? ” Alani looked surprised and nodded. The Garou stepped forward, wending past those who sat in front of her, until she finally stepped into the light of the fire. She was of average height, with dark hair and loose-fitting clothes, and had an aura of arrogance about her.

  “I wish to go with the Talon fighters. My pack— Athena’s Shield—wants to go. All five of us. We know we are needed here, Alani, but we are also needed there. Can we not choose our own means of renown? "

  Alani frowned. “Without your strength, Delilah, and the wisdom of your pack, the caern might not withstand an assault. ” “And if the Talon makes it this far south? Gin it stand then T Alani said nothing.

  “Then let us go with them. Let us bolster their ranks. Let Pegasus and Unicom cry to the other totems that their children were not afraid to risk their homes and their lives in the struggle against evil. Let us claim victory for Gaia together! ” Alani did not respond but closed her eyes, thinking. She hummed a quiet tune that no one could clearly hear, and then opened her eyes again. “If it must be so, then let it be so. I shall not deny the Fates. Go, Delilah, and all of Athena’s Shield with you. ”

  Delilah bent down on one knee before Alani, a silent gesture of thanks and respect. She then stood and motioned her pack forth. From the crowd, four Garou came forward, all of them women dressed in modem clothes, but each clearly more than cubs, for they walked with the assurance of Garou who had seen war before. Delilah led them to stand before Evan and she bowed her head to him.

  “Athena’s Shield pledges itself to aid the Wendigo, to slay the Talon. In the name of Gaia. ”

  Evan bowed back. He looked at Mari, smiling, who also smiled, an uncharacteristically large smile. He thought he saw a tear in her eye, and turned back before he could embarrass her by acknowledging it.

  “We are proud to have you, Athena’s Shield. ”

  The gang of cubs broke into a cheer, full of pride, camaraderie and relief that they wouldn’t be fighting alone.

  Storm-Eye threw back her head and howled, joined immediately by her packmates and Evan. Mari howled too, and Athena’s Shield likewise. Soon, even Alani joined, followed by all the rest of the Garou in attendance, including the heralds.

  Had there been any Wyrm creatures skulking nearby, they would surely have fled the victorious cacophony.

  A horn sounded in the distance. Evan, sitting by the lake in the dim mist before dawn, cocked his head and listened, waiting. The horn sounded again, this time closer. Evan frowned and stood, looking at the group of cabins where the sept lived. Nobody else was up and about yet, but as he watched, Garou poked their heads out of doors and windows, listening for the horn.

  The Fianna herald came loping down the trail that led to the guest cabins, a smile on his face. He saw Evan and veered to meet him. "I told you! The Fianna are coming and it’s a quite a pack they’ve sent! ”

  Evan smiled and grasped the large man’s outstretched hand. "I hear the horn. Who blows it? ”

  “That would be the Black Bellower, hardiest of our Galliards. If he comes, his pack comes with him: the Boar Spear, a mighty band of hunters. I must say, young Heals-the-Past, I’m surprised. The elders are sending our best with you. The Uktena won’t be happy to lose them, but then, they'll want to keep the Wendigo happy, too, I suppose. ” “I’ve heard of the Boar Spear, ” Evan said, his smile growing wider. “They outran the Wild Hunt. ”

  “That they did, ” the herald said, “that they did. You’re in good hands with them. "

  “I can’t tell you how relieved I am to know it. You’ve got my—”

  “Tut, tut, " the man said, holding up his hands as if blocking the words, “none of that, now. We know it already. Some things don’t need to be said. Now, let’s get your war party gathered. The Spear won’t want to wait around once they’ve arrived. Judging from the sound of the horn, they’ll be here within the hour. "

  Evan could already see more Garou coining out of the cabins, readying themselves for the journey. “Then I better see what I can do to make sure everybody’s ready. ” He shook the herald’s hand one more time and then hurried down the trail to his own cabin to get his backpack.

  Before he reached it, he saw three Garou coming from a side trail, the one that led to the parking lot. One of them he recognized, a local Child of Gaia, one of Alani’s aides. The other two were strangers. One was a strongly built man, about six feet tall with blond hair, jeans, boots, a button-up khaki shirt, and a wide-brimmed hat. The other was shorter, about five feet tall and slim, with jeans, white shirt, sandals, and brown hair braided down to her waist. They waved at Evan; he walked over to greet them.

  “Evan Heals-the-Past? " the blond stranger said, offering his hand with a smile.

  “Yes. ” Evan shook it. “And you are? ”

  “Johnathon Strongheart. And this is Liza, ” he said, indicating the woman. “Children of Gaia. We came to join your expedition at the suggestion of Loba Carcassone. ” “Loba? ” Evan said, excited. "Is there news from the North Country Protectorate? Is Albrecht back yet. 7”

  “King Albrecht? I don’t know. I’m sorry. We saw Loba before she left on a mission of her own. She didn’t say anything about her sept. ”

  Evan’s face fell.

  “Hey, ” Liza said softly, trying to cheer him up. “I’m sorry we’re not Silver Fang kings, but we’ve been around the block a couple of times. We can help out. ”

  Evan, embarrassed, smiled and nodded. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way at all. You can’t even begin to imagine how relieved I am to see some experienced Garou join us. We really, really need you. It’s just that, well, I was hoping to hear from my packmate. He hasn’t sent any word at all. "

  Strongheart frowned. “That’s not like the Silver Fangs. I’m sure there’s a good excuse. Should we delay departure until a herald arrives? ”

  “No, ” Evan said, his shoulders sloping. “We can’t wait any longer. The Wendigo need us. We leave within the hour. I... Look, thanks for coming. We’ll have more time to talk once we get to the North. ”

  “Go do what you need to do, ” Liza said. “We don’t need babysitting. ”

  Evan sighed. “Glad to hear it. The problem is, some in our war party do. ”

  Evan turned and went into his cabin before Strongheart and Liza could ask him what he meant by that. They shrugged and let their fellow tribemate lead them to the caern center where the packs would be gathering.

  Mari sat on top of a closed trunk, watching Evan as he entered and began stuffing shins and pants into his already overstuffed backpack. Her own full backpack was on the floor by her feet. She knew him too well not to see his tension. She didn’t have to guess at the cause.

  “Let it go, Evan, ” she said. “We can’t worry about Albrecht now. We’ve got an army to lead. "

  “What if he’s dead? ” Evan said, fiddling with his pack, trying to get everything to fit. “What if he was killed in Russia? Gaia knows what’s going on there. "

  “He’s not dead. You know that. There’s a reason he’s not here. We don’t know what it is, but it’s a good one. He wouldn’t shirk us on this. ”

  Evan looked up at her in surprise. “Of course he wouldn’t. It’s not that. It’s... I don’t know if we can handle something this big without him. He’s a king, for Gaia’s sake. Remember Jo’cllath’mattric’s cave? We need a war leader like him, Mari. He’s the only one all the tribes will listen to. ” “They respect you, too, Evan. You don’t see it, but everyone else does. They trust you. "

  Evan hung his head. “They think I’m chosen by the ancestors. It’s ridiculous. They’re expecting great things of me but I’m just going to let them down. I’m not a full-moon warrior, Mari. I can’t lead a war party. ”

  “Leave that to the Wend
igo. You’ve done your part: getting all of these Garou together. And you’ll keep them together, because that’s what you do. Leave the military tactics to the experts. You do the real job—making sure the tribes can join together without fighting each other. That’s work enough. ”

  Evan nodded. He sat for a few minutes, silently pondering, and then stood, shouldering his pack. “Now or never. ” “Now, ” Mari said, also standing and lifting her pack. “Definitely now. ”

  • • •

  The war party gathered at the caern center. The cubs were all there, although judging by their deep, sleepy yawns and the red eyes they couldn’t stop rubbing, some of them looked like they weren’t used to getting up this early. Clearly, the Silver River Pack had taken on the task of rousing them and getting them outside in time.

  Athena’s Shield also stood ready, joined now by Johnathon Strongheart and Liza, who knew the two Children of Gaia members of that mixed pack. The tribal heralds stood to the side with Alani Astarte, watching, curious to see how well these disparate packs could blend.

  Evan and Mari arrived and stood in the center. Mari arranged the party’s marching order, placing the Silver River Pack to guard the rear, with the cubs in the center and Athena’s Shield in the vanguard, behind Evan and Mari.

  Nearby, louder than before, the horn rang out once again, this time with a note of finality. Soon, six Garou in human form entered the clearing, keeping to a loose but defined marching pattern. They were all obviously Fianna, the Garou of Celtic stock, for they literally wore their allegiance on their sleeves and clothing, woven with Celtic knotwork and spirals. They each bore a short klaive and two of them had fine yew bows. The bowmen were redheads, while the rest had black hair. All were in their late twenties.

  The Garou who walked in the middle of the oval formation wore black and bore a silver horn engraved with detailed scenes from Fianna legend. He broke from the formation and walked over to greet Evan and Mari, after nodding and winking at the Fianna herald.


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