The Guise of a Gentleman (Rogue Hearts)

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The Guise of a Gentleman (Rogue Hearts) Page 17

by Hatch, Donna

  “A little, I suppose. But I like it here. I feel safe.”

  “Safe? After that incident with Leandro?”

  He nodded. “Even so. I don’t fear any of the servants. The stable hands treat me well and I like the horses. I muck out the stalls a lot, which I don’t like, but the head groom is also teaching me how to care for the horses. He thinks I could be a groom someday. I’d like that.”

  “You didn’t feel safe at sea?” he asked gently.

  “The boatswain terrified me. And some of the others, too. Sometimes I wondered if the storms would finish us. And every time we went into battle, I always wondered…” he trailed off, tears welling up in his eyes.

  “What? You wouldn’t have been hurt; I never let you fight.”

  “If you’d be killed.” He sniffled. “Like Father.”

  Jared wrapped an arm around José and pulled him against his side. He held the boy as well as he could and still maintain control over the reins.

  Circling overhead, a night bird called and glided away. Moonlight flitted through the trees. The steady clop-clopping of the horses’ hooves broke the stillness.

  Jared’s heart felt leaden. On board the ship, he’d tried to care for the boy, to shield him from the ugliness of their life, and indeed José seldom voiced any complaint. But Jared had failed. No child his age should be subjected to that kind of life. He’d seen deceit, thievery, violence, death.

  Jared drew a steadying breath. “I have no plans to return to the sea. In fact, I plan to give up piracy forever.”

  José looked up at him, hope glimmering in his dark eyes. “Could you?”

  “I’m making every effort to do just that.”

  José wiped his nose on his sleeve. “You were a fierce pirate. But you’re different from the others. More honor.”

  Jared snorted. “Honor?”

  “You never hurt your enemies who didn’t fight back. You were never cruel to your crew like Captain Macy was.”

  In pure astonishment, Jared looked down. He gave José a little squeeze. “You honor me.” His father had been a good friend, a good man, and Jared had mourned his death. He’d be proud of his son. “If I’m forced to go back to sea, I’ll see to it that you remain here with someone who will care for you until I can return. This I vow.”

  José rested his head against Jared’s shoulder and snuggled in close. Jared tightened his arm around the lad. It was unseemly to be so familiar with one’s servants, but at the moment, Jared cared little. Within minutes, José fell asleep.

  Guided by moonlight, Jared drove silently and worried over the boy’s fate. He could take him with him when he left Brenniswick, of course, but he hated to drag the lad all over until he found a place to settle down. The boy needed stability. Jared only had the estate for the summer and it was entailed, so he couldn’t purchase it. He didn’t know if he could arrange for José to continue to work in the stables for the owners. He’d have to check into that. If not, perhaps Elise’s overprotective groom would be willing to take him as a stable lad.

  He grinned at the mischief José and Colin would no doubt combine. Imagine, if José ever confessed he’d lived all his life aboard a pirate ship! Colin might die of rapture. Either that or his fascination with pirates would be cured once he heard the truth from José’s mouth.

  A lone rider galloped down the middle of the road toward him. Jared eased his gun out and cocked it. Then, recognizing the rider, he slowed the team.

  José stirred and lifted his head. “It’s all right, lad. Dubois is here.”

  José rubbed his eyes. When Jared’s first mate pulled abreast, he gave a nod. “Bon soir, Monsieur,” José said.

  If any good had come from his life at sea, the boy had picked up a goodly amount of foreign tongues besides his native Portuguese.

  “Bon soir, to you, you little imp.” Dubois gave a toothy grin. He sobered as he turned to Jared.

  “Leandro’s still looking for you. Two of his men tried to sneak on board the Mistress and cause trouble. Apparently, he wanted to hold the ship and crew on board hostage until you arrived.”

  Jared cursed. “Do you know where he is?”

  “No. He and Santos have been seen in Port Johns, at the Wild Boar, but he’s not staying there. We didn’t find where his ship put down anchor. She may have gone further out to sea and will rendezvous with him later.”

  Jared loosened his cravat. “At least that means he doesn’t yet know where I am. Is it possible he found me by chance that last time?”

  Dubois shrugged. “C’est possible.”

  “Find him. Then send me word. I need to finish this.”

  Dubois nodded and spurred his horse to a gallop. Jared snapped the reins.

  José’s gaze settled heavily on Jared. “You’re going to kill Leandro, aren’t you?” His sober tone made Jared’s heart heavy.

  “I showed him mercy last time, and he’s tried to kill me twice since then,” Jared replied quietly. “And you. Neither of us will be safe until he’s dead.”

  And if he hoped to have any kind of future with Elise, he’d have to somehow eliminate all his enemies.


  Elise strolled through the gardens, admiring the rain-swept view and the water droplets shimmering on the plants as if a tiny rainbow rested inside each one. Briefly, she glanced at the stables as she passed by, but continued on foot, unable to bear the thought of riding without Prince.

  Turning her attention to the cloud-dappled sky, she drew a deep breath. The rain always revived the colors, and reawakened the scents of roses, jasmine, honeysuckle, and violets. As she passed beyond the gardens and out into the wide open fields, she watched the long grass bend in the wind. Sunlight glinted off select blades making them dazzle. Upon climbing a low rise toward a grove of trees, she stopped short.

  Jared Amesbury leaned lazily against the trunk of an oak, his arms folded. Dressed in buckskin breeches and a sea green waistcoat, with the wind ruffling his dark hair, he looked unbearably handsome.

  She quickened her steps toward him.

  “I’d hoped to find you here.” He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. Then he unbuttoned her glove. Surprise arrested all movement, and she simply stood motionless and allowed his actions. He raised her arm to his lips and lightly kissed the inside of her bare wrist.

  She shivered and her knees wobbled. “I … don’t think you should do that.”

  “Does it displease you?” His languid voice rippled over her.

  “On the contrary. That’s why I think you shouldn’t do it.”

  A mischievous grin tugged on the corner of his expressive mouth while unconcealed desire glinted in his eye. “In that case…” He stepped in closer.

  A quiver vibrated in her stomach. He ran one finger along her cheek down to her chin. Eddies of warmth undulated through every nerve. He tilted up her chin and leaned in.

  The thudding of her heart could probably be heard for miles around. Her breath came in gasps. He gently kissed her once, his lips soft and warm. Shamelessly, she leaned into him. He kissed her again and this time he lingered, teasing, coaxing. He rested his other hand on her waist. His lips continued tugging gently, but each kiss grew in intensity, in hunger. His hand moved to the small of her back and pulled her in closer. He slid his hand from her face to the back of her head, holding it firm.

  She pressed herself against him, letting him take command of her mouth. He deepened the kiss. Her desire circumvented any shock at their behavior.

  They kissed in a world of their own making. Elise had never felt more vital in her life. Every nerve tingled, every sense reeled. He tasted of lemon and honey tea. His clean masculine scent mingled with fragrance of the heather in an earthy blend. His heart beat quick and hard against her in a cadence that matched her own. Her very alive body registered the cool breeze, the warmth of his hands, the heat of his body against hers.

  His demanding lips brought her to a height of pleasure totally unknown, and yet familiar
, as if she’d longed for it all her life and only now discovered what had been missing.

  His breathing turned ragged and he uttered a groan. He pulled her to him desperately. The intensity of his passion left her breathless and aching. She lost contact with reason. All that remained was the fierce pull of his mouth. Urgently, he deepened the kiss. Then she began to make demands of her own, her kisses bold and hungry. With a groan, he shivered. His lips moved across her cheek, down her throat. His fingers traced her sensitive skin, skimming over her neck and shoulders. His lips followed. Her knees weakened, but his arms held her secure. Kissing a path down lower across her flesh, he slipped the sleeve of her gown off one shoulder.

  Elise’s morality nudged her and she shifted into clear thought.

  She did not want an empty affair.

  Her breathing hard and uneven, she caught his wandering hand with hers and pulled her mouth away from his.

  He blinked as if dazed. With his eyes half-opened and his moist lips parted, he looked thoroughly desirable. And hungry.

  “Jared,” she managed.

  The heavily-lidded expression faded and he visibly snapped into reason. “Forgive me. I shouldn’t have taken such liberties.”

  “What exactly are your intentions toward me?”

  He drew a breath. “I’m not in a position to make you a formal offer just yet. Despite my better sense warning me away, I cannot seem to keep my thoughts from you. And my feet seem inclined to agree with my thoughts.”

  “I see.” Stung by his non-committal answer, she shrugged out of his grasp.

  His hands tightened on her upper arms, preventing her from leaving. “You don’t understand. My life is complicated. I have problems that I need to resolve. It requires my full attention. I shouldn’t have let myself be distracted. Yet, you’ve distracted me most thoroughly. You’re too good for me, but I want you anyway.”

  She was only a distraction to him? Angry, hurt, she looked away.

  “Elise. No, that’s not what I mean. Look, I didn’t intend to tell you like this. I ….” he blew out his breath and muttered something in a tongue she did not understand. “I’m doing this all wrong.” His gaze moved away as he gathered his thoughts. An instant later, his aquamarine gaze held her fast. “I love you.”

  She stilled.

  “I love you with all of my heart.”

  Dumbstruck, she could only stare.

  “I don’t deserve you, but I vow if you’ll have me, I will spend my every moment trying to make you happy. But I need to clear up some issues. Will you wait for me? Will you give me the time I need before I can make you a formal offer of marriage?”

  The loneliness she’d suffered all these years faded and a tremendous sense of belonging overcame her. She’d never wanted anything as badly as spending her life with Jared.

  Joy and hope bubbled out of her. She laughed and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes. Yes, of course I will.”

  He joined in her laughter and squeezed her so hard that she squeaked. Then he pulled back and smoothed the hair away from her face. “You’ll really have me? With all my flaws and my tainted past?”

  “Oh, Jared. I love you. All of you. When you’re ready to tell me about your past, I’ll listen and I’ll accept it because it’s part of the man you are.”

  His face transformed into such happiness that he looked like a man who’d just been offered the world. “You’ve made me so happy. I never dared believe I’d ever be this happy.”

  She laughed again just out of sheer bliss.

  “For now, we’ll make it a secret betrothal. But I promise you, very soon I’ll make it formal. And public.”

  “I’ll wait for you. Take all the time you need. It’s taken me this long to find you; I can certainly wait a little longer.”

  She’d wait an eternity for this man who completed her. He pulled her into his arms again and kissed her so thoroughly she wondered if she’d actually left the mortal bounds of earth.

  When he pulled away, he grinned. Mischievously, he cocked his head to one side. “How is it that you were married for five years and don’t know how to kiss?”

  Taken aback, she blinked. “Edward thought it vulgar to kiss on the mouth.”

  “Nothing about you is vulgar. How could he think that? What kind of man did you marry?”

  She said defensively, “He was tender. He often kissed my hand and my cheek; he just didn’t like to kiss on the mouth. But I assure you he was very loving.”

  Jared grinned. “He’d be an idiot if he weren’t loving toward you. I, however, harbor no such opinions. Here let me show you.” He drew her close and kissed her until she thought she’d soar.

  And she’d never been happier.


  As Elise strolled along the streets of Port Johns, gulls spiraled overhead, and a light mist hung on the air. The clean, refreshing smell of the sea blew in on the breezes. Fortunately, the odors of the wharf remained below and did not carry to the hill where the shopping district lay.

  Elise left the pearl Jared gave her with a jeweler who would make it into a brooch. She was smiling incessantly, but she’d never been so filled with contentment. More than contentment. Pure exhilaration.

  When her purchases piled up, her two footmen following behind had to begin making return trips to the carriage to put the packages away.

  Elise browsed inside a milliner, but none of the bonnets caught her eye. As she emerged from the milliner’s, she caught sight of Jared Amesbury’s unmistakable tall, muscular form as he stood speaking to someone across the street. Her heart rose up and shouted with joy. She hurried across the street toward him.

  He wore his usual tasteful attire, although the cravat looked a bit battered. Keeping to the shadows, he spoke intently to a shadowed figure for a moment and then put his hand on the other man’s shoulder, spun him around, and ushered him toward a narrow alley between buildings. Something about the furtive nature of their behavior awakened Elise’s imagination.

  She hesitated, but curiosity ruled and she followed them. Two male voices guided her toward the end of the alley, so near that they sounded as though they were just around the corner.

  Intuition warned her to be discreet. Holding her breath, Elise flattened herself against the wall, crept to the edge and listened.

  In annoyance, she realized one of the footmen had followed her. He opened his mouth to protest, but she laid a finger over her lips to silence him and waved him away. He moved back, but kept her in sight.

  “Then why are you here?” a male voice demanded in a lilting accent Elise could not place.

  “I told you, I’m here on a lead. I’ve had to assume this identity so I could follow it,” replied Jared.

  “So you aren’t really the son of an earl.”

  Jared laughed, sounding disgusted. “No, Anakoni, I’m merely posing as one.”

  Anakoni paused. “You’ve just made up this name Amesbury? Don’t these noble blokes all know each other?”

  “Oh, there really is a Jared Amesbury. Or was. His family thinks he’s still abroad. But he’s dead.”

  Elise caught her breath as her heart skittered to a halt. If he weren’t Jared Amesbury, who was he?

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I killed him.” Jared’s voice took on a chilling tone that Elise never would have recognized.

  Disbelief and a vague fear crept over her. She clenched her hands together and held them against her fluttering stomach.

  “Of course,” Jared added, “I waited until after he handed over all his money to ransom his own life. Spineless coward. He deserved to die. You should have heard him pleading for mercy. He’d have sold his own sister to save his miserable skin.”

  With her back pressed against a wall, she slid to sit on the ground.

  No. No this couldn’t be. This was the gentle and exuberant man to whom she’d pledged her heart. Not an imposter. Not a killer. This couldn’t be happening.

  Breathless, and suddenly ter
rified they would discover her, she remained motionless.

  Anakoni’s musical accent drew her back. “And no one else knows he’s dead?”

  “No, and as long as I avoid anyone who might have known him, my alias will remain intact.”

  A long pause followed and Elise’s heart thudded so loudly she feared they would hear.

  “Why didn’t you just tell me, Jack? I know you keep things to yourself, but this…”

  Jack? Jared’s name was Jack?

  “You know me,” Jared said. “I never trust anyone. Nothing personal.”

  “Aye.” Anakoni sounded resigned.

  “I just need another week or two and then we’ll all be richer than Midas.”


  “You know, the man whose finger turned everything to gold?” Jared made a huffing sound. “Never mind. Suffice it to say, we’ll be so rich, we could live like kings the rest of our lives and never have to step foot on a ship again.”

  “Won’t you miss the adventure?”

  “Aye. Some. But I’m tired of always looking over my shoulder, watching out for the Royal Navy or some pirate hunter. I’d like to live long enough to enjoy my wealth.”

  “I’m surprised you’d be willing to give up the freedom.”

  “I’d be trading freedoms. Money can buy a new life. And if I get an urge for adventure, I could always hire a crew and take the ship out for a little fun. But not because I need the money.”

  Anakoni snorted. “You don’t need the money now.”

  “This is big, Anakoni. Trust me. It will be worth it. Just keep Leandro off my back long enough to make this deal. You’ll thank me later.”

  “Very well, Cap’n, but we’re running out of blunt. We’ll need to put to sea soon.”

  “Give me another week,” the man she’d known as Jared said. They moved off in another direction and parted company.

  Elise sat stunned and shaken.

  He’d grown tired of avoiding pirate hunters. Because he was a pirate.

  Her head spun as memories swirled. Jared, dressed like a pirate, being hanged by two men also dressed as pirates. The duality she frequently sensed in him. The predatory way he moved. Colin’s intuitive statement that he thought Jared a pirate.


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