Vampire Storm (Volume 1 : The Hurricane Journals)

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Vampire Storm (Volume 1 : The Hurricane Journals) Page 7

by R.M. Plaiscia

With a thick and paranoid beard hung from his chin, the scruffy warlock Marigny, a powerful Warwalker of the Saint Claude Witches, entered swiftly into the crowded room, looking around from side to side. His tattered brown hair was pulled back tight, tied up and hanging down between his shoulder blades, bouncing against his long, reddish-brown trench coat that scraped the stone floor with each of his pronounced steps. His eyes were that of stone, the black of his retina thinning as he focused his vision through the crowd. He had already heard the rumors of the vampire Reggyo being brought into their hidden underground chamber by Jade, word having traveled incredibly fast through the various hallways of the labyrinth that it was. He wanted authenticity, and he searched through the various faces within the crowd as he moved through it, until he found the one he wanted, the only one that could confirm the rumors.

  She was speaking with the same old man she had been earlier, with her speed and her strength just behind her, and Marigny made his way over to her, simply pushing everyone else out of his way. As he reached her, he slid in front of her and put his hand on her shoulder, spinning her around and leading her away from the old man.

  “Excuse us for just one moment, Caffin.” Marigny said to him, not even looking back at him.

  Caffin replied with a bow, “Of course.” He spoke respectfully.

  Her speed and strength, however, walked stride for stride with them, remaining always a step behind Jade.

  “So… is it really him?” Marigny asked her, getting right to the point.

  “No way,” Jade told him in her honest opinion, “Not if it were my guess you were counting on.”

  “And how can you be so sure?” Marigny asked as he walked her over to a corner.

  “Well, to start off, he does not even know how to pronounce his own name correctly, nor does he seem to know anything about the past, his own or ours.” Jade told him. “He does not seem to even know what he is, let alone who he is. And from what I remember of the real Reggyo, even though I was rather young at the time, this ‘Reggio’ seems to be nothing like him. The only thing, though, is that he does seem to be rather powerful.”

  “Well, I have never seen this Reggyo or any other before. Even though his name has rung out for centuries amongst our kind, he has remained reclusive from my sight, and so I will just have to trust your opinion for now.” Marigny told her. “But were you able to get any information at all from him, anything?”

  “No… nothing.” Jade told him, shaking her head. “As I said, he did not seem to know anything. And I do not think he is lying about any of it. He seemed genuinely confused about all the things I asked him about. But I know that there is a story that comes with him, buried somewhere in that mind of his. But whether he is the legendary vampire warrior we know as Reggyo or not, which I do not believe him to be, this vampire seems to have lost his memory.”

  Marigny nodded his head as he glanced down at the floor. “That tells me enough,” he told her, “For now.” Then he walked away from her just as quickly as he had appeared in her face.

  “So what do you want me to do? Can I keep him?” Jade asked before he got too far away.

  Marigny turned back to face her with a smile across his face as he walked backwards, everyone stepping out of his way behind him. “You can keep him as long as you can keep him under control. You know our views on his kind.” He told her. “And luckily, the other storm wasn’t another damn vampire. So we’ll deal with that when it arrives. Until then… come and find me when Jane figures out what to do with the stones.”

  Marigny then spun back around and disappeared into the crowd, the old man Caffin returning back to Jade’s side. “He can be a bit eccentric, can’t he?” He asked her.

  “Eccentric would not be the word I would use, but yes.” She told him. “He means well, but…” Her voice trailed off for a moment, not sure how to describe him. She then took a deep breath of annoyance instead. “That is why I stay so near to him.”


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