Satisfied 2X

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Satisfied 2X Page 24

by Nicole Elliot

  Steve walked out from behind the corridor door and tapped the mic. There was a new print of the Warriors logo behind him.

  At least they had thought to start with a cleaned-up version of the team.

  “Good morning,” he greeted the team and the press.

  Coach Applewhite was in the front row. He placed his visor in his lap.

  Other than the guys who had attended the auction, the rest of the team didn’t know the plan. It was better that way. They would have to buy into the legitimacy of the relationship just like the fans.

  “Thank you for being here.” Steve straightened his tie before he continued.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Vanessa. She wore a pale pink suit. It made her look like a fucking angel. I swallowed hard.

  “As you all know, it’s been a rough time for the team. We are still coming to terms with the passing of Mr. McCade. You’ll notice the team uniforms this season will be embroidered with a patch carrying the initials MC. To his friends he was known as Mac. It’s the way his team has decided to honor him as we start the season.” Steve took a sip of water. He looked more nervous than usual. “It’s going to be a tough season without our leader. But, I asked you here today to share some happy news.”

  He glanced at Vanessa. “You’ve probably noticed our new owner, Vanessa McCade has joined me, along with star wide receiver Dylan James.”

  There was a rumble of questions and speculations that came from the press that flanked us. The cameras were already going off. I didn’t know what kind of hell would break loose when he told them the news.

  “Sometimes in tragedy, we find hope.” I had to keep my eyes from rolling in the back of my head. Since when was Steve a fucking poet? “We find comfort and friendship. And you know that’s true with football. This is a family. A place where people lean on each other. Where the Warriors can count on each other. And in this case, tragedy has turned into love.”

  I closed my eyes. This bullshit was almost too much for me to take. And I knew what was coming. Dylan had to be sweating bullets up there. If there was one word I knew he never used it was love. He never stuck around long enough to know what it felt like.

  “I’m happy today to announce the engagement of Warriors owner, Miss Vanessa McCade to Dylan James.”

  Steve grinned, showing off the gap in his teeth. He turned to Vanessa and Dylan. Dylan leaned over, kissing Vanessa and whispering something in her ear.

  Her eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on me. I nodded, pressing my gaze into her. I wanted her to keep going. I wanted her to pull this off.

  The clicks from the cameras were almost deafening. The reporters ignored that an entire football team was in the center of the room, and rushed to the front tables on the makeshift stage.

  “Miss McCade, how did he propose?”

  “Dylan, does this mean you’ve given up the nightlife?”

  “How long have you been dating?”

  “What does your grandmother think, Vanessa?”

  “When’s the wedding?”

  Steve rose, placing his hand on Dylan’s and Vanessa’s shoulders. “Listen, we’re going to take questions, but this is like any post-game press conference.” He laughed. I could tell he was fucking pleased with himself. The press was eating this up. “Barb, you go first.”

  “Thanks, Steve.” She shooed her cameraman over to her shoulder. “Vanessa, how will this engagement affect your ability to effectively run the team?”

  Fuck. That question had nothing to do with flowers or bridesmaid dresses. I wanted to push my way to the front and shield her. I wanted to tell that reporter to fuck off.

  Vanessa smiled sweetly. “Great question.” Dylan’s heavy hand was slung around her shoulder. “It won’t change any of my day-to-day responsibilities of course. Lots of women have jobs and manage to have fiancés at the same time.” She giggled. “Dylan and I have an understanding. Neither of our careers will be affected. I can assure the Warriors if anything, this will make me a better owner.”

  Barb continued, even though I was pretty sure her turn was over. “Are you saying, you’ll have more of a focus on player interests now? Is that a departure from how your grandfather managed the organization?”

  Damn it, Barb. Who was that woman?

  Steve moved to take the mic, but Vanessa slid it from him. I saw a newfound confidence in her.

  “I loved my grandfather and we’re all going to miss him, but I have to do what’s best for the team going forward. And yes, that means I’m going to have a different focus. Dylan and I have talked about the team. I’m not going to pretend and try to convince you that we don’t discuss player issues. I want the Warriors to lead the AFA. And that means I’m going to have to make some changes to keep the quality talent we have.”

  My jaw almost dropped. Who was this girl? She had changed in front of me. She was on fire. She wasn’t taking any shit. She knew exactly how to answer the questions.

  “Next question.” Steve pointed to one of the Sports Now reporters. “Leslie, what do you have for us?”

  “I’d like to know how you plan on negotiating Dylan’s contract.” The reporter folded her arms.

  Dylan didn’t let Vanessa land in the trap. He swiveled the mic in his direction. “Hey there, darlin’.” He flashed a smile at Leslie. “My contract will be negotiated by my agent, just like every guy here.” He nodded to the team.

  “But don’t you think you have an unfair advantage?” Leslie pressed.

  “I’ll re-negotiate just like my teammates. My biggest concern is having a higher completion rating than Isaac.” He laughed loudly.

  All heads turned to face me. I lifted my chin and tried to smile, but my lips were contorted. Mother fucker. Why did he draw me into this?

  “Is that true, Isaac? Are you and Dylan that competitive?” Leslie shoved her microphone in my face.

  I pressed my palms into my knees. “Sure. We like to compete.”

  “What do you think about the engagement?”

  I swallowed. “I think it’s great. I wish them all the luck in the world. Congrats, y’all.”

  Steve tapped the mic. “Let’s move on to some local press. What do you have Danny?”

  “When is it? Have you set a date?”

  I was relieved everyone was focused on the press table again.

  Dylan threaded his fingers through Vanessa’s, bringing her knuckles to her lips. Everyone gasped when they saw the ring. I hadn’t expected it. The rock was fucking huge.

  Vanessa smiled. “We’re going to wait and see what happens at the Super Bowl this year and then set a date for the off season,” she explained.

  I sat there for the next hour while Steve directed and managed questions. By the end of the press conference, I knew the rest of the team was ready to get to the locker rooms and get out of these monkey suits.

  Instead of heading under the building, I took the elevator to the top floor. The doors retracted and Candy was glued to her screen.

  I walked past her. She was watching highlights from the press conference. It was breaking news on all the sports channels.

  I pushed through the door to Vanessa’s office. She and Dylan were inside, when I closed the door behind me, locking it in place.

  She walked toward me, sliding her arms around my neck.

  “How did we do? What did you think?”

  I felt her soft warm body in my arms. I groaned, trying to remember what she had asked.

  “You were great. Like the perfect bride.”


  Dylan strolled up behind her. I stared at him. We had to be thinking the same thing, but the idea of doing that here in ownership’s office was irresponsible and reckless. His palms circled her waist, flattening against her belly.

  “Yes. Convincing. Even to Sports Now.”

  Her shoulders relaxed as she leaned into Dylan’s chest. My lips crashed against hers. I couldn’t help it. I had to taste her. I had to kiss her.

  She wig
gled her hips back, grinding into Dylan. He had to be as hard as I was. Before we could direct her, Vanessa started sinking to her knees. I looked at him, surprised she was taking the reins.

  “What are you doing, baby?” I asked, my voice husky.

  “We’re in my office aren’t we?” she purred. She unbuckled my dress pants before sliding them off my legs and shirking the boxer briefs to my ankles.

  “Fuck,” I groaned. My cock bobbed free. Hard and throbbing.

  She turned to Dylan, undressing him just as quickly.

  She fisted him in her hand as her tongue darted out, flicking over the head of my cock. “Shit, Vanessa,” I hissed.

  Her head turned as Dylan’s dick met her lips. He pushed himself in her mouth a few pumps before she pivoted back to me.

  It was fucking insane. She rotated between us, sucking each of us off, like she had done this before. Like she wanted to make us come hard and fast. Drive us to the edge of fucking cliff. Switching back and forth while our climaxes built, needing more, taking the few seconds her hot wet velvety mouth gave our cocks.

  “I have to come down your throat,” I groaned, feeling the ache start at the base of my spine.

  “Fuck, me too,” Dylan grunted.

  Her eyes met mine. I looked down in those beautiful pools of blue. I thrust inside her mouth, knowing two pumps was all it would take before I exploded inside her. I groaned feeling the quickening take over. I trembled until my cum filled her mouth.

  Dylan whipped her around, shoving his dick inside her. She closed her eyes, taking him all in, moaning as he fucked her hard.

  “That’s it, darlin’. Oh shit, you’re amazing.”

  I ran my fingers through her hair just as he spilled inside her. She swallowed hard, licking her lips with satisfaction.

  Dylan looked at me. I shook my head. This girl was going to be the death of us.

  We jumped when we heard a knock on the door.

  “Vanessa?” It was Candy. Shit.

  We pulled up our pants and I helped Vanessa to her feet. Her cheeks were red and her hair was all over the place.

  I tried to help her straighten it.

  “Y-yes?” she eked out.

  “Steve is out here.”

  Vanessa wiped the back of her mouth. “Can you bring me some water before you send him in?”

  Dylan and I both held in a laugh.

  “Got it, boss,” Candy called.

  Dylan held Vanessa against his chest. “Can I just say you’re the hottest fucking fiancée a man could want?”

  She giggled. “Is that what hot fiancées do?”

  I spun her toward me. I wouldn’t be able to touch her again until we were behind closed doors. Dylan could kiss her, hold her hand, put his arm around her and the rest of the world would think it was romantic. I couldn’t go near her.

  “Absolutely.” I planted a kiss on her lips. “And right now I’m regretting I didn’t up my bid to a hundred K.”

  Dylan pushed on my shoulder, separating us. “Well, you didn’t.”

  “Hey.” Vanessa’s sapphire eyes burned brightly. “I said I didn’t want to choose. I’m not going to.” She shook her head. “Tell me you haven’t changed your minds.”

  “No,” I growled, shooting Dylan a death stare.

  “No.” He shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “Good, because I need you both. I can’t run this team without you.”

  “You have us,” I promised.

  Dylan moved to unlock the door. “You have my word. We’re here for you.”

  “If I could have two fake engagements I would,” she whispered. “But I don’t think that would go over very well.”

  I was starting to realize more and more we were all in way over our heads, but one look at her and I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.



  My world was spinning out of control. I was on a high from my new sexual power and giddy with how the press conference turned out. But there was a new tension between the guys. I could see it. Feel it. Isaac wanted more. I had to figure out how to give it to him. I couldn’t lose him.

  But there wasn’t time to ask how to make that happen before Steve barged into the room.

  “Isaac?” He looked at my other favorite wide receiver. “What are you doing here?”

  “I asked him to be here,” I swooped in. “He’s Dylan’s best friend, and he represents the other players. You had him sign the NDA anyway.”

  “Oh. All right.” Steve made himself at home. His sleeves came nearly to the center of his palms. Someone needed to teach him how to dress better.

  I slowly sipped the glass of water Candy had brought. She returned with a tray, including a pitcher with slices of lemon floating on top. I was starting to see how invaluable she was in small ways.

  “We have nothing but positive feedback after the press conference,” the director reported. He settled on the worn-down couch. “Every post I’ve seen has been a good one. The fans are going bananas.”

  “Bananas?” I had to stop my giggle. I didn’t know people still said that.

  “I have requests for sit-down interviews. You two are going to be the hottest couple in football.”

  I twisted my lip under my teeth. “Great. Can you send the schedule to Candy? She’ll add it to my calendar.”

  “Whatever you need,” Dylan added. He wrapped an arm around me.

  Steve looked up. “You two don’t have to do that for my benefit.”

  Dylan shook his head. “It’s not. Mind your fucking business, Steve.”

  I elbowed Dylan in the ribs. “What he’s trying to say is we’re ok with this.”

  Steve laughed. “The guy bought you in an auction, but whatever floats your boat. I know people are into weird shit these days.”

  I stiffened. Did he know there was more to this than Dylan and me? Did he have a clue that Isaac was part of the equation?

  It wasn’t a traditional equation. But it was one I liked. I loved it. Each man gave me something different and unique. I needed them together. The idea that that could be exposed or revealed in some way made prickles of panic fire through my spine. I shivered.

  “You ok, darlin’?” Dylan rubbed the side of my arm. I saw the protective gaze radiate from Isaac.

  I nodded. “Yeah, just the air conditioning or something.”

  “What you two have going on is cute,” Steve mumbled. He was clicking through his phone. “The schedule has been sent to Candy. You have your first interview tonight with Sports Now.”

  “Sports Now is tonight?” I gaped. “Couldn’t we work up to that? Do some practice ones first?”

  “This is it. If you can’t sell it to them, no point in trying to swim in deep waters.”

  “I can go too,” Isaac offered.

  Steve’s face crinkled around the eyes. “Not necessary for more team members to be there.”

  “No,” I argued. “I want him there.”

  Dylan squeezed my knee and I knew he understood. I needed both of them.

  “It will show the Sports Now staff that we have true Warrior support,” I explained. I didn’t know if Steve bought it. “He’s not going to be on camera or anything.”

  “Fine.” Steve waved his hand in the air. “Just get it done. Sell it. That’s all I care about.”

  Dylan rose. “I think we’re done here.”

  “Are you dismissing me?” Steve’s surprise was obvious.

  “Vanessa has a team to run. You nailed the PR piece today.”

  Steve laughed. “You’re a wide receiver, not an executive.”

  “She needs to work.”

  Steve looked at me. “Is this for real?”

  I rose from my chair. “Steve, I have other meetings.”

  “Did I create a monster?” His eyes darted between Dylan and Isaac.

  No one answered. We watched as he gathered his stack of reports and walked out of the office.

  “Thank you.” I smiled at Dylan.

  “No problem. I hate that asshole.”

  “Does it feel like it’s already time to leave work?” I smiled weakly. I was exhausted. I didn’t sleep much last night, let alone how early I awoke. Add in the press conference and I had depleted all my energy.

  “We have practice, baby,” Isaac announced.

  “Oh right. That.”

  “I’m sure the guys are going to know what’s going on.” Dylan reached his arms overhead to stretch.

  “I guess I’ll see y’all later.” I didn’t want them to leave. I didn’t want their warmth and strength to walk out of my office.

  “Warrior duty calls.”

  We all had a duty. Mine was to the franchise. I had to keep things running.

  “I’ll text you about the interview.”

  Isaac looked over his shoulder before planting a hungry kiss on my lips. The door was open. He was taking a chance. He stood back.

  Dylan walked over next, snaking his hand around my waist. “I should be the one to kiss my fiancée good-bye.” He grinned before taking my lips with a blistering kiss. My knees buckled, leaning into him.

  “Bye, darlin’.”

  I blinked, watching the two hottest men I’d ever known go to practice.

  I held on to the desk. I should be used to the spinning by now. But I wasn’t sure if I ever would find balance with those two. I smiled. For now, I was fine with that.



  I studied the notes Steve had left for me. He wanted to make sure I hit certain talking points during the interview tonight. Somehow all of this would lead to an increase in ticket sales. He’d made it clear we were losing box seat holders along with season ticket holders throughout the stadium. It was a lot to put on me. It wasn’t like I was a main attraction who could draw in fans. It was my responsibility to hold the team together with this charade.


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