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Girth Page 46

by Savannah Rylan

  His words were like poison to my ears. All this time, even though I knew that the Rossi family didn’t deal in a clean simple business, I’d refused to think about what exactly it was they were involved in. I believed that Nico would keep us safe. Ava had said it herself; Nico was a reasonable man.

  Now I knew that it was out of his hands. His father had already decided his fate for him.

  “Kennedy, I’m sorry. This was why I didn’t want to start anything serious with you. I was afraid for your safety,” Nico said and I caught his hands in mine.

  “I’m ready to leave Seattle. I’m ready to go whenever you are,” I said.

  Nico gulped as he stared at me and then nodded his head. I could see that he was relieved.

  Chapter 22


  I dropped Kennedy off at our apartment, and waited with her until Ava came over. I wanted to give my father one last chance, but I couldn’t leave Kennedy alone while I went to speak to him.

  She sat on the couch, trying to be brave. Every time I asked her if she was doing okay, she insisted that she was going to be fine. When Ava came to the apartment, she was glaring at me.

  “What did you do?” she hissed and Kennedy came to my aid.

  “It’s not his fault, Ava, leave him alone. He’s going to fix this,” she said.

  “By taking you away!” Ava screamed.

  Kennedy hugged her best friend tightly and indicated for me to leave.

  “I love him, honey. This is the only way we can be together,” I heard Kennedy say as I left the apartment.

  I was raging mad. How had they found out about the baby? I’d seen no indication, no clues that our secret was out. Was I being followed? Did they have eyes on the apartment? That was the only way they could have known who else was living with me. Kennedy was beginning to show, so putting two and two together wouldn’t have been hard.

  I got in my car and drove straight to Maverick. I had a suspicion that my father was going to be there.

  I barged in on a little party he was having. The room was thick with smoke and my father was sitting, surrounded by his closest associates.

  “All of you, get out!” I growled at them.

  “What’s got your panties in a bunch, son?” my dad asked with a grin on his face, while the others started leaving the room.

  I stood over him with clenched fists. I was ready to punch him now. I had no inhibitions left. My kid had just been threatened.

  I waited for everyone to leave the room before I spoke again.

  “Do you have any fucking idea how much danger we are in right now?” I asked.

  My father shrugged his shoulders and stuck his cigar between his lips.

  “Again with the danger! Nico, why don’t you sit down and we can discuss this,” he said. He’d been drinking and I could hear him slurring his words.

  “I don’t need to sit down for this. It’s a very simple conversation. I have a question to ask you and you answer it in one word and then I’m gone,” I stated.

  He narrowed his eyes at me and I continued.

  “Are you going to do something about the death threats we’ve been receiving?” I asked.

  My father laughed then and blew out a mouthful of smoke.

  “Of course, I will, son. I’m going to get all the motherfuckers and make them pay for emotional damages,” he replied sarcastically, still laughing.

  “If that is your plan. If you have no interest in putting a stop to this manic bloodshed, then I’m leaving. I’m taking your grandchild and I’m getting out of here,” I said. My voice was deep and calm. I wasn’t here to pick a fight. I was here to inform him that my time was up and I was out.

  “Grandchild? What the fuck are you talking about, Nico?” he asked, jumping out of his chair.

  “I’m having a kid. I’m going to be a father in five months. I’m in love with a good woman and she’s just been threatened. There is no way I’m staying in Seattle to watch the show. I’m not going to put my family in danger,” I replied.

  My father stepped towards me, the cigar was still burning between his fingers.

  “You’re having a kid and you didn’t fucking tell me?” he growled.

  “What purpose would that achieve? You don’t care about anything but this business. You don’t care who gets hurt. And I’m keeping my kid out of this,” I hissed.

  I could see confusion in my father’s eyes. He wasn’t sure of what to feel.

  “You think this is what I wanted?” he growled.

  “This is what you’re doing. You have no interest in stopping it either,” I replied.

  “You think I can?” he had stepped right up to me now. Our faces were aligned. I could see every vein on his face, every raging capillary in his eyes.

  “Yes, you can. We can. I had a plan and I gave you opportunities to use it over and over again,” I hissed.

  He said nothing. He continued to glare at me with his jaws clenched.

  “It’s too late now. My woman’s life is in danger, and so is my kid’s. I’m getting out of here. I just wanted to let you know,” I said.

  He still didn’t say anything. This time, he knew it wasn’t just an empty threat. He knew he was saying goodbye to his only son.

  “If there is any part of you that respects me. If you consider me your son; you won’t try and find me. Just let me fucking go and lead my life in peace,” I said.

  The anger was disappearing from my father’s eyes. In its place, I saw sadness and confusion. He’d never expected this. He never thought I would actually leave. He was losing his family. The only family he had left…and he had nothing to say.

  “I hope you get out of this alive, dad,” I told him.

  I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jacket and I whipped away from him. I wasn’t expecting him to say anything, so I didn’t wait for a response. I left the bar and outside, I pulled out my phone.

  “Hello,” I heard Gunther’s voice on the line.

  “It’s me. Meet me at the Cotton Candy in fifteen minutes. It’s done,” I told him and ended the call.

  Gunther had been waiting for this phone call for four months now and the night had finally arrived.


  Cotton Candy was a strip joint I used to frequent. Back when Kennedy wasn’t a part of my life. It seemed like ages ago when I was last here, I felt as I walked through the doors.

  I saw Gunther sitting at the bar, smiling as he stared at a stripper on a pole in front of him.

  None of these women did anything for me anymore. It was like, ever since I’d met Kennedy, she was the only thing I could think about. Hers was the only body that got me going. Everyone else was meaningless. I’d lost my thirst of looking for something new.

  I joined Gunther at the bar and ordered a whisky.

  “So, this is it, huh?” he asked as I sat down on a stool beside him.

  “Do you have the stuff?” I asked.

  Gunther slipped his hand in his pocket and retrieved a paper bag which had been neatly folded and secured.

  “Two passports just like you asked,” he said.

  I ripped open the bag and pulled out the fresh passports. One for Kennedy and one for myself. I’d asked Gunther to start working on it the night I found out about the baby. I wanted us to be prepared for a situation like this. To leave at a moment’s notice.

  I flipped through the passports. I was supposed to be Nicholas Ricci and Kennedy was Kenni Ferguson. She had no idea about this. I wanted Gunther to make the passports with names that were similar to our own so that we never made a mistake. She could still call me Nico and I’d call her Kenni and nobody would suspect.

  “Where are you going to go?” Gunther asked me.

  At this point, he was the only person I trusted. We’d been friends for several years and he owed me for saving his life. I knew he was an honorable man.

  “Italy. Rome, I think,” I replied as I took a large sip of my whisky.

  “You been there before?” he a
sked and I nodded.

  “When I was younger. It’s where my family is originally from. I have some connections there, cousins who might help me,” I said.

  Gunther sighed and then thumped his hand on my shoulder.

  “You know I’m going to miss you man,” he said and I smiled weakly.

  “Right back at you, brother. I’m going to miss Seattle and this country and everything. I can’t believe my kid won’t get a chance to grow up here,” I was staring at the burning amber liquid in my glass.

  This was it. Our lives in America was over.

  For me, it wouldn’t be that hard. I was Italian, I spoke the language, I had family there. It wouldn’t take me much time to assimilate in the country. For Kennedy, it would be a whole new phase of life. It would be like starting all over again. This was my fault. I was responsible for putting her through this.

  If she hadn’t fallen for me, if she hadn’t gotten pregnant, none of this would have happened. She would be safe and happy, leading her own life right now.

  “You’ve been dealt a rough hand, brother,” Gunther continued to pat my shoulder. “I mean, with a dad like Fabio Rossi, you’re lucky you’re still alive, man,” he continued.

  “No, I think my luck is changing around. I met Kennedy and my life has changed. I think I might have a shot at happiness after all,” I replied and emptied the whisky down my throat.

  “Good for you, man. I hope you guys have a safe journey and you make it to Rome okay,” Gunther said.

  I pulled out the wad of cash I had for him and slapped it on the counter.

  “Thank you for your services,” I said, standing up and he slipped the money in his pocket.

  “I’ll always be just a phone call away, brother,” he called out to me as I started to walk away.

  Outside the strip joint, I stood in the darkness, looking over at the Seattle skyline.

  Maybe I was being watched right now? Maybe Kennedy and I wouldn’t be able to make our escape at all. I had no idea what we had in store for the journey. I didn’t even know how she would react when she saw the passport. All I knew was that I couldn’t give up now. I had to try.

  I walked to my car and sat inside.

  I was running away. I was making my escape.

  Even a few years ago, maybe even a few months ago; leaving town would have been a cowardly act that I’d never consider. I was brainwashed into thinking the only thing to do was to stay and fight it out to death. I was a Rossi man. We didn’t run.

  Maybe I never would have if I hadn’t met Kennedy.

  Maybe in a few weeks when the death threats turned to reality, I would be lying in a ditch somewhere, shot in the head. Maybe that was the fate my father was headed towards.

  Not now. I wasn’t going to let Kennedy or the baby meet that fate too.

  We’d start over in a new country if we had to. My father could think what he wanted of me. I wasn’t looking for his approval anymore. I had Kennedy and we had the baby—that was all that mattered.

  I started the car and headed in the direction of the apartment. Kennedy would have to leave all this behind. Her family and friends might never see her child. She would have to bring our kid up in a foreign country.

  Kennedy was making a sacrifice for me.

  And I would fight all my life to make sure that her sacrifice was worth it. I would make her happy. Give her the life she deserved.

  As I drove, I realized that none of that could happen if we didn’t make it out of Seattle alive.

  Chapter 23


  Ava was pacing around the living room, refusing to sit down. It seemed like she was freaking out way more than I was.

  “I knew this was going to happen. I warned you, Kenni!” she mumbled under her breath.

  “I know you did, but will you please just sit down! You’re making me nervous,” I argued but she wasn’t about to listen to me.

  “And now something’s going to happen. I know it will! I told you Nico Rossi was trouble!” she continued.

  I stood up and walked over to her, trying to put my arms around her but she wriggled out of my grip.

  “You never should have slept with him! Him and his entire family are all poison!” she yelled.

  I placed my hand on my belly and stroked where I could feel the baby growing inside me.

  “But I’m having his child now, Ava. This baby is as much a Rossi as Nico is,” I said softly.

  That seemed to appease Ava a little and she licked her lips nervously.

  “What are you going to do, Kenni?” she asked.

  “Nico is figuring it out.”

  “You’ll have to leave Seattle. How far will you go? How far is safe?” she said and I shook my head.

  “I don’t know, honey, but I’ll go wherever Nico thinks we should. He knows best,” I replied.

  Ava stormed over to the couch and deposited herself on it.

  “If he knew what was best he should have taken care of this a long time ago! You shouldn’t be getting threats right now!” she snapped.

  “He’s been trying. I’ve never met his father, but I’m sure you’ve heard about him. I’m sure you know better than I do what that man is like,” I said and went to console Ava again.

  She was rocking herself on the couch and I placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “We have no choice, Ava. I want to stay with him, I love him and he’s the father of my child. I have to go wherever he goes. This is the life I’ve chosen for myself,” I told her.

  “You deserve so much more, Kenni!” Ava said with tears in her eyes.

  “Yes, she does,” Nico’s voice echoed in the room and we looked over to find him standing at the door.

  Even though I knew how much danger we were in. And I was scared, I couldn’t help but admire the man I had chosen to spend my life with. He looked handsome standing there. Sturdy and strong, a man capable of keeping his family safe. A smile flickered on my face…I’d been waiting for him to return.

  Nico walked towards us, looking at Ava now.

  “I know I’ve been nothing but bad news for Kennedy, but I love her,” he said. Ava stood up with her lips quivering.

  “She’s my best friend, Nico! And now she’s in danger. I might never see her again!” Ava thundered.

  Nico was looking at her calmly, searching her eyes.

  “I will not let that happen. I won’t allow Kennedy to live her life estranged from you or her family. I’m going to make sure she’s safe and then I’ll figure out how to solve the problem,” he replied.

  I reached for his hand and we stood in front of Ava, united, hand-in-hand.

  Ava looked at both of our faces and she could see that I had made up my mind. There was no question. I was sticking with my man.

  “Look after her,” Ava said in a quieter voice to Nico and he nodded his head.

  Then she threw her arms around me and I hugged her tight.

  “We’ll find a way to keep in touch, I promise, Ava,” I told her while she sobbed. My eyes were filled with tears too. She was my oldest friend, the person I’d grown up with. The only girl who had given the nerd in me a chance in school.

  I kissed her cheek and she finally drifted away from me.

  “I guess I should go and let you guys figure it out,” she said and I nodded.

  “Will you…call me? Or text or something? Before you leave,” she added as she walked to the door. Ava was wiping the tears off her cheeks.

  I nodded again and then she was gone.

  I turned to Nico who remained standing there with his shoulders drooping. He looked like a broken man and I wanted to fix him. I wanted him to know that I trusted him and I relied on him and he was making the right decision.

  “She’s right, Kennedy, you deserve so much more than this,” he said in a quiet voice.

  I reached for his face, grazing my palm along his stubbled handsome jaw.

  “I didn’t even think I deserved you, Nico, but now I know I do. I’ve made a dec
ision and I’m sticking to it. I don’t care what happens next because I know you’ll keep us safe,” I replied with a weak smile.

  Nico held my hands and squeezed tightly.

  “I know you don’t want to leave Seattle,” he began and I looked down at my feet. I’d never lived anywhere else. This was the only place I knew. It was home. Leaving this city was a decision I wished I didn’t have to make.

  “But Kennedy, it’s the only way we can be safe. We need to protect our baby,” he continued and I nodded my head.

  “Yes, I know and I also know it’ll be hard but I want to do it with you. Tell me where we’re going,” I said.

  “Italy, Rome,” Nico replied and I jerked my head up to look at him.

  My brows were crossed, my cheeks were flushed…we weren’t even going to be in the country! Not even in the same continent!

  “Kennedy…” he said my name softly and I drew my hands away from him.

  “I don’t know what to expect there,” I said, turning away. Nico placed his hands on my shoulders tenderly.

  “I’ll be there with you the whole time,” he said.

  “When are we leaving?” I asked.

  “In the morning.”

  I whipped around to him. Nico was searching my eyes. I could see that he was pained by this. He was blaming himself for what was happening. For plucking me out of the place I knew and loved.

  “I know this is crazy,” he said and I shook my head.

  “We’ll be fine,” I spoke softly.

  He kissed my lips and then brushed my cheeks with his thumbs.

  “If we didn’t have the baby on the way, maybe we could have fought it out here,” he said and I nodded, smiling at him.

  “Maybe, yes, we could have. But we have a little Merlin or Avery on the way and it deserves the best life possible. If that means we have to leave Seattle, then that’s what we’ll do.”


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