Curses, Fates & Soul Mates

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Curses, Fates & Soul Mates Page 99

by et al Kristie Cook

Kyr, I’m here. Find me.

  He didn’t get a response. Fear threatened him, but he shoved it back.

  Kyr! I’m here. We can stop him. We can stop the pain.

  He felt Vycor’s darkness seeping into the purity that was Kyr’s mind. She’d lasted longer than anyone else could have under the attack, but Ty knew she had weakened. Fury gave him added strength. He headed right for the darkness and started his own attack against it.

  Vycor refused to let her go. He knew she was the only thing keeping him alive. But he switched his focus to Ty to protect himself.

  Ty contained him and went in search of Kyr. She had retreated to a far corner of her mind, trying to escape the atrocities being done to her. He sensed she was valiantly trying to protect not just him, but all of Alametria. She felt abandoned and alone.

  I’m with you, Kyr. I love you.

  “What the hell is wrong with you people?” Sem’s outraged voice echoed around the Ritual Chamber, the words reaching Ty but not impacting his concentration. “Look at what you let Advisor Vycor do to Ma’jah Kyr. You all just sat there while he brutalized her? What kind of savages have you become? Someone get me the keys to these restraints. Now!”


  Following Kyr’s faint thought, Ty delved deeper into her mind. Please come back to me, Kyr.

  “You—you’re her parents, for the love of Yen-Ki,” Sem spat, obviously towards the Guardians. “You’re supposed to have her best interests at heart. Look at her. Look at your daughter. Are you satisfied at the amount of suffering she’s endured? Or are you seeking more blood and torture?”

  I’m here, Ty.

  He found her at last, a fading glow that drew him like a candle. I’m here, love. I won’t let anything else happen to you.

  “You all claimed to believe in Ma’jah Kyr and what she means to Alametria,” Sem continued. “Her entire life, you treated her like a future savior. Now look at what you’ve done to the hope for our people.”

  The sound of weeping came from the crowd. Remorse and shame radiated throughout the room. Ty knew Kyr heard it, felt it. She slowly emerged from her hiding place.

  Together, we’ll defeat him, Ty assured her.

  He felt her gathering her strength. No, Ty. I have to defeat him myself. You’ve given me the strength I need to do it. I love you.

  And before he could argue, he was blasted from her mind. He would have fallen if he hadn’t held onto the altar. As it was, Sem had to grab him by his arm to keep him up.

  They both looked at the ground where Vycor was slowly getting to his feet. Kyr had succeeded in freeing herself from him.

  Ty started towards him, but was distracted when Kyr opened her eyes. Everyone gasped. Her eyes glowed so bright that everyone turned away. Everyone but Ty.

  He knew what had happened. He felt it in every fiber of his being.

  Kyr had Ascended.

  Oh, Kyr. You’re magnificent.

  She turned her gaze to him and smiled. The bright light slowly ebbed until her eyes closed. He knew she had passed out.

  Renewed anger turned his attention back to Vycor. Ty was ready to kill the bastard now.

  I am not the only one who knows about your relationship, Vycor thought quickly, just before Ty attacked. His maniacal gaze met Ty’s. Yes, I heard her tell you that she loves you, and I heard you just now in her mind. If you kill me, I have given orders that the truth be revealed to everyone.

  Ty forced himself to bank his fury, though he could almost taste it. He felt the truth behind the Advisor’s words. Who had he told? Could his relationship with Kyr stand the outcry that would result once it was revealed?

  Could he risk losing her?

  Knowing he once again had Ty where he wanted him, Vycor turned to address the crowd. Ty realized that everyone was looking at the Advisor with fear and abhorrence, and he was sure Vycor saw that, too.

  “Good people, thank you so much for participating in this momentous occasion,” Vycor shouted, making sure his voice was heard by everyone. “I could not share the specifics of this with anyone, knowing Dem-Shyr TaeDane is capable of reading all thoughts. But, you see, this has been a test for the Dem-Shyr, and he has just passed.”

  Everyone stared at him in stupefaction, including Ty. Were they all buying this crap? Sem lifted an eyebrow and met Ty’s gaze. Shaking his head, Ty reached for Kyr.

  Go get HemmelRowe and bring him to Ma’jah Kyr’s chambers, he sent to Gren, who left without a word.

  “In light of the fact that Dem-Shyr TaeDane is protecting Alametria’s most precious asset,” Vycor continued, “we had to make sure that he was capable of rescuing her from even the most dire circumstances. Today, he has recovered from a near-fatal attack, escaped from a locked cell, and freed Ma’jah Kyr’s mind from intrusion. There is no one else more qualified to care for her than Dem-Shyr TaeDane.”

  A cheer rose from the crowd, making Ty pause in the doorway and look back. The Guardians sat without moving, both of them pale and shaken. Their gazes moved from Vycor to Ty, who was already covered in Kyr’s blood.

  I will bring her back to her chambers for treatment, he thought towards them.

  But even as he turned to leave, he knew they wouldn’t follow.


  Kyr woke to the sound of rain striking a windowpane. It was soothing and rhythmic, making her think of lazy rainy Saturdays when she and Avana would hole up in their pajamas, watch chick-flicks, and eat too much ice cream. For a short while, anyway, they didn’t have to think about projects and exams, how to get guys to notice them, and what their futures held.

  Trying to get guys to notice you, hmm?

  Ty’s thought ran through her mind, making her smile. Her eyes eased open. She was in her bed chambers. Ty sat beside her, his legs sprawled in front of him on the mattress, his back propped against the headboard. He held her hand beside his thigh. His eyes were closed, but they opened when she looked at him.

  Hey there, handsome, she thought.

  Relief lit his fatigued gaze. He brought her hand up to his lips. Hello, love. It’s good to have you back.

  She looked around and saw that they were alone. The sky, which she had finally remembered never got fully dark, was bright enough to make her think it was morning.

  Her gaze shifted down to her body. She wasn’t surprised that the blood-stained gown was gone. There was no way the Wrym would have let her stay in that. Hell, even her hair and teeth felt clean, and she didn’t want to know how they’d accomplished that. In place of the dress, she wore a lavender nightgown and robe.

  What did surprise her was that she felt fine. She lifted the hand that Ty wasn’t holding and saw no markings on her palm or forearm. She touched her chest, but felt no scarring from the sharp blades that had carved her skin.

  Had she dreamed everything?

  “No,” Ty said in a quiet voice. “You healed.”

  She pushed herself into a sitting position and gaped at him. “I healed? How long have I been asleep?”

  “Two days.”

  “Two days?” Her voice rose on the second word. “I’ve been asleep for two days? And I’m fully healed?”

  One corner of his mouth lifted. “Don’t you believe your own eyes, Ascendant?”

  The title brought her back…back to that black, horrible moment when she thought all hope had been lost. She had retreated, determined to protect her mind at all costs. Then Ty had arrived. Somehow, he’d shared his strength with her.

  Everything had become so clear. The Prima Divyner’s prediction, her role among the Alametrians, her love for Ty.

  And she had known what she needed to do.

  Even she had been astonished by the power that burst out of her then. She hadn’t been able to control it at first. She knew she had probably hurt Ty in the process of forcing Vycor out of her mind, but she hadn’t been able to help it. Eventually, though, the overwhelming sensation had eased. The power felt more natural. She felt it even now, coursing just under the surface,
ready for her to call it forth whenever she needed it.

  Yes, Kyr. You have Ascended. Everyone knows it. They want to have a celebration when you’re ready.

  You’re the only one I want to celebrate with, she thought, reaching over and brushing her fingers along his lightly-whiskered jaw.

  He pulled her onto his lap. She shifted so she straddled him. Her gaze moved down to his arms, which glowed as his hands spanned her waist.

  That just wouldn’t do.

  If she gave the Guardians his abilities to store, then she must have some level of control over them, she thought. Towards Ty, she instructed, Kiss me, and open your mind when you do.

  Lifting an eyebrow, he shrugged and leaned towards her. Their lips connected. His mind opened to hers just as his mouth did, allowing her access. She placed her hands on his forearms and brought forth her power. As their tongues mated, she pulled the pain from him. She found the part of his mind that the Guardians had influenced when they gave him his abilities, and mentally grasped the link that prevented him from touching her with love.

  And she shattered it.

  Ty broke off the kiss, blinking several times to clear his head. He looked down at his forearms when she lifted her hands. Although the scars created when he assumed his role as Dem-Shyr still appeared, they were no longer glowing.

  His gaze met hers. Did you just do what I think you did?

  Untying her robe and slipping it from her shoulders, she returned, There’s only one way to find out.

  She loved the sexy smile he gave her then. She drew her lower lip between her teeth as he reached up and slowly lowered the straps of her nightgown, baring her to the waist. They both watched as he brought his hands up to cup her breasts, stroking her with his thumbs. She shifted on his lap. They both groaned.

  But his arms didn’t glow.

  She felt him marveling over what he considered a miracle. His silver eyes met hers, full of gratitude and sensual promise.

  Leaning forward, she kissed him again. She loved the feel of his hands on her bare back as he pressed her closer. His tongue met hers again and again. He stroked her soft skin until both of them were shaking with need. She pulled away from his mouth to catch her breath and reached down to lift his shirt off. He raised his arms to help her accomplish her goal.

  When they kissed this time and their bare skin touched, she moaned into his mouth. Their hands moved between them. She ran her hands over his chest, enjoying the hard muscle and his passionate response to her touch.

  His hands pushed her beyond control. He always knew just where to touch and how much pressure to apply to make her want to scream in pleasure.

  Just when she was about to beg him to switch their positions so he could fully join with her, he reached between them and unfastened his pants. Sliding them down a bit and lifting her nightgown, he held her gaze.

  Care to take the lead, Ascendant?

  Her eyes widened when he pushed her panties aside and brought himself to her entrance. Then they narrowed with realization and excitement as she lowered herself onto him.

  You’re so beautiful, Kyr.

  What was beautiful was this, their love. This time together. But words were lost to her. She had to move. She was desperate to find the release she knew he could give her.

  He was just as desperate. She sensed it as he kissed her, read it in his thoughts. Without the pain he used to experience providing any kind of buffer, the pleasure almost overwhelmed him. He struggled to cling to his control.

  It wasn’t necessary. Just feeling how much pleasure she was giving him was enough for her. Her body peaked with little coaxing at all, making her cry out against his mouth in surprise and ecstasy. She forced his own climax, absorbing his hoarse shout with her kiss as he tensed beneath her.

  A knock sounded at the door. Kyr pulled away from Ty’s mouth, her eyes wide. He didn’t look at all concerned.

  “Yes?” he called out, holding her still when she started to climb off of him. She realized he was still hard.

  Quick healer, love, he thought with a devilish grin.

  “Did I hear talking in there?” came Sem’s voice.

  “No,” Ty lied, his hands moving again to Kyr’s breasts. Her body responded instantly to his touch. She arched her back to give him better access, bracing herself on the mattress.

  “I swore I heard voices. Is Kyr awake?”

  “She just woke up, but she’s a little—” Ty’s breath caught as she lifted herself up and then lowered herself again. “Groggy,” he managed.

  “We want to see her,” Sem complained.

  “I’m sure she’ll be more awake in about twenty—”

  Thirty, she thought.

  “Make that thirty minutes.”

  Laughing softly, she pulled him close for another kiss. He tumbled her onto the mattress and promptly continued making love to her.

  If Sem responded, neither of them noticed.

  * * *

  Later, Ty stood with Gren, guarding the entry doors inside Kyr’s parlor. Sitting with her on the couches were her Kyndred, Sem, and Avana. Kyr hadn’t stopped smiling since the Wrym came to get her from her bed chamber an hour ago. They had changed her into a rose-colored gown and arranged her hair, pinning it up with jeweled combs that matched the gems in her ears and around her throat. He knew she had fought the Wrym at every turn, but hadn’t been able to convince them not to “deck her out,” as she put it. She was stunning, just like always.

  And her heart belonged to him.

  The Ascendant looks well, Gren thought. Her healing powers are quite remarkable. The only one I’ve seen heal like that before is you.

  It is remarkable, Ty agreed. I imagine it’s one of her new abilities as the Ascendant.

  Kyr laughed at something Sem said. It lit up her entire face. Ty had to force himself not to react to it.

  Were the Shelvaks sent home as directed? he thought to distract himself. He had yet to catch up on the events of the past two days, having been so intently focused on Kyr.

  Yes. I oversaw it myself. Vycor was there, the bastard. Everyone within a thousand paces must have heard him going on about how he was seeing through on his promise. He’s doing everything he can to make sure people bought that load of j’arrl shit he shoveled after Kyr’s Rite.

  Ty didn’t censure his friend for referring to Kyr so informally. Half the time, he did the same thing in his thoughts to Gren about her. After all they’d been through over the years, there was no place for formality between the two of them.

  I’ll deal with Vycor, Ty thought back. Now that Kyr has recovered, I can take care of the matter.

  Are you going to kill him?

  Leave it to Gren to put a fine point on it. His friend didn’t know about Vycor’s threat, and Ty preferred to keep it that way. The less Gren knew about how grievously Ty had broken the rules in regards to his role as Dem-Shyr, the better.

  Killing him would make him a martyr, he responded. I’m going to handle it my way.

  Gren smiled. I like the sound of that.

  Shaking his head, Ty once again switched the subject, not wanting to involve Gren in his plans. Did you place a tail on the V’larian ambassadors?

  You ordered it, didn’t you? Gren thought dryly. When Ty gave him a look, he mentally rolled his eyes and amended his answer to, Yes, Dem-Shyr.

  Ty’s lips twitched, but he smothered his amusement. Good. I still don’t buy the coincidence of them having a ship near Earth just as the Shelvaks found Kyr. We need more intel. And I don’t like how they’ve gotten so friendly with the Guardians. Having them attend the Rite…

  I agree, Gren thought. Something stinks.

  It sure did. Ty wanted to scan the minds of the ambassadors, but V’larians were very sensitive to thought intrusion. Scanning them without a definitive reason could result in an interplanetary war. Although he was certain the V’larians weren’t as altruistic as they seemed, he couldn’t do anything about it just yet. He’d have to gather the evi
dence he needed and then take action.

  What do you suppose is going to change now that Ma’jah Kyr has Ascended? Gren thought as they watched her wave over the Wrym, Zasha.

  That’s a question for tomorrow, my friend, Ty replied. For now, let’s just get through the next hour, preferably without someone trying to kill her.

  Gren snorted, but didn’t pursue it further. He knew Ty was right. They’d find out what lie ahead soon enough.

  Kyr laughed again, this time at something Wyk said. It brought Ty’s mind to when Wyk pulled him aside earlier, wanting to discuss the memory charms and mental blocks he had placed on Kyr while on Earth. Wyk explained that Kyr had occasionally dreamed of Alametria, so he thought the charms and blocks would help make sure her lessons weren’t derailed.

  Because the Kyndred had the ability and authority for such things when supervising the lessons of their charges, the explanation made sense. That had also kept Ty from detecting the cause of the blocks when he conducted a basic scan of the Kyndred’s mind. Wyk’s thoughts had only centered on how much he loved and wanted to protect Kyr…not what he had done to accomplish it.

  Ty, like Vycor, knew that Wyk’s motives were guided by his love for Kyr and wanting to maintain the illusion of their happy family, but Ty saw no reason to censure him for it. What was done was done, and Wyk was truly regretful that his efforts had resulted in such difficulties for Kyr when it came time to transition. Besides, the only parents in the room right now seeing to Kyr’s well-being were Wyk and Ullah, which was enough reason for Ty to overlook what had happened on Earth.

  His thoughts returned to the present as the Wrym brought in food and drinks for everyone. They set it up on several small tables near the couches. Kyr invited the Wrym to partake of the food, but they politely refused.

  Ty left the doors and walked over to Kyr’s side. When she silently decided on what she wanted to eat, he reached down and tasted it. Not detecting anything, he handed it to her.

  “Will you and Gren please sit with us for a few minutes?” she asked. “There are Mynders outside who can warn you of any danger.”

  He’d never be able to deny her anything when she looked at him like that with her beautiful star-blue eyes. Glancing at Gren, he jerked his head to invite him to eat. His friend smiled and sauntered over.


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