Ithanalin’s Restoration loe-8

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Ithanalin’s Restoration loe-8 Page 26

by Lawrence Watt-Evans

  Kilisha remembered plunging from the Fortress parapet with nothing but a tiny vial of Tracel’s Adaptable Potion to keep her from a gruesome death on the rocks below. She remembered the feel of Javan’s Restorative coming apart around her when the sprig-gan interrupted her. She remembered the coatrack threatening her with an uncurled hook, the bench careening along Fortress Street, the couch galloping wildly through the Fortress, and a dozen other bizarre scenes she had recently survived. Dangerous? Undoubtedly. She smiled.

  “Of course it’s dangerous,” she said. “That’s what makes it fun!”

  Author’s Notes

  1. Pronunciation

  It’s come to my attention that some readers, thrown by the central cluster of consonants, have had difficulty pronouncing the name “Ethshar.”

  It isn’t really that hard. It’s a compound word. “Eth” rhymes with “Beth” and is Ethsharitic for “good” or “safe,” while “shar” rhymes with “car” and is Ethsharitic for “harbor” or “port.” (“Ethsharitic” rhymes with “he’s a critic.”)

  Ethsharitic names are generally pronounced more or less as if they were American English. If there’s any doubt, I hope the following rules will help:

  The accent is on the first syllable unless the vowel is marked (as in “Adrean” or “Klurea”), or unless there is a double consonant, in which case the syllable ending in the double consonant is accented (such as “Falissa,” accented on the second syllable, or “Karanissa,” accented on the third). Names of four or more syllables will usually be partially accented on the third syllable, as well as having the primary accent on the first.

  There are no silent letters, not even the K in “Ksinallion,” except for the silent E following a double consonant at the end of feminine names, as in “Nuvielle,” or indicating a long vowel, as in “Haldane.” (That really ought to be “Haldeyn,” but I couldn’t quite bring myself to spell it that way.)

  A is always as in “father,” never as in “cat.” AI is always as in “hai!,” never as m “rain,” C is always as in “cat,” never as in “Cynthia.” CH is always as in “church,” never as in “Achtung!” or “champagne” or any of the other possibilities, E is pronounced as in “Renee.” G is always as in “get,” never as in “gem.” I is always as in “kit,” never as in “kite.”

  J is always as in “jet,” never as in “Bjorn” or “je ne sais quoi” or “Jose.” (It’s also fairly rare.)

  LL is always as in “frill,” never as in “La Jolla.” OO is always as in “pool,” never as in “book.” TH is always as in “thin,” never as in “the.” U is always as in “rune,” never as in “run.” Y (as a vowel) is always as in “any,” never as m “try.” And of course, you need not put too much effort into this; no one is going to hassle you for mispronouncing Ethsharitic, If in doubt, just say it however is easiest for you!

  2. Locations

  This novel takes place in a city named Ethshar of the Rocks. Most of the events in The Spell of the Black Dagger take place m Ethshar of the Sands. Several of the other Ethshar stories take place largely in Ethshar of the Spices. Despite their similarities, these are three separate cities-that’s why the lands they dominate are called the Hegemony of the Three Ethshars. If the street names and descriptions herein don’t match those in, say, Night of Madness, it’s because this is not the same city, any more than Alexandria, Virginia, is the same city as Alexandria, Egypt. I regret any confusion on this point.

  FB2 document info

  Document ID: fbd-73f5c2-d98b-af4e-d29f-5236-417e-2e8717

  Document version: 1.1

  Document creation date: 21.10.2008

  Created using: Fiction Book Designer, FAR Manager, Python software

  Document authors :


  Document history:

  v1.0 — fb2 creation — unknown author (21.10.2008)

  v1.1 — add cover and annotation, change genre, update description, do some formatting, fix punctuation — refaim (06.05.2012)


  This file was generated by Lord KiRon's FB2EPUB converter version

  (This book might contain copyrighted material, author of the converter bears no responsibility for it's usage)

  Этот файл создан при помощи конвертера FB2EPUB версии написанного Lord KiRon.

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