Keeper of the Stars: Part Four

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Keeper of the Stars: Part Four Page 2

by Aliyah Burke

  Never will I harm, always shall I defend, and forever shall I honour you.

  She dropped her head back, spying the wall across the way as he licked along her neck. Need thrummed through her and he lifted her onto his desk. He laid her back and her legs hung down.

  “Lian,” she muttered, reaching up for him as he stepped back.

  He shook his head once as he stripped off his clothing. Lord, he was magnificent. Everything about him called to her on a molecular level. He stepped close, naked, and divested her of her remaining clothing, taking his time and kissing her skin as it was exposed.

  By the time she lay naked, she teetered on the edge of the chasm she longed to toss herself into just to experience again that amazing feeling he brought her. He gripped her hips and dragged her ass to the desk’s end and positioned the head of his cock at her entrance.

  “Watch me, Lana. Watch me as I take you and make you mine.”

  Her gaze locked with his and she knew that first assumption she’d had of him and the lightning in his eyes was true. She could see it now, crackling in the back of his otherwise black stare.

  He pushed into her, a single smooth stroke, until he was fully within her heat. Lian slid his hands up her sides, thumbs swiping over her nipples before he reached her neck. One hand he moved around to cup the nape and with his other, he grabbed at her arms she had over her head, and held her by the wrists.

  Withdrawing until just the head of his cock remained in her, he paused before inching ahead again. She squirmed as best she could but he had her pinned. He tormented her that way for a while until her pants and mews filled the air. More, she needed more.

  “Lian. Please, I need…”

  He slammed deep into her and she purred with pleasure.

  “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She did, and he continued to move at that drugging pace.

  Back and forth. In and out. Lian kept her burning on that edge for longer than she had believed she could stay. Any time her internal muscles began to tighten even further, he slowed to a stop until her body relaxed a bit more. It was hell of the purest kind.

  She wanted to touch him, run her fingers along the ridges of his cut body. Lick the sweat from his skin and sink her teeth into him for making her wait so long for completion.

  “Mine,” he dictated.

  She had her lower lip caught in her teeth and didn’t answer. He sent her two quick thrusts that had her crying out with wanton abandon. Her fingers were curved into talons.

  “Say it.”

  “Yours.” The word was thready but there.

  Lian picked up his pace then. Faster. Harder. Deeper. His hold on her neck tightened as she clenched her inner muscles around his thrusting length.

  “Oh… So close… I… More!” she wailed as he allowed her to go over.

  Her back arched and she clamped down on him, milking his cock as he came within her after a few more powerful strokes. His own roar echoed through the room and her like a boom of thunder, hitting so deep she could feel the reverberations in her chest.

  He released her for all of five seconds before his hands slid under her ass as he carried her to the couch in his office. He laid her down and the gleam in his eyes told her they were about to start all over again. It was what she wanted.

  Chapter Eleven

  “The day will come when you find the one who is your other half. You will have to trust you will make that discovery. Embrace them. Cherish them. Protect them at all costs. For when it comes time, it is their love and their belief in you which helps you survive the tests you will face.”

  Lian stared at the creature that had raised him. “Why are you telling me this? You say I am the Keeper of the Stars and I have to stay vigilant and keep them up there where they belong, not down here. What purpose will a woman serve me?”

  The creature brushed a hand over his slightly elongated face. “You will never win without love. They battle because they are full of hatred.”

  “So why do they not just kill me and be done with it?”

  “It is not allowed. You are the first who has been born of their blood. You both intrigue and scare them. So they made rules. Odd, in a way.”

  He shifted on the ground as he listened. To his right, the fire crackled and popped. “Why are you telling me this? Especially now?”

  “My time here is nearing its end.”

  He shook his head. “What does that mean?”

  “I will soon be no more than a memory for you.”

  He’d seen others die. Some naturally, some killed by animals and some by other people. “I thought you couldn’t die.”

  “I can.” A small smile. “I am.”

  Tears pricked the backs of his eyes and he shook his head to rid himself of the telltale sign. “No. If you are gone, who am I to talk to?”

  “It is time for you to venture out. Learn all you can. Study. Read. Embrace it all. You are part of not one, but two prophecies.”


  “Yes. And I fear the first will be your hardest.”


  “There is one who has been chosen for you. Only with her selfless sacrifice will the other prophecy be allowed to come to light. And that will solidify the reign of the Astral Guardians.”

  Lian bolted up in bed, drenched in sweat, heart pounding in his chest. He’d not had a dream of his past in a long time. But that wasn’t it. It was the words that had been imparted to him.

  Selfless sacrifice. He may not have known what it meant then, but he did now. Lana had to die? Not happening. He turned his head and stared down at the woman slumbering beside him.

  He reached out and tangled his fingers in her hair. It had grown since she’d been with him and now fell in silken waves around her shoulders, framing her face. It hadn’t been an Afro, which he’d been expecting. Made him wonder a bit more about who her parents were.

  She burrowed closer into his hand, seeking his touch even in her sleep. He took the moment and utilised it to stare at her. Memorise her. Etch her into his memory so deeply nothing, nothing would ever remove her. Lana lay on her side, one arm outside the blanket, and he tried to make sense of the ring on her shoulder.

  What was its purpose? Was Ala the sibling of the death-dealer Erlik? Was she looking out for Lana? He wished the answers were there in front of him.

  They are. And perhaps they were. However, he couldn’t pull them from anything.

  “I won’t let you die,” he whispered ferociously.

  “I would appreciate that,” she replied, her voice calm and reasoning.

  “Did I wake you?” He smoothed some hair away from her face.

  “I’ve been awake since you bolted up.” She rolled onto her back and yawned, after which she sat up beside him, keeping her full breasts covered with the blanket. “Is everything all right?” Her soothing touch settled upon his chest.

  “I’m not losing you.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “What brought this on?”

  He didn’t want to tell her and possibly alarm her further, yet he couldn’t keep it from her either. She had asked and he would answer.

  “I was reminded more of the prophecy.” He reclined against the headboard, tucking her in close.

  “What about it?” She splayed out her fingers on his bare chest, lightly scoring her nails along his skin.

  “You have to make a selfless sacrifice.”

  “What are the words?”

  He told her.

  She shrugged. “Aren’t most sacrifices—true ones—selfless? Isn’t that why it is called a sacrifice?”

  “This is serious, Lana.” He was surprised by her lack of concern. “You aren’t worried?”

  She gave a quick—and cute—little yawn. “Sounds a lot like the rest of the prophecy. A big riddle. You know, those things you tell Mark all the time. Some words mean what you think they do yet others don’t.” She shifted closer, lifting one leg over his. “Besides, if they were talking about me
, what more can I sacrifice? I’ve lost my family, the ability to have children. I don’t know what else I would possibly be required to give up.”

  Your own life. No matter what, he couldn’t bring himself to push those words past his lips. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to the top of her head.

  “I don’t want to think about it anymore.”

  “Take a walk?” She asked the question so softly he almost missed it.

  “Where to?”

  “The forest. I want to show you something.”

  He grinned and released a chuckle.

  She dug her nails in, bringing a sharp sting. “Not that.”

  “Can’t blame me for trying.” He kissed her again. “Let’s go.”

  After checking on Mark, they strolled out into the night. The moon shone down upon them as they walked across the manicured lawns to the edge of the surrounding forest. He could see his own wrist and the mark on it there, for all to see. Lana’s was still covered. She even slept with the leather on. Reaching for her hand, he entwined their fingers and allowed her to set the pace.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My place.”

  He knew where that was and they reached it without incident. Lian paused beside her and dropped her hand as they hovered on the outskirts of the open area. He had to blink a few times to make sure what he saw was real. If he had found himself staring at unicorns he wouldn’t have been any more shocked.

  In the beams of moonlight, he saw the wizened figure of the one who’d raised him, his body more stooped and movements slower, but he was there.

  “Hello, Lian.”

  He immediately bowed low with respect. “Hello.”

  “It has been a while.”

  “How are you here?”

  “You seem stressed out by your dream. And have been stressed for a while.”

  “Of course. This prophecy is threatening to take my woman from me.” He gestured to Lana only to find she no longer stood there. “Lana?” He spun around. No sign of her. He sought her with his power and found she had made it back to the house.

  “The prophecy is what it will always be.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He vanished as he stepped out of the moonlight only to reappear closer. His long white moustache moved gently as he stroked it. “Riddles. They are fun, are they not?”

  “No.” Lian remembered Lana had said something about the riddles he always told Mark. Now he recalled where he had learned such things. “You were always talking in riddles.”

  “It made you think outside of the realm of what you knew for certain. It helped you.”

  “It frustrated me.”

  A ghost of a smile. “It was not supposed to be easy, Lian. Had it been, you wouldn’t be the man you are today. One I am most proud of having the pleasure of knowing.”

  “How come They are cheating? And why am I getting weaker?”

  “The time nears for the challenge to commence. They cheat because they hate abiding by rules. When you receive the return of all your powers, you need to protect your property. Patience is not something with which They live. Time may hold no meaning for them but for you it will speed up. The prophecy has already started. More battles will be coming.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Train them well, Lian. Teach them as you have been taught.”

  “Them? Who’s them?”

  “They will need your love and guidance. Some are troubled, some are running. All need your love.”

  The image began to fade.

  “Wait. Who are they?”

  “The children. The Guardians have already been chosen. When you find them, protect and cherish them. Do what you can to prepare them.” He raised a hand in farewell and dematerialized into the moonlight.

  Lian sank to his knees, uncertainty flooding him. The children. How were children supposed to fight off these things that were taking the life from him slowly? It didn’t make sense. Neither did how he would recognise them, much less find them. The protecting and cherishing would be fine—they had Lana.

  His head whipped around and he lunged to his feet, needing to see her and assure himself she was fine. He ran back to the house as if he had everything to lose. She wasn’t in her bedroom but he breathed easier when he went to Mark’s room and found her there, rocking him in the corner. Bathed by the glow of the lamp, she lifted her gaze and gave him a tender smile.

  * * * *

  The days had grown significantly cooler. Enough that now Lana had forgone her no-shoe policy and wore moccasins and had a heavier coat on. Mark was in his swing, all bundled up against the elements. His cherubic face had good colour and he grinned as he bounced around, moving as far as he could.

  She sat on a chaise near him, a book in hand as the sun shone down from overhead. She’d taken him for a walk earlier to the vineyard and now wanted a chance to read some more. She had become a voracious reader. Each book she got through made it easier and easier. It offered her such freedom and joy to immerse herself in each story. The adventures and places she got to experience were unlike anything she could have ever imagined. Right now, she was in the midst of reading Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift.

  However, when the area surrounding them fell silent, she put the book down and glanced around. The stillness and the feel all were reminiscent of when she’d first met Ala. Holding on to that knowledge she rose from the seat, the book falling to the ground, and made her way to Mark before picking him up in her arms.

  No way I let her hurt you, Mark.

  Ala appeared before her in the time it took her to blink. One second not there, the next…there.

  “Ala,” she said, tightening her hold on Mark.

  “You remember who I am.”

  “You also go by Umay?”

  Her question shocked Ala, Lana could see that, for she drew back slightly.

  “That is one of my names.”

  “And you have a sicko of a brother named Erlik.”

  Understanding filled her haughty and beautiful features. “You remember him killing your family now.”

  “You knew?” she snarled.

  In her arms, Mark struggled and wailed. Lana loosened her hold immediately but refused to take her gaze from Ala.

  “I am almost offended you think that you can either stop me from harming the boy or that I would.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t care. Your brother made me watch while my family was killed. I don’t know you well enough and I’ll die before I let you harm one hair on his body.”

  “So protective.” A slight smile. “You do know I could kill you with the wave of a hand.”

  “You’d have to, for I’ll never give you him so long as there is breath in my body.”

  Ala tilted her head to the side. “Do not make me prove to you how futile your claim is.” She smoothed her hands down her dress, same style as before, only today the colour was a single colour, blue, like the sky at night right before the darkness claims it. That deep rich blue with indigo hues.

  “Don’t test me,” she snapped before she could talk herself out of pissing off a goddess.

  “I will not hurt your boy. You can put him down.”

  “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather hold him.”

  A laconic lift of one shoulder. “Fine. Sit then, hold him.”

  “I thought you weren’t supposed to be here,” she said as she reclaimed a seat on the edge of the lounge. Mark looked up at her and gave her a smile. One she returned as she kissed his pudgy cheek before putting her attention to the woman who circled her as if she were a predator and Lana was her prey. Prey she toyed with.

  “Talked to Lian, did you? I suppose he was less than pleased to know I had spoken with you.”

  Ala didn’t make it a question, rather a statement and so Lana didn’t reply. Instead she watched her as she made two more passes all the way around the seat Lana currently occupied.

Would you stop that and sit down, please?”

  Ala sat on the other end of the chaise. “Better?”

  Lana wanted to spirit Mark away but held her ground. “Sure. What are you doing here and what is it you want from me?”

  “So sure I want something from you?”


  “I did say I chose you, didn’t I?”

  She held Ala’s intense gaze. “Your sibling said the same thing.”

  “Erlik was here?”

  Was that concern in her voice? “Yes, he tried to get me back.”

  “We can’t allow that to happen.”

  “We? There’s a ‘we’ in this that involves you?”

  “You have a smart mouth on you. I am not sure I like that.”

  “Then leave. Leave me alone.”

  This time her smile was sad. “I cannot do that.”

  Lana readjusted Mark then rose. She returned him to his swing after she’d positioned it closer to the seat she was occupying. “What do you know about this prophecy that says something about me making this selfless sacrifice?”

  “I cannot divulge that.”

  Lana faced her, one leg tucked close as she worried her lower lip. “So it’s true.” She gestured with one hand. “I don’t have anything else to give up other than my life. So am I to assume I will have to die for this to work?”

  Ala held her gaze. “There is dying and then there is death. Not the same thing. All I can and will tell you is this—do not try to analyse what may or may not be. When the time comes, your actions will happen how they do. Enjoy the time you have with Lian and Mark.”

  Lana nodded, having no problem with giving up her life for Lian, if that was what it came down to. “What can you tell me about The New Order?”

  An ugly sneer overtook Ala’s beautiful face. “They are a group my brother and those who believe as he does have created. They tried for millennia to get needed information from Lian, putting him through torture and hell. They want him to lose so the world will plunge back into darkness and they can do as they will. Including destroying my beloved Earth.” Her words hardened on that last sentence.


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