1906, four-syllable description of
1931 (year)
Nobel address of Albert Schweitzer
Nombres remarquables, Les (Le Lionnais)
nonbelievability of The True View
“nondescript”, as paradoxical adjective
nondualism, lure and lacunas of
non-overlapping dots, human souls as
non-prim numbers, see saucy numbers
nonprovability and falsity, assumed equivalence of
non-self-awareness: of mosquitoes; of robot vehicles
“Non Serviam” (Lem)
non-universality of dogs’ brains
non-wellfounded set theory
noodle conflict
no one in brain at birth
“no one left to be sorry for”
“no symbols, no self”
“not”, as not the source of strangeness
notebooks filled with memories constituting soul-shards
notes, isolated, lack of meaning of
noun phrase, very long
novel: as an abstraction; meaning of, as arising from letters or words; as a pattern copied in different cultures; as a teleportation device
novelists as beings inventing other beings
number-crunching; ambiguity of; interpretable as text-processing, image-processing, etc.
“Number One” as primary soul in a brain
numbers: chameleonic nature of; dancing isomorphically to patterns; flexibility and richness of; invisibility of, in contemporary computers; mirroring formulas; as rich representational medium; as substrate for paradoxes
number theory, patterns in
numeral vs. number
obituary notices, one’s own
object files
objectively observable facts are irrelevant to the inverted-spectrum scenario
obscure numbers, near no landmarks
“Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, An” (Bierce)
“Ode to a Box of Envelopes” (Jeannel King)
“O du angenehmes Paar” (Bach)
oil refinery, likened to brain
Oleson, David
omega-inconsistency of Y. Ted Enrustle’s work Prince Hyppia: Math Dramatica
“one”, as banished word
“one body, one name” as convention
“one body, one soul” dogma (also “one body, one person” and “one brain, one soul”); see also caged-bird metaphor
“one country, one people”
one-dimensionality of the inverted spectrum
144, salient square in Fibonacci sequence
“On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems (I)” (Kurt Gödel, 1931)
“On Formerly Unpennable Proclamations in Prince Hyppia: Math Dramatica and Related Stageplays (I)” (Gerd Külot, 1931)
“or”, possible rule of inference for
oracle for number theory (Göru)
orchard filled with colored butterflies, as metaphor for distributed human souls
order in disorder, as quest of mathematicians
ordinary vs. Gödelian formulas of PM
organ music
other humans, represented in our brains
“O thou charming bridal pair”
Our Inner Conflicts (Horney)
overlap of souls seen as zones in a space
Overseas Chinese, as halo of Chinese people
Owens, Jesse
P (the largest prime number)
paeonic meter hidden in text
page breaks, exerting control over content
Pagnol, Marcel, analogy-mediated meanings in film of
pairenthood, in Twinwirld
pairsonal identity in Twinwirld
pairsonal pronouns in Twinwirld
pairsons, in Twinwirld; inability to imagine how identical twinns feel; strong resistance to breaking into two halflings
“pangram”, self-referential, found by Lee Sallows
paper, valuable
paradox: in Drawing Hands; grazing of; inside mathematics; irrepressibility of; key role in strange loops; self-reference and; useful for pinpointing weaknesses in foundations of mathematics
Paraparte, Doleon
parenthood as soul merger
Parfit, Derek; morphed into Napoleon; radicalness of views of; self-doubt expressed by
parquet deformations
particle physicist’s “I”
particle viewpoint favored over “I”
particles: disrespect for macroscopic categories; vs. higher-level entities as causes; as serving higher-level forces in brain
Pascal, Blaise
pattern implies reason
pattern-searching in number theory
pattern-seekers vs. pattern-disdainers
patterns: causal potency of; infinite; reasons behind
Peano, Giuseppe
peanut-butter sandwich as flexible medium
“Peanuts” episode
pearl found in the Caspian sea
“peck-order” hierarchy in brain
peer pressure
Penfield, Wilder
Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers, The (Wells)
pennable lines, dramaturgical conventions for
people, as represented by symbols in brains
people vs. country
perception: in brains; in careenium; coarse-grainedness of; of consequences of one’s actions; of dancing symbols; as germ of “I”-ness; impossibility of suppression of; indispensability of, in creating an “I”; as level-changing shift in strange loop; of microscopic causes; of mosquitoes; of perceiver itself; primitive vs. fluid; vs. reception; in robot vehicles; as search for precedents and analogues; shades of gray of directness; through teleportation goggles; as two-way process; without perceiver
perceptual systems: growing over time; impoverished
perfect numbers, potential infinitude of
person: as point of view; shallower and deeper aspects of
personal gemma (Lem), as core of human identity; obliteration of; riding, diminished, on another’s hardware; see also Cartesian Ego
personal identity: coalescing slowly over time; as determined by brain, not vice versa; as determined by dollop doled out; as determined by most intense source of perceptual input; as determined by naming conventions and pronoun conventions; as determined by serial number; as determined by slider on wire; as determined by strange loop’s content; as incoherent notion; lacking in sewing machines; puzzles about, in a world with Consciousness; shared by the two halves of a pairson; untrustability of claims about
personality: layering of; space of
perversity of metamathematical results
Peterson, Nancy
Pfeiffer, John
philosophers: falling for Searle’s ploys; having ambitions of rigor; fear of being a zombie; knurking and glebbing without need for a brain
philosophizing like Roger Sperry
photograph: as evidence for reality; felt as meaningless; as set of soul-shards; triggering-power of
physical activity: hypothetically inadequate to explain feeling; as insufficient for skeptics; as sufficient for SL #641
physicality and “I”, conflict between
physics: as opposed to free will; as the sole type of causality
picket line in play, analogous to picket line outside theater
Pickwick, Samuel, Esq.
“Pig” (Roald Dahl short story)
piggybacked mappings
pig head, severed, on display
Pig Latin as language
piglet in Sardinian banquet
pigments in eyes
pinball machines and careenium
pistons pushed by pressure of gas
pitch: of audio feedback system; vs. rumble
pixel patterns on TV screen: as coding for events; a
s meaningless patterns when seen by dogs; as teleportation technology
planetoids, growing by collisions
plant and shoots, opposing caged-bird metaphor
plants as potentially having souls
Plath, James
Plato, as dialogue character
plays about plays
pleasure and displeasure as flipped sensations
Pluto, dubious category membership of
PM (formal system of Principia Mathematica); believed consistent by all logicians; destroyed by any provable falsity; enrichment of, still incomplete; expressive power of, as doom; Gödel numbering of; hope of completeness of; hope of consistency of; impossibility of gaining completeness by augmenting; notation of, exhibited; pointing at self is like video camera pointing at TV; proved incomplete by Gödel; as universal representational system
PM strings, edible vs. inedible
poems: found in the text; self-writing
point of view: missing in physical activity; as transportable and modular
pointers: in a mind, to other things; inwards-pointing; outwards-pointing
Poland surviving as abstract landless entity
Policansky, David
political feelings, innate
Pollock, Jackson, painting by
Pomponnette, straying cat
porcinal identity
“pork” vs. pigs
Porter, Cole
portrait of someone else in one’s brain, grain size of
Posh Shop Picketeers, The (Rosalyn Wadhead)
pottery vs. pattern
Poulenc, Francis
powers in the Fibonacci sequence; powers in the wff numbers
“preceded by itself in quote marks”
precision, lack of, in language
predictable macroscopic phenomena
preludes and fugues
Presley, Elvis
pressure, as emergent phenomenon
pressures collectively dictating pathway in life
prim numbers; as apex of 46-story abstraction tower; infinitude of; mirroring provable formulas; recognized by Göru; sums of two; uncanny power of; unpredictability of; as valid subject of study in number theory
primary location of being, blurriness of
primary meaning of KG, see lower-level meaning
primary self, associated with a given brain; unthreatened by coarse-grained rivals
primary swirl, as personal gemma
prime factorizations of integers
prime mover (641)
prime numbers; of form 4n + 1 vs. form 4n + 3gaps between; infinitude of; machine for detecting; sums of two; as sums of two squares
Prince Hyppia
Prince Hyppia: Math Dramatica (Y. Ted Enrustle)
Princess Bloppia
Principia Mathematica (Whitehead and Russell)hypothetical volumes devoted to wff numbers and prim numbers; as intrinsically vulnerable to self-reference; as invaded fortress; one page of; opening with self-reference; praised by Gödel; prickly notation of; as solid foundation for all of mathematics; its strength is its weakness; studying its own properties
prisons, morality of
privileged strange loop in brain
probability theory, origin in gambling
projectory, see episodic
Prokofiev, Sergei; piano concerto #3; violin concerto #1
pronouns: as embodying default assumptions; as self-referential devices; used in text in unusual manner; see also indexicality
pronoun conventions: as reflecting degree of souledness; as reflecting one’s beliefs about identity; as reinforcing naïve ideas of identity; in violation of naïve ideas of identity
proof in geology
proof in mathematics; assumed equivalence to truth; unclear nature of; vs. computer searches
provable formulas of PM (theorems); always true
Provable-KG Scenario; assumed; not believed by KG; shown wrong
pseudo-memories as valid memories
psychological continuity
psychopaths, violent, as low-huneker beings
pulsating patterns in video feedback
puns, tested out
purpleness, experience of
Pushkin, Alexander
pushovers, naïve (author and reader alike)
putting on and taking off someone else’s style
Q (the product of all prime numbers)
Qéé Dzhii, numerologist in Prince Hyppia
qualia, as ineffable, primordial experiences; toilets and; as usual sine qua non for consciousness
Quandary, The
quantum electrodynamics
quantum-mechanical collisions as ultimate reality
quantum mechanics, development of
Quine, Willard Van Orman
Quine’s analogy for Gödel’s construction
Quine’s Quasi-Quip and Quine’s Quip; yielding self-referential sentence
quotation marks: analogous to taking Gödel numbers; proper use of; questionable use of; in self-referential sentences; shades of gray for
Racecar Power®, as optional
Rachmaninoff, Sergei
rainbow, as metaphor for “I”-ness
random glitches in mathematics
randomness of physical world but not of math
randomness of simm-level activity in careenium
ranking of creatures’ “value”
Rattner, Justin
Ravel, Maurice
raw sensation, see qualia, experience
reachable vs. non-reachable integers
Reagan, Ronald
reality: blurriness of; as determined by perception; dubious, of where one is located; grounding of; of higher-level view of living organisms; of “I”, tacitly presumed by average person; levels of; macroscopic patterns as “realest” level of; of pixel patterns on screen; sorting-out of
reasoning, mechanization of
reasonless pattern in mathematics
Reasons and Persons (Parfit)
reasons behind patterns
reception vs. perception
recursive rules: with outputs always larger than inputs; with outputs possibly smaller than inputs
recursively defined sets of formulas
recursively defined sets of integers
red and blue sensations, flipping of
red spot in Exploratorium
reductionism’s lack of respect for spatiotemporal boundaries
reductionist view: of careenium; of dog traits; of gas; hopeless complexity of; of video feedback; see also boundaries
Reductionist View (of Derek Parfit)
reference, as always mediated by analogy; direct vs. indirect, as matter of degree
reflexes vs. consciousness
regrouping as strategy in pattern-hunting
regularities in macroworld; in mathematics, as always having reasons
reliable macroscopic phenomena taken for granted
religion, as cause for war
remote events as causes
repertoires of symbols; as determinant of size of self; in dogs; extensibility of, in human minds; in mosquitoes; and representational universality
Replicator inside Teletransporter
representational universality of human brains
resonance frequency in audio feedback
resonance in personality space with others
resurrection of departed, in souls of living
reverberant barking
reverberant parking lot
reverence: for Bach; for life
rhyming prose
rhythmic prose
Richard, Jules
riddles about the Capitalized Essence of Consciousness
“right stuff ” vs. “wrong stuff ”: Searle’s refrain; as substrate of consciousness
ripples: as
represented in symbols in brain; sent out and returning
Roberts, Lamar
robots: consciousness of; controlled by joysticks; engaged in collective honking orgy; location of body vs. location of “brain”; platoon of many clones, as all lifeless; transmitting perceptions to remote brain
robot vehicles; honking at each other; souls of
Rodgers, Richard
roller coaster: confused with baseball game; in movie theater
roman à clef
romantic situations, analogy between
Roosevelt, Eleanor
rope, swinging, unconsciousness of
Rosser, Kathleen
rouge means “blue”
Rovereto, Italy
R2-D2 (robot)
rubber-band brains
ruby found in the Caspian Sea
rules of inference; analogous to rules in recursive definitions; careful design of; ignoring all meaning; mirrored by computational rules; producing shorter output strings than input strings
running despite pain
running out of primes
Russell, Bertrand: banishing self-reference; banning self-containing sets; blindsided by Gödel’s insights; conceding there is meaning in PM formulas; denying there is meaning in PM formulas; employing self-referential language; formalizing reasoning; as paranoiac paradoxophobe; repelled by self-reference; second-worst nightmare; seeing only one level of meaning for PM strings; seemingly unaware of self-referential sentences in Principia Mathematica; unaware of integers’ universality; as whiteheaded alien from Ukia; worst nightmare
Russellian meaning of KG, see lower-level meaning
“s” (symbol in PM )
Sabatini, Silvia (lap-loop person “B”)
sacred cows, killing of
sacred vs. profane; Schweitzer on
Sadat, Anwar
Sagan, Françoise
Sallows, Lee
Santa Claus, deconstructing of
sardines, see herrings
Sardinian pig roast
saucy (non-prim) numbers; preferred to prim numbers by Qéé Dzhii; recognized by Göru
saxophones and sassafras trees
Scanner inside Teletransporter
scarlet sardine
Schank, Roger
schism perceived between goal-lacking and goal-possessing entities
Schrödinger, Erwin
Schweitzer, Albert; Bach and; guns and; Günsbach and; as musician; rare compassion of; reverential style of, as Bach organist; on sacred vs. profane
science-fiction thought experiments; as liberating
Scientific American
scientific viewpoint as correct but too complex
Scriabin, Alexander
Searle, John
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